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BIP 2012:2003
IMS: Corporate governance. Integrated management systems series
IMS. Corporate Governance (Integrated Management Systems Series)
IMS Risk Solutions Ltd
This IMS publication examines the risks that large and small businesses have to consider and manage. Facing and managing these risks will help to safeguard the future of the business. It will also reassure customers, owners and other stakeholders that the organization is well managed.
Contents of IMS Corporate Governance include:
- Introduction
- What is meant by risk management
- What do we mean by risk?
- The processes
- Spotting the critical points
- Assessing a risk
- What is at risk?
- Reputation
- Categories of risk
- Quality risks
- Risk and the environment
- Risks in sales and marketing
- Financial risks
- Security risks
- Risks and technological change
- Human resources
- Corporate ethics and social responsibility
- Managing risk in Corporate governance
- Social accountability
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Managing risk in the framework of an integrated management system
- Some final thoughts on risk
- The public perception of risk
- The value of insurance
- Regulatory bodies
- Dynamic risk
- IMS Framework
- References and further reading
About the author
Each volume is written by an acknowledged expert in the field. The series editor is David Smith of IMS Risk Solutions Ltd, who has been involved in writing management system standards since the early 1990s and is himself the author of a number of BSI books on the subject.
The Integrated Management Systems (IMS) series
The Integrated Management Systems (IMS) series of books provides practical guidance and advice on integrating the systems operating within an organization. The IMS series provides a framework into which additional management systems can be incorporated.
Browse the other books in this series for integrated management systems