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دانلود کتاب Sociology 8th Edition

خرید ایبوک جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم

دانلود کتاب Sociology 8th Edition

جهت دانلود کتاب  Sociology 8th Edition با ما مکاتبه کنبد.  کتاب Sociology 8th Edition پس از واریز هزینه ارسال میشود. ایبوک  812656816X در آرشیو گیگاپیپر موجود است. جهت خرید کتابهای دیگر آنتوني گيدنز Anthony Giddens با ما مکاتبه کنید.

دانلود کتاب Sociology 8th Edition کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم ایبوک ISBN-10: 812656816X
دانلود کتاب Sociology 8th Edition کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم ایبوک ISBN-10: 812656816X

Sociology 8th Edition
by Anthony Giddens (Author)

Paperback: 485 pages
Publisher: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd; 8th edition (August 1, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 812656816X
ISBN-13: 9788126568161

Price: 10$

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درباره ایبوک Sociology 8th Edition

“This revised edition is better designed and presented with clearer summaries, stronger sets of important terms and extensive further reading lists teachers and students trying to gain an idea of the changes are unlikely to find a better place to start. An accompanying reader, Sociology: Introductory Readings, and an Instructor’s Manual written by Eric Harrison and Sue Hemmings (which is issued free to those who adopt Sociology) strengthen the central text further and clearly increase its classroom usefulness. [The books] encourage an active approach to sociology and innovative teaching and will be welcomed by all who want to make the study of sociology, in Giddens’s phrase, ‘a liberating experience’ and, no doubt, an enjoyable one too.” The Times Educational Supplement

“At last, here it is: the introduction to sociology that shows that the discipline can be both exciting and rewarding. A brilliant work.” Ulrich Beck

“This classic textbook clarifies and classifies much of end-of-millennium sociology but also illustrates some of the emerging issues that will affect us all beyond 2000. It will be the student’s standby, the lecturer’s crib and, I suspect, a tempting window on a new world of ideas for partners and parents.” Ray Pahl, Emeritus Professor at the University of Kent at Canterbury and Visiting Professor at the University of Essex

“Giddens never stops looking for improvements, and sociology has to reflect the increasing pace of social change. The result is a much revised third edition of his Sociology. Lecturers will recognize the immense skill in his crafting of a text from the most recent research, while students will appreciate how he writes directly for them. This textbook is a superbly constructed bridge between the academic discipline and what is happening in the modern world.” Professor Martin Albrow, Roehampton Institute London

“This substantially revised edition is not only a joy to read but to look at. The introduction of well-chosen pictures brings additional poignancy to this impressive sociology text.” Barbara Adam, University of Wales, Cardiff

“It is difficult to imagine social-scientific thought and practice in Britain and much of Continental Europe without the distinctive contribution of Anthony Giddens. His prolific work has the unique merit of tying together the rich tradition of modern social thought with the challenges of whatever is new and unprecedented in what he has called the “late modern” or “post-traditional” world.” Times Literary Supplement

“Not only is this a book written by our most eminent colleague, it has become the world-wide best-seller of its ilk. Giddens of course, is not just an exceptional teacher, he is also an exceptional theorist. In the preface to the 3rd edition, the author hopes for a ‘state-of-the-art introductory text’ and he has delivered just that … the new book is a treasure-trove of figures, pictures, charts and cartoons which make it a pleasure to read and irresistable to dip into.” BSA Network

‘One of the classic A-level texts. Giddens has a well-developed, almost conversational, style that stands out amongst the older style of textbook … Its strength is Giddens’ obvious enthusiasm for Sociology and his ability to write clearly and knowledgeably about his subject. Unlike most texts at this level, Giddens’ always strikes me as someone who has written a textbook because he wants to communicate his interest to the reader, not because there’s a syllabus to be covered.’ Sociology Central

–Sociology Central


درباره نویسنده کتاب Sociology 8th Edition

Anthony Giddens is Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science. He was formerly Professor of Sociology and Fellow of King’s College at the University of Cambridge.

فهرست کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم

Preface to the Eighth Edition
1 What is Sociology?
What to expect from this chapter
The sociological imagination
Studying people and societies
The development of sociological thinking
Theories and theoretical perspectives
Founders of sociology
Three theoretical traditions
Levels of analysis: microsociology and macrosociology
What is sociology for?
Public and professional sociology
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
2 Asking and Answering Sociological Questions
Human subjects, ethical issues
Science and sociological research
What is ‘science’ anyway?
The research process
Understanding cause and effect
Causation and correlation
Sociological research methods
Biographical research
Comparative and historical research
Visual sociology
The Internet as a tool and method
Sociology in the real world
The influence of sociology
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
3 Theories and Perspectives

کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم آنتوني گيدنز Anthony Giddens

Towards sociology
Positivism and social evolution
Karl Marx: the capitalist revolution
Establishing sociology
Emile Durkheim: the social level of reality
Twentieth-century structural functionalism
Max Weber: capitalism and religion
Symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology
Enduring theoretical dilemmas
Social structure and human agency
Consensus versus conflict
The transformation of societies – and sociology
Feminism and malestream sociology
Postcolonial sociology?
Poststructuralism and postmodernity
Reflexivity, risk and cosmopolitanism
Conclusion: sociological theory in development
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
4 Globalization and Social Change
A disappearing world
Early societies
Population growth and demographic trends
The transformation of societies
Modernity and industrial technology
Classifying societies
How societies change
Elements of globalization
Debating globalization
The consequences of globalization
Conclusion: governing a global society?
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
5 The Environment
Nature, environment and society
Nature and environment
Sociology and the environment
Theorizing the social and the natural
What are environmental issues?
Pollution and waste
Resource depletion
Food shortages and GM crops
Global warming
Consumerism, risk and paths to a sustainable future
Consumerism and environmental damage
Limits to growth and sustainable development
Living in the global ‘risk society’
Ecological modernization
Environmental justice and ecological citizenship

کتاب جامعه شناسی  آنتوني گيدنز Anthony Giddens

Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
6 Cities and Urban Life
Cities – ancient and modern
Cities in the ancient world
Industrialization and urbanization
Development of the modern city
Global cities
Theorizing urbanism
Community and the urban personality
The Chicago School
City spaces, surveillance and urban inequality
Social movements and collective consumption
Urban trends and the sustainable city
Urban trends in the developed world
Urbanization in the developing world
Urban infrastructure and the sustainable city
Governing the city
Cities as active agents for change
The role of city mayors
Cities and global forces
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
7 Work and the Economy
Crisis in the global economy
Economic sociology
Economic organizations
Transnational corporations
Corporate social responsibility
Taylorism and Fordism
Post-Fordist trends
The changing nature of work
What is work?
The social organization of work
Trade unionism in decline?
The feminization of work
Changes in the domestic division of labour
Automation, the knowledge economy and ‘skill’
The social significance of work
The rise in job insecurity
Conclusion: flexibility and the ‘corrosion of character’
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
8 Social Interaction and Daily Life
The drama of daily life
Non-verbal communication
The human face, gestures and emotions
Gender and the body
Embodiment and identities
Face, body and speech in interaction
Impression management
Personal space
The rules of social interaction
Shared understandings
Interactional vandalism
Response cries
The emergent rules of online interaction
Interaction and communication at a distance
Building trust online
Conclusion: proximity and distance in human interactions
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
9 The Life Course
The social self and socialization
Theories of child development

کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم آنتوني گيدنز

Agencies of socialization
Learning gender
The life course
Teenage and youth culture
Young adulthood
Mature adulthood
Later life
The greying of human societies
How do people age?
Growing old: competing explanations
Aspects of ageing
The politics of ageing
Death, dying and bereavement
The sociology of death and dying
Theorizing death in modern societies
Assisted dying – a developing debate
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
10 Families and Intimate Relationships
‘The family’ as institution and ideology
Functions of the family
Feminist approaches
The family in decline or the way we never were?
Family practices
‘Doing’ family life
Balancing work and care
Intimate violence
Family diversity and intimate relations
Diverse family structures
The transformation of intimacy
Marriage, divorce and separation
New partnerships, ‘blended’ families and kin relations
Families in global context
Merging or diversifying family patterns?
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
11 Health, Illness and Disability
Sociology of the body
Innovative health technologies
The sociology of health and illness
Defining health
Biomedicine and its critics
Pandemics and globalization
Sociological perspectives on health and illness
The social basis of health
Social class and health
Gender and health
Ethnicity and health
Health and social cohesion
The sociology of disability
The individual model of disability
The social model of disability
Disability, law and public policy
Disability around the world
Health and disability in a changing world
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
12 Stratification and Social Class
Systems of stratification

کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم آنتوني گيدنز

Theorizing social class
Karl Marx’s theory of class conflict
Max Weber: class, status and party
Bringing Marx and Weber together?
Intersecting inequalities
Mapping the class structure
Evaluating Goldthorpe’s class scheme
Class divisions in the developed world
The question of the upper class
The expanding middle class
The changing working class
Is there an underclass?
Class and lifestyles
Gender and stratification
Social mobility
Comparative mobility studies
Downward mobility
Social mobility in Britain
Gender and social mobility
Is Britain a meritocratic society?
Conclusion: the enduring significance of class
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
13 Poverty, Social Exclusion and Welfare
Defining poverty
Measuring poverty
Who are the poor?
Explaining poverty
Poverty and social mobility
Social exclusion
Dimensions of social exclusion
Examples of social exclusion
The welfare state
Theories of the welfare state
The UK welfare state
Remodelling the welfare state
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
14 Global Inequality
Moving towards equality?
Global inequality
The language of global inequality
Measuring economic inequality
Is global economic inequality increasing?
Trends in the Human Development Index
Unequal life chances
Hunger, malnutrition and famine
Education, literacy and child labour
The changing human population
Population analysis: demography
Dynamics of population change
The demographic transition
Can poor countries become rich?
Theories of development
Evaluating theories of development
Global inequality in a changing world
Prospects for the twenty-first century
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
15 Gender and Sexuality
Sex, gender and sexuality
Gender identity
Biology, sexuality and sexual identities
Sexuality and sexual practices
Social constructions of gender and sexuality
Sexuality, religion and morality
Forms of sexuality
The gender order
Gender inequality
Feminist approaches
Postmodernism and queer theory
Feminism and LGBT movements
Feminist movements
LGBT civil rights
Globalization, human trafficking and sex work
The global sex traffficking industry

کتاب جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم  Anthony Giddens

Prostitution and sex work
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
16 Race, Ethnicity and Migration
Key concepts
Minority ethnic groups
Prejudice and discrimination
The persistence of racism?
From ‘old’ to ‘new’ forms of racism
Sociological theories of racism
Ethnic diversity, integration and conflict
Ethnic diversity
Models of ethnic integration
Employment, housing and criminal justice
Ethnic conflict
Migration in a global age
Migration and the decline of empire: Britain since the 1960s
Migration and the European Union
Globalization and migration
Global diasporas
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
17 Religion
The sociological study of religion
What is religion?
Religion in classical sociology
Into a secular age?
Beyond secularization
Religious organizations and movements
Organizing religion
Religious movements
Trends in contemporary religion
Religion in Europe
Religion in the United States
Christianity, gender and sexuality
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
18 The Media
Media diversity in the global age
The digital revolution
The Internet and worldwide web

ایبوک جامعه شناسی نسخه هشتم آنتوني گيدنز

Theorizing the media
Conflict theories
Symbolic interactionism
Postmodern theory
Audiences and media representations
Audience studies
Representing class, gender, ethnicity and disability
Ownership, power and alternatives to the global media
Media imperialism?
Ownership of media ‘supercompanies’
Resistance and alternatives to the global media
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
19 Education
Education, schooling and culture
Education as socialization
Schooling for capitalism?
The hidden curriculum
Education and cultural reproduction
Social divisions and education
The IQ debate
Gender and schooling
Ethnicity and education
Education in global context
Global primary school enrolment
Literacy and illiteracy
Technology in the classroom
The future of education and schooling
Transformations in education – the UK case
Higher education in a digital age
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
20 Crime and Deviance
The basic concepts
Theories of crime and deviance
The functions of crime
Interactionist perspectives
Conflict theories
Controlling crime
Patterns of crime in the United Kingdom
Understanding crime statistics
Victims and perpetrators
Gender, sexuality and hate crime
Young people as offenders and victims
‘White-collar’, corporate and state crime
Prisons, punishment and rehabilitation
What is prison for?
The restorative justice movement
Crime in global context
Organized crime
Conclusion: deviance, crime and social order
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
21 Politics, Government and Social Movements
Political sociology
Authoritarianism and democratic politics
Elites and bureaucracies against democracy?
Political ideologies
The global spread of democracy
The fall of communism
Democratization and its discontents
Global governance: prospects and reality
Social movements and social change
What are social movements?
Theorizing social movements
Globalization and the ‘social movement society’
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading

ایبوک جامعه شناسی نسخه 8 ام آنتوني گيدنز

Internet links
22 Nations, War and Terrorism
Nations and nationalism
Nationalism and modern societies
Nations and nationalism in developing countries
The nation-state, national identities and human rights
War, genocide and peace processes
Theorizing war and genocide
The changing nature of war
Old and new wars
Peace processes
What is terrorism?
Old and new terrorism
Chapter review
Research in practice
Thinking it through
Society in the arts
Further reading
Internet links
Picture Acknowledgements
End User License Agreement


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