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خرید استاندارد Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems

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برای خرید استاندارد ANSI NETA ECS به تاریخ 2015 و باعنوان استاندارد Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems با گیگاپیپر مکاتبه کنید. پس از واریز هزینه فایل PDF استاندارد ANSI/NETA ECS-2015 که در آرشیو گیگاپیپر موجود است، ارسال می شود.

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دانلود استاندارد ANSI/NETA ECS 2015 خرید استاندارد Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems خرید استاندارد NETA ECS 2015

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Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems

These specifications describe the systematic process of documenting, and placing into service newly–installed, or retrofitted electrical power equipment and systems. This document shall be used in conjunction with the most recent edition of the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems (ANSI/NETA ATS). The individual electrical components shall be subjected to factory and field tests, as required, to validate the individual components. The purpose of these specifications is to assure that tested electrical systems are safe, reliable, and operational, are in conformance with applicable standards and manufacturers’ tolerances, and are installed in accordance with design specifications. The work specified in these specifications may involve hazardous voltages, materials, operations, and equipment. These specifications do not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with their use. It is the responsibility of the user to review all applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of these specifications. These specifications are specifically intended for application on electrical power equipment and systems. It is not the intent of these specifications to provide comprehensive details on the commissioning of mechanical equipment, mechanical instrumentation systems, and related components.

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برای سفارش و خرید کلیه استاندارد های NETA با ما مکاتبه کنبد. پس از واریز هزینه فایل استاندارد انجمن جهاني تست الکترونيک ارسال می شود. برای  اطلاع از قیمت فایل PDF استاندارد InterNational Electrical Testing Association مشخصات استاندارد ارسال  شود.

خرید استاندارد Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems

برای دانلود استاندارد صدور گواهینامه تکنسین های تست الکتریکی با مکاتبه کنید.

Description / Abstract:

Electrical Commissioning Specifications.

These specifications describe the systematic process of documenting, and placing into service newly–installed, or retrofitted electrical power equipment and systems. This document shall be used in conjunction with the most recent edition of the ANSI/NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems (ANSI/NETA ATS). The individual electrical components shall be subjected to factory and field tests, as required, to validate the individual components.

The purpose of these specifications is to assure that tested electrical systems are safe, reliable, and operational, are in conformance with applicable standards and manufacturers’ tolerances, and are installed in accordance with design specifications.

3. The work specified in these specifications may involve hazardous voltages, materials, operations, and equipment. These specifications do not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with their use. It is the responsibility of the user to review all applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of these specifications.

4. These specifications are specifically intended for application on electrical power equipment and systems. It is not the intent of these specifications to provide comprehensive details on the commissioning of mechanical equipment, mechanical instrumentation systems, and related components.



 استاندارد InterNational Electrical Testing Association

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دانلود PDF استاندارد NETA ECS

Free Download ANSI NETA ECS-2015

  • Revision: 2015 Edition, 2015
  • Published Date: January 2015
  • Status: Active, Most Current
  • Document Language: English
  • Published By: InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA)
  • Page Count: 48
  • ANSI Approved: Yes
  • DoD Adopted: No

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دانلود استاندارد ANSI/NETA ECS 2015 خرید استاندارد Standard For Electrical Commissioning Of Electrical Power Equipment And Systems خرید استاندارد NETA ECS 2015


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