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خرید استاندارد انجمن مبدل حرارتي HEI 3087 2nd Edition, 2016
HEI 3087 2nd Edition, 2016
Standards for Air Cooled Condensers
Revision:2nd Edition, 2016
Published Date: January 2016
Status: Active, Most Current
Document Language: English
Published By: Heat Exchange Institute (HEI)
Page Count: 56
Price : 25$
Download HEI 3087
Standards for Air Cooled Condensers
- https://global.ihs.com/doc_detail.cfm?&item_s_key=00580319&item_key_date=831231&input_doc_number=3087&input_doc_title=
درباره استاندارد HEI 3087 2nd Edition, 2016
he Second Edition of Standards for Air Cooled Condensers has been developed by the Air Cooled Condenser Section of the Heat Exchange Institute, Inc. The technical information in these standards combines present industry standards, typical Purchaser requirements, and Manufacturer’s experience. In addition, the standards outline the important design criteria for air cooled condensers. These standards provide practical information on nomenclature, dimensions, testing, and performance. Use of the standard will ensure a minimum of misunderstanding between Manufacturer and Purchaser, and will assist in the proper selection of equipment best suited to the requirements of the application.
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