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خرید ایبوک The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide
The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide Kindle Edition
by Phil Williams (Author), Bob Wright (Illustrator)
File Size: 7945 KB
Ebook Epub: 142 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: English Lessons Brighton; 1 edition (July 7, 2014)
Publication Date: July 7, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Download Epub The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide
Quickly discover the many uses of the English tenses. How do English speakers use two tenses to mean the same thing? Why do the rules not always apply?
If we can say “I cooked dinner” and “I have cooked dinner” in exactly the same situation, how do you choose? And when is it okay to say “I’m loving it”?
This comprehensive guide to the usage patterns of all 12 aspects of the English language covers all the rules and grammatical forms. The English Tenses: Practical Grammar Guide is ideal as either an accompaniment to core texts or as a full self-study guide. It introduces the reader to flexible uses of the English tenses, with simple, easy-to-follow explanations, colourful examples and enlightening comparisons.
Take a look inside now to see how this book can help on your journey to mastering English grammar.