دانلود استاندارد ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes
مخازن و تانکرهای تحت فشار | Pressure Vessel
تعریف مخازن تحت فشار
مخازن تحت فشار عبارتند از محفظه های بسته که جهت نگهداری سیال در فشاری بیشتر از فشار 15 psi یا 1 atm، طراحی شده اند. این فشار می تواند فشار داخلی ناشی از سیال باشد و یا فشار خارجی ناشی از گرم شدن مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم مخازن باشد.
اختلاف فشار یک عامل خطرناک است و بر اثر تغییرات فشار در مخازن تحت فشار، امکان انفجار و تخریب وجود دارد. در نتیجه طراحی، ساخت و بهره برداری از این مخازن، توسط سازمان های مهندسی تحت نظارت قانونی قرار می گیرد. پارامترهای مهم در تعریف مخازن تحت فشار، حداکثر فشار و دمای مناسب مخازن می باشد.
استاندارد مخازن تحت فشار asme
در سال ۱۹۱۱ انجمن مهندسین مکانیک آمریکا کمیته بویلر و ظروف تحت فشار را به منظور فرموله کردن قوانین استاندارد برای ساخت دیگ های بخار و سایر ظروف تحت فشار تأسیس نمود.
مشخصات کتاب Companion guide to the ASME boiler & pressure vessel code
Names: Rao, K. R., 1933- editor. | American Society of Mechanical Engineers, issuing body.
Title: Companion guide to the ASME boiler & pressure vessel code : criteria and commentary on select aspects of the boiler & pressure vessel
and piping codes.
Description: 5th edition. | New York : ASME, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifers: LCCN 2017043045 | ISBN 9780791861301 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Steam-boilers–Standards. | Pressure vessels–Standards. | American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Committee. ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.
Classifcation: LCC TJ289 .C66 2017 | DDC 621.1/830218–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017043045
Price = 40$
Acknowledgements to the Fifth Edition
This fourth edition continues the unprecedented success of the previous four editions.
As mentioned in the first edition, this effort was initiated with the “end user” in mind. Hundreds of individuals and several organizations had provided support ever since this effort started.
The success of the first two editions prompted us to enlarge the scope with the addition of a third volume, with experts in the US and around the world to contribute the chapters. In response to the changing priorities of Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) industry and global use of ASME B&PV Codes and Standards the scope and extent of the third edition had vastly increased resulting in a “mammoth” 2,550 page book spread in three volumes for the third edition which prompted us to break the third edition into three books. The fourth edition was strictly confined to “Companion Guide to the ASME B&PV Code”.
This fifth edition is an update of the fourth edition to the 2015 Code Edition. The editor in the “acknowledgements to the previous three editions” paid homage to the authors Yasuhide Asada, Martin D. Bernstein, Toshiki Karasawa, Douglas B. Nickerson, Robert F. Sammataro and John D. Stevenson who passed away since the first edition and whose expertise enriched the chapters they authored. Since then it was noted the passing away of Marcus N. Bressler and Peter J. Conlisk who were not merely contributors to this “monumental effort” but were in several ways the “stanchions” of not only the chapters they authored but were ‘ardent advisors’ from the onset of this effort to the time of their passing away.
دانلود کتاب راهنما همراه به کد ASME بویلر و فشار رگ: انتخاب معیار و تفسیر در جنبه های دیگ بخار و فشار رگ و کدهای لوله کشی. جلد 1
This comprehensive Companion Guide spanning over several
years had several authors contributing to this effort. The editor
thanks authors who had contributed to the previous editions but did
not participate in the current edition and they are Edmund W. K.
Chang, Geoffrey M. Halley, Greg L. Hollinger, Donald F. Landers,
John T. Land, Hansraj Ashar, Barry Scott, Chuck Becht IV, Guido
G. Karcher, Richard E. Gimple, John R. Mackay, James T. Pillow,
Richard A. Moen, Marvin L. Carpenter, David P. Jones, Robert E.
Cornman, Jr., Joseph F. Artuso, Michael F. Hessheimer, Edwin
A. Nordstrom, Jon E. Batey, Robert G. Brown, Joel G. Feldstein,
Owen F. Hedden, Mahendra D. Rana, and Louis E. Hayden Jr.
Most of these contributors had been associated with this effort
from the very beginning and to them the editor salutes for their
signal contribution, direction and continued support.
companion guide to the asme boiler & pressure vessel code pdf download
The editor appreciates the effort of the continuing contributors
from the previous editions, who had a remarkable influence on
shaping this mammoth effort, few of them from the very beginning to this stage. The editor gratefully acknowledges following authors Elmar Upitis, Roger F. Reedy, Richard W. Swayne
(Rick), Uma S. Bandyopadhyay, Robert I. Jetter, Dana Keith
Morton, Donald Wayne Lewis, Thomas P. Pastor, Dave A. Osage,
Clay D. Rodery, Philip A. Henry, Robert J. Sims Jr., Russell C.
Cipolla, James E. Staffiera, Warren Bamford, Hardayal S. Mehta,
Stanley Staniszewski, Jimmy E. Meyer, John F. Grubb, Richard C.
Sutherlin, Jeffrey F. Henry, Anne Chaudouet, Wesley C. Rowley,
C. Basavaraju, Jack R. Cole, Richard O. Vollmer, Robert E. Cornman Jr., Guy A. Jolly, Clayton T. Smith, Arthur Curt Eberhardt,
Ola Jovall, James C. Sowinski, Bernard F. Shelley, Joseph W. Frey
and Michael J. Rosenfeld.
companion guide to the asme boiler & pressure vessel code pdf download
Similarly the editor appreciates contribution of authors who
joined this effort in the current edition and worked zealously to
contribute their best for the completion of this ‘saga’. The authors
are Ralph Hill III, Ed Ortman, Jay Vattappilly, William L. Lowry,
William Newell Jr., Mark A. Gray, Thomas M. Musto, Ross R.
Klein, Christopher A. Jones, G. Wayne Hembree, Charles Becht
V, John P. Swezy, Jr., Gary Park, Douglas Scarth, Kang Xu and
William K. Sowder.
This edition was initiated by me during the Atlanta Code Meeting
in November 2015 and has taken this long due to several factors for
completing this edition, including soliciting replacement and new
contributors as well as changes in Code Committee leaderships.
My thanks, as has been since I embarked on the first edition over
a decade back, are especially to my wife, Dr. Indira Rao whose
sustained support for this effort and participation in several chores
related to editing of this publication. In addition, I appreciate her
tolerating my working on it during several vacations.
The editor thanks the staff of ASME Technical Publications for
their continued patience, undivided support and focused effort in
aiming once again at this publication’s target of “zero tolerance” for
“errors and omissions.” Thus, worthy of recording are efforts of Mary
Grace Stefanchik and Tara Smith whose unbridled cooperation, support and advice have made this publication an “ASME Classic.”
Finally, the editor thanks all of you, readers and users of this Companion Guide and hopes it serves the purpose of this publication.
تقدیرنامه به نسخه پنجم کتاب ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
این نسخه چهارم ادامه موفقیت بی سابقه ای را به همراه دارد
چهار نسخه قبلی
همانطور که در اولین نسخه ذکر شد، این تلاش با آغاز آغاز شد
“کاربر نهایی” در ذهن. صدها نفر از افراد و سازمان های مختلف از زمان شروع این تلاش حمایت کرده اند.
موفقیت دو نسخه اول باعث شد ما را بزرگتر کنیم
محدوده با اضافه کردن یک جلد سوم، با کارشناسان در ایالات متحده است
و در سراسر جهان برای کمک به فصل. در پاسخ به
تغییر اولویت صنعت بویلر و فشار (B & PV)
و استفاده جهانی از ASME B و PV کدهای و استانداردهای دامنه
و میزان نسخه سوم به میزان قابل توجهی افزایش یافته و در نتیجه
کتاب “ماموت” 2،550 صفحه کتاب در سه جلد برای سومین بار منتشر شده است
نسخه ای که باعث شد ما را به شکستن نسخه سوم به سه
کتاب ها نسخه چهارم به شدت محدود به “Companion
راهنمای ASME B & PV کد “. این پنجمین نسخه به روز رسانی است
از نسخه چهارم تا نسخه کد 2015.
سردبیر “اذعان به سه نسخه قبلی” به نویسندگان Yasuhide Asada، Martin D.
برنشتاین، توشیک کاراسوا، داگلاس بیک نیکرسون، رابرت ف.
سامتامارو و جان دی. استیونسون که از اول سال گذشته فوت کرده بودند
نسخه و تخصص خود را غنی سازی فصل های آنها را به عنوان نویسنده.
از آن زمان به بعد، گذر از مارکوس N. Bressler اشاره شده است
و پیتر جی کانلیسک، که صرفا مشارکت نداشتند
“تلاش مودبانه” اما به روش های مختلف از “stanchions” از
نه تنها فصل هایی که آنها نوشته بودند، بلکه مشاوران مشتاق هم بودند
شروع این تلاش ها تا زمان مرگ آنها.
این راهنمای جامع همراه با بیش از چندین مورد
سالها چندین نویسندۀ کمک کننده به این تلاش داشتند. ویراستار
با تشکر از نویسندگان که به نسخه های قبلی کمک کرده اند اما انجام دادند
در نسخه فعلی شرکت نمی کنند و ادموند W. K.
چانگ، جفری م. هالی، گرگ ل. هولینگر، دونالد اف لاندرز،
جان ت. لند، هانسگری اشر، بری اسکات، چاک بخت IV، گیدو
G. Karcher، ریچارد E. Gimple، جان R. Mackay، جیمز T. بالش،
ریچارد آ. مین، ماروین کارپنتر، دیوید پی. جونز، رابرت ال.
کورمن، جونیور، جوزف فورت آرتوسو، مایکل فرش هایسیمر، ادوین
A. Nordstrom، جان E. Batey، رابرت G. براون، جوئل G. Feldstein،
اوون F. Hedden، Mahendra D. Rana، و لوئیس E. هیدن جونیور.
اکثر این همکاران با این تلاش همراه بوده اند
از همان ابتدا و به آنها سردبیر برای آنها احترام می گذارد
مشارکت سیگنال، جهت و حمایت مداوم.
سردبیر از تلاش همکاران مستمر قدردانی می کند
از نسخه های قبلی، که تا به حال نفوذ قابل توجهی در
شکل دادن این تلاش ماموت، تعداد کمی از آنها از همان ابتدا تا این مرحله است. سردبیر با استناد به اظهارات نویسندگان زیر Elmar Upitis، راجر فری ریی، ریچارد وان سینا، از آنها قدردانی می کند
(ریک)، اوما S. Bandyopadhyay، رابرت I. Jetter، دانا کیت
مورتون، دونالد وین لوئیس، توماس پاستور، دیو ای. اوجژ،
Clay D. Rodery، Philip A. Henry، Robert J. Sims Jr، Russell C.
کیپوللا، جیمز E. کارترا، وارن بامفورد، هاردیال S. مهتا،
استنلی استانیسوزوکی، جیمی ا. میر، جان ف. گروب، ریچارد سی
Sutherlin، جفری هنری، آن Chaudouet، وسلی C. روول،
C. Basavaraju، جک R. کول، ریچارد O. Vollmer، رابرت E. Cornman جونیور، گای A. Jolly، Clayton T. اسمیت، آرتور کورت Eberhardt،
الا جوال، جیمز سی سینسکی، برنارد فلی شلی، جوزف وری فرای
و مایکل جانسونفلد.
به طور مشابه، سردبیر از سهم نویسندگان قدردانی می کند
این کار را در نسخه فعلی پیوست و با افتخار به کار خود ادامه داد
برای تکمیل این “صحنه” بهترین کار خود را انجام دهید. نویسندگان
Ralph Hill III، Ed Ortman، Jay Vattappilly، William L. Lory،
ویلیام نیوئل جونیور، مارک آگوست گری، توماس م.موستو، راس ر.
کلین، کریستوفر جونز، جی. وین هامبرری، چارلز بخت
V، جان P. Swezy، جونیور، گری پارک، داگلاس اسکارات، کانزو و
ویلیام ک. سولد.
این نسخه توسط من در جلسه کد آتلانتا آغاز شد
در ماه نوامبر 2015 و به دلیل چندین عامل برای این مدت طول کشید
تکمیل این نسخه، از جمله درخواست جایگزینی و جدید
همکاران و همچنین تغییرات در رهبری کمیته کد.
با تشکر از شما، همانطور که از اولین بار در اولین نسخه شروع کردم
یک دهه پیش، به ویژه به همسر من، دکتر Indira Rao که
حمایت مستمر از این تلاش و مشارکت در کارهای مختلف
مربوط به ویرایش این نشریه علاوه بر این، من از او قدردانی میکنم
تحمل کار من در طول چندین تعطیلات.
سردبیر با تشکر از کارکنان ASME انتشارات فنی برای
صبر و شکیبایی آنها، پشتیبانی متقابل و تلاش متمرکز در
با هدف یکبار دیگر در هدف انتشار این “تحمل صفر” برای
“اشتباهات و اشکالات”. بنابراین، ارزش ضبط تلاش ماری است
گریس استیفنچیک و تارا اسمیت که همکاری، پشتیبانی و مشاوره نامحدود خود را به انتشار این نشریه “ASME Classic” تبدیل کرده اند.
سرانجام، ویرایشگر از همه شما، خوانندگان و کاربران این راهنمای همراه تشکر می کند و امیدوار است که هدف این نشریه باشد.
دانلود استاندارد Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes Fifth Edition Volume 1
برای دانلود فهرست مطالب کتاب و دیگر مشخصات تکمیلی نسخه 1 و نسخه دو بر روی لینکها کلیک کنید.
دانلود رایگان Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel جلد اول
جهت اطمینان از موجود بودن ایبوک Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes Fifth Edition Volume 1 در آرشیو گگیاپپیر، سه صفحه از کتاب در ادامه آورده شده است. برای دانلود نسخه کامل کتاب با ما مکاتبه کنید.

دانلود استاندارد Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes Fifth Edition Volume 2

This fifth edition is in two volumes composed of 11 Parts, with
Parts 1–5 in Volume 1, Parts 6–11 in Volume 2. Common to both
volumes is the front matter, including the Organization of the Code.
Organization and Operation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Committee has been initially authored by Martin D.
Bernstein for the first edition, appropriately updated in the second
and third editions by Guido G. Karcher capturing the dramatic
changes in the ASME B&PV organization. The fourth edition was
updated by Joel G. Feldstein and Thomas P. Pastor. The current
fifth edition is updated by Thomas P. Pastor, Ralph Hill III, and
Richard (Rick) Swayne who hold senior leadership positions in the
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Committees.
An index is provided at the end of each volume as a quick reference to topics occurring in different Code Sections of that volume.
In addition to indexing several topics covered in this publication,
it is also meant to assist in reviewing the overlaps of the ASME
Boilers & Pressure Vessel Code Sections/Subsections/Paragraphs
occurring in the particular volume. In each chapter, all discussions
generally pertain to the latest 2015 Code Edition unless noted otherwise by the chapter author(s).
The fourth edition was published in 2012 in two volumes and
had a total of 147 contributors for this publication, since the initial
first edition.
The third edition published in 2009 in three volumes was split
into three separate books – the first was the fourth edition of
the “Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel
Code” published in 2012 and the other two books were “Continuing and Changing Priorities of ASME Boiler & Pressure
Vessel Codes and Standards” published in 2014; and “Global
Applications of The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code”
published in 2016.
Unique for this edition with two volumes which addresses Code
Sections I through XII, in addition to several ASME B31 Piping
Codes is the inclusion of two additional chapters addressed by
ASME Code experts who cover “Section III Div 4: Fusion Energy
Devices” and “History, Philosophy, & Background of Section Ill,
& Development of ASME Code Rules for Nuclear Vessels”.
Each of the 51 contributors covering 40 chapters of the current fifth edition captured ‘up-to-date’ Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Codes and Standards, making this publication once again a comprehensive “Companion Guide Book”.
The ASME Code is generally accepted in the United States (and
in many foreign countries) as recognized minimum safety standard
for the construction of pressure vessels and piping. Toward that
end, these two volumes can be considered “a primer.” Although
this primer is authored by several Code Committee members who
are considered experts in their respective fields, the comments and
interpretations of the rules contained in this publication are strictly
the opinions of the individual authors; they are not to be considered official ASME Code Committee positions.
Volume 1 has five Parts, each addressing a unique aspect of the
Code. Part 1 covers Power Boilers (Code Sections I and VII); Part 2
covers Materials and Specifications (Code Section II). Scope of
Part 2 has been considerably enlarged to address the “sub-topics”
of “material specifications” which are the essence of the B&PV
Codes and Standards. Basis for Acceptance of B&PV Codes for
“International Material Specifications” are also addressed. Considering the importance of current and future nonmetallic construction codes and standards, coverage of Section 3.6 of Chapter 3 of
fourth edition has been included in the discussions of Chapter 12
of this fifth edition.,
companion guide to the asme boiler & pressure vessel code pdf download
Part 3 provides an in-depth commentary on Rules for Construction
of Nuclear Power Plant Components (Code Section III, Division 1).
Previously, “Pumps” and “Valves” were addressed in a single chapter
in the third edition. This edition continues the coverage of fourth edition Chapter 13 dealing with nuclear pumps and Chapter 14 addressing
nuclear valves. In addition, changes in this fifth edition are in Chapters 12 and 17. Chapter 12 discussed Subsection NH in previous
editions. However, because Subsection NH has been incorporated
into Section III, Division 5, the discussion previously presented in
Chapter 12 has been incorporated in Chapter 17. On the other hand
Chapter 12, in this edition is based on a Report on Committee on
Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Systems detailing NM-1 Thermoplastic Pressure Piping Systems; NM-2 FRP Pressure Piping Systems
and NM-3 Nonmetallic Materials which includes specifications
and material properties similar to BPV Code Section II.
As in the previous editions, Section III Division 2 continues to be
included in Part 3, addressed by several additional contributors with
expertise in their respective areas. Section III Divisions 3 and 5 are
included in Part 3, with Division 5 addressing the “Generation IV
Nuclear Reactors”, which is an add-on-aspect of this edition.
Part 4 covers Sections IV and VI of B&PV Code. Part 5 covering Nondestructive Examination (NDE), Code Section V of B&PV
Code is now included in Volume 1.
Volume 2 covers Parts 6–11, with Part 6 covering Section VIII–
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. In Part 6, experts
dealing with Divisions 1, 2, and 3 provide in-depth criteria and
commentary of Code Section VIII with the latest of the code stipulations. In addition there is a chapter by an expert of the B&PV
Code who discusses safety and litigation issues.
Part 7 addresses welding and brazing qualifications of Code
Section IX by the contributor with expertise at the helm of Code
Committee deliberations.
Part 8 covering Code Section X pertains to fiber-reinforced plastic pressure vessels has been considerably revised by the current
contributor for this edition.
Part 9 providing in-depth discussions of Code Section XI in
Chapters 27 through 34 is updated by authors associated with the
specific subgroups and subcommittees dealing with the topics
addressed in the previous editions. A chapter from the third volume
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xlviii • Introduction
of the third edition dealing with Applications of Elastic-Plastic
Fracture Mechanics is included in this volume.
Part 10 covering Code Section XII dealing with Transport Tank
Code which was in the third volume of the third edition is now
included in this part.
Part 11 updates the coverage of ASME B31 Codes and Standards in Chapters 35 through 38. Chapter 35 has Code for B31.1
Power Piping and Chapter 36 updates B31.3 Process Piping and
B31.5, B31E, B31J and B31T. Chapter 37 updates the coverage of
fourth edition topics B31, B31.8, B31.11 and B31Q; and Chapter
38 updates B31.12.
Two additional chapters are covered in a new Part 12 of this
fifth edition which provides in two separate and consecutive chapters ‘futuristic’ and ‘historical’ aspects of ASME B&PV Codes
and Standards. Chapter 39 provides the futuristic aspect – a new
“Section III Div 4: Fusion Energy Devices” and in chapter 40 the
“history and philosophy of Section III” are discussed.