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خرید کتاب Capacity Building in Technology Transfer از اشپرینگر

Capacity Building in Technology Transfer
The European Experience
(view affiliations)
Massimiliano Granieri
Andrea Basso

درباره ایبوک Capacity Building in Technology Transfer از اشپرینگر

This book tells the story of capacity building in Europe with respect to technology transfer offices and organizations (TTOs). The traditional underdevelopment of technology markets in Europe has often been explained in terms of lack of capacity and skills among technology transfer professionals, both as individuals and as part of TTOs. Because of the severe consequences for economic development and industrial growth, this situation has been repeatedly addressed by policy makers, until the European Commission, within the framework of Horizon 2020, decided to initiate a pan-European pilot project on capacity building. This book builds on the experience gained through that project and tries to reconnect it with current scholarly works on technology management by focusing on the new methodology developed. In addition, the authors present a series of case studies that may be used as a benchmark and as examples that will help high-potential TTOs to improve their performance. Both practitioners and researchers will benefit from the holistic perspective of the book, which goes beyond the traditional approach and attempts to reconcile the theory and practice of organizing for technology transfer.

فهرست مطالب کتاب Capacity Building in Technology Transfer از سایت اشپرینگر

Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Building Capacity Building in Technology Transfer. An Introduction; Abstract; Current Status in Capacity Building; 2 European Commission Initiatives Supporting Technology Transfer; Abstract; 1 Political and Policy Framework on Knowledge and Technology Transfer; 1.1 Expert Groups; 1.2 Communications from the Commission; 1.2.1 Communication on Improving Knowledge Transfer Between Research Institutions and Industry Across Europe; 1.2.2 Communication on the European Research Area; 1.2.3 Communication on Innovation Union 2 European Commission Funded Projects and Studies2.1 ProTon Europe; 2.2 The EU IPR Helpdesk; 2.3 EUKTS European Knowledge Transfer Society; 2.4 Knowledge/Technology Transfer Indicators; 2.5 More Recent Commission Projects; 2.5.1 Progress TT; 2.5.2 Entente Health; 2.5.3 Common Exploitation Booster; 2.6 JRC TTO Circle; 3 Financial Support;

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3.1 IPR Cost as Eligible Costs; 3.2 Financial Support for Technology Transfer; 3.2.1 Grant Schemes SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation and Eurostars; 3.2.2 InnovFin Equity Technology Transfer; 3.2.3 ERC Proof of Concept and EIT Impact Fund 3.2.4 EU Policies Financed Either Fully or Partially by Member States3 Intervention Opportunities for Capacity Building in Technology Transfer; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Technology Transfer Policy; 3 University & Environment; 4 Organization of the Technology Transfer Office; 5 Researcher Involvement; 6 Industry & Financing; 7 Conclusion; References; 4 The Dynamics of Inter-organizational Hybrid Partnerships in Technology Transfer; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 RIS in a Changing World; 3 The Role of RIS Brokers for RIS Evolution; 4 Environmental Turbulence and RIS Partnerships 5 A VUCA Approach to the Challenges and Opportunities of Partnerships for RIS6 The Relationship Between VUCA Perceptions and Governance Models of RIS and TTOs; 6.1 VUCA Perceptions and Emergent Governance Models; 6.2 The Role and Structure of TTOs in Emergent Governance Models; 6.3 Possible Decision-Making Pathologies in Emergent Models: Indecision; 6.4 VUCA Perceptions and Centralized Governance Models;

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6.5 The Role and Structure of TTOs in Centralized Governance Models; 6.6 Possible Decision-Making Pathologies in Centralized Models: Procrastination 6.7 VUCA Perceptions and Administered Platform/Network Models6.8 The Role and Structure of TTOs in Administered Platform/Network Models; 6.9 Possible Decision-Making Pathologies in Platform/Network Models: Escalation of Commitment; 7 Lessons from the VUCA Model for Capacity Building in Technology Transfer; References; Recent Trends in Capacity Building. The Experience of Progress-TT; 5 CCODE: A New Perspective on Factors that Influence the Growth of Technology Transfer Offices; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Understanding Drivers Behind TTO Growth and Success; 3 CCODE™ and PROGRESS-TT


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