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برخی از کتابهایی که قابل تهیه است در لیست زیر مشاهده می کنید. برای سفارش این کتب ایمیل بزنید.
The 1990 United States Census. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The 1995 U.S. Congress Address Book : Revision B. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Acts of the Apostles. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aesop’s Fables. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
An illustrated collection of animal fables first told by the Greek slave Aesop.
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Annexation of the Hawaiian Islands. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Articles of Confederation. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aucassin and Nicolete. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Augsburg Confession. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beowulf. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Common Prayer : And Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church; Together with The Psalter or Psalms of David; According to the Use of The Episcopal Church. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Book of Deuteronomy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Exodus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Genesis. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Leviticus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Numbers. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Book of Ruth. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Central Intelligence Agency. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cinderella; Or, the Little Glass Slipper and Other Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Codex Junius 11. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Constitution of the Confederate States. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Constitution of the Empire of Japan. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Constitution of the United States of America. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Convention Between the U.S. And Panama (Panama Canal). Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Covenant of the League of Nations. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Declaration of Rights (1765). Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Destruction of Da Derga’s Hostel. New York, N.Y., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible, Known As the Apocrypha. Champaign, IL, Project Gutenberg.
Elizabeth I’s Speech to Her Last Parliament (The Golden Speech). Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Titus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Epistles General of Peter. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Eryxias. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Factorials From 1! to 10000! Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The First 100,000 Prime Numbers. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The First Epistle General of Peter. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Four Gospels of the New Testament. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Fugitive Slave Law of 1793. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
German Invasion of Poland. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Golden Mean [golden Ratio]. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Gospel According to St. John : Authorized (King James) Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Gospel According to St. Luke : Authorized (King James) Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Gospel According to St. Mark : Authorized (King James) Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Gospel According to St. Matthew : Authorized (King James) Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Grettir the Strong. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The High History of the Holy Graal. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A Historical Record of the Population of the United States. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States From George Washington to Bill Clinton. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Instrument of Government. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The King and Queenes Entertainment at Richmond. Eugene, Or, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
King James Bible. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Liber Esther : narrationes protocanonicae, 1:1-10:3. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Life of William Cowper. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Magna Carta, Or, the Great Charter of King John. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Monroe Doctrine. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
North American Free Trade Agreement. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 : Some Files Relevant to the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Pentateuch : The Five Books of Moses. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Proclamation Declaring the Insurrection at an End. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Psalms : Authorized (King James) Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Recipes Tried and True. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Recognition of the Independence of Cuba. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Second Epistle General of Peter : Authorized King James Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Stories by English Authors, Africa. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Stories by English Authors, Germany, Etc. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Stories by English Authors, the Orient. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Story of Buddha. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
The Story of Burnt Njal. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Treaty of the European Union : The Maastrict Treaty, 7th February, 1992. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Treaty of the European Union The Maastrict Treaty, 7th February, 1992. The European Parliament shall be kept regularly informed by the Presidency and the Commission of the development of the Union’s foreign and security policy. ARTICLE J.8 1. The European Council shall define the principles of and general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy. The Council shall act unanimously, except for procedural questions and in the case referred to in Article J.3(2). 3. Any Member State or the Commission may refer to the Council any question relating to the common foreign policy and may submit proposals to the Council.
Treaty with France : The Louisiana Purchase. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Great Britain : End of the War of 1812. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Great Britain : Final Treaty of Independence. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Great Britain : Webster-Ashburton. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Mexico. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Russia : Alaskan Purchase. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with Spain. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Treaty with the Six Nations. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Trinity Site : 1945-1995 a National Historic Landmark White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The United States Bill of Rights : The Ten Original Amendments to the Constitution of the United States Passed by Congress September 25, 1789, Ratified December 15, 1791. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
(1611). The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians, Authorized Version. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
(1987). The United States Strategic Bombing Surveys : European War, Pacific War. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
(1990). Hester Prynne. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
(1992). Beethoven Forum. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
(1992). Coastal Meteorology : A Review of the State of the Science. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1992). Educating Mathematical Scientists : Doctoral Study and the Postdoctoral Experience in the United States. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1992). Emerging Issues in Biomedical Policy. New York, Perseus Books, LLC.
(1992). La Chanson de Jérusalem. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Text in French (Old French) with commentary in English.
(1992). Marine Aquaculture : Opportunities for Growth. Washington D.C., National Academies Press.
(1992). Responsible Science : Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1993). Detection of Explosives for Commercial Aviation Security. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
(1993). Edgar Allan Poe Reader. [N.p.], Courage Books.
(1993). The Ordering Mirror : Readers and Contexts: the Ben Belitt Lectures at Bennington College. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Collection of 15 essays previously published, 1978-1992, as the Ben Belitt Lectureship series.
(1994). Averting the Old Age Crisis : Policies to Protect the Old and Promote Growth. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1994). Biographical Memoirs. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1994). Biographical Memoirs. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1994). China : Internal Market Development and Regulation. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1994). Civil War Book of Lists : Over 300 Lists, from the Sublime… to the Ridiculous. [N.p.], Combined Books.
(1994). Governance : The World Bank’s Experience. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1994). Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
(1994). Minding the Helm : Marine Navigation and Piloting. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1994). The Oxford Illustrated History of Opera. Oxford [England], Oxford University Press.
Description based on print version record.
(1994). Scotlands. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
(1994). Veterans and Agent Orange : Health Effects of Herbicides Used in Vietnam. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1995). Advances in Human-computer Interaction. Norwood, N.J., Intellect Books.
(1995). China : Macroeconomic Stability in a Decentralized Economy. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1995). A Few Thought-compelling Novels. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
(1995). In Search of Quality : 4 Unique Perspectives, 43 Different Voices. Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Pub.
(1995). The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995 : Memorial Issue. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
(1995). Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Trade Into the 21st Century. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1996). The American Heritage Book of English Usage. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Includes indexes.
(1996). Bear Aware : Hiking and Camping in Bear Country. Helena, Mont, Falcon Press.
(1996). Coatings for High-temperature Structural Materials : Trends and Opportunities. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1996). Computing and Communications in the Extreme : Research for Crisis Management and Other Applications. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1996). Ecuador Poverty Report. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1996). Guide to the Parasites of Fishes of Canada. Ottawa, Ont, NRC Research Press.
(1996). Hitler’s Army : The Evolution and Structure of German Forces. [N.p.], Combined Books.
(1996). Managerial Excellence : McKinsey Award Winners From the Harvard Business Review, 1980-1994. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Includes index.
(1996). The OMRI Annual Survey of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1995 : Building Democracy. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
(1996). Radiation Hazards to Crews of Interplanetary Missions : Biological Issues and Research Strategies. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Support for this project was provided by Contract NASW 4627 and Contract NASW 96013 between the National Academy of Sciences and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
(1996). Shipbuilding Technology and Education. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Boundary Layer Dynamics. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Defining a Decade : Envisioning CSTB’s Second 10 Years: Proceedings of CSTB’s 10th Anniversary Symposium, May 16, 1996, Washington, D.C. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
(1997). The Douglas Cardinal Architectural Drawings : An Inventory of the Collection at the Canadian Architectural Archives, University of Calgary Library. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
(1997). Energy-efficient Technologies for the Dismounted Soldier. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Forging Ahead, Falling Behind. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
(1997). Home Health Aide National Standards Exam. New York, LearningExpress.
(1997). The Human Exploration of Space. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Nō and Kyōgen in the Contemporary World. Honolulu, Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press.
‘Selected essays originally presented at the international conference… held on the Mānoa campus of the University of Hawai’i, from 4 to 6 May 1989’–Preface.
(1997). Nonlinear Science. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Nursing Assistant Exam. New York, N.Y., LearningExpress.
(1997). On Implementing a National Graduate Medical Education Trust Fund. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Report of the Observer Panel for the U.S.-Japan Earthquake Policy Symposium. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Sanitation Worker Exam : National Edition. New York, Learning Express.
(1997). Technology for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, 2000-2035 : Becoming a 21st-century Force. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Toward a New National Weather Service : Continuity of NOAA Satellites. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Toxicity of Military Smokes and Obscurants. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1997). Trace Elements in Man and Animals–9 : Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. Ottawa, NRC Research Press.
‘Held in the Canadian Rockies at Banff, Alberta, from May 19-24, 1996′–Pref.
(1997). Wolves, Bears, and Their Prey in Alaska : Biological and Social Challenges in Wildlife Management. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). 1999 Federal Withholding Tables With Highlights, Effective January 1, 1999. [N.p.], CCH.
(1998). 1999 Social Security Benefits Including Medicare. [N.p.], CCH Incorporated.
(1998). The Art of Art History : A Critical Anthology. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
(1998). Conquering Depression : A Guide to Understanding Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Depressive Illnesses. Hamilton, Ont, Empowering Press.
(1998). The Empiricists : Critical Essays on Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield.
(1998). EMT Career Starter : Finding and Getting a Great Job. New York, Learning express.
(1998). Exploring the Trans-Neptunian Solar System. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). Fordham : The Early Years: a Commemoration of the Jesuits’ Arrival in 1846. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
(1998). A Guide to Infection Control in the Hospital. Hamilton, Ont, B.C. Decker.
(1998). Harvard Business Review on Change. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Articles reprinted from Harvard business review.
(1998). Harvard Business Review on Leadership. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Articles reprinted from Harvard business review.
(1998). Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Articles reprinted from Harvard business review.
(1998). Harvard Business Review on Strategies for Growth. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Contains articles previously published in the Harvard business review 1995-1998.
(1998). Medicare + Choice Interim Final Rule : Regulations Effective July 27, 1998: Including CCH Executive Summary and Medicare + Interim Provisions From the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Chicago, CCH Incorporated.
(1998). Oil Spill Risks From Tank Vessel Lightering. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). Review of the Research and Development Plan for the Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). Seismic Signals From Mining Operations and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty : Comments on a Draft Report by a Department of Energy Working Group. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). Toward a New National Weather Service : Future of the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Network. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1998). Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Armonk, New York, ME Sharpe, Inc.
(1999). 1999 Assessment of the Office of Naval Research’s Air and Surface Weapons Technology Program. Washington, D.C, National Academies Press.
(1999). Alternative High-level Waste Treatments at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Appendices C-D contain biographical sketches of the committee members and the technical experts.
(1999). Assessment of Technologies Deployed to Improve Aviation Security. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). Emerging Global Water and Energy Initiatives : An Integrated Perspective: a Brief Report. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). Ernest Hemingway. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
(1999). The Genetic Revolution and Human Rights : In Support of Amnesty International. Oxford, OUP Oxford.
Are eugenics practices morally defensible? Who should have access to genetic information about particular individuals? What dangers for cultural and racial diversity do developments in genetics pose? And how should scientific research be regulated and by whom? These are some of the questions addressed in this book, which comprises the 1998 Oxford Amnesty Lectures. The lecturers are all respected in their specific field, including Hilary Putnam, Ian Wilmut (co-creator of’Dolly’the sheep), and Jonathan Glover. Each lecture is proceeded by a discussion article written by prominent lawyers, scientists, and philosophers, and a foreword has been written by Richard Dawkins. Fascinating and thought-provoking, this book is essential reading for all those interested in the future of genetics and humankind.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Corporate Strategy. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Contains articles previously published in the Harvard business review.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Effective Communication. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Contains articles previously published in the Harvard business review.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Includes index.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Managing High-tech Industries. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Contains articles previously published in the Harvard business review.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Managing People. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Contains articles previously published in the Harvard business review in 1996 and 1998.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Managing Uncertainty. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
A collection of articles previously published in the Harvard business review.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on Nonprofits. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
(1999). Harvard Business Review on the Business Value of IT. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
A collection of articles previously published in the Harvard business review.
(1999). Home, Sweet Home : Memories of Tiger Stadium: From the Archives of the Detroit News. [Champaign, Ill.], Sports Publishing, Inc.
(1999). Hungary : On the Road to the European Union. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1999). The Impacts of Natural Disasters : A Framework for Loss Estimation. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). Improving Project Management in the Department of Energy. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). Improving Surface Transportation Security : A Research and Development Strategy. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). Index to American Reference Books Annual 1995-1999 : A Cumulative Index to Subjects, Authors, and Titles. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
(1999). Internal Modelling & CAD II : Qualifying and Quantifying Risk Within a Financial Institution. London, Risk Books.
Includes index.
(1999). Lighting the Way : Knowledge Assessment in Prince Edward Island. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
(1999). Patient-based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
(1999). Poverty and Social Developments in Peru, 1994-1997. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(1999). Science for Decisionmaking : Coastal and Marine Geology at the U.S. Geological Survey. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
(1999). The Sporting News Presents Nolan Ryan : From Alvin to Cooperstown. [United States], Perseus Books, LLC.
(1999). Strategic Human Resource Management : Corporate Rhetoric and Human Reality. Oxford, OUP Premium.
Description based on print version record.
(1999). Tips & Tactics for Marketing on the Internet. Boston, MA, Inc. Pub.
(1999). TradeCAN : Database and Software for a Competitiveness Analysis of Nations: User Guide. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
(2000). Copyright Act of 1976. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
(2000). Food Safety Issues in the Developing World. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
(2000). Harvard Business Review on Business and the Environment. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Includes index.
(2000). Harvard Business Review on Corporate Governance. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
(2000). Harvard Business Review on Crisis Management. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
(2000). Harvard Business Review on Managing the Value Chain. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
(2000). Harvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
(2000). How to Get Sober and Stay Sober : Steps 1,2,3,4, and 5. Center City, Minn, Perseus Books, LLC.
(2000). Musicals : Hollywood and Beyond. Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
(2000). Peril and Promise : Higher Education in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
(2000). Schaum’s Easy Outlines. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
(2000). The Song of Roland. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
(2000). United States Congress Directory. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
áAbd al-Qåadir ibn Muhyåi, a.-D., et al. (1995). The Spiritual Writings of Amir ÁAbd Al-Kader. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Aaberg, E. (1998). Muscle Mechanics. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics.
‘This book is a revised edition of Bio-mechanically correct, published in 1996 by Realistic Individualized Professional Services, Dallas’–T.p. verso.
Aaland, M. (1999). Photoshop for the Web. Cambridge, [Mass.], O’Reilly.
Aamidor, A. (1999). Real Feature Writing. Mahwah, N.J., Taylor & Francis [CAM].
This book emphasizes story shape and structure by illustrating several distinct types of feature and non-fiction stories, all drawn from the real world. Aamidor presents a collection of distinct non-deadline story types (profile, trend, focus, advocacy, and more) together with an introduction to each story type, a full-text example, a critical analysis of the example, and clear directions for producing similar stories. Real Feature Writing excels in a diverse mix of authors and subjects, including African-American, women’s, and environmental issues. Parts I and II include the story shapes and examples, and move from basic to more advanced types. Part III includes chapters on leads, quotes, descriptive writing, databases and reference books, and a chapter on breaking into newspaper feature writing that includes several interviews with feature writers and editors.
Aaron, H. J., et al. (2000). Extending Medicare Reimbursement in Clinical Trials. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Increasingly over the past five years, uncertainty about reimbursement for routine patient care has been suspected as contributing to problems enrolling people in clinical trials. Clinical trial investigators cannot guarantee that Medicare will pay for the care required, and they must disclose this uncertainty to potential participants during the informed consent process. Since Medicare does not routinely’preauthorize’care (as do many commercial insurers) the uncertainty cannot be dispelled in advance. Thus, patients considering whether to enter trials must assume that they may have to pay bills that Medicare rejects simply because they have enrolled in the trial. This report recommends an explicit policy for reimbursement of routine patient care costs in clinical trials. It further recommends that HCFA provide additional support for selected clinical trials, and that the government support the establishment of a national clinical trials registry. These policies (1) should assure that beneficiaries would not be denied coverage merely because they have volunteered to participate in a clinical trial; and (2) would not impose excessive administrative burdens on HCFA, its fiscal intermediaries and carriers, or investigators, providers, or participants in clinical trials. Explicit rules would have the added benefit of increasing the uniformity of reimbursement decisions made by Medicare fiscal intermediaries and carriers in different parts of the country. Greater uniformity would, in turn, decrease the uncertainty about reimbursement when providers and patients embark on a clinical trial.
Aaron, H. J., et al. (1999). Should the United States Privatize Social Security? Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press.
The two papers that make up the core of this book address what is perhaps the most fundamental question in the current debate over Social Security: whether to shift, in part or even entirely, from today’s pay-as-you-go system to one that is not just funded but also privatized in the sense that individuals would retain control over the investment of their funds and, therefore, personally bear the associated risk. John Shoven argues yes, Henry Aaron no. Theoretical issues such as the likely effects on saving behavior and capital formation figure importantly in this discussion. But so do a broad array of practical considerations such as the expense of fund management and accounting, questions about how the public would regard the fairness of any new system, and the impact of recent developments in the federal budget and the U.S. stock market.The book also includes responses to both papers by four prominent economists–Robert J. Barro and David M. Cutler, of Harvard University; Alicia H. Munnell, of Boston College; and James Tobin, of Yale University–as well as Henry Aaron’s and John Shoven’s replies. The introductory remarks are by Benjamin M. Friedman.
Aaron, M. (1999). The Body’s Perilous Pleasures : Dangerous Desires and Contemporary Culture. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Aarons, M. and T. Gittens (1998). Autism : A Social Skills Approach for Children & Adolescents. Bicester, Speechmark Publishing Ltd.
Abbate, J. (1999). Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Since the late 1960s the Internet has grown from a single experimental network serving a dozen sites in the United States to a network of networks linking millions of computers worldwide. In Inventing the Internet, Janet Abbate recounts the key players and technologies that allowed the Internet to develop; but her main focus is always on the social and cultural factors that influenced the Internets design and use. The story she unfolds is an often twisting tale of collaboration and conflict among a remarkable variety of players, including government and military agencies, computer scientists in academia and industry, graduate students, telecommunications companies, standards organizations, and network users. The story starts with the early networking breakthroughs formulated in Cold War think tanks and realized in the Defense Department’s creation of the ARPANET. It ends with the emergence of the Internet and its rapid and seemingly chaotic growth. Abbate looks at how academic and military influences and attitudes shaped both networks; how the usual lines between producer and user of a technology were crossed with interesting and unique results; and how later users invented their own very successful applications, such as electronic mail and the World Wide Web. She concludes that such applications continue the trend of decentralized, user-driven development that has characterized the Internet’s entire history and that the key to the Internet’s success has been a commitment to flexibility and diversity, both in technical design and in organizational culture.
Abbott, C. (1999). Julian of Norwich : Autobiography and Theology. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell & Brewer.
Julian’s Revelationsis remarkable for its theological breadth and boldness, and for its sympathetic awareness of the demands of life as lived. Yet Julian was not a theologian, but a lay personwriting out of her personal experience. This study seeks to present a rounded view of her writing by considering the implications of the autobiographical in relation to the theological and vice versa.It explores the relationship between Julian’s predicament as a writer who must derive her authority from experience rather than ecclesiastical office and the precise character of her theology as it issues from that predicament; it argues that Julian’s mature writing, by integrating notions of creation, incarnation, ecclesiology and personal spirituality in a single coherent vision, achieves a vigorous affirmation of the person as such in the sustaining context of the Church.CHRISTOPHER ABBOTTgained his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester.
Abbott, C., et al. (1997). Planning a New West : The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Corvallis, Or, Oregon State University Press.
Abbott, C., et al. (1994). Planning the Oregon Way : A 20-Year Evaluation. Corvallis, Or, Oregon State University Press.
Abbott, E. A. Flatland : A Romance of Many Dimensions. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Abbott, L. and T. J. Sejnowski (1999). Neural Codes and Distributed Representations : Foundations of Neural Computation. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Abbott, M. L. (1999). Romantic Weekends : Texas. Edison, N.J., Hunter Publishing.
Includes index.
Abbott, R. D. (1999). The World As Information : Overload and Personal Design. Exeter [England], Intellect Books.
Abbott, R. H. (1991). Cotton & Capital : Boston Businessmen and Antislavery Reform, 1854-1868. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Abdel-Salam, M., et al. (2000). High-voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice. New York, N.Y., CRC Press.
‘Bridges the gap between laboratory research and practical applications in industry and power utilities-clearly organized into three distinct sections that cover basic theories and concepts, execution of principles, and innovative new techniques. Includes new chapters detailing industrial uses and isues of hazard and safety, and review excercises to accompany each chpter.’
Abdi, H., et al. (1999). Neural Networks. Thousand Oaks, Calif, SAGE Publications, Inc.
Abdullah, S. M. (1999). Creating a World That Works for All. San Francisco, CA, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
‘We are in deep trouble,’writes Sharif Abdullah.’We live a world that works for only a few.’The problem, Abdullah asserts, is exlusivity:’I am separate.’By practicing exclusivity, he maintains, we have created a soul-starved society. We suffer, both personally and as a society, from complex, interlocking so intense that they create a deep sense of emptiness in all of us. But there is hope. Abdullah shows how we can change our world by changing our consciousness. We can actually put an end these complex problems if we reject exclusivity in favor of inclusivity. We must turn from a mentality that disconnects us and instead embrace the goals of restoring balance to the earth and building community with all other people. In Creating a World That Works for All, Abdullah provides a practical blueprint for that change. Abdullah makes it clear that there are no bad guys to blame: we are all equally responsible for the current state of our world. We each have created it, and we each have equal power to change it. Abdullah offers three criteria for creating a world that works for all: 1. The Criteria of Enoughness: Everyone has enough, even though not everyone shares resources equally 2. The Criteria of Exchangeability: Trading places would be okay 3. The Criteria of Common Benefit: The system is designed and intended to benefit all In order to meet these criteria, Abdullah shows us how to let go of old theories and ideas, so we can clearly see our current problems and possible solutions. And he shows us how to create new stories that explain and define the new behaviors that make cultural changes possible.
Abecasis-Phillips, J. A. S. (1994). Doing Business with the Japanese. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Abed, S. (1991). Aristotelian Logic and the Arabic Language in Alfåaråabåi. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Abelard, P. Historia Calamitatum : The Story of My Misfortunes. New York, N.Y., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Abell, H. (1996). The Day Trader’s Advantage : How to Move From One Winning Position to the Next. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Abell, H. (1999). Digital Day Trading : Moving From One Winning Stock Position to the Next. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Abell, H. (2000). The Electronic Trading of Options : Maximizing Online Profits. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Abell, H. and R. Koppel (1999). The Market Savvy Investor : Profit From the Techniques of the Top Traders. [Chicago], Ill], Kaplan Publishing.
Abell, T. D. (1982). Better Felt Than Said : The Holiness-Pentecostal Experience in Southern Appalachia. Waco, Tex, Baylor University.
Abelmann, N. (1996). Echoes of the Past, Epics of Dissent : A South Korean Social Movement. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Echoes of the Past, Epics of Dissent, the story of a South Korean social movement, offers a window to a decade of tumultuous social protest in a postcolonial, divided nation. Abelmann brings a dramatic chapter of modern Korean history to life—a period in which farmers, student activists, and organizers joined to protest the corporate ownership of tenant plots never distributed in the 1949 Land Reform.From public sites of protest to backstage meetings and negotiations, from farming villages to university campuses, Abelmann’s highly original study explores this movement as a complex process always in the making. Her discussion moves fluently between past and present, local and national, elites and dominated, and urban and rural. Touching on major historical issues, this ethnography of dissent explores contemporary popular nationalism and historical consciousness.
Abercrombie, T. A. (1998). Pathways of Memory and Power : Ethnography and History Among an Andean People. Madison, Wis, University of Wisconsin Press.
Abernethy, F. E. (2000). Some Still Do : Essays on Texas Customs. Denton, Tex, University of North Texas Press.
Abernethy, F. E. and D. Beaty (2000). The Folklore of Texan Cultures. Denton, University of North Texas Press.
Abernethy, F. E. and C. F. Satterwhite (1997). Between the Cracks of History : Essays on Teaching and Illustrating Folklore. Denton, University of North Texas Press.
Abernethy, F. E. and S. Texas Folklore (1985). Folk Art in Texas. Denton, University of North Texas Press.
Hard copy copyright held by The Texas Folklore Society.
Abgrall, J.-M. (2000). Soul Snatchers : The Mechanics of Cults. New York, Algora Publishing.
Abhams, P. G., et al. (2000). Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer. New York, CRC Press.
Reflecting the past 20 years of intense research in radioimmunotherapy, this timely reference surveys an expansive breadth of topics on the evolving developments in radiation therapy. Placed in the context of advances in cancer treatment, chapters progress systematically from basic principles and properties of radionuclides to detailed summaries of current cancer therapies.Up to date, clearly organized, and thorough-sure to become a standard in the field!Providing comprehensive treatment on radiolabeled antibody therapy, Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer reviews dosimetric principles and clinical dosimetry of radioimmunotherapy in the targeting and delivery of radiation describes tumor architectures and outlines novel constructs for radionuclide delivery analyzes a variety of improved targeting approaches, including pretargeting contextual analysis of extracorporeal techniques in radioimmunotherapy details studies from the radiotherapy of lymphoma, solid tumors, and ovarian cancer and the targeted radiotherapy of neuroblastoma and squamous head and neck cancer and much more!With contributions from nearly 50 international experts and containing over 1300 literature references, drawings, photographs, tables, and equations, Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer is an invaluable and indispensable reference for physicians in nuclear medicine and medical physicists; oncologists, radiologists, radiochemists, and radiopharmacists; immunologists, pulmonologists, and cancer researchers; pharmacologists and drug delivery pharmaceutical chemists; and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and medical school students in these disciplines.
Abolrous, S. A. (2000). Learn Pascal. Plano, Tex, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
Abrahamian, E. (1993). Khomeinism : Essays on the Islamic Republic. Berkeley, University of California Press.
‘Fanatic,”dogmatic,”fundamentalist’—these are the words most often used in the West to describe the Ayatollah Khomeini. The essays in this book challenge that view, arguing that Khomeini and his Islamic movement should be seen as a form of Third World political populism—a radical but pragmatic middle-class movement that strives to enter, rather than reject, the modern age.Ervand Abrahamian, while critical of Khomeini, asks us to look directly at the Ayatollah’s own works and to understand what they meant to his principal audience—his followers in Iran. Abrahamian analyzes political tracts dating back to 1943, along with Khomeini’s theological writings and his many public statements in the form of speeches, interviews, proclamations and fatwas (judicial decrees). What emerges, according to Abrahamian, is a militant, sometimes contradictory, political ideology that focuses not on issues of scripture and theology but on the immediate political, social, and economic grievances of workers and the middle class.These essays reveal how the Islamic Republic has systematically manipulated history through televised’recantations,’newspapers, school textbooks, and even postage stamps. All are designed to bolster the clergy’s reputation as champions of the downtrodden and as defenders against foreign powers. Abrahamian also discusses the paranoia that permeates the political spectrum in Iran, contending that such deep distrust is symptomatic of populist regimes everywhere.
Abrahamian, E. (1999). Tortured Confessions : Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The role of torture in recent Iranian politics is the subject of Ervand Abrahamian’s important and disturbing book. Although Iran officially banned torture in the early twentieth century, Abrahamian provides documentation of its use under the Shahs and of the widespread utilization of torture and public confession under the Islamic Republican governments. His study is based on an extensive body of material, including Amnesty International reports, prison literature, and victims’accounts that together give the book a chilling immediacy.According to human rights organizations, Iran has been at the forefront of countries using systematic physical torture in recent years, especially for political prisoners. Is the government’s goal to ensure social discipline? To obtain information? Neither seem likely, because torture is kept secret and victims are brutalized until something other than information is obtained: a public confession and ideological recantation. For the victim, whose honor, reputation, and self-respect are destroyed, the act is a form of suicide.In Iran a subject’s’voluntary confession’reaches a huge audience via television. The accessibility of television and use of videotape have made such confessions a primary propaganda tool, says Abrahamian, and because torture is hidden from the public, the victim’s confession appears to be self-motivated, increasing its value to the authorities.Abrahamian compares Iran’s public recantations to campaigns in Maoist China, Stalinist Russia, and the religious inquisitions of early modern Europe, citing the eerie resemblance in format, language, and imagery. Designed to win the hearts and minds of the masses, such public confessions—now enhanced by technology—continue as a means to legitimize those in power and to demonize’the enemy.’
Abrams, D. M. (1993). Conflict, Competition, or Cooperation? : Dilemmas of State Education Policymaking. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Abrams, J. Z. (1998). Judaism and Disability : Portrayals in Ancient Texts From the Tanach Through the Bavli. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Abrams, L. (1992). Workers’ Culture in Imperial Germany : Leisure and Recreation in the Rhineland and Westphalia. London, Routledge.
First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Abrams, R. (2000). Boomer Basics : Everything That You Need to Know About the Issues Facing You, Your Children, and Your Parents. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Abramson, H. N., et al. (1997). Technology Transfer Systems in the United States and Germany : Lessons and Perspectives. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This book explores major similarities and differences in the structure, conduct, and performance of the national technology transfer systems of Germany and the United States. It maps the technology transfer landscape in each country in detail, uses case studies to examine the dynamics of technology transfer in four major technology areas, and identifies areas and opportunities for further mutual learning between the two national systems.
Abromovitz, L. (1999). You Can Retire While You’re Still Young Enough to Enjoy It. Chicago, IL, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Abu-Nimer, M. (1999). Dialogue, Conflict Resolution, and Change : Arab-Jewish Encounters in Israel. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Abwunza, J. M. (1997). Women’s Voices, Women’s Power : Dialogues of Resistance From East Africa. Peterborough, Ont, Broadview Press.
Academia Mexicana de, C. and C. National Research (1999). Building Ocean Science Partnerships : The United States and Mexico Working Together. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Building Ocean Science Partnerships describes a set of potential ocean science projects for cooperative research between scientists from the United States and Mexico, particularly focused on the Pacific Coast of California and Baja California, the Gulf of California, and the Gulf of Mexico. Barriers to cooperation between scientists of the two nations are identified, and methods to overcome such barriers are recommended. The book describes how interactions can be promoted by enhancing opportunities for education and training, building and sharing scientific infrastructure, participating together in large-scale marine research programs and regional ocean observing systems, planning joint science events and publications, and developing sources of binational funding. Building Ocean Science Partnerships will be published in English and Spanish to make its contents widely accessible in the United States and Mexico.
Achberger, K. (1995). Understanding Ingeborg Bachmann. Columbia, S.C., University of South Carolina Press.
Acheson, J. and R. Huk (1996). Contemporary British Poetry : Essays in Theory and Criticism. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ackelsberg, M. A. (1991). Free Women of Spain : Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Ackerman, L. A. and U. Washington State (1996). A Song to the Creator : Traditional Arts of Native American Women of the Plateau. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Catalog of an exhibit at the Museum of Art, Washington State University, 1996.
Ackerman, S., et al. (1992). Discovering the Brain. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The brain… There is no other part of the human anatomy that is so intriguing. How does it develop and function and why does it sometimes, tragically, degenerate? The answers are complex. In Discovering the Brain, science writer Sandra Ackerman cuts through the complexity to bring this vital topic to the public. The 1990s were declared the’Decade of the Brain’by former President Bush, and the neuroscience community responded with a host of new investigations and conferences. Discovering the Brain is based on the Institute of Medicine conference, Decade of the Brain: Frontiers in Neuroscience and Brain Research. Discovering the Brain is a’field guide’to the brain–an easy-to-read discussion of the brain’s physical structure and where functions such as language and music appreciation lie. Ackerman examines How electrical and chemical signals are conveyed in the brain. The mechanisms by which we see, hear, think, and pay attention–and how a’gut feeling’actually originates in the brain. Learning and memory retention, including parallels to computer memory and what they might tell us about our own mental capacity. Development of the brain throughout the life span, with a look at the aging brain. Ackerman provides an enlightening chapter on the connection between the brain’s physical condition and various mental disorders and notes what progress can realistically be made toward the prevention and treatment of stroke and other ailments. Finally, she explores the potential for major advances during the’Decade of the Brain,’with a look at medical imaging techniques–what various technologies can and cannot tell us–and how the public and private sectors can contribute to continued advances in neuroscience. This highly readable volume will provide the public and policymakers–and many scientists as well–with a helpful guide to understanding the many discoveries that are sure to be announced throughout the’Decade of the Brain.’
Ackermann, A. (2000). Making Peace Prevail : Preventing Violent Conflict in Macedonia. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
Ackermann, R., et al. (1998). Setting Priorities : Abridged Version of the Document Endorsed by the Ministerial Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 28-30 April, 1993. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ackermann, R. J. (1985). Religion As Critique. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Ackermann, R. J. (1988). Wittgenstein’s City. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ackermann, R. J. (1990). Nietzsche : A Frenzied Look. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ackermann, R. J. (1996). Heterogeneities : Race, Gender, Class, Nation, and State. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ackland, L. (1999). Making a Real Killing : Rocky Flats and the Nuclear West. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Includes index.
Acklen, L. and R. Gilgen (1998). Using Corel Wordperfect 9. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes indexes.
Ackley, K. M. (2000). 100 Top Internet Job Sites : Get Wired, Get Hired in Today’s New Job Market. Manassas Park, Va, Impact.
Ackrill, J. L. (1997). Essays on Plato and Aristotle. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Acres, D. (1998). Passing Exams Without Anxiety : How to Get Organised, Be Prepared and Feel Confident of Success. Oxford, England, How To Books, Ltd.
Aczel, A. D. (1996). Fermat’s Last Theorem : Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem. [N.p.], Four Walls Eight Windows.
Aczel, A. D. (1999). God’s Equation : Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe. [N.p.], Four Walls Eight Windows.
Adair, J. (1944). The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Adamec, C. A. (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Adoption. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Adamolekun, L., et al. (1997). Civil Service Reform in Francophone Africa : Proceedings of a Workshop, Abidjan, January 23-26, 1996. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘Regional Workshop on Civil Service Reform in Francophone Africa’–Foreword.
Adams, A. The Outlet. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Adams, A. G. (1996). The Hudson Through the Years. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Adams, C. (1999). Inside the Cold War : A Cold Warrior’s Reflections. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
Adams, D. E. (1997). The Prostitute in the Family Tree : Discovering Humor and Irony in the Bible. Louisville, Ky, Westminster John Knox Press.
Adams, D. K. and C. A. v. Minnen (1997). Aspects of War in American History. Keele, Edinburgh University Press.
Adams, D. K. and C. A. v. Minnen (1999). Religious and Secular Reform in America : Ideas Beliefs and Social Change. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Adams, F. V. (1998). The Breathing Disorders Sourcebook. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Adams, H. The Education of Henry Adams. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Adams, H. (1999). Many Pretty Toys. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Adams, H. and E. N. Harbert (1986). History of the United States of America During the Administrations of James Madison. New York, N.Y., Random House Publisher Services.
Adams, H. and E. N. Harbert (1986). History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson. New York, N.Y., Random House Publisher Services.
Adams, J. (1994). The Transformation of Rural Life : Southern Illinois, 1890-1990. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Jane Adams focuses on the transformation of rural life in Union County, Illinois, as she explores the ways in which American farming has been experienced and understood in the twentieth century. Reconstructing the histories of seven farms, she places the details of daily life within the context of political and economic change. Adams identifies contradictions that, on a personal level, influenced relations between children and parents, men and women, and bosses and laborers, and that, more generally, changed structures of power within the larger rural community. In this historical ethnography, Adams traces two contradictory narratives: one stresses plenitude–rich networks of neighbors and kin, the ability to supply families from the farm, the generosity shown to those in need–while the other stresses the acute hardships and oppressive class, gender, and age inequities that characterized farm life. The New Deal and World War II disrupted both patterns, as the increased capital necessary for successful farming forced many to move from agriculture to higher-paid nonfarm work. This shift also changed the structure of the farm household, as homes modernized and women found work off the farm. Adams concludes that large-scale bureaucracies leveled existing class distinctions and that community networks eroded as farmers came to realize an improved standard of living.
Adams, J. (1998). Freedom Days : 365 Inspired Moments in Civil Rights History. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Adams, J. C. (1997). Fortran 95 Handbook : Complete Iso/Ansi Reference. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
The Fortran 95 Handbook, a comprehensive reference work for the Fortran programmer and implementor, contains a complete description of the Fortran 95 programming language. The chapters follow the same sequence of topics as the Fortran 95 standard, but contain a more thorough and informal explanation of the language’s features and many more examples. Appendices describe all the intrinsic features, the deprecated features, and the complete syntax of the language. The Handbook also includs a feature not found in the standard: a cross reference of all the syntax terms, giving the rule that defines each term and all the rules that reference it. Major new features added in Fortran 95 are the’FORALL’statement and construct, pure and elemental procedures, and structure and pointer default initialization.
Adams, J. Q. Orations. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Adams, K. H. (1999). Progressive Politics and the Training of America’s Persuaders. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Progressive reformers set up curricula in journalism, public relations, and creative writing to fulfill their own purposes: well-trained rhetors could convince the United States citizenry to accept Progressive thinking on monopolies and unions and to elect reform candidates. Although Progressive politicians and educators envisioned these courses and majors as forwarding their own goals, they could not control the intentions of the graduates thus trained or the employers who hired them. The period’s vast panorama of rhetoric, including Theodore Roosevelt’s publicity stunts, muckraker exposés, ad campaigns for patent medicines, and the selling of World War I, revealed the new national power of propaganda and the media, especially when wielded by college-trained experts imbued with the Progressive tradition of serving a cause and ensuring social betterment. In this unique volume, Adams’chronicles the creation of this advanced curriculum in speaking and writing during the Progressive era and examines the impact of that curriculum on public discourse. Unlike other studies of writing instruction, which have concentrated on freshman curriculum or on a specific genre, this book provides a historical and cultural analysis of the advanced composition curriculum and of its impact on public persuasion. Adams surveys American instruction at state and private schools across the country, with special attention given to the influential Progressive universities of the Midwest. She draws on a wide variety of primary data sources including college catalogs, course assignments, departmental minutes, speeches, and journals, and includes an extensive bibliography of research sources concerning advanced composition instruction and American rhetoric before World War II. As a resource offering remarkable historical insights on the history of writing instruction in America, this volume is of great interest to scholars and students in rhetoric, communication, and technical writing.
Adams, L. J. and C. National Research (1994). Technology for Small Spacecraft. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Includes appendices.
Adams, L. K. (1997). Dealing with Lying. New York, PowerKids Press.
Explains what lying is and why people do it; then discusses trust, living responsibly, and the value of telling the truth.
Adams, L. K. (1997). Dealing with Someone Who Won’t Listen. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses the nature of listening, the problem of dealing with someone who will not listen, and what to do about it.
Adams, L. K. (1997). Dealing with Stealing. New York, PowerKids Press.
Explains what stealing is, why it is wrong, the difference between stealing and sharing, and consequences of theft.
Adams, L. K. (1997). Dealing with Teasing. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses why people tease, the difference between affectionate and mean or cruel teasing, and offers suggestions for how to deal with the latter.
Adams, P. (1996). 155 Legal Do’s (and Don’ts) for the Small Business. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index.
Adams, R. (1998). The Architecture and Art of Early Hispanic Colorado. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Originally published: Boulder : Colorado Associated University Press, 1974.
Adams, R. and T. Adams (1999). The Bargain Hunter’s Handbook : How to Buy Just About Anything for Next to Nothing. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Adams, R. E. W. (1991). Prehistoric Mesoamerica. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Adams, R. E. W. (1999). Râio Azul : An Ancient Maya City. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Adams, R. F. (1952). Come An’ Get It : The Story of the Old Cowboy Cook. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Adams, R. M. (1998). Leibniz : Determinist, Theist, Idealist. New York, Oxford University Press.
Legendary since his own time as a universal genius, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) contributed significantly to almost every branch of learning, from mathematics to ecumenical theology. But the part of his work that is most studied today is probably his writings in metaphysics, which have been the focus of particularly lively philosophical discussion in the last twenty years or so. Leibniz’s writings in metaphysics contain one of the great classic systems of modern philosophy, but the system must be pieced together from a vast and miscellaneous array of manuscripts, letters, articles, and books, in a way that makes especially strenuous demands on scholarship. This book presents an in-depth interpretation of three important parts of Leibniz’s metaphysics, thoroughly grounded in the texts as well as in philosophical analysis and critique. The three areas discussed are the metaphysical part of Leibniz’s philosophy of logic, his essentially theological treatment of the central issues of ontology, and his theory of substance (the theory of monads).
Adams, S. (1995). Roland Mathias. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Adams, S. B. (1997). Mr. Kaiser Goes to Washington : The Rise of a Government Entrepreneur. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
In the 1940s, the name Henry J. Kaiser was magic. Based on the success of his shipyards, Kaiser was hailed by the national media as the force behind a’can-do’production miracle and credited by the American public with doing more to help President Roosevelt win World War II than any other civilian. Kaiser also built an empire in construction, cement, magnesium, steel, and aluminum–all based on government contracts, government loans, and changes in government regulations. In this book, Stephen Adams offers Kaiser’s story as the first detailed case study of’government entrepreneurship.’Taking a fresh look at the birth of modern business-government relations, he explores the symbiotic connection forged between FDR and Kaiser. Adams shows that while Kaiser capitalized on opportunities provided by the growth of the federal government, FDR found in Kaiser an industrial partner whose enterprises embodied New Deal goals. The result of a confluence of administration policy and entrepreneurial zeal, Kaiser’s dramatic rise illustrates the important role of governmental relations in American entrepreneurial success.
Adams, W. A., et al. (1999). The Whole Systems Approach : Involving Everyone in the Company to Transform and Run Your Business. Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Pub.
Adamson, D. L. (1991). Class, Ideology, and the Nation : A Theory of Welsh Nationalism. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Spine title: Class, ideology & the nation.
Adamson, J. (1997). Melville, Shame, and the Evil Eye : A Psychoanalytic Reading. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Adamson, J. and H. A. Clark (1998). Scenes of Shame : Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Adamson, L. G. (1998). Literature Connections to American History, 7-12 : Resources to Enhance and Entice. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Includes indexes.
Adamson, L. G. (1998). Literature Connections to American History, K-6 : Resources to Enhance and Entice. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Adamson, L. G. (1998). Literature Connections to World History, 7-12 : Resources to Enhance and Entice. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Covers books, CD-ROMs, and videotapes.
Adamson, L. G. (1998). Literature Connections to World History, K-6 : Resources to Enhance and Entice. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Includes indexes.
Addams, J. Twenty Years at Hull House, with Autobiographical Notes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Addams, J. Why Women Should Vote. New York, N.Y., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Addesso, P. J. (1996). Management Would Be Easy– If It Weren’t for the People. New York, AMACOM.
Addison, J. The Vision of Mirza. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Addison, P. S. (1997). Fractals and Chaos : An Illustrated Course. Bristol, UK, CRC Press.
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course provides you with a practical, elementary introduction to fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics-subjects that have attracted immense interest throughout the scientific and engineering disciplines. The book may be used in part or as a whole to form an introductory course in either or both subject areas. A prominent feature of the book is the use of many illustrations to convey the concepts required for comprehension of the subject. In addition, plenty of problems are provided to test understanding. Advanced mathematics is avoided in order to provide a concise treatment and speed the reader through the subject areas. The book can be used as a text for undergraduate courses or for self-study.
Adegbija, E. E. (1994). Language Attitudes in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Sociolinguistic Overview. Clevedon, Avon, Multilingual Matters.
Adelman, D. (1992). The ‘children of Perestroika’ : Moscow Teenagers Talk About Their Lives and the Future: with a Postscript From the Summer of 1992. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Includes index.
Adelman, D. (1994). The ‘children of Perestroika’ Come of Age : Young People of Moscow Talk About Life in the New Russia. Armonk, NY, Routledge.
Demonstrates the relevance, rigor, and creativity of interpretive research methodologies for political science and its various sub-fields. Designed for use in a course on interpretive research methods, this book situates methods questions within the context of methodological questions – the character of social realities and their’know-ability.’
Adelman, M. A. (1995). The Genie Out of the Bottle : World Oil Since 1970. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Pictures of oil as the glittering prize, the source of global power and empires, or the hub of an energy crisis have gushed through the media since 1973. What actually happened was very different. M. A. Adelman had written in 1970 that’the genie is out of the bottle,’that a group of oil producing countries would control the oil trade to raise prices. Now, twenty-five years later, he has written the fascinating history of the greatest monopoly ever known. The underlying economic analysis is contained in the companion volume The Economics of Petroleum Supply.Oil was in oversupply in 1970. The oil companies could not keep prices from falling. But the members of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) could and did raise prices by restraining output. However, they first had to restrain each other: an endless task, since each of them would gain by cheating on the others. With open and secret agreements, formal and informal, they’tried to fine-tune with coarse instruments,’resulting in the so-called energy crisis.Adelman describes the first timid steps to the’unbound cartel.’He shows how the producing nations overestimated their power, why they had short time horizons and raised the prices too high for their own good. But after prices declined, then crashed in 1986, the producing nations managed to hold a lower price level. Despite the trillions of petrodollars that fed two major wars, Adelman observes that nearly all OPEC nations are in debt. Non-OPEC production grows, but the cartel survives and the unstable market with it.Price hawks and doves may be good copy, Adelman notes, but in fact there was never an Arab’embargo’against the United States, nor any moderating influence by the United States. Since we must in our own interest protect the Persian Gulf producers, they understandably do nothing to oblige us.
Adelstein, S. J., et al. (1995). Isotopes for Medicine and the Life Sciences. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Radioactive isotopes and enriched stable isotopes are used widely in medicine, agriculture, industry, and science, where their application allows us to perform many tasks more accurately, more simply, less expensively, and more quickly than would otherwise be possible. Indeed, in many cases–for example, biological tracers–there is no alternative. In a stellar example of’technology transfer’that began before the term was popular, the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors has supported the development and application of isotopes and their transfer to the private sector. The DOE is now at an important crossroads: Isotope production has suffered as support for DOE’s laboratories has declined. In response to a DOE request, this book is an intensive examination of isotope production and availability, including the education and training of those who will be needed to sustain the flow of radioactive and stable materials from their sources to the laboratories and medical care facilities in which they are used. Chapters include an examination of enriched stable isotopes; reactor and accelerator-produced radionuclides; partnerships among industries, national laboratories, and universities; and national isotope policy.
Aden, J. M. (1963). The Critical Opinions of John Dryden : A Dictionary. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
‘Editions and abbreviations’: p. xxi.
Aden, J. M. (1969). Something Like Horace : Studies in the Art and Allusion of Pope’s Horatian Satires. [Nashville], Vanderbilt University Press.
Aden, R. C. (1999). Popular Stories and Promised Lands : Fan Cultures and Symbolic Pilgrimages. Tuscaloosa, University Alabama Press.
Popular Stories and Promised Lands enters a conversation about who we are, where we’ve been, and where we might be going by suggesting that possible answers to those questions can be found in the popular stories we encounter at the movies, on television, in popular magazines, and even on the funny pages. As countless scholars and popular writers have noted, those of us living in the United States find ourselves at a cultural crossroads. We are increasingly aware that the stories that once permeated life in these United States, stories that tell us that social and economic progress comes from working hard, that everyone has an equal opportunity to experience such progress, do not resonate to the degree they once did. Because many Americans have traditionally defined themselves, others, and their unique sense of place through these stories, we find ourselves displaced socially, economically, politically, and/or culturally. So, Roger Aden says, we go to places of our own making. Fans of the television series The X-Files return to the Funhouse each week for a dose of frightening fun. Fans of the weekly magazine Sports Illustrated play in the American Elysian Fields where democratic efforts at balancing work and play are valued. Fans of the movie Field of Dreams work as altruistic producers in an alternative garden spot. Grounded in the author’s own experiences and reinforced by the voices of approximately two hundred additional fans of the four popular stories, this book offers a compelling case for understanding the alleged wasteland of popular culture as a fertile site of individually and communally created sacred places.
Adjei, A. L. and P. K. Gupta (1997). Inhalation Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins. New York, CRC Press.
This exhaustive reference-the first book of its kind to describe in detail the functionality of the human respiratory tract and its impact on both local and systemic delivery of biotherapeutic and macromolecular drug systems-offers comprehensive analyses of peptide and protein drug delivery through the lung.Summarizes over 130 patents granted worldwide on alternative systems for pulmonary delivery of therapeutic drugs-especially peptides and proteins! Examining macromolecular drug delivery as an efficient, patient-friendly, and cost-effective method of treatment, Inhalation Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins discussesairway physiology and biomechanics the pharmaceutical concerns associated with the respiratory tract as a viable port of drug entry to the body key peptide drugs under development and in use to treat local lung disease, including cyclosporines, interferons, antitrypsins, protease inhibitors, and deoxyribonucleases the systemic delivery of peptide and protein drugs using fine-particle technology gene therapy employing gene delivery through the airways new developments in pulmonary delivery technologies emphasizing inhaled peptide and protein drugs guidelines for the successful introduction of peptide inhalation aerosol products into the marketplace and much more!
Adkins, L. M. (1999). The Caribbean : A Walking and Hiking Guide. Edison, N.J., Hunter Publishing.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [357-358]) and index.
Adkison, R. (1997). Hiking California : Formerly, the Hiker’s Guide to California. Helena, Mt, Falcon Press Pub.
Adkison, R. (1998). Hiking Grand Staircase-Escalante and the Glen Canyon Region. Helena, Mont, Falcon.
Adler, A. and J. E. Coury (1995). The Theory of Numbers : A Text and Source Book of Problems. Boston, Mass, Jones and Bartlett.
Adler, G. and D. Suarez (1993). Union Voices : Labor’s Responses to Crisis. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Adler, P. A. and P. Adler (1998). Peer Power : Preadolescent Culture and Identity. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Adler, S. (1998). The Zen of Selling : The Way to Profit From Life’s Everyday Lessons. New York, AMACOM.
Adriance, M. (1995). Promised Land : Base Christian Communities and the Struggle for the Amazon. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Aercke, K. (1994). Gods of Play : Baroque Festive Performances As Rhetorical Discourse. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Aeschines On the Embassy. New York, N.Y., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aeschylus Agamemnon. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aeschylus The Furies. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aeschylus The Libation-bearers. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aeschylus Prometheus Bound. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aethelwold and B. Yorke (1988). Bishop Aethelwold : His Career and Influence. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell & Brewer.
Æthelwold’s life and his political and ecclesiastical importance in the 10th-century reformation receive thorough scholarly scrutiny in this appraisal of his life and work. The studies include a comparison of Æthelwold’s career with that of other European monastic reformers; a study of Æthelwold’s foundation at Abingdon; and of his involvement with the political crises of the 10th century. Æthelwold’s skills as a scholar are assessed through surviving Latin and Old Englist texts, and as a teacher from the writings of his pupils. The scholarly work of his foundations is highlighted by a detailed study of the text of the Benedictional of St Æthelwold; other essays look at the music and sculpture performed and produced at Æthelwold’s foundations.Contributors: PATRICK WORMALD, ALAN THACKER, BARBARA YORKE, MICHAEL LAPIDGE, ANDREW PRESCOTT, MARY BERRY, ELIZABETH COATSWORTH
Afdhal, N. H. (2000). Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Diseases. New York, CRC Press.
Translating advances in basic science into clinical care for the patient, this greatly needed reference provides an exclusive focus and comprehensive analysis of the physiology, pathophysiology, and management of gallbladder and biliary tract diseases. Destined to be the one-stop resource for both clinical and basic scientists working on diseases of the gallbladder.Written by more than 60 internationally renowned contributors utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Diseases describes the abnormalities associated with gallstone disease and other biliary tract diseases accompanies the latest research in the epidemiology and pathogenesis of gallstones with illustrations outlining treatment possibilities compares laparoscopic cholecystectomy, topical contact dissolution, and nonsurgical therapy of gallstones advocates team approaches for discovering treatment modalities as in the case of common duct strictures discusses new imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance cholangiography and endoscopic ultrasound, from the perspectives of radiologists and endoscopists explores functions and injuries related to the biliary tree and much more!Amply referenced with over 5000 literature citations, photographs, drawings, tables, equations, and an extensive bibliography, Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Diseases is an incomparable reference for gastroenterologists, hepatologists, internists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, and medical school students in these disciplines.
Aftab, P. (2000). The Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill.
Afton, J., et al. (1997). Cheyenne Dog Soldiers : A Ledgerbook History of Coups and Combat. Denver, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Agacinski, S. (1988). Apartâe : Conceptions and Deaths of S²ren Kierkegaard. Gainesville, FL, University Press of Florida.
Agaian, S., et al. (1995). Binary Polynomial Transforms and Nonlinear Digital Filters. New York, CRC Press.
Agarwal, R. P. (2000). Difference Equations and Inequalities : Theory, Methods, and Applications. New York, CRC Press.
A study of difference equations and inequalities. This second edition offers real-world examples and uses of difference equations in probability theory, queuing and statistical problems, stochastic time series, combinatorial analysis, number theory, geometry, electrical networks, quanta in radiation, genetics, economics, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. It features 200 new problems, 400 additional references, and a new chapter on the qualitative properties of solutions of neutral difference equations.
Agarwala, R. and B. World (1997). Old Age Security : Pension Reform in China. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘Based on the findings of a World Bank mission that visited China during August 1995. The mission members were Ramgopal Agarwala (team leader and task manager)…[et al.].’–P. vii.
Ager, D. E. (1996). ‘Francophonie’ in the 1990’s : Problems and Opportunities. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Ager, D. E. (1997). Language, Community and the State. Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
Ager, D. E. (1999). Identity, Insecurity and Image : France and Language. Clevedon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Ager, D. E., et al. (1993). Language Education for Intercultural Communication. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Ager, D. E., et al. (2000). Language, Politics, and Society : The New Languages Department: Festschrift in Honour of Professor D.E. Ager. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Ager, D. J. (1999). Handbook of Chiral Chemicals. New York, CRC Press.
Describes the problems associated with large, commercial-scale syntheses of chiral molecules and the relatively small number of reactions that can be used to achieve these syntheses. The book discusses commercially viable and still-developing methods of compound manufacture, and reviews the best-selling chiral compounds as of 1996.
Ager, S. L. (1996). Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337–90 B.C. Berkeley, Ca, University of California Press.
A great deal of information has come to light over the past several decades about the role of arbitration between the Greek states. Arbitration and mediation were, in fact, central institutions in Hellenistic public life. In this comprehensive study, Sheila Ager brings together the scattered body of literary and epigraphical sources on arbitration, together with up-to-date bibliographic references, and commentary.The sources collected here range widely; Ager presents an exhaustive record of documents ranging from the settlement of a minor territorial squabble between two tiny city-states to the resolution of major conflicts separating the great powers of the day. In addition, Ager’s introduction sets the documents in historical context and outlines distinctions among categories of arbitration. The work also includes indices to literary passages, inscriptions, persons, places, subjects, and Greek and Latin terms in the documents. This collection of many previously inaccessible texts will become a primary resource for any scholar or student working in the field of Hellenistic history.
Aggleton, P., et al. (2000). Framing the Sexual Subject : The Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Power. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This collection brings together the work of writers from a range of disciplines and cultural traditions to explore the social and political dimensions of sexuality and sexual experience. The contributors reconfigure existing notions of gender and sexuality, linking them to deeper understandings of power, resistance, and emancipation around the globe. They map areas that are currently at the cutting edge of social science writing on sexuality, as well as the complex interface between theory and practice. Framing the Sexual Subject highlights the extent to which populations and communities that once were the object of scientific scrutiny have increasingly demanded the right to speak on their own behalf, as subjects of their own sexualities and agents of their own sexual histories.
Aggleton, P., et al. (2000). Young People and Mental Health. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Aghion, P., et al. (1998). Endogenous Growth Theory. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Advanced economies have experienced a tremendous increase in material well- being since the industrial revolution. Modern innovations such as personal computers, laser surgery, jet airplanes, and satellite communication have made us rich and transformed the way we live and work. But technological change has also brought with it a variety of social problems. It has been blamed at various times for increasing wage and income inequality, unemployment, obsolescence of physical and human capital, environmental deterioration, and prolonged recessions.To understand the contradictory effects of technological change on the economy, one must delve into structural details of the innovation process to analyze how laws, institutions, customs, and regulations affect peoples’incentive and ability to create new knowledge and profit from it. To show how this can be done, Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt make use of Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction, the competitive process whereby entrepreneurs constantly seek new ideas that will render their rivals’ideas obsolete.Whereas other books on endogenous growth stress a particular aspect, such as trade or convergence, this book provides a comprehensive survey of the theoretical and empirical debates raised by modern growth theory. It develops a powerful engine of analysis that sheds light not only on economic growth per se, but on the many other phenomena that interact with growth, such as inequality, unemployment, capital accumulation, education, competition, natural resources, international trade, economic cycles, and public policy.
Aglianò, P. and A. Ursini (1996). Logic and Algebra. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Agnew, B. (1980). Fort Gibson, Terminal on the Trail of Tears. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Agosâin, M. (1995). A Cross and a Star : Memoirs of a Jewish Girl in Chile. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Agosin, M. (1995). A Dream of Light & Shadow : Portraits of Latin American Women Writers. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Agosin, M. (1996). Tapestries of Hope, Threads of Love : The Arpillera Movement in Chile, 1974-1994. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Agre, P. and M. Rotenberg (1997). Technology and Privacy : The New Landscape. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Privacy is the capacity to negotiate social relationships by controlling access to personal information. As laws, policies, and technological design increasingly structure people’s relationships with social institutions, individual privacy faces new threats and new opportunities.Over the last several years, the realm of technology and privacy has been transformed, creating a landscape that is both dangerous and encouraging. Significant changes include large increases in communications bandwidths; the widespread adoption of computer networking and public-key cryptography; mathematical innovations that promise a vast family of protocols for protecting identity in complex transactions; new digital media that support a wide range of social relationships; a new generation of technologically sophisticated privacy activists; a massive body of practical experience in the development and application of data-protection laws; and the rapid globalization of manufacturing, culture, and policy making.The essays in this book provide a new conceptual framework for the analysis and debate of privacy policy and for the design and development of information systems. The authors are international experts in the technical, economic, and political aspects of privacy; the book’s strength is its synthesis of the three. The book provides equally strong analyses of privacy issues in the United States, Canada, and Europe.Contributors: Philip E. Agre, Victoria Bellotti, Colin J. Bennett, Herbert Burkert, Simon G. Davies, David H. Flaherty, Robert Gellman, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, David J. Phillips, Rohan Samarajiva.
Aguilar, F. V. (1998). Clash of Spirits : The History of Power and Sugar Planter Hegemony on a Visayan Island. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Ah nen la de, n. (1997). An Indian Boy’s Story. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Presents access to the full text version, in HTML format, of the short story’An Indian Boy’s Story,’written by Daniel La France, under the pseudonym Ah-nen-la-de-ni 1903, and compiled by the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia, a public institution located in Charlottesville. Offers information about the story’s original printing. Includes images taken from the original print version.
Aharoni, Y. (1997). Changing Roles of State Intervention in Services in an Era of Open International Markets. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ahlgren, T. (1999). Organize Your Stuff the Lazy Way. New York, NY, MacMillan USA.
Ahmed, K. (1995). Technological Development and Pollution Abatement : A Study of How Enterprises Are Finding Alternatives to Chlorofluorocarbons. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ahmed, P. A., et al. (1999). Project Finance in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ahmida, A. A. (1994). The Making of Modern Libya : State Formation, Colonization, and Resistance, 1830-1932. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ahrens, T. and K. A. R. Basham (1993). Essentials of Oxygenation : Implication for Clinical Practice. Boston, Mass, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Ahrensdorf, P. J. (1995). The Death of Socrates and the Life of Philosophy : An Interpretation of Plato’s Phaedo. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ahuja, D. R. (1993). The Incremental Cost of Climate Change Mitigation Projects. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ahuja, V. (1997). Everyone’s Miracle? : Revisiting Poverty and Inequality in East Asia. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Aiken, C. The House of Dust. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aiken, C. and V. University of (1996). An Old Man Sees Himself. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aiken, L. R. (1999). Human Differences. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
This text reviews the mass of information concerning the ways in which individuals and groups differ from each other. Reviews of research findings and interpretations are provided on: physical appearance, performance and health; cognitive abilities; personality; and development across the life span. Extensive treatment of foundations (historical, measurement, research methods, biological, social, and cultural) is also provided. Both normal and abnormal behaviors are considered. The book provides an interdisciplinary focus, including material from all the behavior and natural sciences, not just psychology, sociology, or biology.
Ainsworth, P. (2000). Understanding Depression. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Aitken, S. C. (1998). Family Fantasies and Community Space. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Aiyengar, D. S. (1996). I Am Hindu. New York, PowerKids Press.
A child introduces the reader to the Hindu religion.
Ajayi, J. F. A., et al. (1996). The African Experience with Higher Education. Accra, Ohio University Press.
Akabas, S. H., et al. (1992). Disability Management : A Complete System to Reduce Costs, Increase Productivity, Meet Employee Needs, and Ensure Legal Compliance. New York, AMACOM.
Akarli, E. D. (1993). The Long Peace : Ottoman Lebanon, 1861-1920. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Long notorious as one of the most turbulent areas of the world, Lebanon nevertheless experienced an interlude of peace between its civil war of 1860 and the beginning of the French Mandate in 1920. Engin Akarli examines the sociopolitical changes resulting from the negotiations and shifting alliances characteristic of these crucial years.Using previously unexamined documents in Ottoman archives, Akarli challenges the prevailing view that attributes modernization in government to Western initiative while blaming stagnation on reactionary local forces. Instead, he argues, indigenous Lebanese experience in self-rule as well as reconciliation among different religious groups after 1860 laid the foundation for secular democracy. European intervention in Lebanese politics, however, hampered efforts to develop a correspondingly secular notion of Lebanese nationality.As ethnic and religious strife increases throughout much of eastern Europe and the Middle East, the Lebanese example has obvious relevance for our own time.
Alagappa, M. (1998). Asian Security Practice : Material and Ideational Influences. Stanford, Calif, Stanford University Press.
Alagappa, M. and T. Inoguchi (1999). International Security Management and the United Nations. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Al-Asady, R. (1995). Inheritance Theory : An Artificial Intelligence Approach. Norwood, N.J., Intellect Books.
Alasuutari, P. (1992). Desire and Craving : A Cultural Theory of Alcoholism. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Alatis, J. E. (1991). Linguistics and Language Pedagogy : The State of the Art. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Alatis, J. E. (1996). Educational Linguistics, Crosscultural Communication, and Global Interdependence. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Alatis, J. E., et al. (1996). Linguistics, Language Acquisition, and Language Variation : Current Trends and Future Prospects. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Alazraki, J. and I. Ivask (1978). The Final Island : The Fiction of Julio Cortâazar. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Albano, L., et al. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pro Wrestling. New York, NY, Alpha Books.
Albarran, A. B. and S. M. Chan-Olmsted (1998). Global Media Economics : Commercialization, Concentration, and Integration of World Media Markets. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Companion volume to: Media economics : understanding markets, industries, and concepts / Alan B. Albarran. 1996.
Albers, P. and S. Murphy (2000). Telling Pieces : Art As Literacy in Middle School Classes. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
Telling Pieces is an exploration of how pre-adolescent middle-school children develop a knowledge and understanding of the conventions of art (art as literacy) and how they use this knowledge to create representations of their lives in a small midwestern U.S. town. Beginning with an overview of social semiotics and emergent literacy theorizing, the authors set the stage for their study of sixth graders involved in art. A galleria of children’s artworks is presented, allowing readers/viewers to consider these texts independent of the authors’interpretations of them. Then, set against the galleria is the story of the community and school contexts in which the artworks are produced–contexts in which racism, homophobia, and the repression of creativity are often the norm. The interpretation the authors bring to bear on the artworks reveals stories that the artworks may or may not tell on their own. But the tales of artistic literacy achievement are counterbalanced by reflection about the content of the artworks produced, because the artworks reveal the impossibility for students to imagine beyond the situational bounds of racism, homophobia, and religiosity. The authors conclude by raising questions about the kinds of conditions that make literacy in art possible. In doing so, they explore selected alternative models and, in addition, ask readers to consider the implications of the ideological issues underlying teaching children how to represent their ideas. They also advocate for a participatory pedagogy of possibility founded on ethical relational principles in the creation and interpretation of visual text. Of particular interest to school professionals, researchers, and graduate students in literacy or art education, this pioneering book: • brings together the fields of art education and literacy education through its focus on how middle school students come to work with and understand the semiotic systems, • introduces sociolinguistic, sociological, and postmodernist perspectives to thinking about children’s work with art–adding a new dimension to the psychological and developmental descriptions that have tended to dominate thinking in the field, • includes a galleria of 40 examples of children’s artwork, providing a unique opportunity for readers/viewers to interpret and consider the artwork of the sixth graders independent of the authors’interpretations, • presents descriptions of art teaching in process, • gives considerable attention to the interpretation of the children’s artworks and the influences that contribute to the content they represent, and • considers varying models of art education along with the implications of introducing new representational possibilities.
Albert, C. B. and D. Goble (1999). Little Giant : The Life and Times of Speaker Carl Albert. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Albert, D. and J. Lukas (1999). Knowledge Spaces : Theories, Empirical Research, and Applications. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
Based on the formal concept of’knowledge structures’originally proposed by Jean-Claude Falmagne and Jean-Paul Doignon, this book contains descriptions of methodological developments and experimental investigations as well as applications for various knowledge domains. The authors address three main topics: • theoretical issues and extensions of Doignon & Falmagne’s theory of knowledge structures; • empirical validations of specific problem types and knowledge domains, such as sentence comprehension, problem solving in chess, inductive reasoning, elementary mathematical reasoning, and others; and • application of knowledge structures in various contexts, including knowledge assessment, intelligent tutoring systems, and motor learning. Unlike most other approaches in the literature in cognitive psychology, this book provides both a rigorous mathematical formulation of knowledge-related psychological concepts and its empirical validation by experimental data.
Albitz, P. (1998). DNS on Windows NT. Sebastopol, Calif, O’Reilly.
Albitz, P. and C. Liu (1998). DNS and BIND. Beijing [China], O’Reilly.
Albrecht, D. and A. Ziderman (1991). Deferred Cost Recovery for Higher Education : Student Loan Programs in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Albrecht, E. J. (1995). The New American Circus. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Albrecht, K. (1994). The Northbound Train : Finding the Purpose, Setting the Direction, Shaping the Destiny of Your Organization. New York, AMACOM.
Albrecht, K. (2000). Corporate Radar : Tracking the Forces That Are Shaping Your Business. New York, AMACOM.
Albrecht, S. (1996). Crisis Management for Corporate Self-defense : How to Protect Your Organization in a Crisis– How to Stop a Crisis Before It Starts. New York, AMACOM.
Albright, H. M. and M. A. Schenck (1999). Creating the National Park Service : The Missing Years. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Albritton, J. (1999). Cisco IOS Essentials. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Albro, W. S. and P. G. Guerrero (1996). To Die on Your Feet : The Life, Times, and Writings of Prâaxedis G. Guerrero. Fort Worth, Tex, Texas Christian University Press.
Alcott, L. M. Flower Fables. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alcott, L. M. Little Women and Good Wives. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alcott, L. M. (1996). Hospital Sketches and Camp and Fireside Stories. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alcott, L. M. and V. University of (1996). The Blind Lark. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alcott, L. M. and V. University of (1996). Scarlet Stockings. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aldenderfer, M. S. (1993). Domestic Architecture, Ethnicity, and Complementarity in the South-Central Andes. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Domestic Architecture, Ethnicity, and Complementarity in the South-Central Andes is a comprehensive and challenging look at the burgeoning field of Andean domestic architecture. Aldenderfer and fourteen contributors use domestic architecture to explore two major topics in the prehistory of the south-central Andes: the development of different forms of complementary relationships between highland and lowland peoples and the definition of the ethnic affiliations of these peoples.
Alderman, H. (1998). Social Assistance in Albania : Decentralization and Targeted Transfers. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Aldrich, B. S. (1996). A Long-distance Call From Jim. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Presents access to the full text version, in HTML format, of the short story’A Long-Distance Call From Jim’written by American author Bess Streeter Aldrich (1881-1954) in 1919, and compiled by the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia, a public institution located in Charlottesville. Offers information about the work’s original printing. Includes images taken from the original print version.
Aldrich, B. S. and V. University of (1996). Mother’s Excitement Over Father’s Old Sweetheart. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aldrich, R. and J. Connell (1992). France’s Overseas Frontier : Départements Et Territoires D’outre-mer. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
This 1992 book is a full-length study in English of the’confetti of empire’, the former French colonies which have not gained their independence but remain part of France as the départements et territoires d’outre-mer (DOM-TOMs). More recent French governments have shown a determination to retain these possessions, despite independence movements (notably in New Caledonia) and international criticism. The authors’comprehensive description of the history, economy, geography and politics of the DOM-TOMs will make this the standard English reference on France’s overseas territories.
Aldrich, R. J. and R. J. Kremer (1997). Principles in Weed Management. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Previously published: Weed-crop ecology. N. Scituate, Mass. : Breton Publishers, c1984.
Aldrich, T. B. The Cruise of the Dolphin. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aldrich, T. B. An Old Town by the Sea. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aldrich, T. B. The Sisters’ Tragedy, with Other Poems, Lyrical and Dramatic. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aldrich, T. B. The Story of a Bad Boy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The boyhood adventures of a mischievous lad in nineteenth-century New England are based on the author’s own experiences.
Aldrich, T. B. Wyndham Towers. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aldrich, T. B. and V. University of (1996). Ponkapog Papers. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aldridge, D. (1999). Music Therapy in Palliative Care : New Voices. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Aldridge, M. (1996). Child Language. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Proceedings of the Child Language Seminar, University of Wales, Bangor, School of English and Linguistics, Mar. 28-30, 1994.
Aldridge, M. and J. Wood (1998). Interviewing Children : A Guide for Child Care and Forensic Practitioners. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Alejandro, R. (1993). Hermeneutics, Citizenship, and the Public Sphere. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Alemneh, D. (1997). Land Degradation in Tanzania : Perception From the Village. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Alesina, A., et al. (1997). Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
The relationship between political and economic cycles is one of the most widely studied topics in political economics. This book examines how electoral laws, the timing of elections, the ideological orientation of governments, and the nature of competition between political parties influence unemployment, economic growth, inflation, and monetary and fiscal policy. The book presents both a thorough overview of the theoretical literature and a vast amount of empirical evidence.A common belief is that voters reward incumbents who artificially create favorable conditions before an election, even though the economy may take a turn for the worse immediately thereafter. The authors argue that the dynamics of political cycles are far more complex. In their review of the main theoretical approaches to the issues, they demonstrate the multifaceted relationships between macroeconomic and political policies. They also present a broad range of empirical data, from the United States as well as OECD countries. One of their most striking findings is that the United States is not exceptional; the relationships between political and economic cycles are remarkably similar in other democracies, particularly those with two-party systems.
Alexander, E. (1998). Irving Howe : Socialist, Critic, Jew. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Alexander, E. P., et al. (1997). The Museum in America : Innovators and Pioneers. Walnut Creek, AltaMira Press.
The Museum in America captures the life stories of thirteen visionary museum leaders who helped transform the 19th century’s collection of curios into today’s institution of public service and education. In the lively style of Museum Masters, Alexander recounts the stories of pioneers in American history, science, art, and general museums. For anyone interested in the history of the museum, this volume is the place to start.
Alexander, G. S. (1999). Commodity & Propriety : Competing Visions of Property in American Legal Thought, 1776-1970. Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press.
Most people understand property as something that is owned, a means of creating individual wealth. But in Commodity and Propriety, the first full-length history of the meaning of property, Gregory Alexander uncovers in American legal writing a competing vision of property that has existed alongside the traditional conception. Property, Alexander argues, has also been understood as proprietary, a mechanism for creating and maintaining a properly ordered society. This view of property has even operated in periods—such as the second half of the nineteenth century—when market forces seemed to dominate social and legal relationships. In demonstrating how the understanding of property as a private basis for the public good has competed with the better-known market-oriented conception, Alexander radically rewrites the history of property, with significant implications for current political debates and recent Supreme Court decisions.
Alexander, H. B. and V. University of (1998). American Indian Myth Poems. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alexander, J. E. and M. A. Tate (1999). Web Wisdom : How to Evaluate and Create Information Quality on the Web. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Alexander, L. (1996). Career Planning for Women : How to Make a Positive Impact on Your Working Life. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Alexander, L. (1996). Finding a Job With a Future : How to Identify and Work in Growth Industries and Services. [N.p.], How To Books.
Alexander, L. (1996). Surviving Redundancy : How to Take Charge of Yourself and Your Future. [N.p.], How To Books.
Alexander, L. (1997). Career Networking : How to Develop the Right Contacts to Help You Throughout Your Working Life. Oxford, How To Books, Ltd.
Alexander, L. (1997). Learning New Job Skills : How and Where to Obtain the Right Training to Help You Get on at Work. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Alexander, M. (1998). The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Alexander, P. (1997). Inland. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Pamela Alexander’s poetry is characterized by inventive language, scrupulous accuracy of imagery, and a winning fusion of the comic and the deeply serious. Her subjects vary as widely as her settings, which range from the New Hampshire woods to the Arizona desert. A family life eccentric to the point of chaos, close observations of wildlife, and coastal sailing are among the poet’s topics. Despite this variety, Inland has an emerging organization that suggests a kind of plot. The family is left behind in the way that families of origin always are, revealed fully only in perspective: “foghorns / in the harbor, two different pitches / at different intervals / repeating so often I didn’t hear them / and their accidental harmonies / until I’d left town.” Shifting toward the subject of new relationships, in her diatribe against a past (and passing) lover Alexander gives a new twist to the fact that this subject has been fair game for poets for centuries: “…you could say hello, you canoe-footed fur-faced / musk ox, pockets full of cheese and acorns / and live fish and four-headed winds and sky…” James Merrill, praising Alexander’s first book, called it “a wonderful achievement. Her language is now simple, now playful, now extremely poignant.” This is an apt description of Inland as well, a book that shows Alexander in witty yet serious engagement with the world. The longest poem here, “Swallowing the Anchor” (the title is the sailors’term for giving up the sea), is also the most directly personal. It closes the section of the book in which the poet comes to terms with losses, including the death of the loved one. She does this with grace—and her wit is not jokes, her poignancy is not sentimentality.
Alexander, R. (1992). Commonsense Time Management. New York, NY, AMACOM.
Alfa, A. S. and S. R. Chakravarthy (1997). Matrix-analytic Methods in Stochastic Models. New York, CRC Press.
Based on the proceedings of the first International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods (MAM) in Stochastic Models, held in Flint, Michigan, this book presents a general working knowledge of MAM through tutorial articles and application papers. It furnishes information on MAM studies carried out in the former Soviet Union.
Alfassi, Z. B. (1997). Peroxyl Radicals. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Alfassi, Z. B. (1998). N-centered Radicals. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Alfassi, Z. B. (1999). General Aspects of the Chemistry of Radicals. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Alfassi, Z. B. (1999). S-centered Radicals. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Alfèodi, A. and H. Mattingly (1969). The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
This translation originally published 1948.
Alford, C. F. (1985). Science and the Revenge of Nature : Marcuse & Habermas. Gainesville, FL, University Press of Florida.
Alford-Cooper, F. (1998). For Keeps : Marriages That Last a Lifetime. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Alger, C. F. (1998). The Future of the United Nations System : Potential for the Twenty-first Century. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Alger, C. F., et al. (1995). The United Nations System : The Policies of Member States. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
‘UNUP-884′–T.p. verso.
Alger, D. (1998). Megamedia : How Giant Corporations Dominate Mass Media, Distort Competition, and Endanger Democracy. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.
Alger, H. Ballads. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alger, H. The Cash Boy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alger, H. Frank’s Campaign : Or, The Farm and the Camp. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alger, H. Phil, the Fiddler. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alger, H. Ragged Dick. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. Struggling Upward. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. (1993). Cast Upon the Breakers. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and G. Project (1996). The Errand Boy, Or, How Phil Brent Won Success. Champaign, IL, Project Gutenberg.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). Bound to Rise : Or, Up the Ladder. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). The Cash Boy. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). Driven From Home : Or, Carl Crawford’s Experience. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). Joe the Hotel Boy : Or, Winning Out by Pluck. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). Paul Prescott’s Charge : A Story for Boys. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1996). Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life in New York. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Alger, H. and V. University of (1997). Paul the Peddler, Or, The Fortunes of a Young Street Merchant. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Al-Gwaiz, M. A. (1992). Theory of Distributions. New York, M. Dekker.
Ali, R., et al. (1997). Sri Lanka’s Rubber Industry : Succeeding in the Global Market. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ali, R., et al. (1997). Sri Lanka’s Tea Industry : Succeeding in the Global Market. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Aljafri, A. M. and N. K. Andrew (1998). Fundamentals of Surgical Practice. London, Cambridge University Press.
Fundamentals of Surgical Practice is the essential textbook for the MRCS and the AFRCSEd. Exactly mirroring the unified syllabus, it gives the trainee a clear understanding of the core knowledge required to succeed in the examinations and stands apart from other textbooks in its direct relevance to the new examination. The chapters have been written by acknowledged experts in their field, many of whom are themselves involved in the training and examining of candidates, and the content has been designed to make learning as efficient as possible, whilst at the same time providing adequate detail, key points and suggestions for further reading. In addition to a detailed index, each chapter has its own table of contents to enhance ease of use. Fundamentals of Surgical Practice is indispensable for the trainee, and also provides the established surgeon and other healthcare professionals working in the surgical environment with a modern, authoritative overview of the key areas of surgical practice.
Al-Khalili, J. (1999). Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines. Bristol, UK, Taylor & Francis.
Do you know:What might happen if you fall into a black hole?That the Universe does not have an edge?That the reason it gets dark at night is proof of the Big Bang?That cosmic particles time-travel through the atmosphere defying death?That our past, present and future might all coexist’out there’?With two remarkable ideas, Albert Einstein revolutionized our view of the Universe. His first was that nothing can travel faster than light-the ultimate speed limit. This simple fact leads to the unavoidable conclusion that space and time must be linked together forever as Spacetime. With his second monumental insight, Einstein showed how Spacetime is warped and stretched by the gravity of all objects in the Universe and even punctured by black holes. But such possible twisting of Spacetime allowed a magic not even Einstein could have imagined: time-travel.Theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili finally lays science fiction to rest as he opens up Einstein’s Universe. Leading us gently and light-heartedly through the dizzying world of our space and time, he even gives us the recipe for a time machine, capable of taking us Back to the Future, to Alice’s Wonderland, or on a trip with the Terminator.
Allaby, M. (1998). A Dictionary of Ecology. New York, Oxford University Press.
Rev ed. of: Concise Oxford dictionary of ecology. 1994.
Allaby, M. (1998). Dictionary of Plant Sciences. [N.p.], Oxford University Press.
Allaby, M. (1999). A Dictionary of Zoology. New York, Oxford University Press.
Rev. ed. of: Concise Oxford dictionary of zoology. 1991.
Allan, D., et al. (1999). ?What If! : How to Start a Creative Revolution at Work. Oxford, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Allan, S. (1991). The Shape of the Turtle : Myth, Art, and Cosmos in Early China. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Allan, S. (1997). The Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Allaoua, Z. and B. World (1996). India : Five Years of Stabilization and Reform and the Challenges Ahead. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘Prepared by a team led by Zoubida Allaoua’–P. vii.
Allara, P. and A. Neel (1998). Pictures of People : Alice Neel’s American Portrait Gallery. Hanover, NH, University Press of New England.
Allchin, A. M. (1991). Praise Above All : Discovering the Welsh Tradition. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Allee, V. (1997). The Knowledge Evolution : Expanding Organizational Intelligence. Boston, Mass, Routledge.
The Knowledge Evolution offers a unique and powerful road map for understanding knowledge creation, learning, and performance in everyday work. This book reframes current thinking by delving into the hidden world of knowledge supporting both individual and organizational performance, laying the foundation for the emerging art of knowledge management. Packed with best practices from leading edge companies, essential guidelines, design principles, analogies, and conceptual frameworks, it serves as a practical guidebook for mastering the Knowledge Era. It will help managers make more intelligent decisions about knowledge creation, reduce wasteful technology investments and lead to new ease and confidence in applying knowledge and learning principles for themselves and for their organizations. Verna Allee delves into current thinking and practice to unravel the genetic code of knowledge itself. This revolutionary approach has surfaced a simple and elegant knowledge archetype. She demonstrates how this archetype can help us deal with complexity and suggests ways of self-organizing that make profound sense in today’s networked enterprises. From strategies for core knowledge competencies to the key components of individual expertise, The Knowledge Evolution zeroes in on the critical success factors for the knowledge-based enterprise. What emerges is an approach to knowledge management that is simple enough to communicate at every level of the organization, yet rich enough to encompass all the complexity of modern enterprises.Verna Allee is the founder of Integral Performance Group, a consulting practice in California that specializes in the learning organization, knowledge competencies, organizational systems change, systems thinking, total quality and learning, benchmarking support, best practices research, and strategic development. She holds a degree in the Study of Human Consciousness and her work is informed by a deep interest in intelligence, human development, cognition, intuition and consciousness. She is the author of Learning Links: Enhancing Individual and Team Performance, Pfeiffer and Co-Jossey Bass, 1996.
Allen, B. and B. Gilbert (1999). The 500 Home Run Club : Baseball’s 15 Greatest Home Run Hitters From Aaron to Williams. Champaign, IL, Perseus Books, LLC.
Allen, C. (1993). Eisenhower and the Mass Media : Peace, Prosperity, & Prime-time TV. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
A UNC Press Enduring Edition — UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.
Allen, C. (1996). Following Djuna : Women Lovers and the Erotics of Loss. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Allen, C. and M. Bekoff (1997). Species of Mind : The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
Colin Allen (a philosopher) and Marc Bekoff (a cognitive ethologist) approach their work from a perspective that considers arguments about evolutionary continuity to be as applicable to the study of animal minds and brains as they are to comparative studies of kidneys, stomachs, and hearts. Cognitive ethologists study the comparative, evolutionary, and ecological aspects of the mental phenomena of animals. Philosophy can provide cognitive ethology with an analytical basis for attributing cognition to nonhuman animals and for studying it, and cognitive ethology can help philosophy to explain mentality in naturalistic terms by providing data on the evolution of cognition. This interdiscipinary approach reveals flaws in common objections to the view that animals have minds.The heart of the book is this reciprocal relationship between philosophical theories of mind and empirical studies of animal cognition. All theoretical discussion is carefully tied to case studies, particularly in the areas of antipredatory vigilance and social play, where there are many points of contact with philosophical discussions of intentionality and representation. Allen and Bekoff make specific suggestions about how to use philosophical theories of intentionality as starting points for empirical investigation of animal minds, and they stress the importance of studying animals other than nonhuman primates.
Allen, C. and M. Hand (1992). Logic Primer. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Allen, C., et al. (1998). Internet World Guide to One-to-one Web Marketing. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, C. H. (1997). Africa Bibliography 1996 : Works Published on Africa in 1996. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Includes index.
Allen, C. M. C., et al. (1989). The Management of Acute Stroke. Baltimore, Md, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Allen, D. and E. O. Springsted (1994). Spirit, Nature, and Community : Issues in the Thought of Simone Weil. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Allen, D. G. and K. McDermott (1993). Accounting for Success : A History of Price Waterhouse in America, 1890-1990. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Allen, D. W. (1994). Sexuality in Victorian Fiction. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Allen, E. C. (2007). A Fallen Idol Is Still a God : Lermontov and the Quandaries of Cultural Transition. Stanford, Stanford University Press.
Allen, E. J. B. (1993). From Skisport to Skiing : One Hundred Years of an American Sport, 1840-1940. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Allen, F. L. (1997). Only Yesterday : An Informal History of the 1920’s. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Originally published: New York : Harper and Brothers, 1931.
Allen, J. As a Man Thinketh. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Allen, J. (1996). Sinuosities, Lesbian Poetic Politics. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Allen, J. G. (1990). Jeff Allen’s Best. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, J. G. (1995). The Resume Makeover. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index
Allen, J. J. (1979). Don Quixote, Hero or Fool : Part II. Gainesville, Fla, University Press of Florida.
Allen, J. L. (1996). Texas on Stamps. Fort Worth, Tex, Texas Christian University Press.
Allen, K. (1997). Fianna Fâail and Irish Labour : 1926 to the Present. London, Pluto Press.
Allen, L. D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1981). Animal Farm : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, L. D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1982). All the King’s Men : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, L. D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1982). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, L. D. and J. L. Roberts (1980). The Prince and the Pauper : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Allen, M. (1998). Rodeo Cowboys In The North American Imagination. Reno, University of Nevada Press.
Rodeo is an enduring relic of America’s popular culture, drawing capacity audiences to all its venues, from small western cowtowns to Madison Square Garden. The rodeo cowboy, that figure of rugged independence and solitary courage, continues to evoke the spirit of a vanished frontier and the hardy pioneers who conquered it. In this study historian Michael Allen examines the image of the rodeo cowboy and the role this image has played in popular culture over the past century. He sees rodeo as a significant American folk festival and the rodeo cowboy as the avatar of a nearly extinct authentic figure, the “real cowboy,” who embodies the skills and values of traditional western rural culture. Allen’s analysis explores the evolution of the myth of the rodeo man and its subsequent institutionalization and acculturation into the media of popular culture. He also examines the impact on this myth of significant changes in the rodeo milieu—the commercialization of the event and the professionalization of rodeo performers; the arrival on the rodeo scene of performers from outside the white, male, western, rural origins of the traditional cowboy performers. He discovers that America’s—and indeed the world’s—fascination with the rodeo cowboy reflects feelings far deeper than a taste for exciting entertainment. Allen’s discussion of the archetypal figure of the rodeo cowboy will change forever our perception of rodeo, but it will also help us understand how the ancient tension between frontier and civilization continues to play a role in our national imagination.
Allen, M. and R. Sakamoto (2006). Popular Culture, Globalization and Japan. London, Routledge.
Japanese popular culture is constantly evolving in the face of internal and external influence. Popular Culture, Globalization and Japan examines this evolution from a new and challenging perspective by focusing on the movements of popular culture into and out of Japan. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the book argues that a key factor behind the changing nature of Japanese popular culture lies in its engagement with globalization. Essays from a team of leading international scholars illustrate this crucial interaction between the flows of Japanese popular culture and the constant development of globalization. Drawing on rich empirical content, this book looks at Japanese popular culture as it traverses international borders flowing out through such forms as manga consumption in New Zealand and flowing in through such forms as foreigners writing about Japan in Japanese and how American influences affected the formation of Japan’s gay identity. Presenting current, confronting and sometimes controversial insights into the many forms of Japanese popular culture emerging within this global context, Popular Culture, Globalization and Japan will make essential reading for those working in Japanese studies, cultural studies and international relations.
Allen, M. J. B. (1994). Nuptial Arithmetic : Marsilio Ficino’s Commentary on the Fatal Number in Book VIII of Plato’s Republic. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Allen, M. P. (1997). Understanding Regression Analysis. New York, Springer.
Proceeding on the assumption that it is possible to develop a sufficient understanding of this technique without resorting to mathematical proofs and statistical theory, Understanding Regression Analysis explores Descriptive statistics using vector notation and the components of a simple regression model; the logic of sampling distributions and simple hypothesis testing; the basic operations of matrix algebra and the properties of the multiple regression model; the testing of compound hypotheses and the application of the regression model to the analysis of variance and covariance; and structural equation models and influence statistics.
Allen, P. G. (1998). Off the Reservation : Reflections on Boundary-busting Border-crossing Loose Canons. Boston, Mass, Beacon Press.
Allen, P. L. (1992). The Art of Love : Amatory Fiction From Ovid to the Romance of the Rose. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Two major French medieval literary works that claim to teach their readers the art of love are virtually torn apart by the contradictions and conflicts they contain. In Andreas Capellanus’s late twelfth-century Latin De amore, the author instructs his friend Walter in the amatory art in the first two books, but then harshly repudiates his own teachings and love itself in a third and final book. In Jean de Meun’s encyclopedic continuation of the Romance of the Rose, written in French in the 1270s, a succession of allegorical figures alternately promote and excoriate the lover’s amatory pursuits. Jean’s romance, moreover, virtually rewrites the dream vision of Guillaume de Lorris, which it claims simply to extend, and ends with the depiction of a sexual act that seems to throw the book’s whole structure into confusion. The more closely one reads these works, Peter Allen contends, the harder it is to understand them:’Didactic, heavy-handed, and problematic, they teach would-be lovers how to behave in order to have others accomplish their desires, yet they also contain vociferous passages that dissuade their protagonists from the practice of this art, which, they claim, leads not only to earthly destruction but also to eternal damnation.’Readers from the Middle Ages to the present have been troubled by the fact that these texts are both radically self-contradictory and fundamentally at odds with the accepted morality of medieval Christian Europe. And for decades, scholars have tried to determine how these two works are related to what is often referred to as’courtly love.’In The Art of Love, Allen persuasively argues that the De amore and the Romance of the Rose are central to the courtly tradition. Allen contends that their conflicts and contradictions are not signs of confusion or artistic failure, but are instead essential clues which show that the medieval works follow the disruptive structural model of Ovid’s first-century elegiac Ars amatoria (Art of Love) and Remedia amoris (Cures for Love). Andreas’s and Jean’s works, no less than Ovid’s, teach not the art of love for practicing lovers, but the literary art of love poetry and fiction. Based squarely on Ovid’s poems, which were among the most widely read classical texts in medieval Europe, the De amore and the Romance of the Rose use the classical tradition in a particularly assertive fashion – and suggest a way for fantasies of love to exist even against a background of ecclesiastical prohibition.
Allen, R. (2006). Priorities in Practice : The Essentials of Science, Grades K-6: Effective Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Alexandria, Va, Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Allen, R. C. (1991). Horrible Prettiness : Burlesque and American Culture. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Robert Allen’s compelling book examines burlesque not only as popular entertainment but also as a complex and transforming cultural phenomenon. When Lydia Thompson and her controversial female troupe of’British Blondes’brought modern burlesque to the United States in 1868, the result was electric. Their impertinent humor, streetwise manner, and provocative parodies of masculinity brought them enormous popular success–and the condemnation of critics, cultural commentators, and even women’s rights campaigners.Burlesque was a cultural threat, Allen argues, because it inverted the’normal’world of middle-class social relations and transgressed norms of’proper’feminine behavior and appearance. Initially playing to respectable middle-class audiences, burlesque was quickly relegated to the shadow-world of working-class male leisure. In this process the burlesque performer’lost’her voice, as burlesque increasingly revolved around the display of her body.Locating burlesque within the context of both the social transformation of American theater and its patterns of gender representation, Allen concludes that burlesque represents a fascinating example of the potential transgressiveness of popular entertainment forms, as well as the strategies by which they have been contained and their threats defused.
Allen, T. D. (1982). Writing to Create Ourselves : New Approaches for Teachers, Students, and Writers. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Allen, T. D. and L. T. d. T. Eby (2007). The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring : A Multiple Perspectives Approach. Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell.
Cutting across the fields of psychology, management, education, counseling, social work, and sociology, The Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring reveals an innovative, multi-disciplinary approach to the practice and theory of mentoring. Provides a complete, multi-disciplinary look at the practice and theory of mentoring and demonstrates its advantages Brings together, for the first time, expert researchers from the three primary areas of mentoring: workplace, academy, and community Leading scholars provide critical analysis on important literature concerning theoretical approaches and methodological issues in the field Final section presents an integrated perspective on mentoring relationships and projects a future agenda for the field
Allenby, B. R., et al. (1994). The Greening of Industrial Ecosystems. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
‘National Academy of Engineering.’
Allensworth, D. D. and M. Institute of (1997). Schools and Health : Our Nation’s Investment. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Schools and Health is a readable and well-organized book on comprehensive school health programs (CSHPs) for children in grades K-12. The book explores the needs of today’s students and how those needs can be met through CSHP design and development. The committee provides broad recommendations for CSHPs, with suggestions and guidelines for national, state, and local actions. The volume examines how communities can become involved, explores models for CSHPs, and identifies elements of successful programs. Topics include: The history of and precedents for health programs in schools. The state of the art in physical education, health education, health services, mental health and pupil services, and nutrition and food services. Policies, finances, and other elements of CSHP infrastructure. Research and evaluation challenges. Schools and Health will be important to policymakers in health and education, school administrators, school physicians and nurses, health educators, social scientists, child advocates, teachers, and parents.
Allman, P. L. (1998). Exploring Careers in Video and Digital Video. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Describes the various careers available in television and how to acquire the necessary training and preparation.
Allmendinger, B., et al. (1999). Over the Edge : Remapping the American West. Berkeley, University of California Press.
From the Gold Rush to rush hour, the history of the American West is fraught with diverse, subversive, and at times downright eccentric elements. This provocative volume challenges traditional readings of western history and literature, and redraws the boundaries of the American West with absorbing essays ranging widely on topics from tourism to immigration, from environmental battles to interethnic relations, and from law to film. Taken together, the essays reassess the contributions of a diverse and multicultural America to the West, as they link western issues to global frontiers.Featuring the latest work by some of the best new writers both inside and outside academia, the original essays in Over the Edge confront the traditional field of western American studies with a series of radical, speculative, and sometimes outrageous challenges. The collection reads the West through Ben-Hur and the films of Mae West; revises the western American literary canon to include the works of African American and Mexican American writers; examines the implications of miscegenation law and American Indian blood quantum requirements; and brings attention to the historical participation of Mexican and Japanese American women, Native American slaves, and Alaskan cannery workers in community life.
Allsopp, M. E. (1999). Ethics and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Scranton, University of Scranton Press.
Almaguer, T. (1994). Racial Fault Lines : The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Almeida, I. A. d. (1994). Francophone African Women Writers : Destroying the Emptiness of Silence. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Alonzo, A. C. (1998). Tejano Legacy : Rancheros and Settlers in South Texas, 1734-1900. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
This is a pathbreaking study of Tejano ranchers and settlers in the Lower Río Grande Valley from their colonial roots to 1900. The first book to delineate and assess the complexity of Mexican-Anglo interaction in south Texas, it also shows how Tejanos continued to play a leading role in the commercialization of ranching after 1848 and how they maintained a sense of community. Despite shifts in jurisdiction, the tradition of Tejano land holding acted as a stabilizing element and formed an important part of Tejano history and identity. The earliest settlers arrived in the 1730s and established numerous ranchos and six towns along the river. Through a careful study of land and tax records, brands and bills of sale of livestock, wills, population and agricultural censuses, and oral histories, Alonzo shows how Tejanos adapted to change and maintained control of their ranchos through the 1880s, when Anglo encroachment and changing social and economic conditions eroded most of the community’s land base.
Alsaker, F. D., et al. (1999). The Adolescent Experience : European and American Adolescents in the 1990s. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
The opening of the borders to Eastern Europe has expanded our view on European diversities and offered new opportunities to examine the effects of the heterogeneity in European cultural backgrounds and political systems on personality and social development. This book is a first step in utilizing the rich cultural resource offered by the large number of cultural units represented in Europe and–at least in part–in the United States. One way to understand the life conditions of adolescents in different countries is to study what they actually do in everyday life and how much time they spend on what types of activities. This book also provides essential and new information about individual and societal priorities and values. Toward this end, the’Euronet’scientists set up a postdoctoral training workshop on adolescent psychology for 10 selected American and 10 selected European participants. The Euronet project comprises 13 different samples–six stemming from Middle and Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, the Czechoslovakian Federal Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and Romania), six from Western European countries (Finland, France, Germany, Norway, French, and German Switzerland), and one from the United States (Michigan). This book reports the results of this large, cross-national, longitudinal study of adolescents and the world(s) in which they live, and is offered to all those who have an interest in adolescence and/or the diversity of Europe. Readers will learn about hundreds of features of adolescence which are more or less characteristic of the cultures, ages, and genders.
Alshawi, H. (1992). The Core Language Engine. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Alsmeyer, M. B. (1995). Six Years After D-Day : Cycling Through Europe. Denton, Tex, University of North Texas Press.
Includes index.
Alston, J. P. and S. Y. He (1997). Business Guide to Modern China. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Altemus, H. The History of Tom Thumb : To Which Are Added, the Stories of the Cat and the Mouse, And, Fire! Fire! Burn Stick! Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Alter, J. (1990). A Sociosemiotic Theory of Theatre. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Alter, J. C. (1962). Jim Bridger. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
On March 20, 1822, the Missouri Republican published a notice addressed “to enterprising young men” in the St. Louise area. “The subscriber,” it said “wishes to engage one hundred young men to ascend the Missouri River to its source, there to be employed for one, two, or three years. For particulars enquire of Major Andrew Henry… or of the subscriber near St. Louise.” The “subscriber” was General William H. Ashley, and among the “enterprising young men” who embarked with Major Henry less than a month later was eighteen-year-old James Bridger, former blacksmith’s apprentice. So began the Ashley-Henry fur empire and the long, colorful career of Jim Bridger. In the years that followed, Jim Bridger became a master mountain man, an expert trapper, and a guide without equal. He came to know the Rocky Mountain region and its inhabitants as a farmer knows his fields and flocks. Indeed, J. Cecil Alter tells us, “he was among the first white men to use the Indian trail over South Pass; he was first to taste the waters of the Great Salt lake, first to report a two-ocean stream, foremost in describing the Yellowstone Park phenomena, and the only man to run the Big Horn River rapid on a raft; and he originally selected the Crow Creek-Sherman-Dale Creek route the Laramie Mountains and Bridger’s Pass over the Continental Divide, which were adopted by the Union pacific Railroad.” Such knowledge, together with extraordinary skill and uncanny luck, preserved Jim Bridger in a country where nearly half of his mountain companions met violent death. It also gave rise to a brood of impossible tales about Old Gabe and his adventures-tales which he himself may unwittingly have helped along with his droll humor. Based on Mr. Alter’s original biography of 1925 (a facsimile edition of which, with addenda, appeared in 1950) and a wealth of new facts gleaned from many years of careful research, Jim Bridger is the authentic story of the Old Scout’s life. Only those events in which Bridger took part are included; improbable and uncorroborated stories, however interesting, have been omitted.
Alter, N. M. (1996). Vietnam Protest Theatre : The Television War on Stage. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Althusser, L., et al. (1999). Writings on Psychoanalysis : Freud and Lacan. New York, N.Y., Columbia University Press.
Altman, A. and R. R. Colwell (1998). Agricultural Biotechnology. New York, CRC Press.
This work integrates basic biotechnological methodologies with up-to-date agricultural practices, offering solutions to specific agricultural needs and problems from plant and crop yield to animal husbandry. It presents and evaluates the limitations of classical methodologies and the potential of novel and emergent agriculturally related biotechnologies.
Altman, S. (1997). Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage. [N.p.], Facts On File.
Altman, T. A. (1998). FDA and USDA Nutrition Labeling Guide : Decision Diagrams, Checklists, and Regulations. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
A workbook for day-to-day decisions Nutrition labels on various food products must comply with numerous, ever-changing requirements. Items such as meat and poultry products, food packages, and dietary supplements are subject to stringent federal regulations-and the costs of compliance are often significant. The Nutritional Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) imposed new mandates for labeling of many packaged food products; still others became subject to a voluntary nutrition labeling program. Following that lead, USDA has imposed parallel labeling requirements. FDA and USDA Nutrition Labeling Guide: Decision Diagrams, Checklists, and Regulations provides hands-on information and guidelines for understanding the latest federal nutrition labeling requirements. This plain English analysis of FDA and FSIS labeling rules contains diagrams and tables and cites specific regulations. Decision diagrams walk the reader through volumes of information and make sense out of complicated regulatory processes. Checklists for managing information for developing specific labels help the reader track regulatory changes and document regulation applicability to company products. The RegFinder index references not only the text, but also provides hundreds of regulatory citations, referenced by topic. FDA and USDA Nutrition Labeling Guide: Decision Diagrams, Checklists, and Regulations will be of interest to food industry personnel responsible for compliance with federal nutritional labeling regulations, food product developers and food technologists. Faculty teaching food laws and regulations and food product development will also find this book of interest.
Altmann, G. T. M. (1990). Cognitive Models of Speech Processing : Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspectives. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Altmann, G. T. M. (1997). The Ascent of Babel : An Exploration of Language, Mind, and Understanding. Oxford, OUP Oxford.
Language is one of the faculties that sets humans apart from animals, the crucial thing which makes our complex social interactions possible. The Ascent of Babel explores the ways in which the mind produces and understands language: the ways in which the sounds of language evoke meaning, and the ways in which the desire to communicate causes us to produce those sounds to begin with. The `ascent symbolises different things: the progression from sound tomeaning, the ascent that we each undergo, from birth onwards, as we learn our mother tongue, and the quest to understand the mental processes which underlie our use of language. Gerry Altmann leads the reader on this ascent – a fascinating tour which takes us from babies learning to say words to the production ofspoken and written language, the effects of brain damage on language, and the ways in which computer simulations of interconnecting nerve cells can learn language.The Ascent of Babel is a journey of discovery, written in an engaging and witty style, at the end of which it becomes clear that Babels summit – the secret of language – may actually lie at its foundations, where babies play and language is learned.
Altner, P. (1998). Vampire Readings : An Annotated Bibliography. Lanham, Md, Scarecrow Press.
Includes indexes.
Altose, M. D. and Y. Kawakami (1999). Control of Breathing in Health and Disease. New York, CRC Press.
This useful reference provides comprehensive reviews of the physiological foundations of the control of breathing and offers new insights into the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of breathing disorders in respiratory, cardiac, neuromuscular, and metabolic-endocrine diseases.Control of Breathing in Health and Diseasesheds new light on the central neural mechanisms controlling breathing and the important chemical, neuromechanical, and behavioral systems that are responsible for setting the level and pattern of breathing investigates the neural basis of respiratory sensation and the mechanisms of breathlessness addresses the systems that are responsible for assuring the adequacy of ventilation during exercise considers the structural, mechanical, and neural mechanisms influencing upper airway patency reviews the physiological mechanisms of Cheyne-Stokes breathing charts the influence of gender, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy on ventilatory control presents current approaches to the clinical assessment of the control of breathing discusses breathing abnormalities in the newborn and infants and changes in breathing patterns in the elderly evaluates the mechanisms and management of sleep-disordered breathing analyzes abnormalities in breathing control in chronic obstructive and interstitial lung diseases, heart failure, neurological diseases, muscular dystrophy, and thyroid disorders, diabetes, and acromegaly outlines modern approaches to the management of respiratory failure and more!Including more than 2200 references, tables, equations, and drawings, Control of Breathing in Health and Disease benefits pulmonologists; physiologists; chest, pulmonary, thoracic, and cardiovascular physicians and surgeons; asthmologists; cardiologists; respiratory therapists; and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and medical school students in these disciplines.
Altschuler, B. E. (1990). LBJ and the Polls. Gainesville, Fla, University Press of Florida.
Altsheler, J. A. The Scouts of the Valley. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Altshuler, A. A., et al. (1993). Regulation for Revenue : The Political Economy of Land Use Exactions. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Altshuler, A. A. and C. National Research (1999). Governance and Opportunity in Metropolitan America. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
America’s cities have symbolized the nation’s prosperity, dynamism, and innovation. Even with the trend toward suburbanization, many central cities attract substantial new investment and employment. Within this profile of health, however, many urban areas are beset by problems of economic disparity, physical deterioration, and social distress. This volume addresses the condition of the city from the perspective of the larger metropolitan region. It offers important, thought-provoking perspectives on the structure of metropolitan-level decisionmaking, the disadvantages faced by cities and city residents, and expanding economic opportunity to all residents in a metropolitan area. The book provides data, real-world examples, and analyses in key areas: Distribution of metropolitan populations and what this means for city dwellers, suburbanites, whites, and minorities. How quality of life depends on the spatial structure of a community and how problems are based on inequalities in spatial opportunity–with a focus on the relationship between taxes and services. The role of the central city today, the rationale for revitalizing central cities, and city-suburban interdependence. The book includes papers that provide in-depth examinations of zoning policy in relation to patterns of suburban development; regionalism in transportation and air quality; the geography of economic and social opportunity; social stratification in metropolitan areas; and fiscal and service disparities within metropolitan areas.
Alva, B. d., et al. (1999). A Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language, 1634. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Alvarez, J. (1994). In the Time of the Butterflies. Chapel Hill, N.C., Algonquin Books.
It is November 25, 1960, and three beautiful sisters have been found near their wrecked Jeep at the bottom of a 150-foot cliff on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. The official state newspaper reports their deaths as accidental. It does not mention that a fourth sister lives. Nor does it explain that the sisters were among the leading opponents of Gen. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo’s dictatorship. It doesn’t have to. Everybody knows of Las Mariposas—“The Butterflies.”In this extraordinary novel, the voices of all four sisters—Minerva, Patria, María Teresa, and the survivor, Dedé—speak across the decades to tell their own stories, from hair ribbons and secret crushes to gunrunning and prison torture, and to describe the everyday horrors of life under Trujillo’s rule. Through the art and magic of Julia Alvarez’s imagination, the martyred Butterflies live again in this novel of courage and love, and the human cost of political oppression.
Alvarez Rodrâiguez, R. and M. C. A. Vidal (1996). Translation, Power, Subversion. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Alvey, R. G. and T. D. Clark (1992). Kentucky Bluegrass Country. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
Alvis, J. L. (1994). Religion and Race : Southern Presbyterians, 1946 to 1983. Tuscaloosa, University Alabama Press.
Joel Alvis focuses on the relationships and tensions in the Presbyterian Church, U.S., whose ecclesiastical boundaries never expanded significantly beyond its original territory in the Confederacy and border South. By the time of the civil rights movement, the church was actively involved in ecumenical activities despite its regional isolation, and that involvement created unease in some quarters of the denomination. This concise institutional history traces how the church shaped and was shaped by its regional culture and explores the denomination’s own cultural struggle to determine what role race issues would play in the definition of being Presbyterian.
Amâery, J. and J. D. Barlow (1994). On Aging : Revolt and Resignation. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Amanat, A. (1997). Pivot of the Universe : Nasir Al-Din Shah and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831-1896. Berkeley, University of California Press.
When he was assassinated in 1896, Nasir al-Din Shah had occupied the Peacock throne for nearly half a century. A colorful, complex figure, he is frequently portrayed as indolent and indulgent. Yet he was in many ways an effective ruler who displayed remarkable resilience in the face of dilemmas and vulnerabilities shared by most monarchs of the Islamic world in the nineteenth century.The Pivot of the Universe is the first biography of this fascinating monarch. In it Amanat traces Nasir al-Din Shah’s transformation from an insecure crown prince, and later an erratic boy-king, to a ruler with substantial control over his government and foreign policy. He provides a vivid picture of the political culture that determined Nasir al-Din Shah’s behavior and, ultimately, his conception of government: the mode of succession in an urbanizing nomadic dynasty, the complicated relationships of the harem and his family, and the fatherly role of his guardian-ministers.Based on extensive research into public and private papers, illustrated with drawings and photographs from the period, this book offers a fresh interpretation both of the significance of Nasir al-Din Shah and the way in which the Iranian monarchy, the centerpiece of an ancient political order, withstood and adjusted to the challenges of modern times.
Amato, J. (1997). Bookend : Anatomies of a Virtual Self. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Amato, J. A. (1997). Golf Beats Us All (and So We Love It). Boulder, Colo, Johnson Books.
Includes index.
Ambrose, S. E. (1997). Americans at War. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Ambrose, S. E. and R. H. Immerman (1999). Ike’s Spies : Eisenhower and the Espionage Establishment. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Originally published: Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1981.
Amelang, J. S. (2013). Parallel Histories : Muslims and Jews in Inquisitorial Spain. Baton Rouge, LSU Press.
The distinct religious culture of early modern Spain — characterized by religious unity at a time when fierce civil wars between Catholics and Protestants fractured northern Europe — is further understood through examining the expulsion of the Jews and suspected Muslims. While these two groups had previously lived peaceably, if sometimes uneasily, with their Christian neighbors throughout much of the medieval era, the expulsions brought a new intensity to Spanish Christian perceptions of both the moriscos (converts from Islam) and the judeoconversos (converts from Judaism). In Parallel Histories, James S. Amelang reconstructs the compelling struggle of converts to coexist with a Christian majority that suspected them of secretly adhering to their ancestral faiths and destroying national religious unity in the process.Discussing first Muslims and then Jews in turn, Amelang explores not only the expulsions themselves but also religious beliefs and practices, social and professional characteristics, the construction of collective and individual identities, cultural creativity, and, finally, the difficulties of maintaining orthodox rites and tenets under conditions of persecution. Despite the oppression these two groups experienced, the descendants of the judeoconversos would ultimately be assimilated into the mainstream, unlike their morisco counterparts, who were exiled in 1609.Amelang masterfully presents a complex narrative that not only gives voice to religious minorities in early modern Spain but also focuses on one of the greatest divergences in the history of European Christianity.
American Council on, E. (1996). Lifestyle & Weight Management : Consultant Manual. San Diego, Calif, American Council on Exercise.
American Management, A. (1996). The AMA Style Guide for Business Writing. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
American Society of Mechanical, E. (1997). Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering. West Lafayette, Ind, Purdue University Press.
American Sport Education, P. (1996). Coaching Youth Softball. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics.
‘Endorsed by the Amateur Softball Association.’
American Sport Education, P. (1997). Coaching Youth Lacrosse. Champaign, Ill, Human Kinetics.
American Sport Education, P. and U. S. A. Baseball (1996). Coaching Youth Baseball. Champaign, Il, Human Kinetics.
‘Officially endorsed by USA Baseball.’
American Sport Education, P. and U. S. A. Volleyball (1997). Coaching Youth Volleyball. Champaign, Ill, Human Kinetics.
‘Officially endorsed by USA Volleyball.’
American Tract, S. Step by Step, Or, Tidy’s Way to Freedom. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Ameriks, K. and D. Sturma (1995). The Modern Subject : Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ames, R. T. (1998). Wandering at Ease in the Zhuangzi. Albany, SUNY Press.
A diverse collection of interpretive essays on the third-century B.C.E. Daoist classic, the Zhuangzi, which continues the long commentarial tradition on this work and underscores its relevance to our own time and place.
Ames, R. T. and W. Dissanayake (1996). Self and Deception : A Cross-cultural Philosophical Enquiry. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ames, R. T., et al. (1994). Self As Person in Asian Theory and Practice. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ames, R. T. and t. Huai-nan (1994). The Art of Rulership : A Study of Ancient Chinese Political Thought. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ameur, C. (1994). Agricultural Extension : A Step Beyond the Next Step. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Amico, E. B. (1998). Reader’s Guide to Women’s Studies. Chicago, Routledge.
The Reader’s Guide to Women’s Studies is a searching and analytical description of the most prominent and influential works written in the now universal field of women’s studies. Some 200 scholars have contributed to the project which adopts a multi-layered approach allowing for comprehensive treatment of its subject matter. Entries range from very broad themes such as’Health: General Works’to entries on specific individuals or more focused topics such as’Doctors.’
Amico, R. P. (1993). The Problem of the Criterion. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield.
Amis, R. (1995). A Different Christianity : Early Christian Esotericism and Modern Thought. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Amit, V. (2004). Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology. London, Taylor & Francis [CAM].
Amjadi, A., et al. (1996). Did External Barriers Cause the Marginalization of Sub-Saharan Africa in World Trade? Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ammerman, R. T., et al. (1999). Prevention and Societal Impact of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
It is generally acknowledged that the most cost-effective means of curtailing alcohol and drug abuse is prevention. Providing interventions to at-risk individuals before they develop serious problems with substance use is the most important component of the’war on drugs.’Fortunately, the past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the quantity and quality of scientific research on those areas crucial to the advancement of prevention science. This book compiles a tremendous amount of information about prevention which has accumulated in recent years. Documenting these accomplishments and setting the stage for future efforts comprise the focus of this book. Prevention and Societal Impact of Drug and Alcohol Abuse is divided into four parts. Part I contains introductory chapters addressing current issues in prevention science and characteristics of abusable substances. Part II includes chapters on the historical contexts of substance abuse and the deleterious health consequences of alcohol and other drugs. Part III focuses on the impact of drug and alcohol abuse on society. Included are chapters on alcohol and drug abuse and driving, infectious illness, disability, managed care, the criminal justice system and adolescents and adults, sale and distribution, the media, and community responses. Part IV consists of chapters on prevention in specific settings and with certain populations.
Ammon, B. D. and G. W. Sherman (1999). More Rip-roaring Reads for Reluctant Teen Readers. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Sherman’s name appears first on the earlier edition.
Amoia, A. d. F. (1996). 20th-century Italian Women Writers : The Feminine Experience. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Amole, G. (1998). Amole, One More Time. Boulder, Colo, Johnson Books.
Amos, H. E. (1985). Cotton City : Urban Development in Antebellum Mobile. University, Ala, University Alabama Press.
Antebellum Mobile was a cotton port city, and economic dependence upon the North created by the cotton trade controlled the city’s development. Mobile’s export trade placed the city third after New York and New Orleans in total value of exports for the nation by 1860. Because the exports consisted almost entirely of cotton headed for Northern and foreign textile mills, Mobile depended on Northern businessmen for marketing services. Nearly all the city’s imports were from New York: Mobile had the worst export-import imbalance of all antebellum ports. As the volume of cotton exports increased, so did the city’s population—from1,500 in 1820 to 30,000 in 1860. Amos’s study delineates the basis for Mobile’s growth and the ways in which residents and their government promoted growth and adapted to it. Because some of the New York banking, shipping, and marketing firms maintained local agencies, a significant number of Northern-born businessmen participated widely in civic affairs. This has afforded the author the opportunity to explore the North-South relationship in economic and personal terms, in one important city, during a period of increasing sectional tension.
Amos, J.-A. (1996). Starting to Manage : How to Prepare Yourself for a More Responsible Role at Work. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Amos, J.-A. (1998). Managing Your Time : What to Do and How to Do It in Order to Do More. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Amos, J.-A. (1999). Making the Most of Your Time. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Amos, J.-A. (1999). Self-management & Personal Effectiveness : How to Achieve Your Personal Goals in Life and at Work. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Amoss, J. and D. Minoli (1998). IP Applications with ATM. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Amstutz, G. D. (1997). Interpreting Amida : History and Orientalism in the Study of Pure Land Buddhism. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Amundsen, M. (1999). Using Visual InterDev 6. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Anagnostopoulos, G. (1994). Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Anastassiou, G. A. (1992). Approximation Theory : Proceedings of the Sixth Southeastern Approximation Theorists Annual Conference. New York, M. Dekker.
Anawalt, P. R. (1981). Indian Clothing Before Cortâes : Mesoamerican Costumes From the Codices. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Ancheta, A. N. (1998). Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.
Andaya, B. W. (1993). To Live As Brothers : Southeast Sumatra in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Honolulu, Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press.
Anderman, G. M. and M. Rogers (1996). Words, Words, Words : The Translator and the Language Learner. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Anderman, G. M., et al. (1999). Word, Text, Translation : Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Andersen, H. C. Andersen’s Fairy Tales : Selections. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Angel. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Brave Tin Soldier. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Emperor’s New Suit. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Two rascally weavers convince the emperor they are making him beautiful new clothes, visible only to those fit for their posts, but during a royal procession in which he first wears them, a child whispers that the emperor has nothing on.
Andersen, H. C. A Great Grief. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Little Match-seller. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Little Mermaid. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Nightingale. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Princess and the Pea. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Red Shoes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Snow Queen. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Storks. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. Thumbelina. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Ugly Duckling. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. The Wild Swans. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. (1999). The Ice Maiden. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, H. C. (1999). The Tinder-box. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Andersen, J. E. (1997). Geometry and Physics : Proceedings of the Conference at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. New York, N.Y., Marcel Dekker.
Anderson, A. (1996). Ethics for Fundraisers. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Anderson, A. (1997). The Treatise of the Three Impostors and the Problem of Enlightenment : A New Translation of the Traite DES Trois Imposteurs with Three Essays in Commentary. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Anderson, B. and E. Anderson (1998). Writing About Travel : How to Research, Write and Sell Travel Guides and Articles. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Anderson, B. C. (1997). Raymond Aron : The Recovery of the Political. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
This concise and penetrating analysis introduces students to the life and thought of one of the giants of twentieth- century French intellectual life. Portraying Raymond Aron as a great defender of reason, moderation, and political sobriety in an era dominated by ideological fervor and philosophical fashion, Brian Anderson demonstrates the centrality of political reason to Aron’s philosophy of history, his critique of ideological thinking, his meditations on the perennial problems of peace and war, and the nature of conservative liberalism. This accessible study of Aron’s thought and the thought of his contemporaries will enhance any syllabus for classes on modern and contemporary political thought.
Anderson, C. (1993). Edge Effects : Notes From An Oregon Forest. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Buying his dream house several years ago on the forest’s edge near Corvallis, Oregon, essayist Chris Anderson hoped to find the joys of rural living. Despite interminable Mr. Blandings experiences, he lived embowered by 12,000 acres of seemingly endless fir trees. But not for long. The McDonald-Dunn Forest was about to become the site of a disturbing research project. Little did Anderson know when he bought his house that, in addition to studying the ecological effects of clear-cutting, the researchers wanted to see how urban fringe dwellers might be affected too. The shock of that harvest compelled the essays in this vibrant, graceful record of the relationship between the forest and Anderson’s life on its boundary.
Anderson, C. and T. W. Benson (1991). Documentary Dilemmas : Frederick Wiseman’s Titicut Follies. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
A case history of the only American film under court-imposed restrictions for reasons other than obscenity or national security. Titicut Follies is an excoriating depiction of conditions in the Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Bridgewater, a prison-hospital for the criminally insane. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts took Wiseman to court, seeking to prevent the exhibition of Titicut Follies soon after its release in 1967. This account of the Titicut Follies case is based on ten years of research and relies on interviews, journalistic accounts, and especially on the legal record, including the Commonwealth v. Wiseman transcript, to describe the entire process of independent documentary filmmaking. The trials of Titicut Follies raise crucial questions about the relation of social documentary to its subjects and audiences.
Anderson, D. and K. Ahmed (1995). The Case for Solar Energy Investments. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Anderson, D. D. and S. American Mathematical (1997). Factorization in Integral Domains. New York, CRC Press.
Based on the proceedings of the conference entitled Factorization in integral domains, held Mar. 21, 1996, and of the special session in commutative ring theory, held Mar. 22-23, 1996, at the 909th Meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Iowa City.
Anderson, D. F. and D. E. Dobbs (1995). Zero-dimensional Commutative Rings : Proceedings of the 1994 John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures and Conference on Commutative Ring Theory. New York, CRC Press.
Anderson, E. (1993). Hungry Men. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Anderson, G. C. (1999). The Indian Southwest, 1580-1830 : Ethnogenesis and Reinvention. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Anderson, H. A. (1986). The Chief : Ernest Thompson Seton and the Changing West. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Anderson, J. (1997). Choreography Observed. Iowa City, Iowa, University Of Iowa Press.
For over twenty years Jack Anderson has been writing about dance performances. His essays and reviews have appeared in daily newspapers, specialist monthlies, and critical quarterlies. For the last ten years he has been a dance critic for the New York Times. In Choreography Observed, Jack Anderson has selected writings that focus most directly on choreographers and choreography in order to illuminate the delights and problems of dance and to reveal the nature of this nonverbal but intensely expressive art form. His essays and reviews deal with individual choreographers from Bournonville, Petipa, and Fokine to Balanchine, Paul Taylor, Meredith Monk, and Pina Bausch; individual works are also discussed in detail, such as Nijinsky’s Afternoon of a Faun,Antony Tudor’s Pillar of Fire, Alvin Ailey’s Flowers, and Kei Takei’s Light. Other pieces focus on the Baroque dance revival, contemporary multimedia dance theatre, choreography for men, the complex relationship between ballet and modern dance, and how—and how not—to revive the classics. No other book—especially no other selection from the work of a single critic—has dealt with choreography in such an original and focused way. Anderson brings his trained eye and wide experience in the arts to bear on dance while stressing the primacy of the choreographer as auteur. By refusing to get bogged down in highly technical terminology, he makes his insights available to a wide range of readers interested in expanding their understanding of this ever more popular art form.
Anderson, J. A., et al. (1980). The Sioux of the Rosebud : A History in Pictures. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Anderson, J. A. and E. Rosenfeld (1998). Talking Nets : An Oral History of Neural Networks. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Since World War II, a group of scientists has been attempting to understand the human nervous system and to build computer systems that emulate the brain’s abilities. Many of the early workers in this field of neural networks came from cybernetics; others came from neuroscience, physics, electrical engineering, mathematics, psychology, even economics. In this collection of interviews, those who helped to shape the field share their childhood memories, their influences, how they became interested in neural networks, and what they see as its future. The subjects tell stories that have been told, referred to, whispered about, and imagined throughout the history of the field. Together, the interviews form a Rashomon-like web of reality. Some of the mythic people responsible for the foundations of modern brain theory and cybernetics, such as Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, and Frank Rosenblatt, appear prominently in the recollections. The interviewees agree about some things and disagree about more. Together, they tell the story of how science is actually done, including the false starts, and the Darwinian struggle for jobs, resources, and reputation. Although some of the interviews contain technical material, there is no actual mathematics in the book.
Anderson, J. M. and M. S. Lea (1994). Portugal, 1001 Sights : An Archaeological and Historical Guide. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Anderson, K. (1992). Great Customer Service on the Telephone. New York, AMACOM.
First impressions are often lasting impressions. How customers are treated on the phone can quickly turn them into either an ex-customer or a customer for life. This thorough, quick-reading guide shows anyone who uses the phone — from salesperson to manager to secretary — how to treat it as a service tool that directly impacts on company profits. Readers will be able to double their effectiveness when they learn how to: • handle irate customers • end those”endless”calls • take meaningful messages • handle conference calls and transfer calls • screen calls and ask focused questions • use the phone during emergencies • improve their voice effectiveness With worksheets, checklists, and fill-in forms, this desktop primer will inspire fabulous phone service.
Anderson, K. and R. Zemke (1995). Knock Your Socks off Answers : Solving Customer Nightmares & Soothing Nightmare Customers. New York, AMACOM.
Anderson, K. and R. Zemke (1998). Delivering Knock Your Socks off Service. New York, AMACOM.
Anderson, M. (1997). Doing Feminism : Teaching and Research in the Academy. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Selected papers from a conference held in 1990, co-sponsored by the Women’s Studies Program and the Modern Literature Conference at Michigan State University.
Anderson, M. C. (2000). Pancho Villa’s Revolution by Headlines. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Anderson, N. (2000). Reality Fitness : Inspiration for Your Health and Well-being. Novato, Calif, New World Library.
Anderson, R. (1999). The Global Internet Trust Register. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Anderson, R. and PricewaterhouseCoopers (1998). Derivatives and the Internal Auditor : Key Topics and Concerns. London, Risk Books.
Anderson, R. A. (2000). Quick Access Consumer Guide to Conditions, Herbs and Supplements. Newton, Mass, Integrative Medicine Communications.
Anderson, R. D., et al. (1998). Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights in the Knowledge-based Economy. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Distributed by the Government of Canada Depository Services Program.
Anderson, R. J., et al. (1998). Enhancing Diversity : Educators with Disabilities. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Anderson, S. Winesburg, Ohio. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Anderson, S. and V. University of The New Englander. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, S. and V. University of (1996). The Door of the Trap. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, S. and V. University of (1996). The Rabbit-pen. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, S. and V. University of (1996). The Triumph of the Egg. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, S. and V. University of (1997). An Apology for Crudity. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, T. L. and D. Leal (1997). Enviro-Capitalists : Doing Good While Doing Well. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Arguing that Americans should turn to private entrepreneurs rather than the federal government to guarantee the protection and improvement of environmental quality, the authors document numerous examples of how entrepreneurs have satisfied the growing demand for environmental quality. Beginning with historical cases from the turn of the century, they illuminate the benefits of entrepreneurial participation in wildlife preservation, aquatic habitat production, and environmentally friendly housing development. As government budgets shrink and more people question the efficacy of government regulations, Enviro-Capitalists offers alternatives to traditional thinking about the environment. While the book does not claim that the private sector can provide solutions to all environmental problems, it offers innovative ideas that will cultivate and encourage environmental entrepreneurship.
Anderson, T. M. Prayer Availeth Much. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anderson, V. (1998). Pragmatic Theology : Negotiating the Intersections of an American Philosophy of Religion and Public Theology. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Anderson, W. P. (1999). Perennial Weeds : Characteristics and Identification of Selected Herbaceous Species. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Andima, S. J. (1991). General Topology and Applications : Fifth Northeast Conference. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Andler, E. C. (1998). The Complete Reference Checking Handbook : Smart, Fast, Legal Ways to Check Out Job Applicants. New York, N.Y., AMACOM.
Includes index.
Andorka, R. (1999). A Society Transformed : Hungary in Time-space Perspective. New York, N.Y., Central European University Press.
Andrade, E. (1996). Unconquerable Rebel : Robert W. Wilcox and Hawaiian Politics, 1880-1903. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Andrade, M. d. and J. E. Tomlins (1968). Hallucinated City. Paulicea Desvairada. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
Andrain, C. F. (1994). Comparative Political Systems : Policy Performance and Social Change. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Andreach, R. J. (1998). Creating the Self in the Contemporary American Theatre. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Andrew, J. A. (1997). The Other Side of the Sixties : Young Americans for Freedom and the Rise of Conservative Politics. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Andrew, M. (1997). Pediatric Thromboembolism and Stroke Protocols. Hamilton, Ont, B.C. Decker.
Andrew, M. (1998). Blood Clots and Strokes : A Guide for Parents and Little Folks. Hamilton, Ontario, B.C. Decker.
Includes index.
Andrews, E. S. and M. Rashid (1996). The Financing of Pension Systems in Central and Eastern Europe : An Overview of Major Trends and Their Determinants, 1990-1993. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Andrews, J. (1992). American Wildflower Florilegium. Denton, Tex, University of North Texas Press.
Andrews, J. (1999). The Pepper Trail : History & Recipes From Around the World. Denton, Tex, University of North Texas Press.
Andrews, J. F. (1994). Painters and Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Andrews, L. B. (1994). Assessing Genetic Risks : Implications for Health and Social Policy. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Andrews, L. L. (1998). How to Choose a College Major. Lincolnwood, Ill., U.S.A., NTC Contemporary.
Andrews, M. R. S., et al. (1996). The Lake of Devils. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Andrews, T. (1994). The Hemophiliac’s Motorcycle. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
In this second wise and passionate book, Tom Andrews explores illness as a major theme, avoiding sentimentality without being merely confessional. He advances his considerable talent with great strength and forcefulness. The poems ae buoyant with humor and mindful of larger mysteries even as they investigate very personal issues. There is an urgency that is compelling; the work is immersed in the private grief of the speaker without excluding the reader. There is real and hard-won wisdom and intelligence in the poems, offering genuine surprises and delight; their attractive humility is not a pose.
Andreyev, L., et al. (1998). Lazarus. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Andreyev, L. and V. University of (1998). To the Russian Soldier. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Andryszewski, T. (1996). Abortion : Rights, Options, and Choices. Brookfield, Conn, Lerner Publishing Group.
Examines the changing legal, medical, and moral issues surrounding abortion before and since Roe v. Wade; considers both anti-abortion and pro-choice points of view.
Andryszewski, T. (1996). The March on Washington, 1963 : Gathering to Be Heard. Brookfield, Conn, Lerner Publishing Group.
Recounts the historical antecedents and events leading up to the March on Washington in 1963, led by Martin Luther King, Jr., and other prominent African American leaders in their quest for equal civil rights.
Andryszewski, T. (1997). The Militia Movement in America : Before and After Oklahoma City. Brookfield, Conn, Lerner Publishing Group.
Explores the roots of the militia movement’s growth in the United States, its connection with mainstream society, the ideologies of anti-government groups, and the tragedies at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City.
Ang, C. Y.-K. W., et al. (1999). Asian Foods : Science & Technology. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
This comprehensive new book provides up-to-date information on many types of Asian prepared foods-their origin, preparation methods, processing principles, technical innovation, quality factors, nutritional values, and market potential. Written by experts who specialize in the field, it includes information on Asian dietary habits and the health significance of Asian diets.Asian Foods also discusses differences in preparations and varieties among diverse Asian ethnic groups and regions, cultural aspects associated with the consumption of the products, and the market status or potential of more than 400 varieties of Asian foods. These foods include products made from rice, wheat, other starchy grains, soybeans, meat, poultry, fish, fruits, and vegetables, as well as functional foods and alcoholic beverages. This timely book will be of interest to food professionals in product development, dieticians interested in Asian diets and dietary habits, business developers seeking market potential for Asian prepared foods, and food science and human nutrition students who need supplemental information.
Angel, L. (1994). Enlightenment East and West. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Angel, R. and J. L. Angel (1999). Who Will Care for Us? : Aging and Long-term Care in Multicultural America. New York, New York University Press.
Angela and C. Mazzoni (1999). Angela of Foligno’s Memorial. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
Angela of Foligno is considered by many as the greatest mystical voice among Italian medieval women. She devoted herself to a relentless pursuit of God when as a middle-aged woman she lost her mother,husband and children; illiterate herself, she dictated her experiences to her confessor, who transcribed her words into Latin as the Memorial. In a direct and vigorous style, it tells of her suffering, visions, joy, identification with Christ, and finally her mystical union with God. However, her book has always been viewed with suspicion, indeed even bordering on heresy; her spiritualitygoes beyond conventional language as well as beyond accepted doctrines and modes of prayer. This annotated selection from the Memorial is preceded by a biographical introduction which places Angela’s text in its historical, cultural, and spiritual context; the accompanying interpretive essay which follows compares Angela’s experience with that of twentieth-century Christian feminist theologians. The volume is completed with an annotated bibliography. CRISTINA MAZZONI is Professor and Chair, Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics at the University of Vermont.
Angell, I. O. (2000). The New Barbarian Manifesto : How to Survive the Information Age. London, Kogan Page.
Angell, R. (1999). Getting Into Films and Television : How to Spot the Opportunities and Find the Best Way in. [N.p.], How To Books.
Angelo, J. A. (1999). The Dictionary of Space Technology. New York, NY, Facts on File.
Angier, N. (1999). Woman : An Intimate Geography. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
‘A Peter Davison book.’
Angilella, J. T. and A. Ziajka (1998). Rediscovering Justice : Awakening World Faiths to Address World Issues: an Interfaith Conference for Youth on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations. San Francisco, Oxford University Press USA.
A collection of the presentations given by the major interfaith speakers at the interfaith conference for youth, held at the University of San Francisco from June 22 to June 24, 1995.
Anglin, R. and G. W. Lindeman (1995). Forgotten Trails : Historical Sources of the Columbia’s Big Bend Country. Pullman, WA, Washington State University Press.
Angrosino, M. V. (1989). Documents of Interaction : Biography, Autobiography, and Life History in Social Science Perspective. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Angus, I. H. and L. Langsdorf (1993). The Critical Turn : Rhetoric and Philosophy in Postmodern Discourse. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Chiefly papers presented at the annual meetings of the Speech Communication Association and the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.
Ankersmit, F. R. (1994). History and Tropology : The Rise and Fall of Metaphor. London, University of California Press.
Ankum, K. v. (1997). Women in the Metropolis : Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bringing together the work of scholars in many disciplines, Women in the Metropolis provides a comprehensive introduction to women’s experience of modernism and urbanization in Weimar Germany. It shows women as active participants in artistic, social, and political movements and documents the wide range of their responses to the multifaceted urban culture of Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s.Examining a variety of media ranging from scientific writings to literature and the visual arts, the authors trace gendered discourses as they developed to make sense of and regulate emerging new images of femininity. Besides treating classic films such as Metropolis and Berlin: Symphony of a Great City, the articles discuss other forms of mass culture, including the fashion industry and the revue performances of Josephine Baker. Their emphasis on women’s critical involvement in the construction of their own modernity illustrates the significance of the Weimar cultural experience and its relevance to contemporary gender, German, film, and cultural studies.
Annas, J. (1992). Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind is an elegant survey of Stoic and Epicurean ideas about the soul—an introduction to two ancient schools whose belief in the soul’s physicality offer compelling parallels to modern approaches in the philosophy of mind. Annas incorporates recent thinking on Hellenistic philosophy of mind so lucidly and authoritatively that specialists and nonspecialists alike will find her book rewarding.In part, the Hellenistic epoch was a’scientific’period that broke with tradition in ways that have an affinity with the modern shift from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the present day. Hellenistic philosophy of the soul, Annas argues, is in fact a philosophy of mind, especially in the treatment of such topics as perception, thought, and action.
Annerino, J. (1999). Dead in Their Tracks : Crossing America’s Desert Borderlands. [N.p.], Four Walls Eight Windows.
Annesley, J. (1998). Blank Fictions : Consumerism, Culture and the Contemporary American Novel. London, Pluto Press.
Ansari, F. and F. National Science (1998). Fiber Optic Sensors for Construction Materials and Bridges : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fiber Optic Sensors for Construction Materials and Bridges, May 3-6, 1998. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Anselm and S. N. Deane Anselm, Basic Writings. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anson, B. (1999). The Miami Indians. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Anthony, G. (1997). Rebel, Reformer, Religious Extraordinaire : The Life of Sister Irene Farmer. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Anthony, S. B. and V. University of (1996). Woman’s Half-century of Evolution. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Anthony, V. and S. T. Davidson (1999). Great Women in the Sport of Kings : America’s Top Women Jockeys Tell Their Stories. [Syracuse, NY], Syracuse University Press.
Antler, J. (1998). Talking Back : Images of Jewish Women in American Popular Culture. Hanover, NH, University Press of New England.
Description based on print version record.
Anton, J., et al. (1997). CallCenter Management by the Numbers. West Lafayette, Ind, Purdue University Press.
Anton, J. P., et al. (1971). Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Anton, K. K. and C. Que (1998). Using QuarkXPress 4. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Antoniou, G. and M. A. Williams (1997). Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Nonmonotonic reasoning provides formal methods that enable intelligent systems to operate adequately when faced with incomplete or changing information. In particular, it provides rigorous mechanisms for taking back conclusions that, in the presence of new information, turn out to be wrong and for deriving new, alternative conclusions instead. Nonmonotonic reasoning methods provide rigor similar to that of classical reasoning; they form a base for validation and verification and therefore increase confidence in intelligent systems that work with incomplete and changing information.Following a brief introduction to the concepts of predicate logic that are needed in the subsequent chapters, this book presents an in depth treatment of default logic. Other subjects covered include the major approaches of autoepistemic logic and circumscription, belief revision and its relationship to nonmonotonic inference, and briefly, the stable and well-founded semantics of logic programs.
Antsiferov, V. V., et al. (1995). Coherent Radiation Processes in Plasma. Cambridge, Cambridge International Science Publishing.
Anyon, J. (1997). Ghetto Schooling : A Political Economy of Urban Educational Reform. New York, Teachers College Press.
Aoki, M., et al. (1995). Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies : Insider Control and the Role of Banks. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Aoyama, A. (1999). Toward a Virtuous Circle : A Nutrition Review of the Middle East and North Africa. Washington, D. C, World Bank Publications.
Apel, L. (1996). Dealing with Weapons at School and at Home. New York, PowerKids Press.
Points out the danger of having weapons at school and at home and offers tips on how to avoid getting hurt or hurting others.
Apeloig, Y. and Z. Rappoport (1998). The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Apess, W. and B. O’Connell (1992). On Our Own Ground : The Complete Writings of William Apess, a Pequot. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Apess, W. and B. O’Connell (1997). A Son of the Forest and Other Writings. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Apollon, W. and R. Feldstein (1996). Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Apollonius The Argonautica. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appelbaum, D. (1993). Everyday Spirits. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Appelbaum, D. (1995). The Stop. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Appelbaum, D. (1996). Disruption. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Appelbaum, P. M. (1995). Popular Culture, Educational Discourse, and Mathematics. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Appell, J., et al. (2000). Partial Integral Operators and Integro-differential Equations. New York, CRC Press.
A self-contained account of integro-differential equations of the Barbashin type and partial integral operators. It presents the basic theory of Barbashin equations in spaces of continuous or measurable functions, including existence, uniqueness, stability and perturbation results. The theory and applications of partial integral operators and linear and nonlinear equations is discussed. Topics range from abstract functional-analytic approaches to specific uses in continuum mechanics and engineering.
Apple, M. (1997). You and Your Doctor : The Essential Guide to Examinatons, Tests and Investigations. London, Cambridge University Press.
Includes index.
Apple, R. D. (1996). Vitamania : Vitamins in American Culture. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Appleby, P. (1999). Organising a Conference : How to Organise and Run an Outstanding and Effective Event. [N.p.], How To Books.
Appleby, P. (1999). Working with Dogs : How to Spot the Jobs and Get Qualified for Them. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Appleby, R. S. and M. E. Marty (1997). Religion, Ethnicity, and Self-identity : Nations in Turmoil. Hanover, NH, University Press of New England.
Description based on print version record.
Appleman, R. E. (1989). Disaster in Korea : The Chinese Confront MacArthur. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Appleman, R. E. (1990). Escaping the Trap : The US Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950. College Station, TX, Texas A&M University Press.
Appleman, R. E. (1990). Ridgway Duels for Korea. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Appleton, J., et al. (1986). North for Union : John Appleton’s Journal of a Tour to New England Made by President Polk in June and July 1847. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
‘Tour correspondence’to and from James K. Polk: p. [99]-126.
Appleton, J. and J. Machin (1995). Working with Oral Cancer. Bicester [England], Speechmark Publishing Ltd.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers, Or, The Secret of Phantom Mountain. Champaign, Ill. [P.O. Box 2782, Champaign 61825], Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters : Or Battling with Flames From the Air. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship : Or the Naval Terror of the Seas. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Air Glider : Or Seeking the Platinum Treasure. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Air Scout : Or Uncle Sam’s Mastery of the Sky. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel : Or the Hidden City of the Andes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout : Or the Speediest Car on the Road. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Sky Racer : The Quickest Flight on Record. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat : Or Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Undersea Search : Or the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His War Tank : Or Doing His Bit for Uncle Sam. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera : Or Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appleton, V. Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders : Or the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Appollo, K. (1997). Humble Work & Mad Wanderings : Street Life in the First Century of the Machine Age. Nevada City, Calif, Carl Mautz Publishing.
Appy, C. G. (1993). Working-class War : American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
‘No one can understand the complete tragedy of the American experience in Vietnam without reading this book. Nothing so underscores the ambivalence and confusion of the American commitment as does the composition of our fighting forces. The rich and the powerful may have supported the war initially, but they contributed little of themselves. That responsibility fell to the poor and the working class of America.’–Senator George McGovern’Reminds us of the disturbing truth that some 80 percent of the 2.5 million enlisted men who served in Vietnam–out of 27 million men who reached draft age during the war–came from working-class and impoverished backgrounds…. Deals especially well with the apparent paradox that the working-class soldiers’families back home mainly opposed the antiwar movement, and for that matter so with few exceptions did the soldiers themselves.’–New York Times Book Review'[Appy’s] treatment of the subject makes it clear to his readers–almost as clear as it became for the soldiers in Vietnam–that class remains the tragic dividing wall between Americans.’–Boston Globe
Apuleius The Golden Asse. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aquila, P. L., et al. (1999). Home Front Soldier : The Story of a G.I. And His Italian-American Family During World War II. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Arad, Y. (1999). Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka : The Operation Reinhard Death Camps. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
‘… Mr. Arad reports as a controlled and effective witness for the prosecution…. Mr. Arad’s book, with its abundance of horrifying detail, reminds us of how far we have to go.’—New York Times Book Review’… some of the most gripping chapters I have ever read…. the authentic, exhaustive, definitive account of the least known death camps of the Nazi era.’—Raul HilbergArad, historian and principal prosecution witness at the Israeli trial of John Demjanjuk (accused of being Treblinka’s infamous’Ivan the Terrible’), uses primary materials to reveal the complete story of these Nazi death camps.
Aragona, T. d., et al. (1997). Dialogue on the Infinity of Love. Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press.
Celebrated as a courtesan and poet, and as a woman of great intelligence and wit, Tullia d’Aragona (1510–56) entered the debate about the morality of love that engaged the best and most famous male intellects of sixteenth-century Italy. First published in Venice in 1547, but never before published in English, Dialogue on the Infinity of Love casts a woman rather than a man as the main disputant on the ethics of love. Sexually liberated and financially independent, Tullia d’Aragona dared to argue that the only moral form of love between woman and man is one that recognizes both the sensual and the spiritual needs of humankind. Declaring sexual drives to be fundamentally irrepressible and blameless, she challenged the Platonic and religious orthodoxy of her time, which condemned all forms of sensual experience, denied the rationality of women, and relegated femininity to the realm of physicality and sin. Human beings, she argued, consist of body and soul, sense and intellect, and honorable love must be based on this real nature. By exposing the intrinsic misogyny of prevailing theories of love, Aragona vindicates all women, proposing a morality of love that restores them to intellectual and sexual parity with men. Through Aragona’s sharp reasoning, her sense of irony and humor, and her renowned linguistic skill, a rare picture unfolds of an intelligent and thoughtful woman fighting sixteenth-century stereotypes of women and sexuality.
Arai, S. (1991). Shoshaman : A Tale of Corporate Japan. Berkley, University of California Press.
Acknowledging no god but the corporate good, the shoshamen—high-powered professionals within Japan’s integrated trading companies—serve as the unrelenting cogs of an economic machine. Or do they?Shoshaman takes us inside the world of Japan Inc. to explore the daily lives of the people who inhabit it. Written by a senior executive in a major sogo shosha, this absorbing novel reveals, as no textbook can, the strategies required to win the race to the top. It also makes painfully clear the ethical and psychological choices that such a race demands. The cast of characters is as varied as the corporate world itself, from the devoted Ojima, who has been passed over by the company, to the spirited Masako, who strikes out on her own. The hero, Nakasato Michio, finds that the road to success is long and perilous, as he tries to satisfy his ambitions while remaining faithful to his values.First published as Kigyoka sarariman in 1986 and made into a prize-winning television miniseries in 1988, the book has been acclaimed in Japan for the verisimilitude of its characters and situations. It offers a clear understanding of what it is like—in human terms—to survive and perhaps succeed within the confines of the Japanese corporation.
Arato, A. and M. Rosenfeld (1998). Habermas on Law and Democracy : Critical Exchanges. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In the first essay, Habermas himself succinctly presents the centerpiece of his theory: his proceduralist paradigm of law. The following essays comprise elaborations, criticisms, and further explorations by others of the most salient issues addressed in his theory. The distinguished group of contributors—internationally prominent scholars in the fields of law, philosophy, and social theory—includes many who have been closely identified with Habermas as well as some of his best-known critics. The final essay is a thorough and lengthy reply by Habermas, which not only engages the most important arguments raised in the preceding essays but also further elaborates and refines some of his own key contributions in Between Facts and Norms. This volume will be essential reading for philosophers, legal scholars, and political and social theorists concerned with understanding the work of one of the leading philosophers of our age.These provocative, in-depth debates between Jürgen Habermas and a wide range of his critics relate to the philosopher’s contribution to legal and democratic theory in his recently published Between Facts and Norms. Drawing upon his discourse theory, Habermas has elaborated a novel and powerful account of law that purports to bridge the gap between democracy and rights, by conceiving law to be at once self-imposed and binding.
Arbinger, I. (2000). Leadership and Self-deception : Getting Out of the Box. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Arboleda, T. (1998). In the Shadow of Race : Growing up As a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and ‘multiracial’ American. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Archer, J. H. (1994). The Public Trust Doctrine and the Management of America’s Coasts. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Archer, S. M. (1992). Junius Brutus Booth : Theatrical Prometheus. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
In this, the first thoroughly researched scholarly biography of British actor Junius Brutus Booth, Stephen M. Archer reveals Booth to have been an artist of considerable range and a man of sensitivity and intellect. Archer provides a clear account of Booth’s professional and personal life and places him in relationship to his contemporaries, particularly Edmund Kean and William Charles Macready. From 1817 to 1852 Junius Brutus Booth toured throughout North America, enjoying a reputation as the most distinguished Shakespearean tragedian on the American continent. Still, he yearned for success on the British stage, a goal he never attained. His public image as a drunken, dangerous lunatic obscured a private life filled with the richness of a close and loyal family. The worldwide fame assured for the Booth family of actors by John Wilkes Booth’s bone-shattering leap from the President’s box had eluded Junius Brutus Booth throughout his lifelong exile in America. But from that event until today, no American family of actors has stimulated such scrutiny as the Booths. Eight years of research, pursuing Booth from Amsterdam to San Francisco, has resulted in an accurate, fascinating narrative that both records and illuminates the actor’s life.
Archibald, E. and A. S. G. Edwards (2000). A Companion to Malory. Rochester, N.Y., Boydell & Brewer.
This collection of original essays by an international group of distinguished medievalists provides a comprehensive introduction to the great work of Sir Thomas Malory, which will be indispensable forboth students and scholars. It is divided into three main sections, on Malory in context, the art of the Morte Darthur, and its reception in later years. As well as essays on the eight tales which make up the Morte Darthur, there are studies of the relationship between the Winchestermanuscript and Caxton’s and later editions; the political and social context in which Malory wrote; his style and sources; and his treatment of two key concepts in Arthurian literature, chivalry and the representation of women. The volume also includes a brief biography of Malory with a list of the historical records relating to him and his family. It ends with a discussion of the reception of the Morte Darthur from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, and a select bibliography. Contributors: P.J.C. FIELD, FELICITY RIDDY, RICHARD BARBER, ELIZABETH EDWARDS, TERENCE MCCARTHY, CAROL MEALE, JEREMY SMITH, ELIZABETH ARCHIBALD, BARBARA NOLAN, HELEN COOPER, JILL MANN, DAVID BENSON, A.S.G. EDWARDS
Archibald, J. D. (1996). Dinosaur Extinction and the End of an Era : What the Fossils Say. New York, Perseus Books, LLC.
Ardalan, A. (2000). Economic & Financial Analysis for Engineering & Project Management. Lancaster, Penn, CRC Press.
Economic and Financial Analysis for Engineering and Project Management is for engineers and others who must analyze the financial and economic ramifications of producing and sustaining capital projects. Unlike other books in the field, it offers straightforward and lucid explanations of all main formulas needed to carry out financial analyses. The math is kept simple and is fully explained, making the book accessible to non-technical personnel. Numerous sample problems are provided, and can be worked on standard spreadsheet programs, as well as using interest rate tables. The book shows how to link quantitative data to management decisions and to standard reporting forms and has been designed for practicing engineers and students alike.Economic and Financial Analysis for Engineering and Project Management is a’must have’for graduate students in engineering management departments; graduate and undergraduates taking courses in project management, engineering economics, and engineering finance. Practicing engineers will find this book THE handy reference for any project involving financial analyses.
Ardis, A. L. (1990). New Women, New Novels : Feminism and Early Modernism. New Brunswick [N.J.], Rutgers University Press.
Arditi, B. and J. Valentine (1999). Polemicization : The Contingency of the Commonplace. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Arditti, F. D. (1996). Derivatives : A Comprehensive Resource for Options, Futures, Interest Rate Swaps, and Mortgage Securities. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Arenson, F., et al. (1999). Complying with COBRA After the 1999 Regulations : Professional Explanation: Text of 1999 Final and Proposed Regulations: Administrative Forms and Notices. Chicago, IL, CCH Inc.
Arent Safir, M. and S. J. Gould (1999). Melancholies of Knowledge : Literature in the Age of Science. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Arian, A. (1998). The Second Republic : Politics in Israel. Chatham, N.J., Chatham House.
Arian, A. and M. Shamir (1995). The Elections in Israel, 1992. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Arian, A. and M. Shamir (1999). The Elections in Israel, 1996. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Aricáo, S. L. (1990). Contemporary Women Writers in Italy : A Modern Renaissance. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Aristophanes The Frogs. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristophanes and D. Fitts The Birds. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Generation and Corruption. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Interpretation. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Memory and Reminiscence. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Prophesying by Dream. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Sense and the Sensible. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Sleep and Sleeplessness. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Sophistical Refutations. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On the Gait of Animals. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On the Heavens. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On the Motion of Animals. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On the Parts of Animals. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On the Soul. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, on Breathing. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle Prior Analytics. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle Topics. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle, et al. (1992). Aristotle’s De Partibus Animalium I And, De Generatione Animalium I : (with Passages From II. 1-3). Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Originally published: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972.
Aristotle and J. Barnes (1994). Posterior Analytics. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
The Posterior Analytics contains some of Aristotle’s most influential thoughts in logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of science. The first book expounds and develops the notions of a demonstrative argument and of a formal, axiomatized science; the second discusses a cluster of problems raised by the axioms or principles of such a science, and investigates in particular the theory of definition. For the second edition of this volume, the translation has been completely rewritten; and the commentary, which is done with the needs of philosophical readers in mind, has been thoroughly revised in the light of the scholarship of the last twenty years. There is an additional glossary and the bibliography has been extended.
Aristotle and J. I. Beare On Dreams. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and D. Bostock (1994). Aristotle Metaphysics. Oxford [England], Oxford University Press.
Description based on print version record.
Aristotle, et al. Physics. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and D. Keyt (1999). Politics. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Aristotle and C. Kirwan (1971). Metaphysics: Books Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
The books translated in this volume are fourth, fifth, and sixth in the traditional ordering of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The nature and scope of metaphysics are discussed in gamma and epsilon. A subtle examination of the principles of non-contradiction and excluded middle occupies the latter part of gamma. Delta is in the form of a philosophical lexicon. All three books contain important material on being, substance, `accident’, unity, truth, cause, and other such concepts. The translation is very close to the Greek, as an aid to students who cannot check the English version against the original. It is followed by an interpretative and critical commentary. For this new edition Mr Kirwan has added a substantial section of further comment on several central issues, and considerably expanded the bibliography.
Aristotle and R. Kraut (1997). Politics. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Aristotle and A. Platt On the Generation of Animals. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and G. R. T. Ross On Longevity and Shortness of Life. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and W. D. Ross (2000). Metaphysics. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and W. D. Ross (2000). Nicomachean Ethics. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and D. A. W. Thompson History of Animals. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and E. W. Webster (2000). Meteorology. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Aristotle and M. J. Woods (1992). Eudemian Ethics. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Description based on print version record.
Arjomand, S. A. (1993). The Political Dimensions of Religion. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Arkebauer, J. B. and J. Miller (1999). Leading Edge Business Planning for Entrepreneurs. Chicago, IL, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Arkin, R. C. (1998). Behavior-Based Robotics. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
Foreword by Michael ArbibThis introduction to the principles, design, and practice of intelligent behavior-based autonomous robotic systems is the first true survey of this robotics field. The author presents the tools and techniques central to the development of this class of systems in a clear and thorough manner. Following a discussion of the relevant biological and psychological models of behavior, he covers the use of knowledge and learning in autonomous robots, behavior-based and hybrid robot architectures, modular perception, robot colonies, and future trends in robot intelligence.The text throughout refers to actual implemented robots and includes many pictures and descriptions of hardware, making it clear that these are not abstract simulations, but real machines capable of perception, cognition, and action.
Arkin, W. M. (2007). Divining Victory : Airpower in the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
Arkush, A. (1994). Moses Mendelssohn and the Enlightenment. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Armbrester, M. E. (1993). Samuel Ullman and ‘Youth’ : The Life, the Legacy. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Armburgh, J., et al. (1998). The Armburgh Papers : The Brokholes Inheritance in Warwickshire, Hertfordshire, and Essex, C.1417-c.1453: Chetham’s Manuscript Mun. E.6.10 (4). Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
The collection of fifteenth-century letters printed here for the first time stands alongside the Paston and Stonor correspondence in its intrinsic interest and the light it sheds on contemporary gentry life. Edited from a recently discovered manuscript in Chetham’s Library, Manchester (Mun.E.6.10 (4)), the letters deal largely with the prolonged dispute over the Brokholes inheritance in Warwickshire, Hertfordshire, and Essex, and are concerned principally with the affairs of one of the claimants, Joan Armburgh, and her husband Robert. The material mostly derives from the period c.1420-50, oneof growing unease in national politics, which the letters reflect; but they are more concerned with affairs closer to home, and provide fascinating insights on local politics, the networks of `bastardfeudalism’which bound the gentry to their lords and to each other, on the impact of lengthy litigation on a gentry family (especially its finances), and, more generally, on the management of their lands and business affairs. The startlingly vivid language of some of the less formal entries brings the writers strikingly to life.Dr CHRISTINE CARPENTERis a Fellow of New Hall, and Readerin Medieval English History at Cambridge University.
Armijo, V. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cycling. New York, N.Y., Alpha.
Learn how to make the wheels turn in this informative guide that provides solid instruction on choosing the best bicycle and the differences between road, touring, racing, and cross bikes.
Armit, I. (1996). The Archaeology of Skye and the Western Isles. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Armitage, A. M. (2000). Armitage’s Garden Perennials : A Color Encyclopedia. Portland, Or, Timber Press, Inc.
Includes indexes.
Armitage, S. H. and E. Jameson (1987). The Women’s West. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Armour, J. D. (1997). Negrophobia and Reasonable Racism : The Hidden Costs of Being Black in America. New York, NYU Press.
Tackling the ugly secret of unconscious racism in American society, this book provides specific solutions to counter this entrenched phenomenon.
Armour, L. (1993). ‘Infini Rien’ : Pascal’s Wager and the Human Paradox. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Arms, W. Y. (2000). Digital Libraries. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
The emergence of the Internet and the wide availability of affordable computing equipment have created tremendous interest in digital libraries and electronic publishing. This book is the first to provide an integrated overview of the field, including a historical perspective, the state of the art, and current research.The term’digital libraries’covers the creation and distribution of all types of information over networks, ranging from converted historical materials to kinds of information that have no analogues in the physical world. In some ways digital libraries and traditional libraries are very different, yet in other ways they are remarkably similar. People still create information that has to be organized, stored, and distributed, and they still need to find and use information that others have created. An underlying theme of this book is that no aspect of digital libraries can be understood in isolation or without attention to the needs of the people who create and use information. Although the book covers a wide range of technical, economic, social, and organizational topics, the focus is on the actual working components of a digital library.
Armstrong, C. (1998). Scenes in a Library : Reading the Photograph in the Book, 1843-1875. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Today we are so accustomed to seeing photographs wedded to text–whether in the family album or daily newspaper–that the verbal framing of the photograph has become invisible. The text is internalized within the image, and the meaning of the photograph becomes clear and self-evident, as if by the evidence of the photograph itself. In Scenes in a Library, Carol Armstrong explores the experimental moment, at the inception of the new medium, when the word came to haunt the photographic image, and the forty or so years–roughly from the 1840s to the 1880s–during which the photographic image alternately resisted and became assimilated to the printed page.Armstrong’s emphasis is on British books. Not only was it in an English book that the paper photograph was first described and published, but the range of subject matter of nineteenth-century British photographically illustrated books prior to the 1880s was as rich as it was peculiar and sometimes recalcitrant. Armstrong focuses on one book about photography (Talbot’s The Pencil of Nature); one’scientific’book (Anna Atkins’s Photographs of British Algae); two travel narratives, one factual and one fictional (Francis Frith’s Egypt and Palestine Photographed and Observed and his illustrated edition of Longfellow’s novel Hyperion: A Romance); and one book of poetry (Julia Margaret Cameron’s Illustrations to Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King); as well as some miscellaneous books from the 1870s. According to Armstrong, art history has tended to remove the historic photograph from its printed and published context. Moving back and forth between close looking and equally close reading, she reinserts the photograph into the book from which it was taken.
Armstrong, D. F. (1999). Original Signs : Gesture, Sign, and the Sources of Language. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Armstrong, L. E. (2000). Performing in Extreme Environments. Champaign, Ill, Human Kinetics.
Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic Human Resource Management : A Guide to Action. London, Kogan Page.
Armstrong, N. and L. Tennenhouse (1992). The Imaginary Puritan : Literature, Intellectual Labor, and the Origins of Personal Life. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Armstrong, R. P. and B. World (1996). Ghana Country Assistance Review : A Study in Development Effectiveness. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Text in English with pref. and summaries in French and Spanish.
Arnett, R. C. (1992). Dialogic Education : Conversation About Ideas and Between Persons. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Arnett, R. C. and P. Arneson (1999). Dialogic Civility in a Cynical Age : Community, Hope, and Interpersonal Relationships. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Arnez, N. L. (1969). Moll Flanders : Notes, Including Introduction, Brief Summary, Chapter Summaries and Discussions, Critical Analysis, Character Sketches, Study Questions, Bibliography. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cover title: Cliffs notes on Defoe’s Moll Flanders.
Arnhart, L. (1998). Darwinian Natural Right : The Biological Ethics of Human Nature. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Arnold, D. (1993). Colonizing the Body : State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In this innovative analysis of medicine and disease in colonial India, David Arnold explores the vital role of the state in medical and public health activities, arguing that Western medicine became a critical battleground between the colonized and the colonizers.Focusing on three major epidemic diseases—smallpox, cholera, and plague—Arnold analyzes the impact of medical interventionism. He demonstrates that Western medicine as practiced in India was not simply transferred from West to East, but was also fashioned in response to local needs and Indian conditions.By emphasizing this colonial dimension of medicine, Arnold highlights the centrality of the body to political authority in British India and shows how medicine both influenced and articulated the intrinsic contradictions of colonial rule.
Arnold, D. M. and K. M. Rangaswamy (1996). Abelian Groups and Modules : Proceedings of the International Conference at Colorado Springs. New York, CRC Press.
Papers from the International Conference on Abelian Groups and Modules held Aug. 7-12, 1995.
Arnold, E. Bhagavad-Gita, Or, Song Celestial. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Arnold, E. L. Gulliver Jones. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Arnold, E. L. and V. University of (1996). Gulliver of Mars. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Arnold, E. T. and D. C. Luce (1999). Perspectives on Cormac McCarthy. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Originally published in 1993, this was the first volume of essays devoted to the works of Cormac McCarthy. Immediately it was recognized as a major contribution to studies of this acclaimed American author. American Literary Scholarship hailed it as’a model of its kind.’It has since established itself as an essential source for any McCarthy scholar, student, or serious reader. In 1993, McCarthy had recently published All the Pretty Horses (1992), the award-winning first volume of the’Border Trilogy.’The second volume, The Crossing, appeared in 1994, and the concluding novel, Cities of the Plain, in 1998. The completion of the trilogy, one of the most significant artistic achievements in recent American literature, calls for further consideration of McCarthy’s career. This revised volume, therefore, contains in addition to the original essays a new version of Gail Morrison’s article on All the Pretty Horses, plus two original essays by the editors of The Crossing (Luce) and Cities of the Plain (Arnold). With the exception of McCarthy’s drama The Stonemason (1994), all the major publications are covered in this collection. Cormac McCarthy is now firmly established as one of the masters of American literature. His first four novels, his screenplay’The Gardener’s Son,’and his drama The Stonemason are all set in the South. Starting with Blood Meridian (1985), he moved west, to the border country of Texas and Old and New Mexico, to create masterpieces of the western genre. Few writers have so completely and successfully described such different locales, customs, and people. Yet McCarthy is no regionalist. His work centers on the essential themes of self-determination, faith, courage, and the quest for meaning in an often violent and tragic world. For his readers wishing to know McCarthy’s works this collection is both an introduction and an overview. Edwin T. Arnold is a professor of English at Appalachian State University. Dianne C. Luce is chair of the English department at Midlands Technical College.
Arnold, E. T. and D. Trouard (1996). Reading Faulkner. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Arnold, I. N. (1994). The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
‘Bison book edition.’
Arnold, J. R. (1997). Grant Wins the War : Decision at Vicksburg. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Arnold, M. Poems of Matthew Arnold. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Arnold, M. Study of Poetry. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Arnold, P. (1999). Making Direct Mail Work : Get Great Results From All Your Direct Mail. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Includes index.
Arnold, P. P. (1999). Eating Landscape : Aztec and European Occupation of Tlalocan. Niwot, Chicago Distribution Center [CDC Presses].
Arnold, R. D., et al. (1998). Framing the Social Security Debate : Values, Politics, and Economics. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Papers presented at the tenth annual conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance, held in Washington D.C., on Jan. 29-30, 1998.
Arnoldi, M. J., et al. (1996). African Material Culture. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Arnott, D. (1999). Corporate Cults : The Insidious Lure of the All-consuming Organization. New York, AMACOM.
Arnove, R. F., et al. (1992). Emergent Issues in Education : Comparative Perspectives. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Arnow, H. L. S. and F. J. Svoboda (1999). Between the Flowers : A Novel. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Between the Flowers is Harriette Simpson Arnow’s second novel. Written in the late 1930s, but unpublished until 1997, this early work shows the development of social and cultural themes that would continue in Arnow’s later work: the appeal of wandering and of modern life, the countervailing desire to stay within a traditional community, and the difficulties of communication between men and women in such a community. Between the Flowers goes far beyond categories of’local color,’literary regionalism, or the agrarian novel, to the heart of human relationships in a modernized world. Arnow, who went on to write Hunter’s Horn (1949) and The Dollmaker (1952)—her two most famous works—has continually been overlooked by critics as a regional writer. Ironically, it is her stinging realism that is seen as evidence of her realism, evidence that she is of the Cumberland—an area somehow more’regional’than others. Beginning with an edition of critical essays on her work in 1991 and a complete original edition of Hunter’s Horn in 1997, the Michigan State University Press is pleased to continue its effort to make available the timeless insight of Arnow’s work with the posthumous publication of Between the Flowers.
Aron, J. B. (1997). Licensed to Kill? : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press.
Arons, S. (1997). Short Route to Chaos : Conscience, Community, and the Re-constitution of American Schooling. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Arpan, J. S. (1995). Opportunities in International Business Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Arrigoni, R. (1997). Casa Angelica : Arlene’s Legacy. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Arrison, T. S. and C. National Research (1992). Japan’s Growing Technological Capability : Implications for the U.S. Economy. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The perspectives of technologists, economists, and policymakers are brought together in this volume. It includes chapters dealing with approaches to assessment of technology leadership in the United States and Japan, an evaluation of future impacts of eroding U.S. technological preeminence, an analysis of the changing nature of technology-based global competition, and a discussion of policy options for the United States.
Artephius The Secret Book. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Arthur, C. J. and C. World Association for Christian (1993). Religion and the Media : An Introductory Reader. Cardiff, University of Wales.
‘Published on behalf of the World Association for Christian Communication.’–T.p. verso.
Arthur, D. (1995). Managing Human Resources in Small and Mid-sized Companies. New York, AMACOM.
Arthur, D. (1997). The Complete Human Resources Writing Guide. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Arthur, D. (1998). Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New Employees. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Artz, F. B. (1998). The Enlightenment in France. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
This is an introduction to the principle writers of the Enlightenment in Eighteenth Century France. French thinkers of this century made a long series of devastating attacks on old ideas, usages, and institutions that had been handed down from the past. And, at the same time, these thinkers proposed a series of thorough-going reforms in social, economic, political, religious, and educational ideas and institutions. France was the center of the Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century, but there were important thinkers that belonged to the movement in other countries, such as Vico and Beccaria in Italy; Lessing, Herder, and Kant in Germany; and Hume, Adam Smith, and Bentham in Britain. France, though, took the lead, and, outside of France, there were no thinkers of quite the influence of the French writers, Voltaire and Rousseau. The whole climate of opinion was changed in France and the rest of Western Europe by these publicists and propagandists, or as they were commonly called, the Philosophes. The Eighteenth Century in France began with certain currents of opinion in the ascendency, namely, divine right and absolute monarchy, uniformity of religious opinion (Gallicanism in France), a controlled economy (Mercantilism), and Classicism in art and literature. And the Eighteenth Century ended with a widespread belief in some form of representative and Liberal government, with the idea that religion is an individual matter, with Laissez-faire economics, and with growing Romanticism in the arts. This change of opinion was largely due to the Philosophes. Napoleon once said that’cannons destroyed the feudal order but ink destroyed the old monarchy.’That is too simple an explanation. The French Revolution was actually the result of both: abuses of all kinds in the political, economic, and social order of the Old Regime and propaganda for all types of change. In spite of the excesses of the French Revolution and the Conservative reaction that followed it, the Philosophes’ideas of Liberalism and democracy went on to mold much of the thinking and institutions of the Western World.
Artz, N. (1997). 301 Great Customer Service : Ideas From America’s Most Innovative Small Companies. Boston, Inc. Pub.
Arya, B. (1999). Thirty Seconds to Air : A Field Reporter’s Guide to Live Television Reporting. Ames, Ia, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Asad, M. (1999). Management of Water Resources : Bulk Water Pricing in Brazil. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
âSankaråacåarya (1992). A Thousand Teachings : The Upadeâsasåahasråi of ÂSankara. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Asante-Duah, D. K. (1996). Managing Contaminated Sites : Problem Diagnosis and Development of Site Restoration. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Asante-Duah, D. K. (1998). Risk Assessment in Environmental Management : A Guide for Managing Chemical Contamination Problems. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Asch, B. J., et al. (1999). Attracting College-bound Youth Into the Military : Toward the Development of New Recruiting Policy Options. Santa Monica, CA, RAND Corporation.
‘Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.’
Ascione, F. R. and P. Arkow (1999). Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse : Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention. West Lafayette, Ind, Purdue University Press.
Ash, S. V. (1995). When the Yankees Came : Conflict and Chaos in the Occupied South, 1861-1865. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Southerners whose communities were invaded by the Union army during the Civil War endured a profoundly painful ordeal. For most, the coming of the Yankees was a nightmare become real; for some, it was the answer to a prayer. But as Stephen Ash argues, for all, invasion and occupation were essential parts of the experience of defeat that helped shape the southern postwar mentality. When the Yankees Came is the first comprehensive study of the occupied South, bringing to light a wealth of new information about the southern home front. Among the intriguing topics Ash explores are guerrilla warfare and other forms of civilian resistance; the evolution of Union occupation policy from leniency to repression; the impact of occupation on families, churches, and local government; and conflicts between southern aristocrats and poor whites. In analyzing these topics, Ash examines events from the perspective not only of southerners but also of the northern invaders, and he shows how the experiences of southerners differed according to their distance from a garrisoned town.
Ashbourne, A. (1999). Lithuania : The Rebirth of a Nation, 1991-1994. Lanham, Md, Lexington Books.
Ashbrook, T. (2000). The Leap : A Memoir of Love and Madness in the Internet Gold Rush. Boston, Mass, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Ashby, L. and R. Gramer (1994). Fighting the Odds : The Life of Senator Frank Church. Pullman, Washington State University Press.
Fifteen years in the making, Fighting the Odds is a milestone in western political biography. Authors LeRoy Ashby and Rod Gramer take readers on a dramatic tour of post-World War II America, as experienced in Frank Church’s twenty-four years in the Senate. From 1957 to 1981, Church stood at the center of searing national debates, emerging as one of the twentieth century’s most respected and influential senators. Ashby and Gramer illuminate the battle for the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the emergence of the Senate’s anti-Vietnam coalition, conflicts over environmental legislation in the 1960s and 1970s, the fight over the Panama Canal treaties, and Church’s highly publicized investigations of the CIA, FBI, and multinational corporations. Interspersed is the gripping tale of the 1976 presidential campaign when Church, the’late, late candidate,’upset frontrunner Jimmy Carter in several key primaries. Throughout his life, Frank Church fought formidable odds. Almost dying of cancer at age twenty-four, he viewed the rest of his life as borrowed time. In 1956 he won a Senate seat, though he had never before held elective office. At thirty-two he became one of the youngest persons ever to take a seat in the U.S. Senate. He served four terms in the Senate – the only Idaho Democrat to ever serve more than one. Defeated in the Republican landslide election of 1980, Frank Church died of cancer in 1984. Fighting the Odds is’a meticulously researched, comprehensive, eminently fair biography,’according to award-winning historian William L. O’Neill. It is destined to become a classic of American political writing.
Asher, B. (1999). Beyond the Reservation : Indians, Settlers, and the Law in Washington Territory, 1853-1889. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Asher, M., et al. (1999). Vault.com Guide to the Case Interview. New York, Vault.com.
Asher, R., et al. (1995). Autowork. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Asher, R. M. (1992). Women with Alcoholic Husbands : Ambivalence and the Trap of Codependency. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Ashford, N. A. and C. Miller (1997). Chemical Exposures : Low Levels and High Stakes. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Ashkenazi, E. (1988). The Business of Jews in Louisiana, 1840-1875. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Includes index.
Ashley, B. M. and K. D. O’Rourke (1997). Health Care Ethics : A Theological Analysis. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Previous ed. has title: Healthcare ethics.
Ashley, K. M., et al. (1994). Autobiography & Postmodernism. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ashley, R. (1998). Enhancing Your Employability : How to Improve Your Prospects of Achieving a Fulfilling and Rewarding Career. [N.p.], How To Books.
Askin, J. (1998). Search : A Handbook for Adoptees and Birthparents. Phoenix, AZ, Greenwood Publishing Group.
Aslett, D. and C. Cartaino (1997). Keeping Work Simple : 500 Tips, Rules, and Tools. Pownal, Vt, Storey Communications.
Aspatore, J. R. (2000). The New Electronic Traders : Understanding What It Takes to Make the Jump to Electronic Trading. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
‘Special section on the Future of electronic trading by Omar Amanat, CEO of TRADESCAPE.com.’
Aspenson, S. S. (1998). The Philosopher’s Tool Kit. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Associated, P. (1998). Home Run! : The Year the Records Fell. Champaign, Ill, Sports Publishing, Inc.
Aston, G. and L. Burnard (1998). The BNC Handbook : Exploring the British National Corpus with SARA. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Includes index.
Astor, J. J. A Journey in Other Worlds-a Romance of the Future. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Athearn, D. (1994). Scientific Nihilism : On the Loss and Recovery of Physical Explanation. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Athearn, R. G. (1995). William Tecumseh Sherman and the Settlement of the West. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: 1956.
Atherton, G. F. H. and V. University of (1996). Rezanov. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Atherton, G. F. H. and V. University of (1998). The Sacrificial Altar. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Atiyeh, G. N. (1995). The Book in the Islamic World : The Written Word and Communication in the Middle East. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Atkinson, A. B. (1999). The Economic Consequences of Rolling Back the Welfare State. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Atkinson, D. and S. Royal (1999). Scientific Discourse in Sociohistorical Context : The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1675-1975. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
Scientific Discourse in Sociohistorical Context represents the intersection of knowledge and method, examined from the perspective of three distinct disciplines: linguistics, rhetoric-composition, and history. Herein, Dwight Atkinson describes the written language and rhetoric of the Royal Society of London, based on his analysis of its affiliated journal, The Philosophical Transactions, starting with the 17th century advent of modern empirical science through to the present day. Atkinson adopts two independent approaches to the analysis of written discourse–from the fields of linguistics and rhetoric-composition–and then integrates and interprets his findings in light of the history of the Royal Society and British science. Atkinson’s study provides the most complete and particular institutional account of a scientific journal, which in this case is a publication that stands as an icon of scientific publication. He supplies his readers with important material found nowhere else in the historical literature, including details about the operation of the journal and its relation to the society. The work embeds the history of the journal and its editors within the history of the Royal Society and other developments in science and society. The synthesis of historical, linguistic, rhetorical, and cultural analysis makes visible certain complex communicative dynamics that could not previously be seen from a single vantage point. The work presented here reinforces how deep historical examinations of linguistic and rhetorical practices have direct bearing on how and what scholars read and write now. Most significantly, this volume demonstrates how these historical activities need to inform current teaching of and thinking about language.
Atkinson, G. (1998). Chess and Machine Intuition. Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
Atkinson, J. L. D., et al. (1998). Subarachnoid Hemorrhage : Medical and Surgical Management. New York, M. Dekker.
Atkinson, R. C. and G. B. Jackson (1992). Research and Education Reform : Roles for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
‘Committee on the Federal Role in Education Research, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council.’
Atleson, J. B. (1983). Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Attfield, R. (1999). The Ethics of the Global Environment. West Lafayette, Ind, Edinburgh University Press.
Atwater, P. M. H. and D. H. Morgan (2000). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Near-death Experiences. Indianapolis, Ind, Alpha Books.
Atwell, J. E. (1995). Schopenhauer on the Character of the World : The Metaphysics of Will. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The most extensive English-language study of Schopenhauer’s metaphysics of the will yet published, this book represents a major contribution to Schopenhauer scholarship. Here, John E. Atwell critically but sympathetically examines the philosopher’s main work, The World as Will and Representation, demonstrating that the philosophical system it puts forth does constitute a consistent whole. The author holds that this system is centered on a single thought,’The world is self-knowledge of the will.’He then traces this unifying concept through the four books of The World as Will and Representation, and, in the process, dissolves the work’s alleged inconsistencies.
Aubuchon, N. (1997). The Anatomy of Persuasion. New York, AMACOM.
Audi, R. (1997). Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character. New York, Oxford University Press.
This book presents an ethical theory that uniquely integrates naturalistic and rationalistic elements. Robert Audi develops his theory in four areas: moral epistemology, the metaphysics of ethics, moral psychology, and the foundations of ethics. Comprising both new and published work, the book sets forth a moderate intuitionism, clarifies the relation between reason and motivation, constructs a theory of intrinsic value and its place in moral obligation, and presents a sophisticated account of moral justification. The concluding chapter articulates a new normative framework built from both Kantian and intuitionist elements. Connecting ethics in novel ways to both the theory of value and the philosophy of action, the essays explore topics such as ethical intuition, reason and judgement, and virtue. Audi also considers major views in the history of ethics, including those of Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill, Moore, and W. D. Ross, and engages contemporary work on autonomy, responsibility, objectivity, reasons, and other issues. Clear and conceptually rich, this book makes vital reading for students and scholars of ethics.
Audi, R. and N. Wolterstorff (1997). Religion in the Public Square : The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
This vigorous debate between two distinguished philosophers presents two views on a topic of worldwide importance: the role of religion in politics. Audi argues that citizens in a free democracy should distinguish religious and secular considerations and give them separate though related roles. Wolterstorff argues that religious elements are both appropriate in politics and indispensable to the vitality of a pluralistic democracy. Each philosopher first states his position in detail, then responds to and criticizes the opposing viewpoint. Written with engaging clarity, Religion in the Public Square will spur discussion among scholars, students, and citizens.
Audretsch, D. B. (1995). Innovation and Industry Evolution. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Auerbach, A. J. (1997). Fiscal Policy : Lessons From Economic Research. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Auerbach, J. D., et al. (1994). AIDS and Behavior : An Integrated Approach. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
HIV is spreading rapidly, and effective treatments continue to elude science. Preventive interventions are now our best defense against the epidemic–but they require a clear understanding of the behavioral and mental health aspects of HIV infection and AIDS. AIDS and Behavior provides an update of what investigators in the biobehavioral, psychological, and social sciences have discovered recently about those aspects of the disease and offers specific recommendations for research directions and priorities. This volume candidly discusses the sexual and drug-use behaviors that promote transmission of HIV and reports on the latest efforts to monitor the epidemic in its social contexts. The committee reviews new findings on how and why risky behaviors occur and efforts to develop strategies for changing such behaviors. The volume presents findings on the disease’s progression and on the psychosocial impacts of HIV and AIDS, with a view toward intervention and improved caregiving. AIDS and Behavior also evaluates the status of behavioral and prevention aspects of AIDS research at the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The volume presents background on the three institutes; their recent reorganization; their research budgets, programs, and priorities; and other important details. The committee offers specific recommendations for the institutes concerning the balance between biomedical and behavioral investigations, adequacy of administrative structures, and other research management issues. Anyone interested in the continuing quest for new knowledge on preventing HIV and AIDS will want to own this book: policymakers, researchers, research administrators, public health professionals, psychologists, AIDS advocates and service providers, faculty, and students.
Auffenberg, W. (1981). The Behavioral Ecology of the Komodo Monitor. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Auffenberg, W. (1994). The Bengal Monitor. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
August, D. and K. Hakuta (1997). Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children : A Research Agenda. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
How do we effectively teach children from homes in which a language other than English is spoken? In Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children, a committee of experts focuses on this central question, striving toward the construction of a strong and credible knowledge base to inform the activities of those who educate children as well as those who fund and conduct research. The book reviews a broad range of studies–from basic ones on language, literacy, and learning to others in educational settings. The committee proposes a research agenda that responds to issues of policy and practice yet maintains scientific integrity. This comprehensive volume provides perspective on the history of bilingual education in the United States; summarizes relevant research on development of a second language, literacy, and content knowledge; reviews past evaluation studies; explores what we know about effective schools and classrooms for these children; examines research on the education of teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse students; critically reviews the system for the collection of education statistics as it relates to this student population; and recommends changes in the infrastructure that supports research on these students.
August, D., et al. (1998). Educating Language-Minority Children. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
In the past 30 years, a large and growing number of students in U.S. schools have come from homes in which the language background is other than English. These students present unique challenges for America’s education system. Based on Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children, a comprehensive study published in 1997, this book summarizes for teachers and education policymakers what has been learned over the past three decades about educating such students. It discusses a broad range of educational issues: how students learn a second language; how reading and writing skills develop in the first and second languages; how information on specific subjects (for example, biology) is stored and learned and the implications for second-language learners; how social and motivational factors affect learning for English-language learners; how the English proficiency and subject matter knowledge of English-language learners are assessed; and what is known about the attributes of effective schools and classrooms that serve English-language learners.
August, E. R. (1994). The New Men’s Studies : A Selected and Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
August, J. L. (1998). Vision in the Desert : Carl Hayden and Hydropolitics in the American Southwest. Fort Worth, Tex, Texas Christian University Press.
Augustine Enchiridion : On Faith, Hope, and Love. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Augustine On Christian Doctrine. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Augustine (1994). Confessions and Enchiridion. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Augustine, N. R. (1998). Augustine’s Travels : A World-class Leader Looks at Life, Business, and What It Takes to Succeed at Both. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Aulestia, G. (1995). Improvisational Poetry From The Basque Country. Reno, University of Nevada Press.
Foreword by William A. Douglass Translated by Lisa Corcostegui and Linda White.Improvisational Poetry from the Basque Country introduces the Basque bertsolari to the English-speaking world and provides an understanding of an interesting cultural phenomenon—the artist in Basque society who is capable of improvising verse on any subject spontaneously and setting it to music. The tradition is at least several centuries old and runs the gamut from amateurish efforts to periodic national championship competitions. These competitions draw thousands of listeners and pack theaters while many other thousands tune their radios to the broadcasts of the performances. Aulestia takes a scholarly and in-depth look at the art of the bertsolari. In a fascinating text, the author examines the history of a tradition that is truly unique and completely Basque. He introduces and analyzes the performing styles of great bertsolariak, including Xabier Amuriza and Jon Azpillaga. From the bertsolari’s roots in the old Basque Country to the social phenomenon it is today, Aulestia’s look at the improvisational oral literature of the Basques is an essential addition to their written history.
Aune, M. B. and V. M. DeMarinis (1996). Religious and Social Ritual : Interdisciplinary Explorations. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Auslander, L. (1996). Taste and Power : Furnishing Modern France. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Louis XIV, regency, rococo, neoclassical, empire, art nouveau, and historicist pastiche: furniture styles march across French history as regimes rise and fall. In this extraordinary social history, Leora Auslander explores the changing meaning of furniture from the mid-seventeenth to the early twentieth century, revealing how the aesthetics of everyday life were as integral to political events as to economic and social transformations. Enriched by Auslander’s experience as a cabinetmaker, this work demonstrates how furniture served to represent and even generate its makers’and consumers’identities.
Austad, S. N. (1997). Why We Age : What Science Is Discovering About the Body’s Journey Through Life. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Austen, J. Emma. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Lady Susan : The Watsons; Sanditon. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Love and Friendship, and Other Early Works. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Mansfield Park. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Northanger Abbey. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Persuasion. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Pride and Prejudice. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. Sense and Sensibility. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Austen, J. (1992). Pride and Prejudice. [N.p.], Courage Books.
Austen, J. (1996). Sense and Sensibility. [N.p.], Courage Books.
Austen, J. and C. Grogan (1996). Northanger Abbey. Toronto, Ont, Broadview Press.
Austen, R. and J. W. Crowley (1991). Genteel Pagan : The Double Life of Charles Warren Stoddard. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Austin, A. (1998). The Empire Strikes Back : Outsiders and the Struggle Over Legal Education. New York, NYU Press.
Once dismissed as plodding and superfluous, legal scholarship is increasingly challenging the liberal white male establishment that currently dominates legal education and practice. The most significant development since the emergence of the casebook, at the turn of the century, this trend has unleashed a fierce political struggle. At stake is nothing less than the entire enterprise of law and education, and thus a powerful platform from which to shape society. The result, here vividly recounted by Arthur Austin, has been an uncompromising, take-no-prisoners fight for dominance. The challenge comes from Outsiders, a collection of feminists, critical race theorists, and critical legal studies scholars who rely on unconventional methods such as storytelling to give voice to the underrepresented. In the other, demographically larger camp resides the monolithic Empire, consisting of traditionalists who, having developed an effective form of scholarship, now circle the wagons against the outsider heathens. Neither partisan nor objective, Austin is both respectful and critical of each faction. The Empire, he believes, is imperious, closed-minded, and self-perpetuating; the Outsiders are too often paranoid, anti-pragmatic, and overly tolerant of fringe work. Is the new scholarship a vacuous, overpoliticized, soon-to-be-vanquished trend or the harbinger of an important new paradigm? Is reconciliation possible? Anyone with a vested interest in the answer to these questions, and in the future of law, cannot afford to miss Arthur Austin’s invaluable volume. Arthur Austin is the Edgar A. Hahn Professor of Jurisprudence at Case Western Reserve University.
Austin, D. (1998). Using Oracle 8. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Austin, D. R. (1997). Therapeutic Recreation : Processes and Techniques. Champaign, Ill, Sagamore Pub.
Austin, J. E. and I. Economic Development (1992). Agroindustrial Project Analysis : Critical Design Factors. Baltimore, World Bank Publications.
‘Published for the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank.’
Austin, M. Winter in the Sierras. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. (1995). A Land of Little Rain. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M., et al. Agua Dulce. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M., et al. (1996). Bitterness of Women. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Deer-star (A Paiute Legend). Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of Indian Songs. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Little Town of the Grape Vines. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of Mahala Joe. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Politeness of Questa La Platta. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Return of Mr. Wills. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Rhyme of the Pronghorns. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Rocky Mountain Sheep. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Sand-hill Crane. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of A Shepherd of the Sierras. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Shepherds in Judea. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The Song-makers. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of Spring in the Valley. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of Spring O’ the Year. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of The White Hour. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1995). The Gods of the Saxon. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1995). The Song of the Friend. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1995). The Song of the Hills : Being the Song of a Man and a Woman Who Might Have Loved. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1995). The Walking Woman. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). An Appreciation of H.G. Wells, Novelist. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Basket Maker. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Conversion of Ah Lew Sing. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). Inyo. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). Jimville : A Bret Harte Town. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Last Antelope. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). Medicine Songs. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). A Pipe of Oaten Straw. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Search for Jean Baptiste. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Woman at Eighteen-mile. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1996). The Wooing of the Señorita. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1997). Art Influence in the West. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1997). Hunting Weather. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1997). The Lighthouse and the Whistling-buoy. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1997). Signs of Spring. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1999). Frustrate. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1999). The Hoodoo of the Minnietta. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1999). The Little Coyote. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1999). The Mother of Felipe. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. and V. University of (1999). The Pot of Gold. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Austin, M. H. and R. J. Ellis (1996). Beyond Borders : The Selected Essays of Mary Austin. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Ausubel, J., et al. (1997). Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment provides a surprising projection of a much greener planet, based on long-range analysis of trends in the efficient use of energy, materials, and land. The authors argue that we will decarbonize the global energy system and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We will dematerialize the economy by leaner manufacturing, better product design, and smart use of materials. We will significantly increase land areas reserved for nature by conducting highly productive and environmentally friendly agriculture on less land than is used today, even as global population doubles. The book concludes that the technological opportunities before us offer the possibility of a vastly superior industrial ecology. Rich in both data and theory, the book offers fresh analyses essential for everyone in the environmental arena concerned with global change, sustainable development, and profitable investments in technology.
Avakian, A. V. (1997). Through the Kitchen Window : Women Explore the Intimate Meanings of Food and Cooking. Boston, Beacon Press.
Avellaneda Navas, J. I. (1995). The Conquerors of the New Kingdom of Granada. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Aven, O. I., et al. (1987). Stochastic Analysis of Computer Storage. Dordrecht, Springer.
Averill, G. (1997). A Day for the Hunter, a Day for the Prey : Popular Music and Power in Haiti. Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press.
The history of Haiti throughout the twentieth century has been marked by oppression at the hands of colonial and dictatorial overlords. But set against this’day for the hunter’has been a’day for the prey,’a history of resistance, and sometimes of triumph. With keen cultural and historical awareness, Gage Averill shows that Haiti’s vibrant and expressive music has been one of the most highly charged instruments in this struggle—one in which power, politics, and resistance are inextricably fused. Averill explores such diverse genres as Haitian jazz, troubadour traditions, Vodou-jazz, konpa, mini-djaz, new generation, and roots music. He examines the complex interaction of music with power in contexts such as honorific rituals, sponsored street celebrations, Carnival, and social movements that span the political spectrum. With firsthand accounts by musicians, photos, song texts, and ethnographic descriptions, this book explores the profound manifestations of power and song in the day-to-day efforts of ordinary Haitians to rise above political repression.
Avery, W. P. and D. P. Rapkin (1995). National Competitiveness in a Global Economy. Boulder, Colo, Lynne Rienner Publishers.
The general public perception that the United States has lost some substantial measure of economic competitiveness—and that this loss is already manifest in the aggregate welfare and will be even more acutely felt in the future—has brought about pronounced changes in U.S. international trade policies. Aggressive unilateralism, technonationalist investment and R&D policies, and regional free trade agreements all raise disturbing implications for the viability and stability of international economic regimes. This volume examines the causes and consequences of changes in economic competitiveness. The authors locate the issue in the context of the debate in the late 1980s and early’90s over relative US decline, survey the various definitions and conceptual approaches to the subject, and provide theoretical perspectives on the sources of variation in competitiveness across time and differing countries. They also examine responses, mainly US but also
Avruch, K. and W. P. Zenner (1997). Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion, and Government. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Awe, S. C. (1997). ARBA Guide to Subject Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Axelrod, A. (1996). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to American History. New York, Alpha Books.
Axelrod, A. (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Civil War. New York, Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms & Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms & Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms & Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms & Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms & Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). Ace Your Midterms and Finals. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Axelrod, A. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to 20th Century History. New York, Alpha Books.
Axelrod, A. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Jazz. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Axelrod, A. (2000). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the American Revolution. Indianapolis, Ind, Alpha Books.
Axelrod, R. H. (2000). Terms of Engagement : Changing the Way We Change Organizations. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler.
Ayer, E. H. (1994). Everything You Need to Know About Depression. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Ayer, E. H. (1997). It’s Okay to Say No : Choosing Sexual Abstinence. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses what abstinence means, the dangers of teenage sexual activity, the difficulty of choosing abstinence, and the advantages of abstaining from sex.
Ayers, D. (1999). English Literature of the 1920s. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Ayers, P. (2000). A Kid’s Guide to How Flowers Grow. New York, PowerKids Press.
Explains the basics of how flowers grow and provides instructions for planting and caring for a flower garden.
Ayers, P. (2000). A Kid’s Guide to How Herbs Grow. New York, PowerKids Press.
Follows a school class as they learn about different kinds of herbs and plant and care for their own herb garden.
Ayers, P. (2000). A Kid’s Guide to How Plants Grow. New York, PowerKids Press.
Briefly describes how different kinds of plants grow and reproduce, as well as their importance to life on Earth.
Ayers, P. (2000). A Kid’s Guide to How Trees Grow. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes the basics of how different types of trees grow.
Ayers, P. (2000). A Kid’s Guide to How Vegetables Grow. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses how vegetables grow and describes how to grow your own vegetable garden.
Ayim, M. (1997). The Moral Parameters of Good Talk : A Feminist Analysis. Waterloo, Ont, Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Aylett, S. (1999). Toxicology : Stories. [N.p.], Four Walls Eight Windows.
Aylward, A. H. (1998). Trends in Capital Finance in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Aylward, A. H. and J. D. Glen (1999). Primary Securities Markets : Cross Country Findings. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ayres, F. and E. Mendelson (1990). Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Differential and Integral Calculus. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Ayres, J. F. and E. Mendelson (2000). Schaum’s Easy Outlines. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Ayres, R. L. (1998). Crime and Violence As Development Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Ayres, R. U. and U. E. Simonis (1994). Industrial Metabolism : Restructuring for Sustainable Development. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Ayres, R. U. and P. M. Weaver (1998). Eco-restructuring : Implications for Sustainable Development. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Ayres, W. S., et al. (1998). Setting Priorities for Environmental Management : An Application to the Mining Sector in Bolivia. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Includes one folded map of Bolivia’s major COMIBOL mines.
Azevedo, J. (1997). Mapping Reality : An Evolutionary Realist Methodology for the Natural and Social Sciences. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Azuela, M. The Underdogs. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
B, M. (2000). My Search for Bill W. Center City, Minn, Perseus Books, LLC.
Baars, D. (1995). Navajo Country : A Geology and Natural History of the Four Corners Region. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Babb, L. A. (1996). Absent Lord : Ascetics and Kings in a Jain Ritual Culture. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
What does it mean to worship beings that one believes are completely indifferent to, and entirely beyond the reach of, any form of worship whatsoever? How would such a relationship with sacred beings affect the religious life of a community? Using these questions as his point of departure, Lawrence A. Babb explores the ritual culture of image-worshipping Svetambar Jains of the western Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan.Jainism traces its lineages back to the ninth century B.C.E. and is, along with Buddhism, the only surviving example of India’s ancient non-Vedic religious traditions. It is known and celebrated for its systematic practice of non-violence and for the intense rigor of the asceticism it promotes. A unique aspect of Babb’s study is his linking of the Jain tradition to the social identity of existing Jain communities.Babb concludes by showing that Jain ritual culture can be seen as a variation on pan-Indian ritual patterns. In illuminating this little-known religious tradition, he demonstrates that divine’absence’can be as rich as divine’presence’in its possibilities for informing a religious response to the cosmos.
Babb, S. (1994). An Owl on Every Post. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Babb, S. (1995). The Lost Traveler. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
‘Set in Kansas in the 1930s, this is the gripping story of a professional gambler, Des Tannehill, and his family. The father, a complex and magnetic man, is portrayed from the perspective of his willful and proud daughter Robin’–Amazon.com.
Babbage, C. Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of Its Causes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Baber, C. and L. J. Williams (1986). Modern South Wales : Essays in Economic History. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Distributor statement from label on T.P.
Baber, M. (1997). How Champions Sell. New York, AMACOM.
Baber, Z. (1996). The Science of Empire : Scientific Knowledge, Civilization, and Colonial Rule in India. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Babich, B. E. (1994). Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Science : Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bach, G. and G. L. Cronin (2000). Small Planets : Saul Bellow and the Art of Short Fiction. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Bachmann, G. (1999). Palm Programming. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Bachrach, B. S. (1993). Fulk Nerra, the Neo-Roman Consul 987-1040 : A Political Biography of the Angevin Count. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This is the first comprehensive biography of Fulk Nerra, an important medieval ruler, who came to power in his teens and rose to be master in the west of the French Kingdom. Descendant of warriors and administrators who served the French kings, Fulk in turn built the state that provided a foundation for the vast Angevin empire later constructed by his descendants.Bernard Bachrach finds the terms’constructed’and’built’more than metaphorical in relation to Fulk’s career. He shows how Fulk and the Angevin counts who followed him based their long-term state building policy on Roman strategies and fortifications described by Vegetius. This creative adaptation of Roman ideas and tactics, according to Bachrach, was the key to Fulk’s successful consolidation of political power. Students of medieval and military history will find here a colorful, impressively researched biography.
Backman, M. E. (1994). Coping with Choosing a Therapist : A Young Person’s Guide to Counseling and Psychotherapy. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Bacon, C. (1998). A Private State : Stories. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bacon, C. W. and J. F. White (2000). Microbial Endophytes. New York, CRC Press.
Examining intercellular infections in certain plant species that lead to a symbiotic relationship between the host and its endophytic microbes, this volume demonstrates the ability of many types of endosymbionts, acting as a unit with hosts to better survive, compete and reproduce. Practical applications of such endophytes are also discussed, for example, pharmaceutical developments and agricultural management.
Bacon, F. The Advancement of Learning. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bacon, F. The Advancement of Learning. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bacon, F. Bacon’s Essays. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bacon, F. The New Atlantis. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bacon, J. M. (1999). The Dominion of the Air : The Story of Aerial Navigation. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bacon, N. Bacon’s Declaration in the Name of the People (30 July 1676). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bacon, P. S. (2000). 100 Library Lifesavers : A Survival Guide for School Library Media Specialists. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Bacon, R. (1995). Measurement of Welfare Changes Caused by Large Price Shifts : An Issue in the Power Sector. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Badaracco, J. (1991). The Knowledge Link : How Firms Compete Through Strategic Alliances. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Badaracco, J. and R. R. Ellsworth (1989). Leadership and the Quest for Integrity. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Baddeley, A. D. (1999). Essentials of Human Memory. Hove, England, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Badger, J. E. The Lost City. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Badham, P. and P. H. Ballard (1996). Facing Death : An Interdisciplinary Approach. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Badian, E., et al. (1996). Transitions to Empire : Essays in Greco-Roman History, 360-146 B.C. In Honor of E. Badian. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Badry, D. E., et al. (1993). Letters to Our Children. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Co-published by the Social Work Research Unit, Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Bâegaud, B. (2000). Dictionary of Pharmacoepidemiology. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Bâenaud, C.-L. and S. Bordeianu (1998). Outsourcing Library Operations in Academic Libraries : An Overview of Issues and Outcomes. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Baeten, E. M. (1996). The Magic Mirror : Myth’s Abiding Power. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Baetens Beardsmore, H. (1986). Bilingualism : Basic Principles. Boston, Mass, Multilingual Matters.
Includes index.
Baetens Beardsmore, H. (1993). European Models of Bilingual Education. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Bagdikian, B. H. (2000). The New Media Monopoly : A Completely Revised and Updated Edition with Seven New Chapters. Boston, Mass, Beacon Press.
When the first edition of The Media Monopoly was published in 1983, critics called Ben Bagdikian’s warnings about the chilling effects of corporate ownership and mass advertising on the nation’s news’alarmist.’Since then, the number of corporations controlling most of America’s daily newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, book publishers, and movie companies has dwindled from fifty to ten to five.The most respected critique of modern mass media ever issued is now published in a completely updated and revised twentieth anniversary edition.’Ben Bagdikian has written the first great media book of the twenty-first century. The New Media Monopoly will provide a roadmap to understanding how we got here and where we need to go to make matters better.’-Robert McChesney, author of Rich Media, Poor DemocracyFrom the Trade Paperback edition.
Bagehot, W. Essay on John Milton. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bagge, S. (1991). Society and Politics in Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bagot, C. and R. Rush Naval Force to Be Maintained on the American Lakes. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bahr, D. M. (1993). From Mission to Metropolis : Cupeäno Indian Women in Los Angeles. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Baider, L., et al. (2000). Cancer and the Family. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Baier, M. (1996). How to Find and Cultivate Customers Through Direct Marketing. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Bailey, J. (1999). Hiring Made Easy. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bailey, J. and T. G. Ivanova (1998). An Anthology of Russian Folk Epics. Armonk, N.Y., Routledge.
An extensive introduction provides basic information about Russian epics, their historical background, their poetics, the history of their collection, their performance context, and their main interpretations. In addition, their is a short introduction to each song, explaining its plot, allusions, and interpretations. A glossary of common terms and a selected bibliography of studies about the Russian epic in English and Russian are also included in the volume.
Bailey, J. and P. Marler (1996). Getting a Raise Made Easy. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Bailey, J. and P. Marler (1996). Job Hunting Made Easy. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bailey, J. W. (1997). Utilitarianism, Institutions, and Justice. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
This compelling book advances utilitarianism as the basis for a viable public philosophy, effectively rebutting the common charge that, as moral doctrine, utilitarian thought permits cruel acts, justifies unfair distribution of wealth, and demands too much of moral agents. James Wood Bailey defends utilitarianism through novel use of game theory insights regarding feasible equilibria and evolutionary stability, elaborating a sophisticated account of institutions that real-world utilitarians would want to foster. If utilitarianism seems in principle to dictate that we make each and every choice such that it leads to the best consequences overall, game theory emphasizes that no choice has consequences in isolation, but only in conjunction with many other choices of other agents. Viewing institutions as equilibria in complex games, Bailey negotiates the paradox of individual responsibilities, arguing that if individuals within institutions have specific responsibilities they cannot get from the principle of utility alone, the utility principle nevertheless holds great value in that it allows us to identify morally desirable institutions. Far from recommending cruel acts, utilitarianism, understood this way, actually runs congruent to our basic moral intuitions. A provocative attempt to support the practical use of utilitarian ethics in a world of conflicting interests and competing moral agents, Bailey’s book employs the work of social scientists to tackle problems traditionally given abstract philosophical attention. Vividly illustrating its theory with concrete moral dilemmas and taking seriously our moral common sense, Utilitarianism, Institutions, and Justice is an accessible, groundbreaking work that will richly reward students and scholars of political science, political economy, and philosophy.
Bailey, K. D. (1994). Sociology and the New Systems Theory : Toward a Theoretical Synthesis. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bailey, K. W. (1997). Marketing and Pricing of Milk and Dairy Products in the United States. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Bailey, P. J. (2007). Gender and Education in China : Gender Discourses and Women’s Schooling in the Early Twentieth Century. London, Routledge.
Gender and Education in China analyzes the significance, impact and nature of women’s public education in China from its beginnings at the turn of the twentieth century. Educational change was an integral aspect of the early twentieth century state-building and modernizing reforms implemented by the Qing dynasty as a means of strengthening the foundations of dynastic rule and reinvigorating China’s economy and society to ward off the threat of foreign imperialism. A significant feature of educational change during this period was the emergence of official and non-official schools for girls. Using primary evidence such as official documents, newspapers and journals, Paul Bailey analyzes the different rationales for women’s education provided by officials, educators and reformers, and charts the course and practice of women’s education describing how young women responded to the educational opportunities made available to them. Demonstrating how the representation of women and assumptions concerning their role in the household, society and polity underpinned subsequent gender discourses throughout the rest of the century, Gender and Education in China will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese history, gender studies, women’s studies as well as an interest in the history of education.
Bailey, R. (2000). Earth Report 2000 : Revisiting the True State of the Planet. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Bailey, T. and V. University of The Eternal Feminine. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bain, R. (1996). Whitman’s & Dickinson’s Contemporaries : An Anthology of Their Verse. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Baird, B. and C. McBurney (1999). Electronic Day Trading to Win. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index.
Baird, E. T. and B. d. Sahagâun (1993). The Drawings of Sahagâun’s Primeros Memoriales : Structure and Style. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Revision of author’s thesis (Ph. D.)–University of New Mexico, 1979.
Bakelʹman, I. I. A. (1993). Geometric Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. New York, M. Dekker.
Baker, A. (1998). Voices of Resistance : Oral Histories of Moroccan Women. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Baker, A. and R. Velleman (2007). Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems. London, Routledge.
Co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems occur frequently in primary care and clinical settings. Despite this, health professionals rarely receive training in how to detect, assess and formulate interventions for co-existing problems and few clinical guidelines exist. This Handbook provides an exciting and highly useful addition to this area. Leading clinicians from the UK, the US and Australia provide practical descriptions of assessments and interventions for co-existing problems. These will enable professionals working with co-existing problems to understand best practice and ensure that people with co-existing problems receive optimal treatment. A range of overarching approaches are covered, including: • working within a cognitive behavioural framework;• provision of consultation-liaison services, training and supervision;• individual, group and family interventions; and• working with rurally isolated populations. The contributors also provide detailed descriptions of assessments and treatments for a range of disorders when accompanied by drug and alcohol problems, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and learning difficulties. The Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems will enhance clinicians’confidence in working with people with co-existing problems. It will prove a valuable resource for all psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, social workers and all those working in both primary and secondary care health settings.
Baker, A. H. (1999). Vascular Disease : Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy Protocols. Totowa, N.J., Humana Press.
Baker, B. J. and L. Kealhofer (1996). Bioarchaeology of Native American Adaptation in the Spanish Borderlands. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Baker, C. (1995). A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism. Clevedon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Includes index.
Baker, C. (2000). The Care and Education of Young Bilinguals : An Introduction for Professionals. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Baker, D. and I. Economic Policy (1998). Getting Prices Right : The Debate Over the Consumer Price Index. Armonk, N.Y., Routledge.
Compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the CPI is used to index Social Security payments and many other federal programs, as well as to adjust tax brackets. Today, the accuracy of the CPI is being hotly debated, particularly in light of the Boskin Commission report that concluded in December 1996 that the CPI overstates inflation by 1.1%. If accepted and applied in the formulation of economic policy, the report would have major implications for balancing the federal budget. It would have a direct impact on the lives of Americans who are beneficiaries of government programs as well as on everyone who pays taxes. In this book, Dean Baker introduces and explains the significance of the debate, presents the full text of the Boskin Commission report and finally discusses in a far-reaching and insightful analysis both the Commission’s research methodology and its conclusions.
Baker, F. B. (1992). Item Response Theory : Parameter Estimation Techniques. New York, M. Dekker.
Baker, G. P. (1996). Fighting Kings of Wessex. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Baker, J. H. (1998). Affairs of Party : The Political Culture of Northern Democrats in the Mid-nineteenth Century. Bronx, N.Y., Oxford University Press USA.
Originally published: Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1983. With new pref.
Baker, J. L. (1997). Poverty Reduction and Human Development in the Caribbean : A Cross-country Study. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Baker, L. D. (1998). From Savage to Negro : Anthropology and the Construction of Race, 1896-1954. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Lee D. Baker explores what racial categories mean to the American public and how these meanings are reinforced by anthropology, popular culture, and the law. Focusing on the period between two landmark Supreme Court decisions—Plessy v. Ferguson (the so-called’separate but equal’doctrine established in 1896) and Brown v. Board of Education (the public school desegregation decision of 1954)—Baker shows how racial categories change over time.Baker paints a vivid picture of the relationships between specific African American and white scholars, who orchestrated a paradigm shift within the social sciences from ideas based on Social Darwinism to those based on cultural relativism. He demonstrates that the greatest impact on the way the law codifies racial differences has been made by organizations such as the NAACP, which skillfully appropriated the new social science to exploit the politics of the Cold War.
Baker, M. (2000). The Debt-free Graduate : How to Survive College Without Going Broke. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Includes index.
Baker, P. (1991). Obdurate Brilliance : Exteriority and the Modern Long Poem. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Baker, P. (1995). Deconstruction and the Ethical Turn. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Baker, R. S. and V. University of Negro Suffrage in a Democracy. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Baker, S. and K. Baker (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Project Management. New York, Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Baker, S. W. Eight Years’ Wanderings in Ceylon. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Baker, T. L. (1986). Ghost Towns of Texas. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Baker, T. L. (1996). The First Polish Americans : Silesian Settlements in Texas. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Baker, T. L., et al. (1996). The WPA Oklahoma Slave Narratives. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bakken, G. M. (1991). Practicing Law in Frontier California. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Baktiari, B. (1996). Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran : The Institutionalization of Factional Politics. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Bal, M. and B. Gonzales (1999). The Practice of Cultural Analysis : Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation. Stanford, Calif, Stanford University Press.
Balaguer, M. (1998). Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics. New York, Oxford University Press.
In this highly absorbing work, Balaguer demonstrates that no good arguments exist either for or against mathematical platonism-for example, the view that abstract mathematical objects do exist and that mathematical theories are descriptions of such objects. Balaguer does this by establishing that both platonism and anti-platonism are justifiable views. Introducing a form of platonism, called’full-blooded platonism,’that solves all problems traditionally associated with the view, he proceeds to defend anti-platonism (in particular, mathematical fictionalism) against various attacks-most notably the Quine-Putnam indispensability attack. He concludes by arguing that it is not simply that we do not currently have any good arguments for or against platonism but that we could never have such an argument. This lucid and accessible book breaks new ground in its area of engagement and makes vital reading for both specialists and all those intrigued by the philosophy of mathematics, or metaphysics in general.
Balakrishnan, A. V. and M. C. Joshi (1992). Mathematical Theory of Control : Proceedings of the International Conference. New York, Dekker.
Balakrishnan, N. (1992). Handbook of the Logistic Distribution. New York, Dekker.
Balas, E. (2000). Will to Freedom : A Perilous Journey Through Fascism and Communism. [Syracuse, N.Y.], Syracuse University Press.
‘A memoir of life under Nazi and communist rule in Hungary and Romania, this book provides an eyewitness account of the social and political upheaval that shook Eastern Europe from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s. As an underground resistance fighter, political prisoner, fugitive, and Communist Party official, Egon Balas charts his journey from idealistic young Communist to disenchanted dissident.’–BOOK JACKET.
Baldassare, M. (1998). When Government Fails : The Orange County Bankruptcy. San Francisco, University of California Press.
When Orange County, California, filed for Chapter 9 protection on December 6, 1994, it became the largest municipality in United States history to declare bankruptcy. In the first comprehensive analysis of this momentous fiscal crisis, Mark Baldassare uncovers the many twists and turns from the dark days in December 1994 to the financial recovery of June 1996. Utilizing a wealth of primary materials from the county government and Merrill Lynch, as well as interviews with key officials and players in this drama, Mark Baldassare untangles the causes of this $1.64 billion fiasco.He finds three factors critical to understanding the bankruptcy: one, the political fragmentation of the numerous local governments in the area; two, the fiscal conservatism underlying voters’feelings about their tax dollars; three, the financial austerity in state government and in meeting rising state expenditures. Baldassare finds that these forces help to explain how a county known for its affluence and conservative politics could have allowed its cities’school, water, transportation, and sanitation agencies to be held hostage to this failed investment pool. Meticulously examining the events that led up to the bankruptcy, the local officials’response to the fiscal emergency, and the road to fiscal recovery—as well as the governmental reforms engendered by the crisis—When Government Fails is a dramatic and instructive economic morality tale. Eminently readable, it underlines the dangers inherent in a freewheeling bull economy and the imperatives of local and state governments to protect fiscal assets. As Baldassare shows, Orange County need not—and should not—happen again.
Baldauf, R. B. and R. B. Kaplan (2000). Language Planning in Nepal, Taiwan, and Sweden. Clevedon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Baldauf, R. B. and A. Luke (1990). Language Planning and Education in Australasia and the South Pacific. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Papers from the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) Conference convened in Townsville, Queensland, Aug. 23-28, 1987.
Balderrama, F. E. and R. Rodriguez (1995). Decade of Betrayal : Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Baldi, P. and S. r. Brunak (1998). Bioinformatics : The Machine Learning Approach. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Baldock, C. (1996). Writing Reviews : How to Write About Arts and Leisure for Pleasure and Profit. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Baldock, C. (1998). Making Money From Writing : How to Become a Freelance Writer. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Baldri, D. A. T., et al. (1995). Environmental Impact Assessment of Settlement and Development in the Upper Lâeraba Basin : Burkina Faso, Cãote D’Ivoire, and Mali. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Baldridge, C. (1994). The Dialogics of Dissent in the English Novel. [Middlebury, Vt.], University Press of New England.
Description based on print version record.
Baldwin, D. A. (1996). The Academic Librarian’s Human Resources Handbook : Employer Rights and Responsibilities. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Baldwin, D. A. (1998). Public Librarian’s Human Resources Handbook : Employer Rights and Responsibilities. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Baldwin, D. A. and R. L. Migneault (1996). Humanistic Management by Teamwork : An Organizational and Administrative Alternative for Academic Libraries. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Baldwin, D. A., et al. (2000). Effective Management of Student Employment: Organizing for Student Employment in Academic Libraries : Organizing for Student Employment in Academic Libraries. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Building on proven methods of effective supervision, this book offers academic librarians a practical guide for the day-to-day challenges that arise in supervising student employees. The authors describe the roles of employees and supervisors and review general management principles. They then explain how to organize for student employment. Hiring, compensation, orientation and training, and supervision strategies are covered in addition to common problem areas, performance appraisal, employee/employer rights, corrective discipline, and termination procedures. A revision of Baldwin’s Supervising Student Employees in Academic Libraries (Libraries Unlimited, 1991), this new work has been thoroughly updated. It contains a complete list of job descriptions and detailed information on funding. Answers to frequently asked questions and a glossary of financial aid terms conclude the book.
Baldwin, K. (1999). Managing Individual Performance : A Systematic Seven Step Approach to Enhancing Employee Performance and Results. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Ball, A. M. (1994). And Now My Soul Is Hardened : Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Warfare, epidemics, and famine left millions of Soviet children homeless during the 1920s. Many became beggars, prostitutes, and thieves, and were denizens of both secluded underworld haunts and bustling train stations. Alan Ball’s study of these abandoned children examines their lives and the strategies the government used to remove them from the streets lest they threaten plans to mold a new socialist generation. The’rehabilitation’of these youths and the results years later are an important lesson in Soviet history.
Ball, B. (1998). Using Linux. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Ball, E., et al. (1988). Indeh : An Apache Odyssey. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
‘A fascinating account of Apache history and ethnography. All the narratives have been carefully chosen to illustrate important facets of the Apache experience. Moreover, they make very interesting reading….This is a major contribution to both Apache history and to the history of the Southwest….The book should appeal to a very wide audience. It also should be well received by the Native American community. Indeh is oral history at its best.’—R. David Edmunds, Utah Historical Quarterly
Ball, L. D. (1996). Desert Lawmen : The High Sheriffs of New Mexico and Arizona, 1846-1912. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Elected for two-year terms, frontier sheriffs were the principal peace-keepers in counties that were often larger than New England states. As officers of the court, they defended settlers and protected their property from the ever-present violence on the frontier. Their duties ranged from tracking down stagecoach robbers and serving court warrants to locking up drunks and quelling domestic disputes.The reality of their job embraced such mandane duties as being jail keepers, tax collectors, quarantine inspectors, court-appointed executioners, and dogcatchers.
Ball, L. D. (1999). The United States Marshals of New Mexico and Arizona Territories, 1846-1912. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
First released in 1978 and still the best account of territorial law enforcement, this book presents a thoroughly researched, well-documented, and entertaining history of United States marshals in New Mexico and Arizona during the tumultuous territorial years. Included in the story are notable lawmen such as John Pratt, John E. Sherman, and Creighton M. Foraker and gunfighters like Billy the Kid,’Doc’Holliday, and the Earp Brothers. With detailed accounts of many other lesser-known lawmen and criminals, Ball gives a well-rounded history of the mundane as well as the spectacular incidents in the lives of these lawmen during the unstable territorial years.
Ball, P. (1999). The Self-made Tapestry : Pattern Formation in Nature. Oxford [England], Oxford University Press.
Description based on print version record.
Ball, T. (1995). Reappraising Political Theory : Revisionist Studies in the History of Political Thought. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and Foucault: what really links these and other’classic’political theorists? Not, argues Terence Ball, their common status as’dead, white, European males’, but instead the exciting and compelling way in which they can speak to us today. Professor Ball begins by setting out his liberating view of the way we should approach’classic’tests. Using an approach that is both’problem-driven’and methodologically’pluralist’, Ball offers new readings – and reappraisals of key authors and classic works in political theory. Throughout he argues that the importance of the great texts lies in their repeated reinterpretation in the light of problems that arise for present-day readers.
Ball, T. (1998). Rousseau’s Ghost : A Novel. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ballantyne, R. M. The Coral Island : A Tale of the Pacific Ocean. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Three English boys, shipwrecked on a deserted island, create an idyllic society despite typhoons, wild hogs, and hostile visitors. Then evil pirates kidnap one of the youths whose adventures continue among the South Sea Islands.
Ballard, D. H. (1999). An Introduction to Natural Computation. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Ballard, M. B. (2000). Civil War Mississippi : A Guide. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
‘A Muscadine book–Cover.’
Ballew, S. M. (1997). Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers. Sebastopol, Calif, O’Reilly & Associates.
Ballico, E. (1994). Projective Geometry with Applications. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Ballin, A. (1998). The Deaf Mute Howls. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Originally published: Los Angeles, Calif. : Grafton Pub. Co., c1930.
Balling, F. J. (1996). Sister Carrie : Notes, Including Life of Dreiser, Critical Introduction, Brief Synopsis of the Novel, List of Characters, Character Analyses. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cover title: Cliffs notes on Dreiser’s Sister Carrie.
Ballou, D. and M. J. Podgursky (1997). Teacher Pay and Teacher Quality. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Balogh, B. (1996). Integrating the Sixties : The Origins, Structures, and Legitimacy of Public Policy in a Turbulent Decade. University Park, Penn, Pennsylvania State University Press.
‘Originally published as a special issue of Journal of policy history (vol. 8, no. 1, 1996)’–T.p. verso.
Baloyra, E. A. and J. A. Morris (1993). Conflict and Change in Cuba. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Baltâa Calleja, F. J. and Z. Roslaniec (2000). Block Copolymers. New York, CRC Press.
A summary of block copolymer chemical structures and synthesis. It discusses physical methods of characterization such as computer simulation, microhardness, dielectric spectroscopy, thermal mechanical relaxation, ultrasonic characterization, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray scattering, and NMR, among others. It also outlines rheological and processing parameters in the multiphase polymer systems with stable microstructures.
Balthazar, L. and S. Association for Canadian Studies in the United (1996). French-Canadian Civilization. [East Lansing], Michigan State University Press.
Balzac, H. d. Albert Savarus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Atheist’s Mass. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Beatrix. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Brotherhood of Consolation. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Bureaucracy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Christ in Flanders. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Colonel Chabert. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A hero of the Napoleonic Wars, supposedly killed in battle, returns after a long convalescence to find his wife remarried and his pension gone. Colonel Chabert hires a lawyer to obtain justice, but the lawyer is playing a double game–unknown to the colonel he is working for the wife.
Balzac, H. d. The Deserted Woman. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Domestic Peace. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. A Drama on the Seashore. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Droll Stories Collected From the Abbeys of Touraine. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Droll Stories Collected From the Abbeys of Touraine. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Duchesse De Langeais. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Elixir of Life. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Eugenie Grandet. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Exiles. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Facino Cane. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Gambara. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Girl with the Golden Eyes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Hated Son. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Honorine. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. La Grande Breteche. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Letters of Two Brides. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Lily of the Valley. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Louis Lambert. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Magic Skin. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. A Passion in the Desert. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Secrets of the Princesse De Cadignan. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Study of a Woman. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. The Village Rector. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. A Woman of Thirty. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. Z. Marcas. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell The Ball at Sceaux. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell The Commission in Lunacy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell An Episode Under the Terror. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell Gaudissart II. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell A Man of Business. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell A Prince From Bohemia. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell The Purse. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell Sarrasine. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and C. Bell A Second Home. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d., et al. Another Study of Woman. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d., et al. The Country Doctor. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage The Collection of Antiquities. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage Cousin Pons. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage A Distinguished Provincial at Paris (Lost Illusions, Part II). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage Eve and David. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage Father Goriot. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage Gobseck. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage La Grenadière. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage The Message. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and E. Marriage Two Poets. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and J. Waring Cousin Betty. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and J. Waring The Firm of Nucingen. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and J. Waring The Muse of the Department. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d., et al. Massimilla Doni. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Adieu. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Alkahest. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Catherine De’ Médicis. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Chouans. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley A Daughter of Eve. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Deputy of Arcis. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley El Verdugo. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Ferragus, Chief of the Devorants. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Hidden Masterpiece. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley An Historical Mystery (the Gondreville Mystery). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Illustrious Gaudissart. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Juana. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Lesser Bourgeoisie (the Middle Classes). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Madame Firmiani. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Maitre Cornelius. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Marriage Contract. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley An Old Maid. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Paz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Pierre Grassou. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Pierrette. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Recruit. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Red Inn. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Seraphita. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Sons of the Soil. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley A Start in Life. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Two Brothers. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Unconscious Comedians. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Ursula. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley Vendetta. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzac, H. d. and K. P. Wormeley The Vicar of Tours. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Balzer, D. and H. Lèuders (2000). Nonionic Surfactants : Alkyl Polyglucosides. New York, CRC Press.
This volume provides a comprehensive overview for recognizing and producing the characteristics of successful special surfactant agents. It highlights one of the most versatile and effective surface-active surfactant agents, detailing the synthesis and production, chemical properties and behaviours, and application for alkyl polyglucosides.
Balzer, M. M. (1992). Russian Traditional Culture : Religion, Gender, and Customary Law. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Balzer, M. M. (1995). Culture Incarnate : Native Anthropology From Russia. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Balzer, M. M. (1997). Shamanic Worlds : Rituals and Lore of Siberia and Central Asia. Armonk, NY, ME Sharpe, Inc.
Originally published: New York : M.E. Sharpe, 1990.
Bamberger, M., et al. (1996). The Design and Management of Poverty Reduction Programs and Projects in Anglophone Africa : Proceedings of a Seminar Sponsored Jointly by the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank and the Uganda Management Institute. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bammer, A. (1994). Displacements : Cultural Identities in Question. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Includes index.
Bancroft, E. D. Letters From England, 1846-1849. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bancroft, N. H. (1995). The Feminine Quest for Success : How to Prosper in Business and Be True to Yourself. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Banerjee, A. K. (1995). Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests in Asia. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Banerjee, A. K. (1999). Radiology Made Easy. London, Cambridge University Press.
‘Most radiology teaching for medical students is conducted around the viewing of images from real patients on the ward or in tutorial groups within the radiology department itself and Radiology Made Easy takes a similar approach, presenting a series of’cases’, each illustrated with clear radiographs, CT, MRI, ultrasound or radioisotope scans to highlight the important key features of each condition.”The book adopts a systemic approach and covers the most common conditions that will be encountered by the trainee or junior physician on the ward, in tutorials or in examinations. In addition to the illustrations, each’case’is accompanied by a concise description of its aetiology and key diagnostic and differential diagnostic features, with further information on common diagnostic pitfalls and other potential clinical investigations that may help to pinpoint the diagnosis.”Radiology Made Easy provides a perfect introduction to radiology for medical students, junior doctors and trainee radiologists, and will also serve as a useful revision aid for the MRCP examination.’–Jacket.
Banerjee, U. (1993). Loop Transformations for Restructuring Compilers : The Foundations. Boston, Kluwer Academic.
Banerjee, U. (1997). Dependence Analysis. Boston, Springer.
Dependence Analysis may be considered to be the second edition of the author’s 1988 book, Dependence Analysis for Supercomputing. It is, however, a completely new work that subsumes the material of the 1988 publication. This book is the third volume in the series Loop Transformations for Restructuring Compilers. This series has been designed to provide a complete mathematical theory of transformations that can be used to automatically change a sequential program containing FORTRAN-like do loops into an equivalent parallel form. In Dependence Analysis, the author extends the model to a program consisting of do loops and assignment statements, where the loops need not be sequentially nested and are allowed to have arbitrary strides. In the context of such a program, the author studies, in detail, dependence between statements of the program caused by program variables that are elements of arrays. Dependence Analysis is directed toward graduate and undergraduate students, and professional writers of restructuring compilers. The prerequisite for the book consists of some knowledge of programming languages, and familiarity with calculus and graph theory. No knowledge of linear programming is required.
Banes, S. (1998). Dancing Women : Female Bodies on Stage. London, Routledge.
Dancing Women: Female Bodies Onstage is a spectacular and timely contribution to dance history, recasting canonical dance since the early nineteenth century in terms of a feminist perspective. Setting the creation of specific dances in socio-political and cultural contexts, Sally Banes shows that choreographers have created representations of women that are shaped by – and that in part shape – society’s continuing debates about sexuality and female identity. Broad in its scope and compelling in its argument Dancing Women: • provides a series of re-readings of the canon, from Romantic and Russian Imperial ballet to contemporary ballet and modern dance • investigates the gaps between plot and performance that create sexual and gendered meanings • examines how women’s agency is created in dance through aspects of choreographic structure and style • analyzes a range of women’s images – including brides, mistresses, mothers, sisters, witches, wraiths, enchanted princesses, peasants, revolutionaries, cowgirls, scientists, and athletes – as well as the creation of various women’s communities on the dance stage • suggests approaches to issues of gender in postmodern dance Using an interpretive strategy different from that of other feminist dance historians, who have stressed either victimization or celebration of women, Banes finds a much more complex range of cultural representations of gender identities.
Baneth, J. (1993). ‘Fortress Europe’ and Other Myths About Trade : Policies Towards Merchandise Imports in the EC and Other Major Industrial Economies (and What They Mean for Developing Countries). Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Revised version of a report published by the World Bank in the Policy research working papers trade policy series.
Baneth, J. (1996). Selecting Development Projects for the World Bank. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bangs, D. H. and A. Axman (1998). Work at Home Wisdom : [a Collection of Quips, Tips, and Inspirations to Balance Work, Family, and Home]. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Banham, R. and M. Banham (1996). A Critic Writes : Selected Essays by Reyner Banham. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Few twentieth-century writers on architecture and design have enjoyed the renown of Reyner Banham. Born and trained in England and a U.S. resident starting in 1976, Banham wrote incisively about American and European buildings and culture. Now readers can enjoy a chronological cross-section of essays, polemics, and reviews drawn from more than three decades of Banham’s writings.The volume, which includes discussions of Italian Futurism, Adolf Loos, Paul Scheerbart, and the Bauhaus as well as explorations of contemporary architecture by Frank Gehry, James Stirling, and Norman Foster, conveys the full range of Banham’s belief in industrial and technological development as the motor of architectural evolution. Banham’s interests and passions ranged from architecture and the culture of pop art to urban and industrial design. In brilliant analyses of automobile styling, mobile homes, science fiction films, and the American predilection for gadgets, he anticipated many of the preoccupations of contemporary cultural studies. Los Angeles, the city that Banham commemorated in a book and a film, receives extensive attention in essays on the Santa Monica Pier, the Getty Museum, Forest Lawn cemetery, and the ubiquitous freeway system.Eminently readable, provocative, and entertaining, this book is certain to consolidate Banham’s reputation among architects and students of contemporary culture. For those acquainted with his writing, it offers welcome surprises as well as familiar delights. For those encountering Banham for the first time, it comprises the perfect introduction.
Banick, S. and M. Morrison (1998). Using Visual InterDev 6. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Banker, G. and K. Goslin (1998). Culturing Nerve Cells. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Banker, G. S., et al. (1996). Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms : Disperse Systems. New York, M. Dekker.
Bankhead, D. A. and L. Blas (1999). Last Minute Weddings. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Banks, A. C. (1999). Birth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
There was a time when birth was treated as a natural process rather than a medical condition. Before 1800, women gave birth seated in birth chairs or on stools and were helped along by midwives. Then societal changes in attitudes toward women and the practice of medicine made birthing a province of the male-dominated medical profession. In Birth Chairs, Midwives, and Medicine, Amanda Carson Banks examines the history of the birth chair and tells how this birthing device changed over time. Through photographs, artists’renditions of births, interviews, and texts from midwives and early obstetricians, she creates an evolutionary picture of birthing practices and highlights the radical redefinition of birth that has occurred in the last two centuries. During the 1800s the change from a natural philosophy of birth to a medical one was partly a result of heightened understandings of anatomy and physiology. The medical profession was growing, and with it grew the awareness of the economic rewards of making delivery a specialized practice. In the background of the medical profession’s rise was the prevailing perception of women as fragile invalids. Gradually, midwives and birth chairs were relegated to rural and isolated settings. The popularity of birth chairs has seen a revival in the late twentieth century as the struggle between medical obstetrics and the alternative birth movement has grown. As Banks shows through her careful examination of the chairs themselves, these questions have been answered and reconsidered many times in human history. Using the artifacts from the home and medical office, Banks traces sweeping societal changes in the philosophy of how to bring life into the world.
Banner, S. (2000). Legal Systems in Conflict : Property and Sovereignty in Missouri, 1750-1860. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Banner-Haley, C. P. T. (1994). The Fruits of Integration : Black Middle-class Ideology and Culture, 1960-1990. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Bannerman, H. The Story of Little Black Sambo and the Story of Little Black Mingo. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Banning, K. B. (1996). Opportunities in Franchising Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Banning, K. B. and A. F. Friday (1995). Time for a Change : How to Change Your Career: the Re-entry & Re-career Workbook. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Banning, K. B. and A. F. Friday (1998). Change Your Career. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Rev. ed of: Time for a change. 1995.
Bannon, J. F. (1997). The Spanish Borderlands Frontier, 1513-1821. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Bansal, R. K. (1996). Synthetic Approaches in Organic Chemistry. Sudbury, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
‘2nd printing’–T.p. verso.
Bantjes, A. A. (1998). As If Jesus Walked on Earth : Cardenismo, Sonora, and the Mexican Revolution. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Bantly, F. C. (1996). Embracing Illusion : Truth and Fiction in The Dream of the Nine Clouds. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bar On, B.-A. (1994). Engendering Origins : Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and Aristotle. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bar On, B.-A. (1994). Modern Engendering : Critical Feminist Readings in Modern Western Philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barabba, V. P. (1995). Meeting of the Minds : Creating the Market-based Enterprise. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Barakat, H. I. (1993). The Arab World : Society, Culture, and State. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This wide-ranging examination of Arab society and culture offers a unique opportunity to know the Arab world from an Arab point of view. Halim Barakat, an expatriate Syrian who is both scholar and novelist, emphasizes the dynamic changes and diverse patterns that have characterized the Middle East since the mid-nineteenth century.The Arab world is not one shaped by Islam, nor one simply explained by reference to the sectarian conflicts of a’mosaic’society. Instead, Barakat reveals a society that is highly complex, with many and various contending polarities. It is a society in a state of becoming and change, one whose social contradictions are at the root of the struggle to transcend dehumanizing conditions. Arguing from a perspective that is both radical and critical, Barakat is committed to the improvement of human conditions in the Arab world.
Baranski, Z. G. and L. Pertile (1997). The New Italian Novel. Toronto, Edinburgh University Press.
‘Earlier drafts of a number of the chapters were presented and discussed at a conference organized by the Department of Italian at the University of Edingburgh in October 1990 and at the 1991 Symposium of the Society for Italian Studies’–P. [vii].
Barazangi, N. H., et al. (1996). Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Barbara, L., et al. (1994). Reflections on Language Learning. Clevedon, UK, Multilingual Matters.
Barbato, J. and M. Sklar (1996). Patchwork of Dreams : Voices From the Heart of the New America. Queens, New York City, The Spirit That Moves Us Press.
A multicultural collection of stories, poems, essays, drama, and photographs by past and current residents of Queens, New York.
Barber, C. L. (1976). Early Modern English. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Barber, D. W. (1998). Better Than It Sounds : A Dictionary of Humorous Musical Quotations. Toronto, Sound And Vision.
Barber, F. C. and R. H. Ferrell (1994). Holding the Line : The Third Tennessee Infantry, 1861-1864. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
FLAVEL C. BARBER’S memoir of his service with the Third Tennessee provides a rare contemporary history of a Confederate regiment. Major Barber’s imprisonment after the surrender of Fort Donelson spurred him to take pen in hand. What began as a way to while away the tedious hours of imprisonment on Johnson’s Island in Lake Erie became a poignant, candid, yet unsentimental account of the life of a soldier at war. Of special value for Civil War scholars and buffs are Barber’s vivid descriptions of battles, notably the of siege Fort Donelson and the Confederate victory at Chickasaw Bayou, in which he highlights the Third Tennessee’s crucial role in defeating William T. Sherman. Robert H. Ferrell introduces Barber and details the formation of the regiment. A full regimental roster, a among rarity Confederate units, also is included.
Barber, H. and V. University of (1997). The Aeroplane Speaks. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barber, K. F. and J. J. E. Gracia (1994). Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy : Descartes to Kant. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barber, M. D. (1997). Ethical Hermeneutics : Rationality in Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Barber, R. W. (1992). Bestiary : Being an English Version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford M.S. Bodley 764: with All the Original Miniatures Reproduced in Facsimile. Woodbridge [England], Boydell & Brewer.
Bestiaries are a particularly characteristic product of medieval England, and give a unique insight into the medieval mind. Richly illuminated and lavishly produced, they were luxury objects for noblefamilies. Their three-fold purpose was to provide a natural history of birds, beasts and fishes, to draw moral examples from animal behaviour (the industrious bee, the stubborn ass), and to reveal amystical meaning – the phoenix, for instance, as a symbol of Christ’s resurrection. This Bestiary, MS Bodley 764, was produced around the middle of the thirteenth century and is of singularbeauty and interest. The lively illustrations have the freedom and naturalistic quality of the later Gothic style, and make dazzling use of colour. This book reproduces the 136 illuminations to the same size and in the same place as the original manuscript, fitting the text around them. Richard Barber’s translation from the original Latin is a delight to read, capturing both the serious intent ofthe manuscript and its charm. RICHARD BARBER has written many books on the history of and life in the middle ages, from his Somerset Maugham Award-winning The Knight and Chivalry, by way of biographies of Henry II and the Black Prince, to an anthology of Arthurian literature from England, France and Germany, Arthurian Legends, and an account of the historical Arthur, KingArthur: Hero and Legend.
Barber, R. W. (1996). Devil’s Crown : A History of Henry II and His Sons. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Barber, R. W. (1999). The Companion Guide to Gascony and the Dordogne. Woodbridge, Companion Guides.
Barber, R. W. (1999). Myths and Legends of the British Isles. Rochester, N.Y., Boydell & Brewer.
THE BRITISH ISLES have a long tradition of tales of gods, heroes and marvels, hinting at a mythology once as relevant to the races which settled the islands as the Greek and Roman gods were to the classical world.The tales drawn together in this book, from a wide range of medieval sources, span the centuries from the dawn of Christianity to the age of the Plantagenets. The Norse gods which peopled the Anglo-Saxon past survive in Beowulf; Cuchulainn, Taliesin and the magician Merlin take shape from Celtic mythology; and saints include Helena who brought a piece of the True Cross to Britain, and Joseph of Arimathea whose staff grew into the Glastonbury thorn. Tales of the British Arthur are followed by legends of later heroes, including Harold, Hereward and Godiva. These figures and many others were part of a familiar national mythology on which Shakespeare drew for Lear, Macbeth and Hamlet, creating the famous versions that are known today. Here the originalstories are presented again. RICHARD BARBER’s other books include King Arthur: Hero and Legend, Arthurian Legends: An Anthology, and The Knight and Chivalry; he is currentlyworking on a study of the legend of the Holy Grail.Borders.com: England and the British Isles have a rich and still thriving tradition of myths and legends – and this wonderful volume collects together more than thirty of the best from a number of sources… an incredible insight into the fascinating yet complex history of the British Isles and its peoples… Those fascinated by mythologywill want to add this wonderful book to their collections.
Barber, S. (1998). Regicide and Republicanism : Politics and Ethics in the English Revolution, 1646-1659. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Barber, S. J., et al. (2000). German. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Barbosa-Câanovas, G. V. (1998). Nonthermal Preservation of Foods. New York, CRC Press.
Barbour, R. (1998). English Epicures and Stoics : Ancient Legacies in Early Stuart Culture. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Barchers, S. I. (1993). Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Barchers, S. I. (1997). Fifty Fabulous Fables : Beginning Readers Theatre. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
A collection of theater scripts based on traditional fables from around the world and grouped according to reading levels.
Barchers, S. I. and P. C. Marden (1999). Cooking Up U.S. History: Recipes and Research to Share with Children, 2nd Edition : Recipes and Research to Share with Children, Second Edition. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
The second edition of this popular book contains loads of recipes, readings, and resources. Students will delight in preparing their own porridge and pudding; making candles, soap, and ink; or trying out the pioneers’recipe for sourdough biscuits as they explore different periods in U.S. history. An ideal supplement for social studies classes and homeschoolers.
Barchers, S. I. and L. Mullineaux (1990). Wise Women : Folk and Fairy Tales From Around the World. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Bard, A. J. and I. Rubenstein (1998). Electroanalytical Chemistry : A Series of Advances. New York, CRC Press.
Bard, A. J. and I. Rubenstein (1999). Electroanalytical Chemistry : A Series Of Advances: Volume 21. New York, CRC Press.
Provides comprehensive, authoritative reviews on recent developments and applications of well-established techniques in the field of modern electro- and electroanalytical chemistry, defined in its broadest sense.
Bard, M. G. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Middle East Conflict. Indianapolis, Ind, Alpha Books.
Bard, M. G. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to World War II. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Bard, T. B. (1999). Student Assistants in the School Library Media Center. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Bardach, E. (1998). Getting Agencies to Work Together : The Practice and Theory of Managerial Craftsmanship. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Bardach, E. (2000). A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis : The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving. New York, N.Y., Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press.
Bardaglio, P. W. (1995). Reconstructing the Household : Families, Sex, and the Law in the Nineteenth-century South. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
In Reconstructing the Household, Peter Bardaglio examines the connections between race, gender, sexuality, and the law in the nineteenth-century South. He focuses on miscegenation, rape, incest, child custody, and adoption laws to show how southerners struggled with the conflicts and stresses that surfaced within their own households and in the larger society during the Civil War era. Based on literary as well as legal sources, Bardaglio’s analysis reveals how legal contests involving African Americans, women, children, and the poor led to a rethinking of families, sexuality, and the social order. Before the Civil War, a distinctive variation of republicanism, based primarily on hierarchy and dependence, characterized southern domestic relations. This organic ideal of the household and its power structure differed significantly from domestic law in the North, which tended to emphasize individual rights and contractual obligations. The defeat of the Confederacy, emancipation, and economic change transformed family law and the governance of sexuality in the South and allowed an unprecedented intrusion of the state into private life. But Bardaglio argues that despite these profound social changes, a preoccupation with traditional notions of gender and race continued to shape southern legal attitudes.
Barfield, O., et al. (1993). A Barfield Sampler : Poetry and Fiction. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barger, T., et al. (1998). Financial Institutions. Washington, D.C., International Finance Corp.
Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and S. Harris (1997). The Languages of Business : An International Perspective. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Barilleaux, R. P., et al. (1995). G. Ruger Donoho : A Painter’s Path. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Mississippi Museum of Art, Sept. 7-Nov. 4, 1995; Heckscher Museum, Huntington, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1995-Feb. 4, 1996; and Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, S.C., Apr. 17-June 23, 1996.
Barillo, M. (1998). The Wedding Sourcebook. Los Angeles, Calif, NTC Contemporary.
Barker, A. (2000). How to Be Better at Managing People. London, Kogan Page.
Includes index.
Barker, J., et al. (1997). Governance and Regulation of Power Pools and System Operators : An International Comparison. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Barker, J. V. (1997). Mari : A Novel. Niwot, Colo, Chicago Distribution Center [CDC Presses].
A fictionalized biography of the Nebraskan writer, Mari Sandoz (1866-1966), one of the first to show sympathy for the Indians. It describes her struggle to overcome her father’s opposition to her ambition to be a writer.
Barker, M. and R. Sabin (1995). The Lasting of the Mohicans : History of an American Myth. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
Barker, N. G. and V. University of (1996). Kansas Women in Literature. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barker, P. (1998). Michel Foucault : An Introduction. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Barker, S. (1996). Excavations and Their Objects : Freud’s Collection of Antiquity. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Barker, S., et al. (1996). Signs of Change : Premodern, Modern, Postmodern. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Barker, W. (1991). Lunacy of Light : Emily Dickinson and the Experience of Metaphor. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Paperback edition, 1991.
Barker, W., et al. (1996). The House Is Made of Poetry : The Art of Ruth Stone. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Barkey, H. J. and G. E. Fuller (1998). Turkey’s Kurdish Question. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
The Kurds, one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Middle East, are reasserting their identity—politically and through violence. Divided mainly among Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, the Kurds have posed increasingly sharp challenges to all of these states in their quest for greater autonomy if not outright independence. Turkey’s essentially democratic structure and civil society_ideal tools for coping with and incorporating minority challenge_have so far been suspended on this issue, which the government is treating almost exclusively as a security problem to be dealt with by force. For the West the situation in Turkey is particularly significant because of the country’s importance in the region and because of the economic, political, and diplomatic damage that the conflict has caused. If Turkey fails to find a peaceful solution within its current borders, then the outlook is grim for ethnic and separatist challenges elsewhere in the region. This study explores the roots, dimensions, character, and evolution of the problem, offers a range of approaches to a resolution of the conflict, and draws broader parallels between the Kurdish question and other separatist movements worldwide.
Barkin, J. S. and G. E. Shambaugh (1999). Anarchy and the Environment : The International Relations of Common Pool Resources. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bar-Kochva, B. (1996). Pseudo-Hecataeus, On the Jews : Legitimizing the Jewish Diaspora. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Barlow, J. and C. M²ller (1996). A Complaint Is a Gift : Using Customer Feedback As a Strategic Tool. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Barlow, J. and D. Maul (2000). Emotional Value : Creating Strong Bonds with Your Customers. San Francisco, CA, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Today’s consumers demand not only services and products that are of the highest quality, but also positive, memorable experiences. This essential guide shows how organizations can leapfrog their competitors by learning how to add emotional value -the economic value of customers’feelings when they positively experience products and services -to their customers’experiences. Janelle Barlow and Dianna Maul, with more than forty years combined experience in the service industry, detail five practices for adding emotional value to customer and staff experiences.
Barlow, J. F. (1999). Excel Models for Business and Operations Management. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Barmé, G. (1996). Shades of Mao : The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader. Armonk, NY, Taylor & Francis [CAM].
Barnard, G. W. (1997). Exploring Unseen Worlds : William James and the Philosophy of Mysticism. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barnard, T. C. and J. Fenlon (2000). The Dukes of Ormonde, 1610-1745. Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer.
A valuable insight into the political and material world of Ireland’s leading aristocratic family. HISTORY For much of their lives the two dukes of Ormonde dominated public events in Ireland, where they served the English sovereign as viceroy five times; they were also powerful presences in the Stuart court in England, and commanded armies both in Ireland and Europe. Later, they spentlong periods on the continent as travellers and exiles. Yet despite their importance in the public life of the age, neither duke has been the subject of a full modern biography, a gap which this collection of essays aims to fill, using key episodes and phases in the Ormondes’careers to investigate the larger picture. The dukes’lives as great nobles, landowners and converts to Protestantism raiseproblems specific to Ireland, but they also exemplify the predicament of nobles elsewhere in Europe. A particular focus is on the worlds that they and their wives created, often innovative and alwaysdazzling, and on the clienteles who looked to them for preferment and on which a part of the Ormondes’political weight rested. Throughout, much new light is cast on such vexed questions as the troubled and constantly changing relationship between Ireland and England, between public and private interests, and the roles of women. Dr TOBY BARNARD teaches at the University of Oxford. Contributors: G.E. AYLMER, T.C. BARNARD, EVELINE CRUICKSHANKS, DAVID EDWARDS, JANE FENLON, RAYMOND GILLESPIE, DAVID HAYTON, PATRICK LITTLE, RENÉ MOULINAS, ÉAMONN – CIARDHA, NATHALIE GENET ROUFFIAC
Barnay, Y. and L. J. Weinberger (1992). The Jews in Palestine in the Eighteenth Century : Under the Patronage of the Istanbul Committee of Officials for Palestine. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Translation of: Yehude Erets-Yiâsra’el ba-me’ah ha-18. be-hasut’Pekide Kushta’.
Barner, R. (1994). Crossing the Minefield : Tactics for Overcoming Today’s Toughest Management Challenges. New York, AMACOM.
Barnes, B. A. (1998). Michelangelo’s Last Judgment : The Renaissance Response. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Barnes, D. and V. University of Shadows. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barnes, D. S. (1995). The Making of a Social Disease : Tuberculosis in Nineteenth-Century France. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
In this first English-language study of popular and scientific responses to tuberculosis in nineteenth-century France, David Barnes provides a much-needed historical perspective on a disease that is making an alarming comeback in the United States and Europe. Barnes argues that French perceptions of the disease—ranging from the early romantic image of a consumptive woman to the later view of a scourge spread by the poor—owed more to the power structures of nineteenth-century society than to medical science. By 1900, the war against tuberculosis had become a war against the dirty habits of the working class.Lucid and original, Barnes’s study broadens our understanding of how and why societies assign moral meanings to deadly diseases.
Barnes, G. L. (2007). State Formation in Japan : Emergence of a 4th-century Ruling Elite. London, Routledge.
This volume brings together for the first time a significant body of Professor Barnes’scholarly writing on Japanese early state formation, brought together so that successive topics form a coherent overview of the problems and solutions of ancient Japan. The writings are, in some cases, the only studies of these topics available in English and they differ from the majority of other articles on the subject in being anthropological rather than cultural or historical in nature.
Barnes, H. E. (1998). The Story I Tell Myself : A Venture in Existentialist Autobiography. Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press.
Best known as the writer who introduced French existentialism to English-speaking readers through her translation of Sartre’s Being and Nothingness, Hazel E. Barnes has written an autobiography that is both the success story of a professional woman as well as a profoundly moving reflection on growing older. Transcending the personal details of her life, Barnes’memoir stands as an important contribution to the intellectual history of our century.’An intimate record of our times and of the ongoing issues that challenge us to define ourselves over and over again.’—Kirkus Reviews’An engaging autobiography that spans not only [Barnes’] self-identified period of’flourishing’but virtually all the twentieth century.’—Library Journal’Thoughtful, gracefully written reflections…. Readers will be glad they pursued an unusual woman’s intellectual and personal journey.’—Booklist’An accessible, wonderfully written book packed with wisdom and insight.’—Denver Post’Absorbing and satisfying.’—Gertrude Reif Hughes, Women’s Review of Books
Barnes, J. (1997). On Native Ground : Memoirs and Impressions. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Barnett, H. C. (1994). Toxic Debts and the Superfund Dilemma. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
In 1980, with the passage of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Congress created the Superfund as a mechanism to clean up the toxic legacy of the industrial and chemical revolutions. Over a decade later, the consensus is that the program has failed: too much has been spent and too little accomplished. Harold Barnett unravels the history of this failure, examining the economic and political factors that contributed to it and suggesting policy changes necessary to create a viable cleanup program. Barnett argues that the Superfund has failed because of conflict over who will pay the toxic debt and the impact of this conflict on interdependent funding and enforcement decisions at state, regional, and national levels. He argues that the inability of legislators and regulatory agencies to take effective and timely action is related to the economic and political power of major corporate polluters. Spanning the Reagan and Bush administrations, the book highlights the ongoing conflict between deregulatory policies and environmental programs.
Barnett, M. N. (1996). Israel in Comparative Perspective : Challenging the Conventional Wisdom. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barnett, R. E. (1998). The Structure of Liberty : Justice and the Rule of Law. New York, Oxford University Press.
This book examines the serious social problems that are addressed by liberty and the background or natural rights and procedures that distinguish liberty from license.
Barnett, V. (1999). Comparative Statistical Inference. Chichester, Wiley.
This fully updated and revised third edition, presents a wide ranging, balanced account of the fundamental issues across the full spectrum of inference and decision-making. Much has happened in this field since the second edition was published: for example, Bayesian inferential procedures have not only gained acceptance but are often the preferred methodology. This book will be welcomed by both the student and practising statistician wishing to study at a fairly elementary level, the basic conceptual and interpretative distinctions between the different approaches, how they interrelate, what assumptions they are based on, and the practical implications of such distinctions. As in earlier editions, the material is set in a historical context to more powerfully illustrate the ideas and concepts. • Includes fully updated and revised material from the successful second edition • Recent changes in emphasis, principle and methodology are carefully explained and evaluated • Discusses all recent major developments • Particular attention is given to the nature and importance of basic concepts (probability, utility, likelihood etc) • Includes extensive references and bibliography Written by a well-known and respected author, the essence of this successful book remains unchanged providing the reader with a thorough explanation of the many approaches to inference and decision making.
Barnett, W. S. and S. S. Boocock (1998). Early Care and Education for Children in Poverty : Promises, Programs, and Long-term Results. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barnhart, D. K. and A. A. Metcalf (1997). America in So Many Words : Words That Have Shaped America. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Barnstone, W. (1993). Six Masters of the Spanish Sonnet : Essays and Translations. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
‘Francisco de Quevedo, Sor Juana Inâes de la Cruz, Antonio Machado, Federico Garcâia Lorca, Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel Hernâandez.’
Barnstone, W. (1996). The Secret Reader : 501 Sonnets. Hanover, University Press of New England.
Description based on print version record.
Bar-On, D. (1995). The Indescribable and the Undiscussable : Reconstructing Human Discourse After Trauma. Budapest, Central European University Press.
Baron, P. B. (1996). How to Price a Profitable Company. New York, AMACOM.
Barone, D. (1995). Beyond the Red Notebook : Essays on Paul Auster. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Barouch, D. H. (1997). Voyages in Conceptual Chemistry. Sudbury, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Barr, A. (1996). Black Texans : A History of African Americans in Texas, 1528-1995. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: Austin, Tex. : Jenkins Pub. Co., 1973.
Barr, A. E. and V. University of Remember the Alamo. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barr, A. E. and V. University of (1997). The Man Between : An International Romance. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barr, J. and L. I. A. Birke (1998). Common Science? : Women, Science, and Knowledge. Bloomington, In, Indiana University Press.
Barr, J. G. and G. W. Hubbs (1981). Rowdy Tales From Early Alabama : The Humor of John Gorman Barr. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University Alabama Press.
The rollicking tales of Old Southwestern humor were a distinctive contribution to American folk culture provided by the frontiersmen of the South and Southwest, a tradition brought to its highest form in the work of Mark Twain. Among the precursors of Twain was John Gorman Barr of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Like Twain, Barr grew up in a river town, worked in a printing office, and traveled widely; and again like Twain, Barr drew upon the people and places of his home region as the primary sources for his tales. In addition to the pure entertainment Barr’s stories provide, they also furnish a comprehensive picture of Tuscaloosa and western Alabama in the 1850s—the roaring river town coexisting uneasily with the intellectual sophistication of the recently established University of Alabama.
Barr, J. R. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Bridal Showers. New York, Alpha Books.
‘Also includes information about baby showers!’–Cover.
Barr, M. (1999). Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++. Beijing, O’Reilly.
Barr, M. S. (1992). Feminist Fabulation : Space/Postmodern Fiction. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
The surprising and controversial thesis of Feminist Fabulation is unflinching: the postmodern canon has systematically excluded a wide range of important women’s writing by dismissing it as genre fiction. Marleen Barr issues an urgent call for a corrective, for the recognition of a new meta- or supergenre of contemporary writing–feminist fabulation–which includes both acclaimed mainstream works and works which today’s critics consistently ignore.
Barr, N. A. (1994). Labor Markets and Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe : The Transition and Beyond. New York, N.Y., World Bank Publications.
‘Published for the World Bank.’
Barr, N. A. and B. World (1996). World Development Report, 1996 : From Plan to Market. New York, World Bank Publications.
Barragato, S. M. and Keizan (1997). Zen Light : Unconventional Commentaries on the Denkoroku. Boston, Tuttle Publishing.
Barrett, C. (1999). The Dangers of Diet Drugs and Other Weight-loss Products. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses the use of over-the-counter, prescription, and herbal diet drugs as well as liquid and prepackaged diet foods and explains their relation to eating disorders and proper nutrition.
Barrett, D. (1998). The Paradox Process : Creative Business Solutions, Where You Least Expect to Find Them. New York, AMACOM.
Barrett, D. J. (1997). Netresearch : Finding Information Online. Sebastopol, CA, Songline Studios.
Barrett, D. M. and C. Mayo (2000). Mayo Clinic on Prostate Health. Rochester, Minn, Mayo Clinic.
Barrett, H. (1991). Rhetoric and Civility : Human Development, Narcissism, and the Good Audience. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Barrett, R. M. and M. E. Snodgrass (1995). Literary Maps for Young Adult Literature. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Barrett, T. (1995). Growing up in Colonial America. Brookfield, Conn, Lerner Publishing Group.
Barrie, J. M. The Little White Bird, Or, Adventures in Kensington Gardens. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Barrie, J. M. Margaret Ogilvy. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Barrie, J. M. Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The adventures of the three Darling children in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up.
Barritt, G. J. (1991). Communication Within Animal Cells. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Barro, R. J. (1996). Getting It Right : Markets and Choices in a Free Society. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Barro, R. J. (1997). Determinants of Economic Growth : A Cross-country Empirical Study. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Barro, R. J. (1997). Macroeconomics. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Robert Barro’s Macroeconomics has become the classic textbook presentation of the equilibrium approach to macroeconomics. In its first four editions, this book has shown undergraduates how market-clearing models with strong microeconomic foundations can be used to understand real-world phenomena and to evaluate alternative macroeconomic policies. Moreover, a single, unified framework works as well for short-term business fluctuation as for long-term economic growth.This latest edition includes the most recent theoretical and empirical developments in economic growth, recent evidence on the macroeconomics of labor markets and public finance, and up-to-date results on the interplay between nominal and real variables.
Barro, R. J. and X. Sala-i-Martin (1999). Economic Growth. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Why do economies grow? What fixes the long-run rate of growth? These are some of the simplest, but also hardest, questions in economics. Growth of lack of it has huge consequences for a country’s citizens. But for various reasons, growth theory has had long fallow patches. Happily, this is changing.In 1956 Robert Solow developed what became the standard neo-classical model of economic growth. Counties grow, on this theory, by accumulating labour and capital. Adding either obeys diminishing returns: the more labour or capital you already have, the more you need for a further given jump in output. One consequence is that an economy with less capital ought to outgrow one with more. Generally, they do. Another is that growth should eventually drop to zero. Awkwardly, it stays positive. To save the theory, long-run growth was explained by an outside factor, technical innovation, which is not in the growth function itself–hence the label’exogenous’for the Solow family of models.Partial as it was, the Solow model won wide acceptance and growth theory slumbered for three decades. Then came two changes. One was an attempt to add technical change and other factors to labour and capital within the growth function so that the model might predict long-run growth without leaning on outside’residuals’–the so-called’endogenous’approach. The other was a huge number of factual studies.Barro and Sala-i-Martin explain all this and more with admirable clarity (and much demanding maths) in the first modern textbook devoted to growth theory. The main theories are examined. The stress throughout is on linking theory to fact. One of three chapters on empirical work suggests how much each of several possible factors would be needed to explain differing international growth rate–not an explanation itself, but an indispensable set of empirical benchmarks.From The Economist, 17 February 1996
Barron, A. E. and K. S. Ivers (1998). The Internet and Instruction : Activities and Ideas. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Barron, D. W. (2000). The World of Scripting Languages. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Barron, H. S. (1997). Mixed Harvest : The Second Great Transformation in the Rural North, 1870-1930. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Mixed Harvest explores rural responses to the transformation of the northern United States from an agricultural society into an urban and industrial one. According to Hal S. Barron, country people from New England to North Dakota negotiated the rise of large-scale organizational society and consumer culture in ways marked by both resistance and accommodation, change and continuity. Between 1870 and 1930, communities in the rural North faced a number of challenges. Reformers and professionals sought to centralize authority and diminish local control over such important aspects of rural society as schools and roads; large-scale business corporations wielded increasing market power, to the detriment of independent family farmers; and an encroaching urban-based consumer culture threatened rural beliefs in the primacy of their local communities and the superiority of country life. But, Barron argues, by reconfiguring traditional rural values of localism, independence, republicanism, and agrarian fundamentalism, country people successfully created a distinct rural subculture. Consequently, agrarian society continued to provide a counterpoint to the dominant trends in American society well into the twentieth century.
Barron, J. M., et al. (1997). On-the-job Training. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Barrow, G. W. S., et al. (1998). Medieval Scotland : Crown, Lordship and Community. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Barrow, J. D. (1995). The Artful Universe. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Barrow, J. D. (1998). Impossibility : The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Barrow, J. D. (1999). Between Inner Space and Outer Space : Essays on Science, Art, and Philosophy. New York, OUP Oxford.
In this fascinating and entertaining collection of essays, acclaimed cosmologist and writer John D. Barrow addresses the many questions that we ponder in our quest to discover the universe. Key topics are: the popularity of Big Science, and physics and cosmology in particular; life on other planets; issues of time and space and quantum reality; the ancient foundations of science, mathematics and their most modern expression–complexity theory; and how science relates to religion and aesthetics. Taken as a whole, these thought-provoking essays provide a rich introduction to contemporary scientific debate.’Only John Barrow could have assembled this delightful book of diverse essays, which touches on everything from the deepest secrets of Creation to the nature of art and esthetics. Witty, whimsical, and always thought-provoking and entertaining, Barrow takes us on a wild, intellectual joy-ride through the mysteries of spacetime and the mind.’Michio Kaku
Barrows, S. J. and V. University of (1995). What the Southern Negro Is Doing for Himself. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barry, A. M. (1997). Visual Intelligence : Perception, Image, and Manipulation in Visual Communication. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cuts across perceptual psychology, art, television, film, literature, advertising, and political communication to give the reader critical insight into the holistic logic and emotional power of the images that dominate our lives.
Barry, J. D. and V. University of (1996). A Note on Stephen Crane : John D. Barry. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Barshick, C. M., et al. (2000). Inorganic Mass Spectrometry : Fundamentals and Applications. New York, CRC Press.
Providing a theoretical background for inorganic mass spectrometry, this text describes classical applications of four modern mass spectrometers – magnetic sector, quadrupole, time-of-flight, and ion trap – and illustrates how they have impacted elemental and isotopic analysis. The book features examples that concentrate on routine and non-routine applications of inorganic analysis techniques.
Barsky, R. F. (1998). Noam Chomsky : A Life of Dissent. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bartel, H., et al. (2006). Pushing at Boundaries : [approaches to Contemporary German Women Writers From Karen Duve to Jenny Erpenbeck]. Amsterdam, Brill Academic Publishers.
‘Most of the essays in this volume originated as papers for a symposium on the work of Karen Duve and other recent German women writers held in May 2004 at the University of Nottingham…’–P. [3].
Bartels, E. C. (1993). Spectacles of Strangeness : Imperialism, Alienation, and Marlowe. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Oriental barbarians, black magicians, homosexuals, African queens and kings, Machiavellian Christians, Turks, and Jews – for an English audience of the sixteenth century, these are marginal, unorthodox, and strange figures. They are also the central figures in the plays of Christopher Marlowe. In Spectacles of Strangeness, Emily C. Bartels focuses on Marlowe’s preoccupation with’strangers’and’strange’lands, and his use – and subversion – of Elizabethan stereotypes. Setting Marlovian drama in the context of England’s nascent imperialism, Bartels probes the significance of the alien as a vital presence on the Renaissance stage and within Renaissance society. Bartels further examines the reasons that Marlowe (himself a marginalized figure as playwright, and reputedly a homosexual, spy, and atheist) turned again and again to the subject. Bartels argues that what makes Marlowe’s dramas so remarkable, important, and subversive is that he evokes these cultural stereotypes only to undermine them: to expose the circumscription of difference as a political strategy, designed to advance the self, state, and status quo over and against some’other.’By interrogating Marlowe’s works and their relation to England’s imperialism, the author helps to explain why the’alien’was such a prominent figure in the Renaissance’s theatrical and extra-theatrical discourses and how imperialism influenced the development of the early modern theater and the early modern state. Drawing on new historicist methodologies and recent assessments of colonialist discourse, Spectacles of Strangeness is a stimulating study of one of the most important figures in Renaissance literature and drama.
Barthel, D. L. (1996). Historic Preservation : Collective Memory and Historical Identity. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Barthelme, M. K. (1997). Women in the Texas Populist Movement : Letters to the Southern Mercury. College Station, Tex, Texas A&M University Press.
Bartholomew, R. (1996). Taking in Students : How to Make Your Spare Room Pay. [N.p.], How To Books.
Bartlett, B. S. (1994). Monarchs and Ministers : The Grand Council in Mid-Chìng China, 1723-1820. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bartlett, D. (1994). The Direct Option. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Bartlett, E. and M. Field (1999). Working As a Nurse : How to Make Your Career in a Fulfilling Profession. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Bartlett, R. (1998). The Crisis of America’s Cities. Armonk, N.Y., Routledge.
An original work on American cities and the ongoing’urban crisis’. Using the metaphor of the socially constructed organization of space, Bartlett takes a broad view of the evolution of urban America, from its historical roots to the present; he then examines the way in which current policies have responded to, and affected the organization of space (covering housing, transportation, government and other urban problems). He concludes with a look to the future of American cities, how they will impact and be impacted on by changing commercial and labor markets, by the problems of poverty and cultural change. In an epilogue, he explores possible ways to overcome the’social dilemmas’, while recognizing the difficulty of this undertaking.A thoroughly unique perspective to the study of cities, this book is about how space is used in America and how it changes as the’logic of location’evolves historically. Starting with the assumption that cities are fundamentally unnatural’phenomena, it unravels the interactions of technological advances that have made them possible and policies that have given them shape.
Bartlett, R. A. (1962). Great Surveys of the American West. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Barton, D. (1994). Language and Education. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Barton, H. A. (1998). Northern Arcadia : Foreign Travelers in Scandinavia, 1765-1815. Carbondale, Ill, Southern Illinois University Press.
Bartram, G., et al. (1996). Reconstructing the Past : Representations of the Fascist Era in Post-war European Culture. Keele, Edinburgh University Press.
Bartram, P. (1999). Writing a Press Release : How to Get the Right Kind of Publicity and News Coverage. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Bartusiak, M. (1994). A Positron Named Priscilla : Scientific Discovery at the Frontier. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Barzilai, G. (1996). Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order : A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bas, E. (1996). Indoor Air Quality : A Guide for Facility Managers. New York, N.Y., Fairmont Press.
Basch, N. (1999). Framing American Divorce : From the Revolutionary Generation to the Victorians. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Divorce has become one of the most widely discussed issues in America. In this innovative exploration of the phenomenon of divorce in American society, Norma Basch uses a variety of analytic perspectives to enrich our understanding of the meaning of divorce during the formative years of both the nation and its law, roughly 1770 to 1870. She provides a fascinating, thoughtful look at divorce as a legal action, as an individual experience, and as a cultural symbol in its era of institutionalization and traces the powerful legacy of the first American divorce experiences for us today.Using a unique methodology, Basch fragments her story into three discrete but chronologically overlapping perspectives. In Part I,’Rules,’she analyzes the changing legal and legislative aspects of divorce and the public response to them. Part II,’Mediations,’focuses on individual cases and presents a close-up analysis of the way ordinary women and men tested the law in the courts. And Part III,’Representations,’charts the spiraling imagery of divorce through various fiction and non-fiction narratives that made their way into American popular culture during the nineteenth century.The composite picture that emerges in Framing American Divorce is a vividly untidy one that exposes the gulf between legal and moral abstractions and everyday practices. Divorce, Basch argues, was always a focal point of conflict between the autonomy of women and the authority of men. Tracing the legal, social, and cultural experience of divorce allows Basch to provide a searching exploration of the limits of nineteenth-century ideals of domesticity, romantic love, and marriage, and their legacy for us today. She brings her findings up-to-date with a provocative discussion of the current debate over fault or no-fault divorce.
Base, E., et al. (1996). Dearest Phylabe : Letters From Wartime England. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Basford, K. (1998). The Green Man. New York, Boydell & Brewer.
The Green Man, the image of the foliate head or the head of a man sprouting leaves, is probably the most common of all motifs in medieval sculpture. Nevertheless, the significance of the image lay largely unregarded until Kathleen Basford published this book – the first monograph of the Green Man in any language -and thereby earned the lasting gratitude of scholars in many fields, from art historyand folklore to current environmental studies. This book has opened up new avenues of research, not only into medieval man’s understanding of nature, and into conceptions of death, rebirth and resurrection in the middle ages, but also into our concern today with ecology and our relationship with the green world. It is therefore a work of living scholarship and its publication in paperback will begreatly and justly welcomed.
Bass, A. (1996). Cherokee Messenger. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bass, D. C. (1998). Practicing Our Faith : A Way of Life for a Searching People. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bass, H. (1993). Measuring What Counts : A Conceptual Guide for Mathematics Assessment. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
To achieve national goals for education, we must measure the things that really count. Measuring What Counts establishes crucial research- based connections between standards and assessment. Arguing for a better balance between educational and measurement concerns in the development and use of mathematics assessment, this book sets forth three principles–related to content, learning, and equity–that can form the basis for new assessments that support emerging national standards in mathematics education.
Bass, H. (1993). Measuring What Counts : A Policy Brief. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
Measuring What Counts: A Policy Brief provides highlights of the main volume in the context of implications for educational policy.
Bass, H., et al. (1996). Mathematics and Science Education Around the World : What Can We Learn From The Survey of Mathematics and Science Opportunities (SMSO) and the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)? Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Amid current efforts to improve mathematics and science education in the United States, people often ask how these subjects are organized and taught in other countries. They hear repeatedly that other countries produce higher student achievement. Teachers and parents wonder about the answers to questions like these: Why do the children in Asian cultures seem to be so good at science and mathematics? How are biology and physics taught in the French curriculum? What are textbooks like elsewhere, and how much latitude do teachers have in the way they follow the texts? Do all students receive the same education, or are they grouped by ability or perceived educational promise? If students are grouped, how early is this done? What are tests like, and what are the consequences for students? Are other countries engaged in Standards-like reforms? Does anything like’standards’play a role in other countries? Questions such as these reflect more than a casual interest in other countries’educational practices. They grow out of an interest in identifying ways to improve mathematics and science education in the United States. The focus of this short report is on what the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), a major international investigation of curriculum, instruction, and learning in mathematics and science, will be able to contribute to understandings of mathematics and science education around the world as well as to current efforts to improve student learning, particularly in the United States.
Bass, J. (1990). Unlikely Heroes. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Reprint, with new pref. Originally published: New York : Simon and Schuster, c1981.
Bass, M. (1996). Bob Huggins : Pressed for Success. Champaign, IL, Sagamore Publishing Inc.
Bassie-Sweet, K. (1991). From the Mouth of the Dark Cave : Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bassie-Sweet, K. (1996). At the Edge of the World : Caves and Late Classic Maya World View. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bassnett, S. and A. Lefevere (1998). Constructing Cultures : Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Based on lectures given to students all over the world.
Basso, K. H. (1996). Wisdom Sits in Places : Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
This remarkable book introduces us to four unforgettable Apache people, each of whom offers a different take on the significance of places in their culture. Apache conceptions of wisdom, manners and morals, and of their own history are inextricably intertwined with place, and by allowing us to overhear his conversations with Apaches on these subjects Basso expands our awareness of what place can mean to people.Most of us use the term sense of place often and rather carelessly when we think of nature or home or literature. Our senses of place, however, come not only from our individual experiences but also from our cultures. Wisdom Sits in Places, the first sustained study of places and place-names by an anthropologist, explores place, places, and what they mean to a particular group of people, the Western Apache in Arizona. For more than thirty years, Keith Basso has been doing fieldwork among the Western Apache, and now he shares with us what he has learned of Apache place-names–where they come from and what they mean to Apaches.’This is indeed a brilliant exposition of landscape and language in the world of the Western Apache. But it is more than that. Keith Basso gives us to understand something about the sacred and indivisible nature of words and place. And this is a universal equation, a balance in the universe. Place may be the first of all concepts; it may be the oldest of all words.’–N. Scott Momaday’In Wisdom Sits in Places Keith Basso lifts a veil on the most elemental poetry of human experience, which is the naming of the world. In so doing he invests his scholarship with that rarest of scholarly qualities: a sense of spiritual exploration. Through his clear eyes we glimpse the spirit of a remarkable people and their land, and when we look away, we see our own world afresh.’–William deBuys’A very exciting book–authoritative, fully informed, extremely thoughtful, and also engagingly written and a joy to read. Guiding us vividly among the landscapes and related story-tellings of the Western Apache, Basso explores in a highly readable way the role of language in the complex but compelling theme of a people’s attachment to place. An important book by an eminent scholar.’–Alvin M. Josephy, Jr.
Basta, N. (1996). Opportunities in Engineering Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Basta, N. (1999). Careers in High Tech. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bastable, S. B. (1997). Nurse As Educator : Principles of Teaching and Learning. Sudbury, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Bastasch, R. (1998). Waters of Oregon : A Source Book on Oregon’s Water and Water Management. Corvallis, Or, Oregon State University Press.
Bastien, J. W. (1992). Drum and Stethoscope : Integrating Ethnomedicine and Biomedicine in Bolivia. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press.
Basu, K. (1997). Analytical Development Economics : The Less Developed Economy Revisited. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Virtually all industrialized nations have annual per capita incomes greater than $15,000; meanwhile, over three billion people, more than half the worlds population, live in countries with per capita incomes of less than $700. Development economics studies the economies of such countries and the problems they face, including poverty, chronic underemployment, low wages, rampant inflation, and oppressive international debt. In the past two decades, the international debt crisis, the rise of endogenous growth theory, and the tremendous success of some Asian economies have generated renewed interest in development economics, and the field has grown and changed dramatically.Although Analytical Development Economics deals with theoretical development economics, it is closely grounded in reality. The author draws on a wide range of evidence, including some gathered by himself in the village of Nawadih in the state of Bihar, India, where — in huts and fields, and in front of the village tea stall — he talked with landlords, tenants, moneylenders, and landless laborers. The author presents theoretical results in such a way that those doing empirical work can go out and test the theories.The book is a revision of Basu’s The Less Developed Economy: A Critique of Contemporary Theory (Blackwell, 1984). The new edition, which has several new chapters and sections, incorporates recent theoretical advances in its comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of the subject. It is intended primarily as a textbook for a one-semester graduate course, but will also be of interest to researchers in economic development and to policymakers.
Basu, S. (1999). She Comes to Take Her Rights : Indian Women, Property, and Propriety. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Batana, L. M. (2000). Seafood and Freshwater Toxins : Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection. New York, CRC Press.
This volume focuses on the pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, chemistry, ecology and economics of seafood and freshwater toxins. It covers the biological aspects of the bloom, the effects and actions of each toxin with emphasis on human aspects, and the analytical and preparative options for neurotoxic, diarrhetic shellfish toxins, and hepatotoxic or neurotoxic freshwater cyanobacteria toxins.
Bates, C. and J. Wigtil (1994). Skill-building Activities for Alcohol and Drug Education. Boston, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Bates, J. and T. Tompkins (1998). Using Visual C++ 6. Indianapolis, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Bates, M. J. (1996). The Wars We Took to Vietnam : Cultural Conflict and Storytelling. Berkeley, University of California Press.
What Americans refer to as the Vietnam War embraces much more than the conflict with North Vietnam. Milton J. Bates considers the other conflicts that Americans brought to that war: the divisions stemming from differences in race, class, sex, generation, and frontier ideology. In exploring the rich vein of writing and film that emerged from the Vietnam War era, he strikingly illuminates how these stories reflect American social crises of the period.Some material examined here is familiar, including the work of Michael Herr, Tim O’Brien, Philip Caputo, Susan Sontag, Francis Ford Coppola, and Oliver Stone. Other material is less well known—Neverlight by Donald Pfarrer and De Mojo Blues by A. R. Flowers, for example. Bates also draws upon an impressive range of secondary readings, from Freud and Marx to Geertz and Jameson.As the products of a culture in conflict, Vietnam memoirs, novels, films, plays, and poems embody a range of political perspectives, not only in their content but also in their structure and rhetoric. In his final chapter Bates outlines a’politico-poetics’of the war story as a genre. Here he gives special attention to our motives—from the deeply personal to the broadly cultural—for telling war stories.
Bates, M. S. (1996). Biocultural Dimensions of Chronic Pain : Implications for Treatment of Multi-ethnic Populations. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bates, R. J. and D. Gregory (2000). Voice and Data Communications Handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
‘Revised and expanded’–Cover.
Bates, T. (2000). Managing Technological Change : Strategies for College and University Leaders. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Battaglia, D. (1995). Rhetorics of Self-Making. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Departing from an essentialist concept of the self, this highly original volume advances the cross-cultural study of selfhood with three contributions to the literature: First, it approaches the self as an ideological process, arguing that selfhood is culturally situated and emergent in social practices of persuasion. Second, it demonstrates how postmodernity problematizes the experience and concept of the self. Finally, the book challenges the pervasive practice of equating an individuated self with the Western world and a relational self with the non-Western world. Contributions cover a broad range of topics—from the development of the eccentric self to the ritual circumcision of Jewish males.
Battat, J. Y., et al. (1996). Suppliers to Multinationals : Linkage Programs to Strenghten Local Companies in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Battersby, J. L. (1991). Paradigms Regained : Pluralism and the Practice of Criticism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Battersby, J. L. (1996). Reason and the Nature of Texts. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Battistoni, R. M. (1985). Public Schooling and the Education of Democratic Citizens. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
Baudez, C. F. (1994). Maya Sculpture of Copán : The Iconography. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Copan, one of the most important Classic Maya sites, is renowned for the artistry of its high-relief stelae and altars and for the wealth of detail on its freestanding and architectural sculpture. In Maya Sculpture of Copan: The Iconography, internationally known Mayanist Claude-Francois Baudez provides the first comprehensive analysis of these elaborate and intriguing carved images.
Baudry, M., et al. (1999). Advances in Synaptic Plasticity. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bauer, B. S. (1996). The Development of the Inca State. Austin, Tex, University of Texas Press.
Bauer, B. S. and D. S. P. Dearborn (1995). Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes : The Cultural Origins of Inca Sky Watching. Austin, University of Texas Press.
Bauer, D. M. and S. J. McKinstry (1991). Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bauer, J. (1996). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Smart. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
‘The easy and fun guide to total nutrition and fitness. Idiot-proof steps to making savvy food choices. Expert advice on losing weight and keeping it off.’
Bauer, J. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Total Nutrition. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Bauer, R. T. and J. W. Martin (1991). Crustacean Sexual Biology. New York, N.Y., Perseus Books, LLC.
Baugh, L. S. (1994). How to Write First-class Letters : The Handbook for Practical Letter Writing. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Baugh, L. S. (1995). How to Write First-class Memos : The Handbook for Practical Memo Writing. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Baugh, L. S., et al. (1994). Handbook for Business Writing. Lincolnwood, Ill., U.S.A., NTC Business Books.
Baum, D. H. (2000). Lightning in a Bottle : Proven Lessons for Leading Change. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Baum, H. S. (1997). The Organization of Hope : Communities Planning Themselves. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Baum, L. F. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
During a California earthquake Dorothy falls into the underground Land of the Manaboos where she again meets the Wizard of Oz.
Baum, L. F. The Emerald City of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Dorothy’s aunt and uncle get acquainted with Oz after they lose their farm and Ozma invites them to live with her.
Baum, L. F. The Enchanted Island of Yew : Whereon Prince Marvel Encountered the High Ki of Twi and Other Surprising People. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A beautiful fairy is transformed into a human prince for one year while he and his friends have many adventures.
Baum, L. F. Glinda of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The Sorceress and Wizard of Oz attempt to save Princess Ozma and Dorothy from the dangers which threaten them when they try to bring peace to two warring tribes.
Baum, L. F. A Kidnapped Santa Claus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Unhappy because Santa has been spreading too much contentment among the children, the five Daemons devise a plan to kidnap him.
Baum, L. F. The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Describes the life of Santa Claus from birth through old age and into immortality.
Baum, L. F. The Lost Princess of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
When Princess Ozma and all the magic of the Land of Oz are mysteriously stolen away, Dorothy and the other residents of Oz are determined to find their missing ruler and the thief responsible for her disappearance.
Baum, L. F. The Magic of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A young citizen of Oz who learns an important magic word falls prey to the wickedness of the Nomes’ex-king who wants to destroy Dorothy, the Wizard, and Princess Ozma.
Baum, L. F. The Marvelous Land of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Tip and his creation, Jack Pumpkin, run away to Oz, where they save the city after it is captured by girls.
Baum, L. F. The Master Key. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Baum, L. F. Ozma of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Baum, L. F. The Patchwork Girl of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A boy, a patchwork girl, and a glass cat go on a mission to find the ingredients for a charm which will transform some people turned to marble.
Baum, L. F. Rinkitink in Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Baum, L. F. The Road to Oz : In Which It Is Related How Dorothy Gale of Kansas, the Shaggy Man, Button Bright, and Polychrome the Rainbow’s Daughter Met on an Enchanted Road and Followed It All the Way to the Marvelous Land of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Dorothy and her friends follow the enchanted road to Oz and arrive in time for Ozma’s birthday party.
Baum, L. F. The Scarecrow of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The adventures of Trot and Cap’n Bill take them to Oz where they help solve the problem of Pom, whose truelove’s heart has been turned to ice by witches.
Baum, L. F. Tik-tok of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Introduces Ann Soforth, Queen of Oogaboo, whom Tik-Tok, the clockwork man, assists in conquering the Nome King.
Baum, L. F. The Tin Woodman of Oz : A Faithful Story of the Astonishing Adventure Undertaken by the Tin Woodman, Assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow’s Daughter. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Dorothy tries to rescue the Tin Woodman and Scarecrow from the giantess who has changed them into a tin owl and a teddy bear and is using them for playthings.
Baum, L. F. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
After a cyclone transports her to the land of Oz, Dorothy must seek out the great wizard in order to return to Kansas.
Bauman, M. K. and B. Kalin (1997). The Quiet Voices : Southern Rabbis and Black Civil Rights, 1880s to 1990s. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University Alabama Press.
These wide-ranging essays reveal the various roles played by southern rabbis in the struggle for black civil rights since Reconstruction The study of black-Jewish relations has become a hotbed of controversy, especially with regard to the role played by Jewish leaders during the Civil Rights movement. Did these leaders play a pivotal role, or did many of them, especially in the South, succumb to societal pressure and strive to be accepted rather than risk being persecuted? If some of these leaders did choose a quieter path, were their reasons valid? And were their methods successful? The contributors in this volume explore the motivations and subsequent behavior of rabbis in a variety of southern environments both before and during the civil rights struggle. Their research demonstrates that most southern rabbis indeed faced pressures not experienced in the North and felt the need to balance these countervailing forces to achieve their moral imperative. Individually, each essay offers a glimpse into both the private and public difficulties these rabbis faced in their struggle to achieve good. Collectively, the essays provide an unparalleled picture of Jewish leadership during the civil rights era.
Bauman, R. P., et al. (1997). From Promise to Performance : A Journey of Transformation at SmithKline Beecham. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
Bawcutt, P. J. (1992). Dunbar the Makar. Oxford [England], Oxford University Press.
Baxevanis, A. D. and B. F. F. Ouellette (1998). Bioinformatics : A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Baxter, K. A. and M. A. Kochel (1999). Gotcha! : Nonfiction Booktalks to Get Kids Excited About Reading. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Baxter, N. and M. Rowh (2001). Opportunities in Government Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Rev. ed. of: Opportunities in state and local government careers. Chicago, Ill. : VGM Career Horizons, 1993.
Baxter, R. The Saints’ Everlasting Rest. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Baylis, J. (1993). The Diplomacy of Pragmatism : Britain and the Formation of NATO, 1942-1949. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
Bayor, R. H. (1996). Race and the Shaping of Twentieth-century Atlanta. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Atlanta is often cited as a prime example of a progressive New South metropolis in which blacks and whites have forged’a city too busy to hate.’But Ronald Bayor argues that the city continues to bear the indelible mark of racial bias. Offering the first comprehensive history of Atlanta race relations, he discusses the impact of race on the physical and institutional development of the city from the end of the Civil War through the mayorship of Andrew Young in the 1980s. Bayor shows the extent of inequality, investigates the gap between rhetoric and reality, and presents a fresh analysis of the legacy of segregation and race relations for the American urban environment. Bayor explores frequently ignored public policy issues through the lens of race–including hospital care, highway placement and development, police and fire services, schools, and park use, as well as housing patterns and employment. He finds that racial concerns profoundly shaped Atlanta, as they did other American cities. Drawing on oral interviews and written records, Bayor traces how Atlanta’s black leaders and their community have responded to the impact of race on local urban development. By bringing long-term urban development into a discussion of race, Bayor provides an element missing in usual analyses of cities and race relations.
Bazeli, M. J. and J. L. Heintz (1997). Technology Across the Curriculum : Activities and Ideas. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Bazerman, C. (1999). The Languages of Edison’s Light. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Technology is business, and dealing with the media, the public, financiers, and government agencies can be as important to an invention’s success as effective product development. To understand how rhetoric works in technology, one cannot do better than to start with the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison and the incandescent light bulb.Charles Bazerman tells the story of the emergence of electric light as one of symbols and communication. He examines how Edison and his colleagues represented light and power to themselves and to others as the technology was transformed from an idea to a daily fact of life. He looks at the rhetoric used to create meaning and value for the emergent technology in the laboratory, in patent offices and courts, in financial markets, and in boardrooms, city halls, newspapers, and the consumer marketplace. Along the way he describes the social and communicative arrangements that shaped and transformed the world in which Edison acted. He portrays Edison, both the individual and the corporation, as a self-conscious social actor whose rhetorical groundwork was crucial to the technology’s material realization and success.
Bazian, M. (1999). Using Visual FoxPro 6. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Beach, C. (1992). ABC of Influence : Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Beach, E. A. (1994). The Potencies of God(s) : Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Beach, L. R. (1998). Image Theory : Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
Decision making plays a major role in virtually every theory of organizational behavior. However, decision theory has not provided organizational theorists with useful descriptions of how decisions are made, either by individuals or by individuals in organizations. The earliest offering came from economics in the form of the’normative’rational view of decision making. The underlying presumption was that decision makers are all striving to maximize return or minimize loss, that decisions are based upon unlimited information, and that they have the capacity to use the information efficiently. They know the options open to them and the consequences of pursuing one or another of those options. The optimal course of action is revealed by applying the appropriate analysis and choosing the most profitable option. The key concepts are rationality, analysis, orderliness, and maximization, and even a moment’s thought demonstrates the gap between these concepts and real-life experience. From the viewpoint of organizational theory, the primary problem with the normative view of decision making, and by analogy with much behavioral decision research, is its reliance on the’gamble metaphor.’That is, decisions are characterized as gambles in an effort to capture the inherent risk. This metaphor has the advantage of simplicity, but it is a flawed simplicity. This book is about a different kind of behavioral theory — image theory. It is a psychological theory of decision making that abandons the gamble metaphor and the normative logic that the metaphor supports. Instead it sees decision making as guided by the beliefs and values that the decision maker, or a community of decision makers, holds to be relevant to the decision at hand. These beliefs and values dictate the goals of the decision. The point is to craft a course of action that will achieve these goals without interfering with the pursuit of other goals. The book begins with an overview of image theory that outlines the basic concepts of the theory and a little of its history. The next two parts correspond to the theory’s two decision mechanisms, the compatibility test and the profitability test. The final section contains extensions and developments of the theory as well as cognate ideas that have their basis in the theory. This book’s purpose is to provide — in one place — the theoretical and empirical work that has been done up to now and to suggest directions for future work.
Beal, E. (1997). Choosing a Career in the Restaurant Industry. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Introduces various career opportunities in the restaurant industry, from wait staff to managers to owners.
Beal, E. (1998). Everything You Need to Know About ADD/ADHD. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Defines both attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and discusses what can be done to treat these conditions, including medication, behavior modification, and counseling.
Beal, E. (1999). Ritalin : Its Use and Abuse. New York, Rosen Pub.
Describes the medical uses of the prescription drug Ritalin, the problems presented by overprescribing it, its potential for abuse, and ways to prevent such abuse.
Bealey, F., et al. (1999). Elements in Political Science. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Beals, R. L., et al. (1998). Cheran : A Sierra Tarascan Village. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: Washington, D.C. : Institute of Social Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, 1946.
Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing (1997). Cooperative Strategies : Asian Pacific Perspectives. San Francisco, Lexington Books.
Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing (1997). Cooperative Strategies : European Perspectives. San Francisco, Calif, Lexington Books.
Includes index.
Beamish, P. W. and J. P. Killing (1997). Cooperative Strategies : North American Perspectives. San Francisco, Lexington Books.
Bean, J. (2000). Curing IBS Naturally with Chinese Medicine. Boulder, Colo, Blue Poppy Press.
Bean, J. J. (1996). Beyond the Broker State : Federal Policies Toward Small Business, 1936-1961. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln both considered small business the backbone of American democracy and free enterprise. In Beyond the Broker State, Jonathan Bean considers the impact of this ideology on American politics from the Great Depression to the creation of the Small Business Administration during the Eisenhower administration. Bean’s analysis of public policy toward small business during this period challenges the long-accepted definition of politics as the interplay of organized interest groups, mediated by a’broker-state’government. Specifically, he highlights the unorganized nature of the small business community and the ideological appeal that small business held for key members of Congress. Bean focuses on anti-chain-store legislation beginning in the 1930s and on the establishment of federal small business agencies in the 1940s and 1950s. According to Bean, Congress, inspired by the rhetoric of crisis, often misinterpreted or misrepresented the threat posed to small business from large corporations, and as a result, protective legislation sometimes worked against the interests it was meant to serve. Despite this misguided aid, argues Bean, small business has proved to be a remarkably resilient, if still unorganized, force.
Beane, J. A. (1997). Curriculum Integration : Designing the Core of Democratic Education. New York, Teachers College Press.
The quintessential resource on the important topic of curriculum integration! Going well beyond other books on this subject, James Beane details the history of curriculum integration and analyzes current critiques to provide a complete theory of curriculum integration. He defines curriculum integration as a comprehensive approach rather than simply “rearranging subjects.” Using many classroom examples, he explains the relationship between curriculum integration and the disciplines of knowledge. The approach set forth in this groundbreaking volume translates into a democratic vision of general education that transcends the current standards movement.“Offers clear and understandable examples of what curriculum integration means, how it can work, and how it fits a model of democratic education.” —Choice“In this time of conservative attacks on progressive education, it is crucial that we defend and extend democratic policies and practices. James Beane has been one of the most important figures in articulating democratic possibilities in schools. Curriculum Integration shows why he so deserves our respect. It provides a clear and insightful picture of the arguments and realities of democratic curriculum development and teaching.”—Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin–Madison“Jim Beane urges us to completely rethink how we pursue intellectual inquiry, as well as who makes the decisions in the classroom and what our ultimate goals are. Taken seriously, as it ought to be, [his] approach could revolutionize American education.”—Alfie Kohn, author of Punished by Rewards and Beyond Discipline“Beane writes directly with a passion that reflects long-in-the-making and deeply rooted convictions about education, youth, and democracy…. This book is a critically important resource… and it will remain so for years to come.” —John H. Lounsbury, National Middle School Association
Bear, E. (1999). The Dark Night of Recovery : Conversations From the Bottom of the Bottle. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Bear, J. and M. P. Bear (1999). Complaint Letters for Busy People. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Includes index.
Bear, R. Eden Rais’d in the Waste Wilderness : Milton and the Obedient Moment. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Beard, J. (1999). Beard on Pasta. [N.p.], Running Press Book Publishers.
Beard, R. (1995). Lexeme-morpheme Base Morphology : A General Theory of Inflection and Word Formation. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Beardsley, M. C. (1975). Aesthetics From Classical Greece to the Present. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University Alabama Press.
“Beardsley’s book accomplishes to perfection what the writer intended. It illuminates an area of history from a certain perspective as was never done before…. The distinguishing feature of his book is a n excitement over everything I aesthetics that has to do with symbols, meanings, language, and modes of interpretation. And this excitement has brought to light facets of the history f the subject never noticed before, or at least, not so clearly.” —The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Bearn, G. C. F. (1997). Waking to Wonder : Wittgenstein’s Existential Investigations. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bearss, E. C. and A. M. Gibson (1979). Fort Smith, Little Gibraltar on the Arkansas. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Beaster-Jones, J. (2016). Music Commodities, Markets, and Values : Music As Merchandise. New York, NY, Routledge.
This book examines music stores as sites of cultural production in contemporary India. Analyzing social practices of selling music in a variety of retail contexts, it focuses upon the economic and social values that are produced and circulated by music retailers in the marketplace. Based upon research conducted over a volatile ten-year period of the Indian music industry, Beaster-Jones discusses the cultural histories of the recording industry, the social changes that have accompanied India’s economic liberalization reforms, and the economic realities of selling music in India as digital circulation of music recordings gradually displaced physical distribution. The volume considers the mobilization of musical, economic, and social values as a component of branding discourses in neoliberal India, as a justification for new regimes of legitimate use and intellectual property, as a scene for the performance of cosmopolitanism by shopping, and as a site of anxiety about transformations in the marketplace. It relies upon ethnographic observation and interviews from a variety of sources within the Indian music industry, including perspectives of executives at music labels, family-run and corporate music stores, and hawkers in street markets selling counterfeit recordings. This ethnography of the practices, spaces, and anxieties of selling music in urban India will be an important resource for scholars in a wide range of fields, including ethnomusicology, anthropology, popular music studies, and South Asian studies.
Beattie, A. and I. Economic Development (1998). Sustainable Health Care Financing in Southern Africa : Papers From an EDI Health Policy Seminar Held in Johannesburg, South Africa, June 1996. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Beattie, M. (2001). Playing It by Heart : Taking Care of Yourself No Matter What. Center City, MN, Hazelden Information & Educational Services.
Beattie, M., et al. (1993). Working with Your Woodland : A Landowner’s Guide. Hanover, NH, UPNE.
Packed with information and illustrations, Working with Your Woodland has given woodland owners all the basics necessary for making key decisions since it was first published in 1983. The revised edition reflects the fundamental changes in the way private woodlands are viewed. Today they must be seen as part of the whole earth rather than as owner-managed islands.Few owners are aware of the wide spectrum of compatible management objectives–such as encouragement of wildlife, development for recreation, and enhancement of scenic beauty–that can coexist with the more familiar timber and firewood potential of forested areas. Even fewer understand the purpose, techniques, environmental impacts, economics, or legalities of forest management. This edition provides necessary updating of the technological, environmental, tax, and legal concerns associated with woodland management. Three chapters have been completely rewritten, and there is new information on wetlands management, global warming, acid deposition, and rare or endangered species.
Beatty, A. S., et al. (1999). Myths and Tradeoffs : The Role of Tests in Undergraduate Admissions. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
‘Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, and Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, National Research Council.’
Beatty, A. S. and C. National Research (1997). Taking Stock : What Have We Learned About Making Education Standards Internationally Competitive?: Summary of a Workshop. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Workshop papers are available on the internet at http://www.nas.edu.
Beatty, A. S., et al. (1999). Next Steps for TIMSS : Directions for Secondary Analysis. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Beatty, A. S., et al. (1997). Learning From TIMSS : Results of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study: Summary of a Symposium. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Summary of a symposium held Feb. 3-4, 1997, in Washington, D.C.
Beatty, M. D. and C. Allan-Piper (1998). Fire Night! Santa Fe, N.M., National Book Network International.
Katy’s school lessons in fire safety help her know what to do when a fire breaks out in her house.
Beatty, M. D. and K. Parkinson (1997). My Sister Rose Has Diabetes. Santa Fe, N.M., National Book Network International.
Discusses the management of Type I diabetes, highlighting the issues of those without diabetes who sometimes feel forgotten in a family preoccupied with this chronic condition.
Beatty, R. H. (1995). The Interview Kit. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index.
Beatty, R. H. (1997). The Perfect Cover Letter. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index.
Beatty, R. H. (1999). 175 High-impact Resumes. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Beaudot, W. J. K. and L. J. Herdegen (1993). An Irishman in the Iron Brigade : The Civil War Memoirs of James P. Sullivan, Sergt., Company K, 6th Wisconsin Volunteers. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Beaulieu, A. (2014). Gilles Deleuze and Metaphysics. Lanham, Lexington Books.
Deleuze remains indifferent to the ambient pathos related to the end of metaphysics and compares the undertakings of destruction, overcoming and deconstruction of metaphysics with the gestures of murderers. He considers himself “a pure metaphysician,” which is rather unique in the contemporary philosophical landscape. What are we to make of this and similar claims? What do they mean in light of the effort made during the last several centuries to overcome, overturn, destroy, or deconstruct metaphysics? If we consider Deleuze’s work more closely, might find him engaging in the kind of thinking that is commonly referred to as metaphysical? And if Deleuze is indeed a metaphysician, does this undercut the many insightful contributions of the twentieth century philosophers who dedicate their thought to bringing down Western metaphysical tradition? Or does it suggest that there is a sense of metaphysics that should nevertheless be preserved? These and similar questions are addressed in this volume by a series of international scholars. The goal of the book is to critically engage an aspect of Deleuze’s thought that, for the most part, has been neglected, and to understand better his “immanent metaphysics.” It also seeks to explore the consequences of such an engagement.
Beaumont, F. and J. Fletcher Philaster, Or, Love Lies A-bleeding. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Beavers, H. (1995). Wrestling Angels Into Song : The Fictions of Ernest J. Gaines and James Alan McPherson. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bechler, Z. (1995). Aristotle’s Theory of Actuality. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Beck, C. (1994). Dating in Exposed and Surface Contexts. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Beck, F. (1998). Integrated Circuit Failure Analysis : A Guide to Preparation Techniques. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Beck, L. A. The Ninth Vibration and Other Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beck, W. A. and Y. D. Haase (1969). Historical Atlas of New Mexico. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Beck, W. A. and Y. D. Haase (1974). Historical Atlas of California. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Beck, W. A. and Y. D. Haase (1989). Historical Atlas of the American West. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Becker, C. (1996). Zones of Contention : Essays on Art, Institutions, Gender, and Anxiety. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Becker, C. B. (1993). Breaking the Circle : Death and the Afterlife in Buddhism. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Becker, C. B. (1993). Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Becker, G. (1997). Disrupted Lives : How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Our lives are full of disruptions, from the minor—a flat tire, an unexpected phone call—to the fateful—a diagnosis of infertility, an illness, the death of a loved one. In the first book to examine disruption in American life from a cultural rather than a psychological perspective, Gay Becker follows hundreds of people to find out what they do after something unexpected occurs. Starting with bodily distress, she shows how individuals recount experiences of disruption metaphorically, drawing on important cultural themes to help them reestablish order and continuity in their lives. Through vivid and poignant stories of people from different walks of life who experience different types of disruptions, Becker examines how people rework their ideas about themselves and their worlds, from the meaning of disruption to the meaning of life itself.Becker maintains that to understand disruption, we must also understand cultural definitions of normalcy. She questions what is normal for a family, for health, for womanhood and manhood, and for growing older. In the United States, where life is expected to be orderly and predictable, disruptions are particularly unsettling, she contends. And, while continuity in life is an illusion, it is an effective one because it organizes people’s plans and expectations.Becker’s phenomenological approach yields a rich, compelling, and entirely original narrative. Disrupted Lives acknowledges the central place of discontinuity in our existence at the same time as it breaks new ground in understanding the cultural dynamics that underpin life in the United States.FROM THE BOOK:’The doctor was blunt. He does not mince words. He did a [semen] analysis and he came back and said,’This is devastatingly poor.’I didn’t expect to hear that. It had never occurred to me. It was such a shock to my sense of self and to all these preconceptions of my manliness and virility and all of that. That was a very, very devastating moment and I was dumbfounded…. In that moment it totally changed the way that I thought of myself.’
Becker, G. (1997). Healing the Infertile Family : Strengthening Your Relationship in the Search for Parenthood. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Becker, J. S. (1998). Selling Tradition : Appalachia and the Construction of an American Folk, 1930-1940. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
The first half of the twentieth century witnessed a growing interest in America’s folk heritage, as Americans began to enthusiastically collect, present, market, and consume the nation’s folk traditions. Examining one of this century’s mostprominent’folk revivals’–the reemergence of Southern Appalachian handicraft traditions in the 1930s–Jane Becker unravels the cultural politics that bound together a complex network of producers, reformers, government officials, industries, museums, urban markets, and consumers, all of whom helped to redefine Appalachian craft production in the context of a national cultural identity. Becker uses this craft revival as a way of exploring the construction of the cultural categories’folk’and’tradition.’She also addresses the consequences such labels have had on the people to whom they have been assigned. Though the revival of domestic arts in the Southern Appalachians reflected an attempt to aid the people of an impoverished region, she says, as well as a desire to recapture an important part of the nation’s folk heritage, in reality the new craft production owed less to tradition than to middle-class tastes and consumer culture–forces that obscured the techniques used by mountain laborers and the conditions in which they worked.
Becker, P. E. and N. L. Eiesland (1997). Contemporary American Religion : An Ethnographic Reader. Walnut Creek, Calif, AltaMira Press.
No single narrative or theory can describe the varieties of religious experience in North America today. The tidy dichotomies of liberal/ conservative, public/private, local/global, and renewal/secularization make little sense once specific congregations are examined closely. To understand the shifting boundaries of contemporary religious expressions, new tools are needed. Contemporary American Religion collects qualitative, on-the-ground studies of local congregations by up-and-coming religious scholars. Ethnography combined with more traditional sociological methods, help make sense of complex religious communities—from Messianic Jews to evangelical feminists, from Gospel Hour at a gay bar to exurban megachurches. This collection covers a wide span of the religious landscape, always trying to uncover new theoretical insights. Essential reading for classes in sociology of religion, contemporary American religion, and anthropology of religion.
Becker, S. (2000). A Handbook of Chinese Hematology. Boulder, Colo, Blue Poppy Press.
Becker, W. E. and W. J. Baumol (1996). Assessing Educational Practices : The Contribution of Economics. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Beckford, W. and S. Henley The History of Caliph Vathek. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bedell, J. (1998). At the Bonehouse. Huntsville, Tex, Texas Review Press.
Bednarowski, M. F. (1999). The Religious Imagination of American Women. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
‘This book is a nuanced discussion of contemporary feminist thought in a variety of religious traditions. It draws from both academic and popular writings and offers a rich selection of books to pursue on one’s own.’– Re-Imagining’This remarkable book examines American women’s religious thought in many diverse faith traditions…. This is a cogent, provocative — even moving — analysis.’– Publishers Weekly This study of the fruits of many different women’s religious thought offers insights into the ways women may be shaping American religious ideas and world views at the end of the twentieth century. At its broadest, this book presents a multi-voiced response to the question:’When women across many traditions are heard speaking theologically, publicly and self-consciously as women, what do they have to say?’
Beech, W. (1999). The Black Enterprise Guide to Starting Your Own Business. New York, N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Beegel, S. F. (1992). Hemingway’s Neglected Short Fiction : New Perspectives. Tuscaloosa, University Alabama Press.
In 1924 Ernest Hemingway published a small book of eighteen vignettes, each little more than one page long, with a small press in Paris. Titled in our time, the volume was later absorbed into Hemingway’s story collection In Our Time. Those vignettes, as Milton Cohen demonstrates in Hemingway’s Laboratory, reveal a range of voices, narrative strategies, and fictional interests more wide-ranging and experimental than any other extant work of Hemingway’s. Further, they provide a vivid view of his earliest tendencies and influences, first manifestations of the style that would become his hallmark, and daring departures into narrative forms that he would forever leave behind.
Beegle, K. (1995). The Quality and Availability of Family Planning Services and Contraceptive Use in Tanzania. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Beer, F. (1992). Women and Mystical Experience in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
`A wholly feminine voice within Catholicism-they express the inexpressible better than any amount of rational thinking about God.’THE TIMESThe three women who are the subject of this fascinating study lefta rich legacy of medieval spirituality. Frances Beer explores theirwritings and draws on available historical evidence to bring the experience of all three women closer to a 20th-century audience. She sees Hildegard’s perception of her Creator as informed by the heroic ideal, while Mechthild’s erotic experience seems to show the influence of the minnesingers. Julian’s experience of tender intimacy with her Lord demonstrates an egalitarian confidence in the ability of the individual soul to progress towards onenesswith the divine. Their individual natures are also further revealed through the author’s examination of their resolution of a number of theological problems. In contrast, the works of two medieval men writing for women are also explored.FRANCESBEER is Associate Professor of English at York University, Toronto.
Beer, M., et al. (1990). The Critical Path to Corporate Renewal. [Boston, MA], Harvard Business School Press.
Beer, S. (1994). Decision and Control : The Meaning of Operational Research and Management Cybernetics. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Includes index.
Beerbohm, M. And Even Now. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beerbohm, M. Enoch Soames : A Memory of the Eighteen-nineties. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beerbohm, M. Seven Men. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beerbohm, M. Zuleika Dobson. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beerbohm, M. and J. Lane The Works of Max Beerbohm. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Beerbohm, M. and V. University of (1997). Enoch Soames : A Memory of the Eighteen-nineties. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Beerbohm, M. and V. University of (1997). James Pethel. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Beerbohm, M. and V. University of (1997). A.V. Laider. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Beesley, T. E. and R. P. W. Scott (1998). Chiral Chromatography. Chichester, England, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Beezley, W. H., et al. (1994). Rituals of Rule, Rituals of Resistance : Public Celebrations and Popular Culture in Mexico. Wilmington, Del, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
This book presents readers with scholarship on public celebrations and popular culture throughout Mexican history. Leading scholars from the Americas and Great Britain discuss aspects of Mexico’s popular culture from the seventeenth century to the present. The vast range of Mexican expression is examined, including Corpus Christi celebrations, New Spain, stone murals, and folk theater. Filling a need that becomes ever more pressing, this volume provides fresh insights.
Begg, I. (1999). EU Investment Grants Review. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
Begley, D. J., et al. (2000). The Blood-brain Barrier and Drug Delivery to the CNS. New York, CRC Press.
This timely and compact monograph addresses how to determine drug permeability across the blood-brain barrier more effectively. Focusing on the physiological mechanisms that influence the passage of agents into the brain, the book covers the latest research on the blood-brain barrier, the current problems of and solutions to drug delivery to the central nervous system (CNS), existing strategies, and prospects for future research.Avoid excessive in vivo experimentation and utilize timesaving in vitro techniques. A concise reference with reviews from nearly 40 international specialists in diverse fields, The Blood-Brain Barrier and Drug Delivery to the CNSassesses the properties of the blood-brain barrier to determine and measure drug permeability in animals and humans presents techniques to predict successful drug uptake through in vitro systems or by computation of physicochemical parameters examines the multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein as a natural transporter analyzes current drug designs to known requirements for transport looks at drug delivery systems for the brain and much more!Densely packed with over 800 literature references, drawings, photographs, x-rays, tables, and equations, The Blood-Brain Barrier and Drug Delivery to the CNS is a vital addition to the bookshelves of biochemists, pharmacists, clinical and research pharmacologists, neuroscientists and neurologists, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
Begley, P. T. (1999). Values and Educational Leadership. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Behar, R. (1996). The Vulnerable Observer : Anthropology That Breaks Your Heart. Boston, Beacon Press.
Eloquently interweaving ethnography and memoir, award-winning anthropologist Ruth Behar offers a new theory and practice for humanistic anthropology. She proposes an anthropology that is lived and written in a personal voice. She does so in the hope that it will lead us toward greater depth of understanding and feeling, not only in contemporary anthropology, but in all acts of witnessing.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Behn, A. Oroonoko, Or, The Royal Slave. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Behn, A. and A. E. Russell (1999). The Rover, Or, The Banished Cavaliers. Peterborough, Ont, Broadview Press.
A play.
Behrendt, J. C. (1998). Innocents on the Ice : A Memoir of Antarctic Exploration, 1957. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
‘Adventures in the Antarctic only happen when someone makes a mistake.” —From the Preface In 1956, John C. Behrendt had just earned his master’s degree in geophysics and obtained a position as an assistant seismologist in the International Geophysical Year glaciological program. He sailed from Davisville, Rhode Island to spend eighteen months in Antarctica with the IGY expedition as part of a U.S. Navy-supported scientific expedition to establish Ellsworth Station on the Filchner Ice Shelf. Innocents on the Ice is a memoir based on Behrendt’s handwritten journals, looking back on his daily entries describing his life and activities on the most isolated of the seven U.S. Antarctic stations. Nine civilians and thirty Navy men lived beneath the snow together, and intense personal conflicts arose during the dark Antarctic winter of 1957. Little outside contact was available to ease the tension, with no mail delivery and only occasional radio contact with families back home. The author describes the emotional stress of the living situation, along with details of his parties’explorations of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf system during the summers of 1957 and 1958. Along the hazardous 1,300-mile traverse in two Sno-Cats, the field party measured ice thickness and snow accumulation as part of an international effort to determine the balance of the Antarctic ice sheet, and made the first geological observations of the spectacular Dufek Massif in the then-unexplored Pensacola Mountains. Behrendt also draws upon his forty years of continual participation in Antarctic research to explain the changes in scientific activities and environmental awareness in Antarctica today. Including photos, maps, and a glossary identifying various forms of ice, Innocents on the Ice is a fascinating combination of the diary of a young graduate student and the reflections of the accomplished scientist he became.
Behringer, W. (1998). Shaman of Oberstdorf : Chonrad Stoeckhlin and the Phantoms of the Night. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press.
Beidar, K. I., et al. (1996). Rings with Generalized Identities. New York, CRC Press.
Includes index.
Beiner, R. (1999). Theorizing Nationalism. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Beinin, J. (1998). The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry : Culture, Politics, and the Formation of a Modern Diaspora. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In this provocative and wide-ranging history, Joel Beinin examines fundamental questions of ethnic identity by focusing on the Egyptian Jewish community since 1948. A complex and heterogeneous people, Egyptian Jews have become even more diverse as their diaspora continues to the present day. Central to Beinin’s study is the question of how people handle multiple identities and loyalties that are dislocated and reformed by turbulent political and cultural processes. It is a question he grapples with himself, and his reflections on his experiences as an American Jew in Israel and Egypt offer a candid, personal perspective on the hazards of marginal identities.
Beirne, P. (1993). Inventing Criminology : Essays on the Rise of Homo Criminalis. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Beitchman, P. (1988). I Am a Process with No Subject. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1998). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Active New Religions, Sects, and Cults. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Beizer, B. (1995). Black-box Testing : Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and Systems. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bekken, B. B. (1991). Opportunities in Performing Arts Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Belanger, D. O. (1988). Managing American Wildlife : A History of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Belanger, D. O. (1998). Enabling American Innovation : Engineering and the National Science Foundation. West Lafayette, Ind, Purdue University Press.
Belasco, K. S. (1997). Financial Institution Staffing : Analyzing and Modeling Staff Levels in a Competitive and Consolidating Industry. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Belbin, R. M. (2000). Beyond the Team. Oxford, Routledge.
An internationally renowned author offers an overview of how people and jobs can best be connected in a new era.’Beyond the Team’draws on Meredith Belbin’s extensive work with organizations worldwide to give further insights into the workings of teams and groups. The modern job needs to be actively interpreted and constantly revised in terms of the balance between a team role, a work role and a professional role. The increasingly complex demands of modern jobs can be aided by a colour system as tested in international trials. A colour based top down, bottom up form of communication creates sensitive feedback with a special value where members of a workforce do not share common language. The socially complex nature of communication about work in a new era offers parallels with the intricacies of the social insect world. Information technology is extending human networking with the potential of creating a form of organization closer to what can be achieved in superorganisms.’Beyond the Team’shows how eventually, the mature team can learn to distribute work between its own members by giving a comprehensive understanding of how to manage both team roles and work roles.
Belcher, J. G. (1996). How to Design & Implement a Results-oriented Variable Pay System. New York, AMACOM.
Belcher, S. L. (1999). Practical Extrusion Blow Molding. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Includes index.
Belcove-Shalin, J. S. (1995). New World Hasidim : Ethnographic Studies of Hasidic Jews in America. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Belikoff, K. (1998). Opportunities in Eye Care Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Belin, L. and R. W. Orttung (1997). The Russian Parliamentary Elections of 1995 : The Battle for the Duma. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Belitt, B. (1995). The Forgáed Feature : Toward a Poetics of Uncertainty: New and Selected Essays. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Belker, L. B. (1997). The First-time Manager. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Bell, A. and J. Holmes (1990). New Zealand Ways of Speaking English. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Bell, B. W. (1987). The Afro-American Novel and Its Tradition. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bell, C. M. (1997). Ritual : Perspectives and Dimensions. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
Bell, C. R. (1996). Managers As Mentors : Building Partnerships for Learning. San Francisco, Calif, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Bell, C. R. and R. Zemke (1992). Managing Knock Your Socks off Service. New York, AMACOM.
Bell, D. and I. David Hume (1996). Financing Devolution. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Bell, D. F. (1993). Circumstances : Chance in the Literary Text. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Bell, E., et al. (1995). From Mouse to Mermaid : The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
From Mouse to Mermaid, an interdisciplinary collection of original essays, is the first comprehensive, critical treatment of Disney cinema. Addressing children’s classics as well as the Disney affiliates’more recent attempts to capture adult audiences, the contributors respond to the Disney film legacy from feminist, marxist, poststructuralist, and cultural studies perspectives. The volume contemplates Disney’s duality as an American icon and as an industry of cultural production, created in and through fifty years of filmmaking. The contributors treat a range of topics at issue in contemporary cultural studies: the performance of gender, race, and class; the engendered images of science, nature, technology, family, and business. The compilation of voices in From Mouse to Mermaid creates a persuasive cultural critique of Disney’s ideology.The contributors are Bryan Attebery, Elizabeth Bell, Claudia Card, Chris Cuomo, Ramona Fernandez, Henry A. Giroux, Robert Haas, Lynda Haas, Susan Jeffords, N. Soyini Madison, Susan Miller, Patrick Murphy, David Payne, Greg Rode, Laura Sells, and Jack Zipes.
Bell, H. (1999). Reminiscences of a Ranger : Early Times in Southern California. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: Los Angeles : Yarnell, Caystile & Mathes, printers, 1881. With a new foreword.
Bell, L. A. (1993). Rethinking Ethics in the Midst of Violence : A Feminist Approach to Freedom. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield.
Bell, M. (1997). Literature, Modernism and Myth : Belief and Responsibility in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, Great Britain, Cambridge University Press.
The use of myth in Modernist literature is a misleadingly familiar theme. Joyce’s appropriation of Homer’s Odyssey and Eliot’s of Frazer’s Golden Bough are, like Lawrence’s primitivism or Yeats’s nationalist folklore, attempts to discover an underlying metaphysic in an increasingly fragmented world. In Literature, Modernism and Myth Michael Bell also examines the relationship of myth and modernism to postmodernism. Myth, Bell shows, is inherently flexible; it was used to justify Pound’s totalizing vision of society which eventually descended into fascism, and the liberal, ironic vision of human existence Joyce and Mann expressed. Those theorists who present myth as another form of mystification, a search for false origins, ignore its use by modernists to emphasise the ultimate contingency of all values. This anti-foundational element, Bell claims, enables myth to act as a corrective to the claims of ideological critique. Bell shows how postmodern concerns with political and social responsibility, and the role literature plays in formulating this, have in fact been inherited from modernism.
Bell, M. G. H. and Y. Iida (1997). Transportation Network Analysis. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Bell, R. Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bell, R. H. (1998). Simone Weil : The Way of Justice As Compassion. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.
Bell, S. (1994). Reading, Writing, and Rewriting the Prostitute Body. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Bell, S. H. and W. E. U. I. f. E. Research (1995). Program Applicants As a Comparison Group in Evaluating Training Programs : Theory and a Test. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Bellamy, E. Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
The’great American utopian novel’often compared to The Iron Heel (Jack London), The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood), The Dispossessed (Ursula K. LeGuin). Looking Backward created a political movement (Nationalism) and inspired clubs for the discussion of its ideas, the establishment of utopian communities and the publication of many other utopian novels.
Belle, D. (1999). The After-school Lives of Children : Alone and with Others While Parents Work. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
Based on research about after-school experiences and dilemmas conducted over a four-year period with employed parents and their children, this book draws on the stories these parents and children told–often using their actual words–to emphasize the wide variety of children’s after-school arrangements, children’s movement over time in and out of different arrangements, and the importance to children of multiple facets of their after-school arrangements, not simply the presence or absence of an adult caretaker. The book also emphasizes that children are not randomly assigned to after-school arrangements. Rather, parents and children struggle to reach optimal solutions to what are often difficult child care dilemmas. To understand these dilemmas, and the diverse strategies that families adopt, one must attend to the individual situations of children as family members understand them. This book was written to contribute to the development of new family and work policies and practices by illuminating the difficulties families face and their consequences for children. Written for psychologists, sociologists, and other social scientists who study families, maternal employment, child care, or child development, it will also be useful for parents, educators, community leaders, and public policymakers concerned about the well being of children whose parents are employed.
Bellman, G. M. (1996). Your Signature Path : Gaining New Perspectives on Life and Work. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Bellman, J. F. and I. Cliffs Notes (1979). The French Lieutenant’s Woman : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bellman, J. F. and I. Cliffs Notes (1981). Antony and Cleopatra : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bell-Villada, G. H. (1990). Garcâia Mâarquez : The Man and His Work. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most influential writers of our time. His unique literary creativity is rooted in the history of the region, with all its social and political implications.In this beautifully written examination of Garcia Marquez and his work, Gene Bell-Villada traces the major forces that have shaped the Colombian novelist and describes his life, his personality, and his political opinions. He considers Garcia Marquez’s place in world literature and analyzes his short fiction and all of his novels from the great and complex One Hundred Years of Solitude — a cultural phenomenon the likes of which we have seldom seen — through Love in the Time of Cholera. He shows why Garcia Marquez has achieved a confluence of high art and popular success that is virtually unique in the twentieth century.Bell-Villada examines the narrative works of Garcia Marquez for their historical and human content, for their literary technique and structure, and for their expert use of fantasy, ribaldry, humor, and satire. He describes Garcia Marquez as a global phenomenon and as a local boy, as a Nobel Laureate and as a Latin American Everyman, as a political writer and as a novelist of love.The book will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers — generalists who enjoy his novels, teachers and students, and literary specialists and Latin Americanists investigating the culture and politics of the region.
Belton, R. J. (1995). The Beribboned Bomb : The Image of Woman in Male Surrealist Art. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Includes index.
Belton, R. J. and W. Ronald (1999). The Theatre of the Self : The Life and Art of William Ronald. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Belz, H. (1997). Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism, and Equal Rights During the Civil War Era. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Belz, H. (1998). A Living Constitution or Fundamental Law? : American Constitutionalism in Historical Perspective. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield.
Bement, L. C. and B. J. Carter (1999). Bison Hunting at Cooper Site : Where Lightning Bolts Drew Thundering Herds. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Ben Rafael, E. (1997). Crisis and Transformation : The Kibbutz at Century’s End. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Benage, D. and A. A. Mirza (1999). Building Enterprise Solutions with Visual Studio 6. Indianapolis, IN, Pearson Education, Inc.
Benâitez Rojo, A. (1990). Sea of Lentils. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Translation of: El mar de las lentejas.
Benâitez Rojo, A. and J. E. Maraniss (1998). A View From the Mangrove. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Ben-Ari, E. and Y. Bilu (1997). Grasping Land : Space and Place in Contemporary Israeli Discourse and Experience. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Ben-Atar, D. S. and B. B. Oberg (1998). Federalists Reconsidered. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press.
Benavides, A. d. and B. H. Morrow (1996). A Harvest of Reluctant Souls : The Memorial of Fray Alonso De Benavides, 1630. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Bench, J. and L. Burke (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Baseball. New York, Alpha Books.
Bencivenga, E. (1995). My Kantian Ways. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bencivenga, E. (1997). A Theory of Language and Mind. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Benckiser, G. (1997). Fauna in Soil Ecosystems : Recycling Processes, Nutrient Fluxes, and Agricultural Production. New York, CRC Press.
Offers an integrated presentation of the microbial, agronomic and recycling aspects of soil faunal potentials, emphasizing agricultural ecosystems and furnishing methods for modelling food webs. The text covers morphology, reproduction, abundances, basic requirements, competition, predation, parasitism, nutrient cycling and phytopathological interactions, soil physics and agricultural management, plus methods to quantify soil faunal groups.
Benda, G. J. (1999). Indoor Air Quality Case Studies Reference Guide. Lilburn, GA, Fairmont Press.
Bender, B. (1988). Sea-brothers : The Tradition of American Sea Fiction From Moby-Dick to the Present. Philadelphia, Pa, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bender, B. (1996). The Descent of Love : Darwin and the Theory of Sexual Selection in American Fiction, 1871-1926. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Upon its publication in 1871, Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex sent shock waves through the scientific community and the public at large. In an original and persuasive study, Bert Bender demonstrates that it is this treatise, rather than any of Darwin’s earlier works, that provoked the most immediate and vigorous response from American fiction writers.
Bender, N. J. (1996). Winning the West for Christ : Sheldon Jackson and Presbyterianism on the Rocky Mountain Frontier, 1869-1880. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Bender, S. J. (1997). Teaching Health Science : Elementary and Middle School. Boston, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Rev. ed. of: Teaching elementary health science / Stephen J. Bender, Walter D. Sorochan. 3rd ed. c1989.
Benderly, B. L. and M. Institute of (1997). In Her Own Right : The Institute of Medicine’s Guide to Women’s Health Issues. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Right to life. Right to choice. Masectomy, lumpectomy. Vitamin therapy, hormone therapy, aromatherapy. Tabloids, op-eds, Phil, Sally, Oprah. Yesterday, women confided in their doctors about health problems and received private, albeit sometimes paternalistic, attention. Today, women’s health issues are headline material. Topics that once raised a blush now raise a blare of conflicting medical news and political advocacy. Women welcome the new recognition of their health concerns. Now women are less often treated, as the old saw goes, as’a uterus with a person attached.’At the same time, they need help in sorting through the flood of reports on scientific studies, claims of success for new treatments, and just plain myths. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has responded to this need with In Her Own Right. Throughout its 25-year history, the IOM has provided authoritative views on fast-moving developments in medicine–bringing accuracy, objectivity, and balance to the hottest controversies. Talented science writer Beryl Lieff Benderly synthesizes this expertise into a readable overview of women’s health. Why do women live longer than men? Why do more women than men suffer vertebral fractures? Benderly highlights what we know about the health differences between men and women and the mysteries that remain to be solved. With a frank, conversational approach, Benderly examines women’s health across the life span: Issues of female childhood, adolescence, and sexual maturity, including smoking, eating behavior, teen pregnancy, and more. The host of issues surrounding the reproductive years; contraception, infertility, abortion, pregnancy and birth, AIDS, and mental health. Postmenopausal life and issues of aging, as health choices made decades earlier come home to roost. Benderly addresses women’s experience with the nation’s health care establishment and the controversy over the lack of female representation in the world of scientific research. Much more than a how-to guide, In Her Own Right translates the finest scholarship on topics of women’s health into terms that will help any woman ask the right questions and make the right choices. Covering the spectrum from traditional beliefs to cutting-edge research, this book presents the personal insights of leading investigators, along with clear explanations of breakthrough studies written in plain English. February
Bendix, R. (1997). In Search of Authenticity : The Formation of Folklore Studies. Madison, Wis, University of Wisconsin Press.
Authenticity is a notion much debated, among discussants as diverse as cultural theorists and art dealers, music critics and tour operators. The desire to find and somehow capture or protect the “authentic” narrative, art object, or ceremonial dance is hardly new. In this masterful examination of German and American folklore studies from the eighteenth century to the present, Regina Bendix demonstrates that the longing for authenticity remains deeply implicated in scholarly approaches to cultural analysis. Searches for authenticity, Bendix contends, have been a constant companion to the feelings of loss inherent in modernization, forever upholding a belief in a pristine yet endangered cultural essence and fueling cultural nationalism worldwide. Beginning with precursors of Herder and Emerson and the “discovery” of the authentic in expressive culture and literature, she traces the different, albeit intertwined, histories of German Volkskunde and American folklore studies. A Swiss native educated in American folklore programs, Bendix moves effortlessly between the two traditions, demonstrating how the notion of authenticity was used not only to foster national causes, but also to lay the foundations for categories of documentation and analysis within the nascent field of folklore studies. Bendix shows that, in an increasingly transcultural world, where Zulu singers back up Paul Simon and where indigenous artists seek copyright for their traditional crafts, the politics of authenticity mingles with the forces of the market. Arguing against the dichotomies implied in the very idea of authenticity, she underscores the emptiness of efforts to distinguish between folklore and fakelore, between echt and ersatz.
Bendix, R. and B. M. Berger (1990). Authors of Their Own Lives : Intellectual Autobiographies. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Description based on print version record.
Bendixen, H., et al. (1996). Blood and Blood Products : Safety and Risk. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This volume explores the safety and availability of the nation’s supply of blood and blood components. It discusses the risks of disease transmission, methods of guarding the blood supply, new ideas on safety and monitoring, risk tolerance, risk communication, and no-fault insurance.
Benedek, I. (1999). Development and Manufacture of Pressure-sensitive Products. New York, M. Dekker.
Benedek, I. and L. J. Heymans (1997). Pressure-sensitive Adhesives Technology. New York, CRC Press.
Benedict The Holy Rule of St. Benedict. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Benediktson, D. T. (2000). Literature and the Visual Arts in Ancient Greece and Rome. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Benet, L. Z., et al. (1993). Clinical Applications of Mifepristone (RU486) and Other Antiprogestins : Assessing the Science and Recommending a Research Agenda. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Mifepristone (RU486), the first clinically available antiprogestin, has generated great interest since its discovery in the early 1980s. Today, it is recognized that mifepristone, along with other antiprogestins, has a potentially significant therapeutic role in human health and disease, with likely applicability to a variety of pregnancy-related conditions (e.g., management of labor) and to contraception, endometriosis, and cancer, among others. But because mifepristone has been studied and used most widely as a means of nonsurgical abortion, political issues have thus far limited research on the drug and prevented its introduction into the U.S. market. This book provides an unbiased evaluation of current knowledge about both the fundamental nature of antiprogestins as well as their possible use in treating numerous diseases and conditions, and it contains recommendations for future research.
Benét, S. V. Young Adventure : A Book of Poems. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Benin, S. D. (1993). The Footprints of God : Divine Accommodation in Jewish and Christian Thought. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Benjamin, A. and M. Shermer (1999). Teach Your Child Math : Making Math Fun for the Both of You. Chicago, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Benjamin, W., et al. (2016). The Storyteller : Tales Out of Loneliness. London, Verso.
A beautiful collection of the legendary thinker’s short storiesThe Storyteller gathers for the first time the fiction of the legendary critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin, best known for his groundbreaking studies of culture and literature, including Illuminations, One-Way Street and The Arcades Project. His stories revel in the erotic tensions of city life, cross the threshold between rational and hallucinatory realms, celebrate the importance of games, and delve into the peculiar relationship between gambling and fortune-telling, and explore the themes that defined Benjamin. The novellas, fables, histories, aphorisms, parables and riddles in this collection are brought to life by the playful imagery of the modernist artist and Bauhaus figure Paul Klee.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Ben-Natan, R. (1998). Corba on the Web. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
‘Hands-on Web development’–Cover.
Benneh, G., et al. (1996). Sustaining the Future : Economic, Social and Environmental Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
‘This book is based on papers presented to a conference on’Sustainable Environmental and Resource Management Futures for Sub-Saharan Africa’held under the auspices of the United Nations University programme on’Sustainable Environmental Futures’.’
Benner, J. A. (1996). Uncle Comanche. Fort Worth, Tex, Texas Christian University Press.
In Texas in the 1840’s, young Sul Ross runs away from home and, joining up with his friend Sergeant Hanse Mason, visits a friendly Comanche village, rescues ferry passenger from a flood, and is invited to run the ferry and study with the school teacher widow of the former ferry owner.
Bennett, E. A Treatise Touching the Inconveniences That Tobacco Hath Brought Into This Land. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bennett, E. (1982). Old Deadwood Days. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
‘A Bison Book’.
Bennett, G. N. (1973). The Realism of William Dean Howells, 1889-1920. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
Bennett, J. A. (1987). Wealth of the Solomons : A History of a Pacific Archipelago, 1800-1978. Honolulu, HI, University of Hawaii Press.
Bennett, J. G. (1999). Maximize Your Inheritance : For Widows, Widowers & Heirs. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Bennett, M. R. (1964). Vanity Fair : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
This satirical novel of manners will fascinate the careful reader. The story of the various fortunes of two women in 19th-century England is filled with sly irony and tongue-in-cheek humor, yet it offers the leisurely reader a chance to find subtle meanings.
Bennett, P. D. and A. American Marketing (1995). Dictionary of Marketing Terms. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Business Books.
Bennett, R. J. (1994). Local Government and Market Decentralization : Experiences in Industrialized, Developing, and Former Eastern Bloc Countries. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Bennie, M. (1998). Mastering Business English : How to Improve Your Business Communication Skills. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Edition statement from title verso. Title reads incorrectly’3rd edition’.
Benninga, S. and B. Czaczkes (1997). Financial Modeling. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bennion, J. (1998). Women of Principle : Female Networking in Contemporary Mormon Polygyny. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
This book offers an in-depth study of the female experience in one Mormon polygynous community, the Apostolic United Brethren. Women in such rigid, patriarchal religious groups are commonly portrayed as the oppressed, powerless victims of male domination. Janet Bennion shows, however, that the reality is far more complex. Many women converts are attracted to this group, and they are much more likely than male converts to remain there. Often these women are seeking improved socio-economic status for themselves and their children, as well as an escape from their marginalized status in the mainstream Mormon church. In the polygynous group women experience rapid assimilation, autonomy, and upward mobility. Bennion supports her study with narratives from the lives of women now living in the group–narratives that clearly reveal why many mainstream Mormon women are viewing polygyny as a viable alternative to the difficulties to single-motherhood,’spinsterhood,’poverty, and emotional deprivation.
Bennion, S. C. (1990). Equal To The Occasion : Women Editors On The Nineteenth-Century West. Reno, Nev, University of Nevada Press.
Bennion provides in-depth portraits of nineteenth-century women editors of the West and their diverse publications. The book’s title takes its name from an 1898 editorial in the Wasatch Wave which described Piute Pioneer editor Candace Alice De Witt as a’maiden fair, fully equal to the occasion.’Equal to the Occasion delves into the lives, publications, and historical contexts in which approximately thirty-five female editors of newspapers and other periodicals worked in the nineteenth-century West. The book covers the period from 1854, when the West’s first woman editor began her work, through the turn of the century; it includes research gathered from thirteen western states. With its in-depth portraits of pioneering women editors and its appendix listing more than two hundred women and the major repositories where their extant publications are kept, Equal to the Occasion rescues from obscurity a whole panoply of nineteenth-century western women.
Bennis, W. G. (1997). Managing People Is Like Herding Cats. Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Pub.
Bennis, W. G. (1999). Old Dogs New Tricks. Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Pub.
Benoit, P. J. (1997). Telling the Success Story : Acclaiming and Disclaiming Discourse. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Benoit, W. L. and W. T. Wells (1996). Candidates in Conflict : Persuasive Attack and Defense in the 1992 Presidential Debates. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Bensen, W., et al. (1996). Conquering Rheumatoid Arthritis : An Illustrated Guide to Understanding the Treatment and Control of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hamilton, Ont, Empowering Press.
Benson, D. C. (1999). The Moment of Proof : Mathematical Epiphanies. New York, Oxford University Press.
Benson, J. J. (1988). Looking for Steinbeck’s Ghost. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Benson, M. D. (1998). Coping with Birth Control. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses various aspects of sexual activity and birth control for both male and female teens.
Benstock, S. (1991). Textualizing the Feminine : On the Limits of Genre. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bent, G. and G. E. Hyde (1968). Life of George Bent : Written From His Letters. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
George Bent, the son of William Bent, one of the founders of Bent’s Fort on the Arkansas near present La Junta, Colorado, and Owl Woman, a Cheyenne, began exchanging letters in 1905 with George E. Hyde of Omaha concerning life at the fort, his experiences with his Cheyenne kinsmen, and the events which finally led to the military suppression of the Indians on the southern Great Plains. This correspondence, which continued to the eve of Bent’s death in 19 18, is the source of the narrative here published, the narrator being Bent himself. Nearly thirty-eight years have elapsed since the day in 1930 when Mr. Hyde found it impossible to market the finished manuscript of the Bent life down to 1866. (The Depression had set in some months before.) He accordingly sold that portion of the manuscript to the Denver Public Library, retaining his working copy, which carries down to 1875. The account therefore embraces the most stirring period, not only of Bent’s own life, but of life on the Plains and into the Rockies. It has never before been published. It is not often that an eyewitness of great events in the West tells his own story. But Bent’s narrative, aside from the extent of its chronology (1826 to 1875), has very special significance as an inside view of Cheyenne life and action after the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, which cost so many of the lives of Bent’s friends and relatives. It is hardly probable that we shall achieve a more authentic view of what happened, as the Cheyennes, Arapahos, and Sioux saw it.
Bentahila, A. (1983). Language Attitudes Among Arabic-French Bilinguals in Morocco. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Bentham, J., et al. (1994). The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Includes index.
Bentham, J. and P. Schofield (1993). Official Aptitude Maximized, Expense Minimized. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Bentham, J. and P. Schofield (1995). Colonies, Commerce, and Constitutional Law : Rid Yourselves of Ultramaria and Other Writings on Spain and Spanish America. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Bentham, J., et al. (1998). Legislator of the World : Writings on Codification, Law, and Education. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Bentley, G. R. (1989). The Episcopal Diocese of Florida, 1892-1975. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Benton, D. A. (1999). Secrets of a CEO Coach : Your Personal Training Guide to Thinking Like a Leader and Acting Like a CEO. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Benton, G. (2007). Chinese Migrants and Internationalism : Forgotten Histories, 1917-1945. London, Routledge.
The transnational and diasporic dimensions of early Chinese migrant politics opened in the late nineteenth century when Chinese radical groups bent on overthrowing the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) vied with one another to win Chinese overseas to their modernizing projects, and immigrants who had suffered discrimination welcomed their proposals. The radicals’concentration on Chinese communities abroad as outposts of Chinese politics and culture strengthened the stereotype of Chinese as clannish, unassimilable, xenophobic, and deeply introverted. This book argues that such a view has its roots less in historical truth than in political and ideological prejudice and obscures a rich vein of internationalist practice in Chinese migrant or diasporic history, which the study aims to restore to visibility. In some cases, internationalist alliances sprang from the spontaneous perception by Chinese and other non-Chinese migrants or local workers of shared problems and common solutions in everyday life and work. At other times, they emerged from under the umbrella of transnationalism, when Chinese nationalist and anti-imperialist activists overseas received support for their campaigns from local internationalists; or the alliances were the product of nurturing by Chinese or non-Chinese political organizers, including anarchists, communists, and members of internationalist cultural movements like Esperantism. Based on sources in a dozen languages, and telling hitherto largely unknown or forgotten stories of Chinese migrant experiences in Russia, Germany, Cuba, Spain and Australia, this study will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese history, labour studies and ethnic/migration studies alike.
Benton, J. (1998). Vitamin A : Everything You Need to Know. Allentown, Pa, People’s Medical Society.
Includes index.
Benton, J. and V. University of (1995). Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Benvenisti, M. (1995). Intimate Enemies : Jews and Arabs in a Shared Land. Berkeley, University of California Press.
As Israelis and Palestinians negotiate separation and division of their land, Meron Benvenisti, former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, maintains that any expectations for’peaceful partition’are doomed. In his brave and controversial new book, he raises the possibility of a confederation of Israel/Palestine, the only solution that he feels will bring lasting peace.The seven million people in the territory between Jordan and the Mediterranean are mutually dependent regarding employment, water, land use, ecology, transportation, and all other spheres of human activity. Each side, Benvenisti says, must accept the reality that two national entities are living within one geopolitical entity—their conflict is intercommunal and will not be resolved by population transfers or land partition.A geographer and historian by training, a man passionately rooted in his homeland, Benvenisti skillfully conveys the perspective of both Israeli and Palestinian communities. He recognizes the great political and ideological resistance to a confederation, but argues that there are Israeli Jews and Palestinians who can envision an undivided land, where attachment to a common homeland is stronger than militant tribalism and segregation in national ghettos. Acknowledging that equal coexistence between Israeli and Palestinian may yet be an impossible dream, he insists that such a dream deserves a place in the current negotiations.’Meron Benvenisti is the Middle East expert to whom Middle East experts go for advice… the most oft-quoted and oft-damned analyst in Israel.’—from the Foreword by Thomas L. Friedman
Benvenisti, M. (1996). City of Stone : The Hidden History of Jerusalem. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Jerusalem is more than a holy city built of stone. Domain of Muslims, Jews, and Christians, Jerusalem is a perpetual contest, and its shrines, housing projects, and bulldozers compete in a scramble for possession. Now one of Jerusalem’s most respected authorities presents a history of the city that does not fall prey to any one version of its past.Meron Benvenisti begins with a reflection on the 1996 celebration of Jerusalem’s 3000-year anniversary as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. He then juxtaposes eras, dynasties, and rulers in ways that provide grand comparative insights. But unlike recent politically motivated histories written to justify the claims of Jews and Arabs now living in Jerusalem, Benvenisti has no such agenda. His history is a polyphonic story that lacks victors as well as vanquished. He describes the triumphs and defeats of all the city’s residents, from those who walk its streets today to the meddlesome ghosts who linger in its shadows.Benvenisti focuses primarily on the twentieth century, but ancient hatreds are constantly discovered just below the surface. These hostilities have created intense social, cultural, and political interactions that Benvenisti weaves into a compelling human story. For him, any claim to the city means recognizing its historical diversity and multiple populations.A native son of Jerusalem, Benvenisti knows the city well, and his integrated history makes clear that all of Jerusalem’s citizens have enriched the Holy City in the past. It is his belief that they can also do so in the future.
Ben-Yehuda, N. (1993). Political Assassinations by Jews : A Rhetorical Device for Justice. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Benyo, R. (1998). Running Past 50. Champaign, Ill, Human Kinetics, Inc.
Many middle aged runners face a common problem: the personal challenge and inner rewards that were once powerful motives driving their running program have faded with time. What started as an invigorating ritual that refreshed the body and spirit has become too familiar and oftentimes monotonous.
Benzâecri, J. P. (1992). Correspondence Analysis Handbook. New York, CRC Press.
This practical reference/text presents a complete introduction to the practice of data analysis – clarifying the geometrical language used, explaining the formulae, reviewing linear algebra and multidimensional Euclidean geometry, and including proofs of results. It is intended as either a self-study guide for professionals involved in experimental research, or as a text for graduate level courses in multidimensional statistics.;The book features fully worked-out exercises, without the help of a computer, illustrating the constructions of correspondence analysis. It gives details of how to prepare, read and interpret computer results, including a complete FORTRAN program listing of the basic algorithms of factor analysis and classification. Sixteen case studies from medicine and biology, economics and the humanities, demonstrate a selection of data and interpretation of results. A foundation for agglomerative hierarchical clustering is provided.
Bérard-Therriault, L., et al. (1999). Guide d’identification du phytoplancton marin de l’estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent : incluant également certains protozoaires. Ottawa, Ont, NRC Research Press.
Published by the Conseil national de recherches du Canada.
Berdahl, D. (1999). Where the World Ended : Re-Unification and Identity in the German Borderland. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
When the Berlin Wall fell, people who lived along the dismantled border found their lives drastically and rapidly transformed. Daphne Berdahl, through ongoing ethnographic research in a former East German border village, explores the issues of borders and borderland identities that have accompanied the many transitions since 1990. What happens to identity and personhood, she asks, when a political and economic system collapses overnight? How do people negotiate and manipulate a liminal condition created by the disappearance of a significant frame of reference?Berdahl concentrates especially on how these changes have affected certain’border zones’of daily life—including social organization, gender, religion, and nationality—in a place where literal, indeed concrete, borders were until recently a very powerful presence. Borders, she argues, are places of ambiguity as well as of intense lucidity; these qualities may in fact be mutually constitutive. She shows how, in a moment of headlong historical transformation, larger political, economic, and social processes are manifested locally and specifically. In the process of a transition between two German states, people have invented, and to some extent ritualized, cultural practices that both reflect and constitute profound identity transformations in a period of intense social discord. Where the World Ended combines a vivid ethnographic account of everyday life under socialist rule and after German reunification with an original investigation of the paradoxical human condition of a borderland.
Berdes, J. L. (1996). Women Musicians of Venice : Musical Foundations, 1525-1855. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Berend, T. I. (1996). Central and Eastern Europe, 1944–1993 : Detour From the Periphery to the Periphery. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
In this wide-ranging account, Ivan Berend traces the post-war fortunes of the countries lying between Germany and the former Soviet Union. Professor Berend draws both on his academic expertise and personal involvement in many of the events which he describes to produce a synthesis of a huge array of materials. His study stretches beyond the confines of economic history to provide insights into the complex interplay of ideological, social and political forces in the’Eastern Bloc’countries over the last fifty years of revolutionary change. In particular Berend’s analysis of totalitarianism, the development of nationalism, and the personalities at the centre of political life in eastern Europe offers an alternative perspective on the economies of the state-socialist regimes at the periphery of the western industrialised world.
Berend, T. I. n. (1998). Decades of Crisis : Central and Eastern Europe Before World War II. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Only by understanding Central and Eastern Europe’s turbulent history during the first half of the twentieth century can we hope to make sense of the conflicts and crises that have followed World War II and, after that, the collapse of Soviet-controlled state socialism. Ivan Berend looks closely at the fateful decades preceding World War II and at twelve countries whose absence from the roster of major players was enough in itself, he says, to precipitate much of the turmoil.As waves of modernization swept over Europe, the less developed countries on the periphery tried with little or no success to imitate Western capitalism and liberalism. Instead they remained, as Berend shows, rural, agrarian societies notable for the tenacious survival of feudal and aristocratic institutions. In that context of frustration and disappointment, rebellion was inevitable. Berend leads the reader skillfully through the maze of social, cultural, economic, and political changes in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and the Soviet Union, showing how every path ended in dictatorship and despotism by the start of World War II.
Berg, M. (1997). Rationalizing Medical Work : Decision-support Techniques and Medical Practices. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Berg, N. E. (1996). Exile From Exile : Israeli Writers From Iraq. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bergen, B. J. (1998). The Banality of Evil : Hannah Arendt and ‘The Final Solution’. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
This highly original book is the first to explore the political and philosophical consequences of Hannah Arendt’s concept of’the banality of evil,’a term she used to describe Adolph Eichmann, architect of the Nazi’final solution.’According to Bernard J. Bergen, the questions that preoccupied Arendt were the meaning and significance of the Nazi genocide to our modern times. As Bergen describes Arendt’s struggle to understand’the banality of evil,’he shows how Arendt redefined the meaning of our most treasured political concepts and principles_freedom, society, identity, truth, equality, and reason_in light of the horrific events of the Holocaust. Arendt concluded that the banality of evil results from the failure of human beings to fully experience our common human characteristics_thought, will, and judgment_and that the exercise and expression of these attributes is the only chance we have to prevent a recurrence of the kind of terrible evil perpetrated by the Nazis.
Bergen, D. (1994). Assessment Methods for Infants and Toddlers : Transdisciplinary Team Approaches. New York, Teachers College Press.
Spine title: Assessment methods for infants & toddlers.
Bergen, D. L. (1996). Twisted Cross : The German Christian Movement in the Third Reich. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
How did Germany’s Christians respond to Nazism? In Twisted Cross, Doris Bergen addresses one important element of this response by focusing on the 600,000 self-described’German Christians,’who sought to expunge all Jewish elements from the Christian church. In a process that became more daring as Nazi plans for genocide unfolded, this group of Protestant lay people and clergy rejected the Old Testament, ousted people defined as non-Aryans from their congregations, denied the Jewish ancestry of Jesus, and removed Hebrew words like’Hallelujah’from hymns. Bergen refutes the notion that the German Christians were a marginal group and demonstrates that members occupied key positions within the Protestant church even after their agenda was rejected by the Nazi leadership. Extending her analysis into the postwar period, Bergen shows how the German Christians were relatively easily reincorporated into mainstream church life after 1945. Throughout Twisted Cross, Bergen reveals the important role played by women and by the ideology of spiritual motherhood amid the German Christians’glorification of a’manly’church.
Berger, A. L. (1997). Children of Job : American Second-generation Witnesses to the Holocaust. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Berger, B. M. (1995). An Essay on Culture : Symbolic Structure and Social Structure. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Berger, C. and K. Anton (1998). Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Packed Columns : Techniques and Applications. New York, N.Y., Marcel Dekker.
Berger, C. R. and M. Burgoon (1998). Communication and Social Influence Processes. East Lansing, Michigan State University Press.
Berger, E. (1993). Peace for Palestine : First Lost Opportunity. Gainesville, Fla, University Press of Florida.
Berger, I. (1992). Threads of Solidarity : Women in South African Industry, 1900-1980. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Berger, R. J. (1995). Constructing a Collective Memory of the Holocaust : A Life History of Two Brothers’ Survival. Niwot, Colo, Chicago Distribution Center [CDC Presses].
Bergeron, K. (1998). Decadent Enchantments : The Revival of Gregorian Chant at Solesmes. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The oldest written tradition of European music, the art we know as Gregorian chant, is seen from an entirely new perspective in Katherine Bergeron’s engaging and literate study. Bergeron traces the history of the Gregorian revival from its Romantic origins in a community of French monks at Solesmes, whose founder hoped to rebuild the moral foundation of French culture on the ruins of the Benedictine order. She draws out the parallels between this longing for a lost liturgy and the postrevolutionary quest for lost monuments that fueled the French Gothic revival, a quest that produced the modern concept of’restoration.’Bergeron follows the technological development of the Gregorian restoration over a seventy-year period as it passed from the private performances of a monastic choir into the public commodities of printed books, photographs, and Gramophone records. She discusses such issues as architectural restoration, the modern history of typography, the uncanny power of the photographic image, and the authority of recorded sound. She also shows the extent to which different media shaped the modern image of the ancient repertory, an image that gave rise to conflicting notions not only of musical performance but of the very idea of music history.
Bergeron, K. (1999). Professional Vegetarian Cooking. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bergman, P. and S. J. Berman-Barrett (2000). The Criminal Law Handbook : Know Your Rights, Survive the System. Berkeley, Nolo Press.
Bergman, P., et al. (1998). Represent Yourself in Court : How to Prepare and Try a Winning Case. Berkeley, Nolo Press.
Offers advice with step-by-step examples on how to act as your own counsel in a variety of courtroom situations such as divorce, landlord/tenant, contract and business disputes, civil lawsuits, and personal injury cases.
Bergman, P., et al. (1999). Nolo’s Deposition Handbook. Berkeley, CA, Nolo.com.
Bergmann, E. L., et al. (1990). Women, Culture, and Politics in Latin America. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The result of a collaboration among eight women scholars, this collection examines the history of women’s participation in literary, journalistic, educational, and political activity in Latin American history, with special attention to the first half of this century.
Bergquist, C. W., et al. (1992). Violence in Colombia : The Contemporary Crisis in Historical Perspective. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Bergren, T. A. (1998). Sixth Ezra : The Text and Origin. New York, Oxford University Press.
6 Ezra is a short oracular writing that is included in the biblical Apocrypha as the final two chapters (15-16) of Ezra, or 2 Esdras. Cast as the words of God mediated through an unnamed prophet, the main part of the work sets forth predictions of impending doom for the world. _ There has never been a major study of 6 Ezra or even a complete critical edition of the book, and indeed little has been written about it since the nineteenth century. This book is designed to fill that gap, offering a detailed analysis of the text itself, and addressing the questions of its social setting, provenance, date, religious affiliation, and recensional situation of the text. It will serve to make this important text accessible to a wider audience, while laying the foundations for its further study.
Bergstrom, J. (1999). Endless Night : Cinema and Psychoanalysis, Parallel Histories. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The’endless night’that film theory and psychoanalysis share is the darkness that these two disciplines face in their quest for the logics of intelligibility. This collection emphasizes the history of theory to demonstrate that film theory must be written with a strong sense of historical consciousness, curiosity, and archaeological craft. The volume brings together film theorists and practicing psychoanalysts to encourage an exchange of views between disciplines that encounter each other all too rarely.
Berkeley, E. and D. S. Berkeley (1988). George William Featherstonhaugh : The First U.S. Government Geologist. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Berkeley, G. Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Berkeley, G. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Berkeley, G. and J. Dancy (1998). A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Berkell Zager, D. (1999). Autism : Identification, Education, and Treatment. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Berkman, J. A. (1989). The Healing Imagination of Olive Schreiner : Beyond South African Colonialism. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Berkowitz, E. D. (1998). To Improve Human Health : A History of the Institute of Medicine. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Since its founding in 1970, the Institute of Medicine has become an internationally recognized source of independent advice and expertise on a broad spectrum of topics and issues related to the advancement of the health sciences and education and public health. Institute activities, reports, and policy statements have gained a wide audience both in the United States and throughout the world. In this first formal history of the Institute, Professor Edward D. Berkowitz describes many of the important individuals and events associated with the Institute’s creation, operation, development, and accomplishments since its founding, as well as the issues and challenges the Institute has confronted over the years that have helped shape it and to which it has contributed potential solutions and responses.
Berkowitz, E. D. and M. J. Santangelo (1999). The Medical Follow-up Agency : The First Fifty Years, 1946-1996. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The Medical Follow-up Agency is a national treasure for veterans and for long-term studies of health. Its data resources provide incomparable opportunities to follow very important populations and to ask creative questions about their well-being as well as the occurrence and significance of illness. The Twin Registry provides an opportunity to understand the impact of heredity on health and disease in a population of more than 16,000 pairs of twins (i.e., 32,000 veterans). The Medical Follow-up Agency is a living tribute to the vision, energy, and effectiveness of Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. Dr. DeBakey created the idea for the agency, obtained the appropriate approvals, staffed its initial creation, and 50 years later, spoke on the occasion of its golden anniversary. This sequence of events must be unique in the history of veterans’health and medical research.
Berlin, A. (1991). Biblical Poetry Through Medieval Jewish Eyes. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Translated from Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic.
Berlin, N. (1983). The Secret Cause : A Discussion of Tragedy. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Berman, A. (1992). The Experience of the Foreign : Culture and Translation in Romantic Germany. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Berman, J. (1990). Narcissism and the Novel. New York, New York University Press.
Berman, J. (1994). Diaries to an English Professor : Pain and Growth in the Classroom. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Berman, M. and M. J. Dupuy (1998). Children’s Book Awards Annual 1998. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Includes indexes.
Berman, M. and M. J. Dupuy (1999). Children’s Book Awards Annual, 1999. Englewood, Co, Libraries Unlimited.
Berman, S. and P. La Farge (1993). Promising Practices in Teaching Social Responsibility. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bermâudez, J. L. (1998). The Paradox of Self-Consciousness. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
In this book, José Luis Bermúdez addesses two fundamental problems in the philosophy and psychology of self-consciousness: (1) Can we provide a noncircular account of fully fledged self-conscious thought and language in terms of more fundamental capacities? (2) Can we explain how fully fledged self-conscious thought and language can arise in the normal course of human development? Bermúdez argues that a paradox (the paradox of self-consciousness) arises from the apparent strict interdependence between self-conscious thought and linguistic self-reference. The paradox renders circular all theories that define self-consciousness in terms of linguistic mastery of the first-person pronoun. It seems to follow from the paradox of self-consciousness that no such account or explanation can be given.Drawing on recent work in empirical psychology and philosophy, the author argues that any explanation of fully fledged self-consciousness that answers these two questions requires attention to primitive forms of self-consciousness that are prelinguistic and preconceptual. Such primitive forms of self-consciousness are to be found in somatic proprioception, the structure of exteroceptive perception, and prelinguistic forms of social interaction. The author uses these primitive forms of self-consciousness to dissolve the paradox of self-consciousness and to show how the two questions can be given an affirmative answer.
Bermâudez, J. L., et al. (1995). The Body and the Self. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Bernal, M. E. and G. P. Knight (1993). Ethnic Identity : Formation and Transmission Among Hispanics and Other Minorities. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bernard On Loving God. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bernard Haldane, A. (2000). Haldane’s Best Answers to Tough Interview Questions. Manassas Park, Va, Impact Publications.
Includes index.
Bernard Haldane, A. (2000). Haldane’s Best Cover Letters for Professionals. Manassas Park, Va, Impact publications.
Includes index.
Bernard Haldane, A. (2000). Haldane’s Best Resumes for Professionals. Manassas Park, Va, Impact Publications.
Bernard, S. K. (1996). Swamp Pop : Cajun and Creole Rhythm and Blues. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Bernd, E. (2000). José Silva’s Ultramind ESP System : Think Your Way to Success. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Includes index.
Berner, L. and M. L. Pescador (1988). The Mayflies of Florida. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Bernhard, J. G. (1988). Primates in the Classroom : An Evolutionary Perspective on Children’s Education. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bernhardt, S. and V. Tietze Larson (1999). My Double Life : The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Berns, K. I., et al. (1996). Resource Sharing in Biomedical Research. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The United States is entering an era when, more than ever, the sharing of resources and information might be critical to scientific progress. Every dollar saved by avoiding duplication of efforts and by producing economies of scale will become increasingly important as federal funding enters an era of fiscal restraint. This book focuses on six diverse case studies that share materials or equipment with the scientific community at large: the American Type Culture Collection, the multinational coordinated Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Research Project, the Jackson Laboratory, the Washington Regional Primate Research Center, the Macromolecular Crystallography Resource at the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source, and the Human Genome Center at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The book also identifies common strengths and problems faced in the six cases, and presents a series of recommendations aimed at facilitating resource sharing in biomedical research.
Bernshteĭn, N. A., et al. (1996). Dexterity and Its Development. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
This is a very unusual book. It brings to the English speaking reader a masterpiece written some 50 years ago by one of the greatest minds of the 20th century–Nicholai Aleksandrovich Bernstein–considered the founder of many contemporary fields of science such as biomechanics, motor control, and physiology of activity. Divided into two parts, this volume’s first section is a translation of the Russian book On Dexterity and Its Development. It presents, in a very reader-friendly style, Bernstein’s major ideas related to the development and control of voluntary movements in general, and to the notion of dexterity, in particular. Although very few scientific works remain interesting to the reader 50 years after they were written, this volume–now available for the first time in English–is a rare exception to this rule. His ideas are certainly not obsolete. Actually, we are just starting to grasp the depth and breadth of his thinking, especially his analysis of the complex notion of dexterity. The second section provides both a historical and a contemporary perspective on Bernstein’s ideas. The original work was directed at a wide audience ranging from specialists in biomechanics and motor behavior, to coaches, neurologists, physical therapists, athletes, and even inquisitive college and high school students. The chapters contributed by contemporary scientists mirror Bernstein’s style and present new findings in the areas of biomechanics, motor control, and motor development in a way that would be both understandable to non-specialists in these areas, and informative for professionals working in different areas related to human movement. All those interested in the origins and mechanisms of the production of voluntary movements, irrespective of their educational and professional background, will find this book valuable. In addition, the unique history and composition of this text will make it helpful and attractive to historians and philosophers of science.
Bernstein, A. R. (1991). American Indians and World War II : Toward a New Era in Indian Affairs. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bernstein, D. (1992). Pioneers and Homemakers : Jewish Women in Pre-state Israel. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bernstein, D. (2000). Constructing Boundaries : Jewish and Arab Workers in Mandatory Palestine. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bernstein, E. and J. Bernstein (1996). Case Studies in Emergency Medicine and the Health of the Public. Boston, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Bernstein, I. L. (1999). Asthma in the Workplace. New York, M. Dekker.
Bernstein, J. (1995). The Compleat Day-trader : Trading Systems, Strategies, Timing Indicators, and Analytical Methods. New York, McGraw Hill.
Includes index.
Bernstein, J. (1998). The Compleat Day Trader II. New York, McGraw-Hill.
Bernstein, L. (1995). Sonia’s Daughters : Prostitutes and Their Regulation in Imperial Russia. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bernstein, M. A. (1994). Foregone Conclusions : Against Apocalyptic History. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bernstein, P. (1997). American Work Values : Their Origin and Development. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bernstein, P. W., et al. (2000). The Ernst & Young Tax Guide, 2000. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bernstein, S. D. (1997). Confessional Subjects : Revelations of Gender and Power in Victorian Literature and Culture. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Susan Bernstein examines the gendered power relationships embedded in confessional literature of the Victorian period. Exploring this dynamic in Charlotte Bronta’s Villette, Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret, George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, and Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, she argues that although women’s disclosures to male confessors repeatedly depict wrongdoing committed against them, they themselves are viewed as the transgressors. Bernstein emphasizes the secularization of confession, but she also places these narratives within the context of the anti-Catholic tract literature of the time. Based on cultural criticism, poststructuralism, and feminist theory, Bernstein’s analysis constitutes a reassessment of Freud’s and Foucault’s theories of confession. In addition, her study of the anti-Catholic propaganda of the mid-nineteenth century and its portrayal of confession provides historical background to the meaning of domestic confessions in the literature of the second half of the century.
Bernstock, J. E. (1991). Under the Spell of Orpheus : The Persistence of a Myth in Twentieth-century Art. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Berrigan, D. and J. Dear (1998). And the Risen Bread : Selected Poems, 1957-1997. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Berry, C. J. (1997). Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment. Edinburgh, Scotland, Edinburgh University Press.
Berry, D. B. (1998). The Divorce Sourcebook : Everything You Need to Know. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Berry, D. B. (1998). The Domestic Violence Sourcebook : Everything You Need to Know. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Berry, D. B. (1999). The Estate Planning Sourcebook. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Berry, M. E. (1994). The Culture of Civil War in Kyoto. Berkeley, University of California Press.
How do ordinary people respond to prolonged terror? The convulsion of Japan’s’Warring States’period between 1467 and 1568 destroyed the medieval order and exposed the framework of an early modern polity. Mary Elizabeth Berry investigates the experience of upheaval in Kyoto during this time.Using diaries and urban records (extensively quoted in the text), Berry explores the violence of war, misrule, private justice, outlawry, and popular uprising. She also examines the structures of order, old and new, that abated chaos and abetted social transformation.The wartime culture of Kyoto comes to life in a panoramic study that covers the rebellion of the Lotus sectarians, the organization of work and power in commoner neighborhoods, the replotting of urban geography, and the redefinition of authority and prestige in the arena of play.
Berry, R. (1999). Working with Dreams : How to Understand Your Dreams and Use Them for Personal and Creative Development. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Berryman-Fink, C. and C. B. Fink (1996). The Manager’s Desk Reference. New York, AMACOM.
Berthod, A. and C. Garcia-Alvarez-Coque (2000). Micellar Liquid Chromatography. New York, CRC Press.
Micellar Liquid Chromatography reviews the use of surfactant solutions at or above the critical micelle concentration as mobile phases in liquid chromatography. It employs a computer-assisted optimization methodology and integrates micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) with other chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques using surfactants. It also includes the MICHROM software package on CD-ROM to facilitate the application of equations and optimize efficiency of MLC systems.
Berthold-Bond, D. (1995). Hegel’s Theory of Madness. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Berthrong, D. J. (1975). The Southern Cheyennes. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Berthrong, D. J. (1992). The Cheyenne and Arapaho Ordeal : Reservation and Agency Life in the Indian Territory, 1875-1907. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Berthrong, J. H. (1994). All Under Heaven : Transforming Paradigms in Confucian-Christian Dialogue. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bertram, E. (1996). Drug War Politics : The Price of Denial. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Why have our drug wars failed and how might we turn things around? Ask the authors of this hardhitting exposè of U.S. efforts to fight drug trafficking and abuse. In a bold analysis of a century’s worth of policy failure, Drug War Politics turns on its head many familiar bromides about drug politics. It demonstrates how, instead of learning from our failures, we duplicate and reinforce them in the same flawed policies. The authors examine the’politics of denial’that has led to this catastrophic predicament and propose a basis for a realistic and desperately needed solution.Domestic and foreign drug wars have consistently fallen short because they are based on a flawed model of force and punishment, the authors show. The failure of these misguided solutions has led to harsher get-tough policies, debilitating cycles of more force and punishment, and a drug problem that continues to escalate. On the foreign policy front, billions of dollars have been wasted, corruption has mushroomed, and human rights undermined in Latin America and across the globe. Yet cheap drugs still flow abundantly across our borders. At home, more money than ever is spent on law enforcement, and an unprecedented number of people—disproportionately minorities—are incarcerated. But drug abuse and addiction persist.The authors outline the political struggles that help create and sustain the current punitive approach. They probe the workings of Washington politics, demonstrating how presidential and congressional’out-toughing’tactics create a logic of escalation while the criticisms and alternatives of reformers are sidelined or silenced. Critical of both the punitive model and the legalization approach, Drug War Politics calls for a bold new public health approach, one that frames the drug problem as a public health—not a criminal—concern. The authors argue that only by situating drug issues in the context of our fundamental institutions—the family, neighborhoods, and schools—can we hope to provide viable treatment, prevention, and law enforcement. In its comprehensive investigation of our long, futile battle with drugs and its original argument for fundamental change, this book is essential for every concerned citizen.
Bertram, V. (1997). Kicking Daffodils : Twentieth-century Women Poets. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Bertrand, M. (1998). A Woman’s Guide to Savvy Investing : Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Future. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Bertrand, M. (2000). Fraud! : How to Protect Yourself From Schemes, Scams, and Swindles. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Bery, S. K. and V. F. Garcâia (1997). Preventing Banking Sector Distress and Crises in Latin America : Proceedings of a Conference Held in Washington, D.C., April 15-16, 1996. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bessenger, S. M. (2016). Echoes of Enlightenment : The Life and Legacy of the Tibetan Saint Sonam Peldren. New York, Oxford University Press.
Echoes of Enlightenment explores the issues of gender and sainthood raised by the recently discovered’liberation story’of the fourteenth-century Tibetan female Buddhist practitioner Sönam Peldren. Born in 1328, Sönam Peldren spent most of her adult life as a nomad in eastern Tibet until her death in 1372. She is believed to have been illiterate, lacking religious education, and unconnected to established religious institutions. For that reason, and because as a woman her claims of religious authority would have been constantly questioned, Sönam Peldren’s success in legitimizing her claims of divine identity appear all the more remarkable. Today the site of her death is recognized as sacred by local residents. Suzanne Bessenger draws on the new-found biography of the saint to understand how the written record of the saint’s life is shaped both by the hagiographical agendas of its multiple authors and by the dictates of the genres of Tibetan religious literature, including biography and poetry. She considers Sönam Peldren’s enduring historical legacy as a fascinating piece of Tibetan history that reveals much about the social and textual machinations of saint production. Finally, she identifies Sönam Peldren as one of the earliest recorded instances of a historical Tibetan woman successfully using the uniquely Tibetan hermeneutic of deity emanation to achieve religious authority.
Besser, T. L. (1996). Team Toyota : Transplanting the Toyota Culture to the Camry Plant in Kentucky. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Besserman, L. L. (1998). Chaucer’s Biblical Poetics. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bessette, R. L. (1999). Mario Lanza : Tenor in Exile. Portland, Or, Amadeus Press.
Best, P. W. (1998). Implementing Value at Risk. Chichester, England, Wiley.
Implementing Value at Risk Philip Best Value at Risk (VAR) is an estimate of the potential loss on a trading or investment portfolio. Its use has swept the banking world and is now accepted as an essential tool in any risk manager’s briefcase. Perhaps the greatest strength of VAR is that it can cope with virtually all financial products, from simple securities through to complex exotic derivatives. This allows the risk taken, across diverse trading activities, to be compared. This said, VAR is no panacea. It is as critical to understand when the use of VAR is inappropriate as it is to understand the value VAR can add to a bank’s understanding and control of its risks. This book aims to explain how VAR can be used as an integral part of a risk and business management framework, rather than as a stand-alone tool. The objectives of this book are to explain: What VAR is – and isn’t! How to calculate VAR – the three main methods Why stress testing is needed to complement VAR How to make stress testing effective How to use VAR and stress testing to manage risk How to use VAR to improve a bank’s performance VAR as a regulatory measure of risk and capital Risk management practitioners, general bank managers, consultants and students of finance and risk management will find this book, and the software package included, an invaluable addition to their library. Finance/Investment
Besterci, M. (1999). Dispersion-strengthened Aluminum Prepared by Mechanical Alloying. Cambridge, Cambridge International Science Publishing.
Bestul, T. H. (1996). Texts of the Passion : Latin Devotional Literature and Medieval Society. Philadelphia, Pa, University of Pennyslvania Press.
Bethea, D. M. (1998). Realizing Metaphors : Alexander Pushkin and the Life of the Poet. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.
Readers often have regarded with curiosity the creative life of the poet. In this passionate and authoritative new study, David Bethea illustrates the relation between the art and life of nineteenth-century poet Alexander Pushkin, the central figure in Russian thought and culture. Bethea shows how Pushkin, on the eve of his two-hundredth birthday, still speaks to our time. He indicates how we as modern readers might’realize’— that is, not only grasp cognitively, but feel, experience—the promethean metaphors central to the poet’s intensely’sculpted’life. The Pushkin who emerges from Bethea’s portrait is one who, long unknown to English-language readers, closely resembles the original both psychologically and artistically. Bethea begins by addressing the influential thinkers Freud, Bloom, Jakobson, and Lotman to show that their premises do not, by themselves, adequately account for Pushkin’s psychology of creation or his version of the’life of the poet.’He then proposes his own versatile model of reading, and goes on to sketches the tangled connections between Pushkin and his great compatriot, the eighteenth-century poet Gavrila Derzhavin. Pushkin simultaneously advanced toward and retreated from the shadow of his predecessor as he created notions of poet-in-history and inspiration new for his time and absolutely determinative for the tradition thereafter.
Betts, S. (1996). Our Daughters’ Land : Past and Present. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Beum, R. L. and I. Cliffs Notes (1981). Bleak House : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bevis, W. W. (1999). Shorty Harris, Or, The Price of Gold : A Novel. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Beyer, K. (1990). Coping with Teen Parenting. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses the experience of becoming a teenage parent, exploring such areas as physical and emotional changes in the mother, basic child care, discipline, caregivers, and financial planning.
Beyer, L. E. and D. P. Liston (1996). Curriculum in Conflict : Social Visions, Educational Agendas, and Progressive School Reform. New York, Teachers College Press.
Beyer, S. V. (1992). The Classical Tibetan Language. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bezkorovainy, A. and M. E. Rafelson (1996). Concise Biochemistry. New York, M. Dekker.
Bhagwati, J. N. (1998). A Stream of Windows : Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration, and Democracy. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Description based on print version record.
Bhagwati, J. N., et al. (1999). Trading Blocs : Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Preferential Trade Agreements. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bhatnagar, G. S. (1999). Science & Technology of Diamond. New Delhi, Cambridge International Science Publishing.
Bhote, K. R. and A. K. Bhote (2000). World Class Quality : Using Design of Experiments to Make It Happen. New York, AMACOM.
Bian, Y. (1994). Work and Inequality in Urban China. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bianchi, A. (2000). Understanding the Law : A Teen Guide to Family Court and Minors’ Rights. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
This book explains the legal process of divorce, including custody of children, alimony, child support, and the division of property, and discusses the role of a court of law in divorce cases.
Bibb, P. (1997). Ted Turner : It Ain’t As Easy As It Looks. Boulder, Colo, Johnson Books.
Originally published: It ain’t as easy as it looks. 1st ed. New York : Crown. 1993.
Bicha, K. D. (1980). The Czechs in Oklahoma. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
On cover: Oklahoma Image.
Bichler, C. (2000). Teen Drinking. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Examines the issue of alcohol use among teens, including the physical and psychological effects of alcohol abuse, risk factors for alcoholism, and sources of help for teens at risk.
Bickerton, P. (1998). Cyberstrategy : Business Strategy for Extranets, Intranets and the Internet. Oxford, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Bickford, J. H. (1997). Gaskets and Gasketed Joints. New York, CRC Press.
Includes index.
Bicknell, P. F. and V. University of (1997). The Pugnacious Style. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bidlack, W. R. (1998). Phytochemicals : A New Paradigm. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Bidney, M. (1997). Patterns of Epiphany : From Wordsworth to Tolstoy, Pater, and Barrett Browning. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Bieber, J. (1999). Power, Patronage, and Political Violence : State Building on a Brazilian Frontier, 1822-1889. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Bieder, R. E. (1986). Science Encounters the Indian, 1820-1880 : The Early Years of American Ethnology. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Bieder, R. E. (1995). Native American Communities in Wisconsin, 1600–1960 : A Study of Tradition and Change. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.
The first comprehensive history of Native American tribes in Wisconsin, this thorough and thoroughly readable account follows Wisconsin’s Indian communities—Ojibwa, Potawatomie, Menominee, Winnebago, Oneida, Stockbridge-Munsee, and Ottawa—from the 1600s through 1960. Written for students and general readers, it covers in detail the ways that native communities have striven to shape and maintain their traditions in the face of enormous external pressures. The author, Robert E. Bieder, begins by describing the Wisconsin region in the 1600s—both the natural environment, with its profound significance for Native American peoples, and the territories of the many tribal cultures throughout the region—and then surveys experiences with French, British, and, finally, American contact. Using native legends and historical and ethnological sources, Bieder describes how the Wisconsin communities adapted first to the influx of Indian groups fleeing the expanding Iroquois Confederacy in eastern America and then to the arrival of fur traders, lumber men, and farmers. Economic shifts and general social forces, he shows, brought about massive adjustments in diet, settlement patterns, politics, and religion, leading to a redefinition of native tradition. Historical photographs and maps illustrate the text, and an extensive bibliography has many suggestions for further reading.
Bienenfeld, F. (2000). Do-it-yourself Conflict Resolution for Couples : Dynamic New Ways for Couples to Heal Their Own Relationships. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Includes index.
Bier, W. C. and N. Y. Fordham University (1972). Alienation: Plight of Modern Man? New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Sponsored by the Dept. of Psychology, Fordham University.
Bierce, A. Can Such Things Be. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bierce, A. The Devil’s Dictionary. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bierce, A. Fantastic Fables. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bierce, A. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
During the United States Civil War, a condemned man has many thoughts as he stands on a bridge, awaiting hanging.
Bierman, I. A. (1998). Writing Signs : The Fatimid Public Text. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Irene Bierman explores the complex relationship between alphabet and language as well as the ways the two elements are socially defined by time and place. She focuses her exploration on the Eastern Mediterranean in the sixth through twelfth centuries, notably Cairo’s Fatimid dynasty of 969-1171. Examining the inscriptions on Fatimid architecture and textiles, Bierman offers insight into all elements of that society, from religion to the economy, and the enormous changes the dynasty underwent during that period. Bierman addresses fundamental issues of what buildings mean, how inscriptions affect that meaning, and the role of written messages and the ceremonies into which they are incorporated in service of propagandist goals. Her method and conclusions provide a pioneering model for studying public writing in other societies and offer powerful evidence to show that writing is a highly charged and deeply embedded social practice.
Biernacki, R. (1997). The Fabrication of Labor : Germany and Britain, 1640-1914. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Biersack, A. and L. Hunt (1989). The New Cultural History. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Across the humanities and the social sciences, disciplinary boundaries have come into question as scholars have acknowledged their common preoccupations with cultural phenomena ranging from rituals and ceremonies to texts and discourse. Literary critics, for example, have turned to history for a deepening of their notion of cultural products; some of them now read historical documents in the same way that they previously read’great’texts. Anthropologists have turned to the history of their own discipline in order to better understand the ways in which disciplinary authority was constructed. As historians have begun to participate in this ferment, they have moved away from their earlier focus on social theoretical models of historical development toward concepts taken from cultural anthropology and literary criticism.Much of the most exciting work in history recently has been affiliated with this wide-ranging effort to write history that is essentially a history of culture. The essays presented here provide an introduction to this movement within the discipline of history. The essays in Part One trace the influence of important models for the new cultural history, models ranging from the pathbreaking work of the French cultural critic Michel Foucault and the American anthropologist Clifford Geertz to the imaginative efforts of such contemporary historians as Natalie Davis and E. P. Thompson, as well as the more controversial theories of Hayden White and Dominick LaCapra. The essays in Part Two are exemplary of the most challenging and fruitful new work of historians in this genre, with topics as diverse as parades in 19th-century America, 16th-century Spanish texts, English medical writing, and the visual practices implied in Italian Renaissance frescoes. Beneath this diversity, however, it is possible to see the commonalities of the new cultural history as it takes shape. Students, teachers, and general readers interested in the future of history will find these essays stimulating and provocative.
Bierstedt, K.-D. (1994). Functional Analysis : Proceedings of the Essen Conference. New York, M. Dekker.
Biesold, H. (1999). Crying Hands : Eugenics and Deaf People in Nazi Germany. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Bigelow, P. (1990). The Conning, the Cunning of Being : Being a Kierkegaardian Demonstration of the Postmodern Implosion of Metaphysical Sense in Aristotle and the Early Heidegger. Tallahassee, Fla, University Press of Florida.
Bigelow, S. J. (1999). Bigelow’s Printer Troubleshooting Pocket Reference. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Biggers, E. D. The Agony Column. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
While traveling to London, a young American writer becomes smitten when he overhears a young lady say she is smitten when he overhears a young lady say she is addicted to reading the personal ads, known in London as the’agony columns.’
Biggers, J. (1998). Transgenerational Addiction. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses drug abuse and alcoholism, how they may be passed from one generation to the next, and the problems they can cause in families.
Bigges, W. Drake’s Great Armada. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Biggs, J. R. and T. S. Foley (1999). Honor in the House : Speaker Tom Foley. Pullman, Washington State University Press.
‘In 1989 he became the first Westerner to serve as Speaker of the House, the most powerful position in Congress. He retained that position until defeated in the Republican landslide election of 1994. President Bill Clinton then appointed him Ambassador to Japan.’–Jacket.
Biggs, M. and M. Sklar (1987). Editor’s Choice II : Fiction, Poetry & Art From the U.S. Small Press: Selections From Nominations Made by Editors of Independent, Noncommercial Literary Presses and Magazines, of Work Published by Them From 1978 to 1983. Iowa City, Iowa, The Spirit That Moves Us Press.
Biggs, M. and M. Sklar (1988). Men & Women : Together & Alone. Iowa City, Spirit That Moves Us Press.
Biggs, T. (1996). Africa Can Compete! : Export Opportunities and Challenges in Garments and Home Products in the European Market. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Biggs, T. and P. Srivastava (1996). Structural Aspects of Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa : Findings From a Seven Country Enterprise Survey. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bigio, A. G. and B. World (1998). Social Funds and Reaching the Poor : Experiences and Future Directions: Proceedings From an International Workshop Organized by the World Bank … [et Al.]. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Papers presented at the International Workshop on Social Funds, May 27-30, 1997, Washington, D.C.
Bignami, L. V. (1996). 52 Northern California Weekends. Oaks, PA, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Biklen, D. and D. N. Cardinal (1997). Contested Words, Contested Science : Unraveling the Facilitated Communication Controversy. New York, N.Y., Teachers College Press.
Bilal, D. (1997). Automating Media Centers and Small Libraries : A Microcomputer-based Approach. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Bilby, J. G. (1996). Civil War Firearms : Their Historical Background and Tactical Use. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Bilby, J. G. (1998). The Irish Brigade in the Civil War : The 69th New York and Other Irish Regiments of the Army of the Potomac. Conshohocken, PA, Hachette Book Group [Perseus].
Originally published under the title: Remember Fontenoy. Hightstown, N.J. : Longstreet House, 1995.
Bilharz, J. A. (1998). The Allegany Senecas and Kinzua Dam : Forced Relocation Through Two Generations. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Billington, M. L. and R. D. Hardaway (1998). African Americans on the Western Frontier. Niwot, University Press of Colorado.
Billington, R. A. (1974). America’s Frontier Heritage. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Billows, R. A. (1990). Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Called by Plutarch’the oldest and greatest of Alexander’s successors,’Antigonos the One-Eyed (382-301 BC) was the dominant figure during the first half of the Diadoch period, ruling most of the Asian territory conquered by the Macedonians during his final twenty years. Billows provides the first detailed study of this great general and administrator, establishing him as a key contributor to the Hellenistic monarchy and state. After a successful career under Philip and Alexander, Antigonos rose to power over the Asian portion of Alexander’s conquests. Embittered by the persistent hostility of those who controlled the European and Egyptian parts of the empire, he tried to eliminate these opponents, an ambition which led to his final defeat in 301. In a corrective to the standard explanations of his aims, Billows shows that Antigonos was scarcely influenced by Alexander, seeking to rule West Asia and the Aegean, rather than the whole of Alexander’s Empire.
Bills, D. B. (1995). The New Modern Times : Factors Reshaping the World of Work. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bimber, B. A. (1996). The Politics of Expertise in Congress : The Rise and Fall of the Office of Technology Assessment. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Binford, L. R. and P. L. W. Sabloff (1998). Conversations with Lew Binford : Drafting the New Archaeology. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bingham, R. D. (1998). Industrial Policy American Style : From Hamilton to HDTV. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Binmore, K. G. (1994). Game Theory and the Social Contract. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Binmore argues that game theory provides a systematic tool for investigating ethical matters.
Binmore, K. G. (1994). Game Theory and the Social Contract. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Biot, Y. (1995). Rethinking Research on Land Degradation in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Birch, C. (1998). Awakening the Writer Within : How to Discover and Release Your True Writer’s Voice. [N.p.], How To Books.
Bird, D. (2000). Marketing Insights and Outrages : A Collection of Pithy Pieces From Marketing Magazine. London, Kogan Page.
Bird, I. L. A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bird, I. L. (1960). A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bird, I. L. and E. S. Bernard (1999). Isabella Lucy Bird’s ‘A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains’ : An Annotated Text. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bird, J. B., et al. (1988). Travels and Archaeology in South Chile. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
‘This is a remarkable book by one of the true geniuses in the field of anthropology during this century and one who provided valuable data for specialists in other disciplines as well.’–H. M. Wormington’An engaging manuscript that should charm a broad audience.’–Thomas F. Lynch’The field notes of Junius, and Peggy’s diary, are valuable records of the excavations, artifacts, and interpretations of the best archaeologists to work in the southern tip of South America.’–James G. Griffin Junius Bird’s three great archaeological field achievements–at the Strait of Magellan in Chilean Patagonia, in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, and at the sites of early coastal dwellers in northern Peru–made his reputation as a New World prehistorian. His work in south Chile is especially important, since it established the great antiquity of human populations in South America. Until now, most of Bird’s Chilean data remained unpublished, but this rich collection of field notebooks from his 1936 and 1937 excavations makes this primary information available for the first time. Included in this volume are new data from Bird’s excavations at Palli Aike, Fell’s Cave, and Cañadon Leona as well as Cerro Sota and Mylodon caves. Excerpts from his published articles plus contributions by Juliet Clutton-Brock and Vera Markgraf reinforce the book with major new information about these truly pioneering investigations. Complementing the technical data are excerpts from the field journal kept by Margaret (Peggy) Bird. Witty, charming, and personable, her writings convey the more human aspects of Bird’s research while interpreting his theoretical ideas. Finally, the many photographs taken by the Birds add a striking visual dimension to this volume. The Birds’fieldwork took place under conditions, and with a spirit, vastly different from those of most researchers today. The texts and teamwork revealed in Travels and Archaeology in South Chilewill appeal to everyone concerned with the heavily debated question of earliest peopling in the Americas, with South American anthropology and archaeology, and with the days when archaeology truly meant exploration. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Background and Departure Overview South Chile and the Canoe Indians Daily Life Sailing the Channels 2. Chronological Synthesis and Dating The Periods The Radiocarbon Dates 3. Canadon Leona General Description Excavation Information The Artifacts Faunal Remains Possible Age of Deposit Burials Summary Daily Life 4. Palli Aike General Description Excavation in Two Phases Excavation Information The Artifacts Possible Age of Deposit Faunal Remains Human Remains Daily Life 5. Fell’s Cave General Description Excavation Information, 1936-1937 The Artifacts Faunal Remains Daily Life Excavations by John Fell and the French Mission Excavations, 1969-1970 The Carnivore Remains Excavated at Fell’s Cave in 1970. By Juliet Clutton-Brock Fell’s Cave: 11,000 Years of Changes in Paleoenvironments, Fauna, and Human Occupation. By Vera Markgraf 6. Cerro Sota Cave General Description Excavation Information The Artifacts Faunal Remains A Group Burial Probable Dating of the Deposit Daily Life 7. Mylodon Cave Background Structure of the Floor Deposit Results and Conclusions Human Remains Sloth Skin Broken or’Cut’Bone Domestication of the Sloth Summary of Evidence Age of Remains Two Additional Specimens
Bird, P. (1999). Helping Your Child to Learn at Primary School : How to Support and Improve Your Child’s Learning Potential. [N.p.], How To Books.
Bird, R. M., et al. (1995). Decentralization of the Socialist State : Intergovernmental Finance in Transition Economies. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bird, S. (2003). Women Writers and National Identity : Bachmann, Duden, Özdamar. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
In Women Writers and National Identity, Stephanie Bird offers a detailed analysis of the twin themes of female identity and national identity in the works of three major twentieth-century German-language women writers. Bird argues for the importance of an understanding of ambiguity, tension and contradiction in the fictional narratives of Ingeborg Bachmann, Anne Duden and Emine Özdamar. She aims to demonstrate how ambiguity is itself central to the development of an understanding of identity and that literary texts are uniquely able to point to the ethical importance of ambiguity through their stylistic complexity. Bird gives close readings of the three writers and draws on feminist theory and psychoanalysis to elucidate the complex nature of individual identity. This book will be of interest to literary and women’s studies scholars as well as Germanists.
Birdsall, N., et al. (1998). Beyond Tradeoffs : Market Reforms and Equitable Growth in Latin America. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
‘The essays in this book propose new ways of reducing inequality, not by growth-inhibiting transfers and regulations, but by enhancing efficiency–eliminating consumption subsidies for the wealthy, increasing the productivity of the poor, and shifting to a more labor-and-skill-demanding growth path… [They] draw on discussions at a conference sponsored by the IDB and the MacArthur Foundation, titled’Inequality-Reducing Growth in Latin America,’held in Washington, D.C. in January 1997′–Foreword.
Birdsong, D. (1999). Second Language Acquisition and the Critical Period Hypothesis. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
In language learning, the rule of thumb is: the earlier the better. Children exposed to language from birth are uniformly successful in first language acquisition (L1A), whereas those deprived of contact with language during childhood are pathologically deficient. In second language acquisition (L2A), the difficulty of learning after puberty is routinely attested anecdotally and has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. It is widely believed that age effects in both are developmental in nature. Native levels of attainment in L1A and L2A are thought to be possible only if learning began before the closure of a’window of opportunity’–a critical or sensitive period. Increasingly, this popular wisdom is being called into question. Triggering this reevaluation is evidence that some late-starting learners achieve native-like competence in a second language and evidence of age effects past the presumed closure of the window of opportunity for learning. As the debate takes shape, some of the most renowned researchers in the field are weighing in on the issue. Their thoughts and evidence are presented in this volume. The chapters approach the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) from diverse perspectives and are evenly balanced in favor of and against the CPH-L2A. Each of the contributors brings authority and an international reputation to the question. As the papers encompass many domains of inquiry in L2A–syntax, morphology, phonetics/phonology, Universal Grammar, and neurofunctional factors in language–this volume should appeal to a wide audience of researchers and advanced students.
Birkby, E. (1993). Up a Country Lane Cookbook. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
What can Evelyn Birkby possibly do to follow up the success of Neighboring on the Air: Cooking with the KMA Radio Homemakers? She can do what she has done in writing Up a Country Lane Cookbook. For forty-three years she has written a column entitled’Up a Country Lane’for the Shenandoah Evening Sentinel. Now she has chosen the best recipes from her column and interspersed them with a wealth of stories of rural life in the 1940s and 1950s, supplemented by a generous offering of vintage photographs. She has created a book that encompasses lost time. With chapters on’The Garden,”Grocery Stores and Lockers,”Planting,’and’Saturday Night in Town,’to name a few, Up a Country Lane Cookbook recalls the noble simplicity of a life that has all but vanished. This is not to say that farm life in the forties and fifties was idyllic. As Birkby writes,’Underneath the pastoral exterior were threats of storms, droughts, ruined crops, low prices, sickness, and accidents.’Following the Second World War, many soldiers returned to mid-America and a life of farming. From her vantage point as a farm wife living in Mill Creek Valley in southwestern Iowa, Birkby observed the changes that accompanied improved roads, telephone service, and the easy availability of electricity. Her observations have been carefully recorded in her newspaper column, read by thousands of rural Iowans. Up a Country Lane Cookbook is, then, much more than a cookbook. It is an evocation of a time in all its wonder and complexity which should be read by everyone from Evelyn Birkby’s nearest neighbor in Mill Creek Valley to the city slicker seeking an education. Cook a meal of Plum-Glazed Baked Chicken, Elegant Peas, Creamed Cabbage, and Seven-Grain Bread, then finish it off with Frosted Ginger Creams with Fluffy Frosting. While the chicken is baking, read Evelyn’s stories and think about the world the way it was.
Birkerts, G. (1994). Process and Expression in Architectural Form. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Birkland, T. A. (1997). After Disaster : Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing Events. Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press.
Birmingham, S. (1999). ‘The Rest of Us’ : The Rise of America’s Eastern European Jews. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
In the last of Stephen Birmingham’s historical trilogy, he spotlights the successes of Eastern European Jews, from Samuel Goldwyn to Helena Rubinstein and Irving Berlin, and what each individual brought to that changing early-century American landscape.
Birnbaum, P. (1982). Rabbits, Crabs, Etc : Stories by Japanese Women. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Bisaillon, T. and B. Werner (1998). TCP/IP with Windows NT Illustrated. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Bisbey, S. and L. B. Bisbey (1998). Brief Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder : Traumatic Incident Reduction and Related Techniques. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Bishop, L. (1989). Romantic Irony in French Literature From Diderot to Beckett. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
Includes index.
Bishop, R. L. and F. W. Lange (1991). The Ceramic Legacy of Anna O. Shepard. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Revised papers presented at a conference held at the University of Colorado at Boulder in November 1988.
Bishop, T. (1997). From the Left Bank : Reflections on the Modern French Theater and Novel. New York, New York University Press.
From the Left Bank chronicles the intimate, behind-the-scenes encounters of an American Francophile and the stars of the French Avant Garde theater and literary worlds. It reflects the author’s extensive, first-hand experience of the modern French theater and with those artists who wrote and staged the work that has revolutionized the way we think of theater. The book contains a distillation of Bishop’s best original writings on such pivotal figures as Jean Cocteau, Jean-Louis Barrault, Eugne Ionesco, Jean Genet, Jean-Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett, and Albert Camus in theater and Claude Simon, Robert Pinget, Philippe Sollers, and Alain Robbe-Grillet in fiction. Bishop knew these creative artists personally, and his insightful analyses provide an informative, entertaining insider’s look at the development and workings of the French Avant Garde.
Bissett, J. (1999). Agrarian Socialism in America : Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside, 1904-1920. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Biswas, A. K. (1998). Management of Latin American River Basins : Amazon, Plata, and Säao Francisco. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
UNUP-1012′–T.p. verso.
Bitran, R. A., et al. (1993). The Demand for Health Care in Latin America : Lessons From the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bittman, J. B. (1998). Trading Index Options. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Title on disk: Op-Eval3 for Windows.
Bjornson, R. (1994). The African Quest for Freedom and Identity : Cameroonian Writing and the National Experience. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Black, C. (2001). It Will Never Happen to Me : Growing up with Addiction As Youngsters, Adolescents, Adults. Center City, Minn, Hazelden.
Black, C. (2002). Changing Course : Healing From Loss, Abandonment, and Fear. Center City, Minn, Perseus Books, LLC.
Black, E. and J. E. Brown (1953). The Sacred Pipe : Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Black, F. (1995). Exploring General Equilibrium. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Fischer Black is known for his brilliance as well as his sometimes controversial opinions. Highly respected for his scholarly writings in finance, he now moves into different territory with this incisive, unconventional assessment of general equilibrium theory and what that theory reveals about business cycles, growth, and labor economics.The general equilibrium approach, Black asserts, can be used to explain most of the economy’s behavior. It can explain business cycles and growth without using sticky prices, irrationality, economies of scale, or imperfect competition. It can explain the volatility of consumption, output, sales, investment, and inventories with axiomatic utility and constant-returns-to-scale production. It can explain temporary layoffs, job changes with and without intervening unemployment, and the behavior of vacancies. It can explain lower wages in part-time jobs, wages that increase rapidly with time on the job, and the forces that cause migration from poor to rich countries.Although the general equilibrium approach can’t be tested in conventional ways, it can be used to generate examples that explain stylized facts — generalized observations from the real world — that have preoccupied macroeconomists for the last decade. Black contrasts his interpretation of these facts with conventional interpretations. Finally, he reviews a substantial body of literature on these topics.
Black, H. and R. L. Nichols (1999). Black Hawk’s Autobiography. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Originally published: Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak or Black Hawk. Boston : Russell, Odiorne & Metcalf, 1834.
Black, J. (1999). Biological Performance of Materials : Fundamentals of Biocompatibility. New York, CRC Press.
A balanced approach to understanding the response of living tissues and systems to manufactured biomaterials and the effect of life processes on the properties and behaviour of successful and unsuccessful biomaterials. This third edition contains a glossary of specialized terms; discussion of the emerging area of tissue engineering; more sources; and more tables to additional generic biomaterials properties.
Black, M. F. (1995). Shaw and Joyce : The Last Word in Stolentelling. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Black, P. C. and P. Henson (1999). The Southern Writers Quiz Book. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Black, R. (2000). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Project Management with Microsoft Project 2000. Indianapolis, Ind, Que.
Includes index.
Black, U. D. (1998). Frame Relay Networks : Specifications and Implementations. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Black, U. D. (1998). TCP/IP and Related Protocols. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Blackburn, J. L. (1998). Protective Relaying : Principles and Applications. New York, M. Dekker.
Blackburn, P. and G. Economou (1998). Poem of the Cid : A Modern Translation with Notes. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Blackburn, R. (1998). The Psychology of Criminal Conduct : Theory, Research, and Practice. Chichester, England, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
[Pbk. ed., 1998].Blackburn, S. (1996). The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Blackburn, S. H. (1996). Inside the Drama-House : Rama Stories and Shadow Puppets in South India. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Stuart Blackburn takes the reader inside a little-known form of shadow puppetry in this captivating work about performing the Tamil version of the Ramayana epic. Blackburn describes the skill and physical stamina of the puppeteers in Kerala state in South India as they perform all night for as many as ten weeks during the festival season. The fact that these performances often take place without an audience forms the starting point for Blackburn’s discussion—one which explores not only this important epic tale and its performance, but also the broader theoretical issues of text, interpretation, and audience.Blackburn demonstrates how the performers adapt the narrative and add their own commentary to re-create the story from a folk perspective. At a time when the Rama story is used to mobilize political movements in India, the puppeteers’elaborate recitation and commentary presents this controversial tale from another ethical perspective, one that advocates moral reciprocity and balance.While the study of folk narrative has until now focused on tales, tellers, and tellings, this work explores the importance of audience—absent or otherwise. Blackburn’s elegant translations of the most dramatic and pivotal sequences of the story enhance our appreciation of this unique example of performance art.
Blackden, C. M. and C. Bhanu (1999). Gender, Growth, and Poverty Reduction : Special Program of Assistance for Africa, 1998 Status Report on Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘In collaboration with the Poverty and Social Policy Working Group of the Special Program of Assistance for Africa.’
Blacker, I. R. (1996). The Elements of Screenwriting : A Guide for Film and Television Writers. New York, Macmillan.
Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone : A Romance of Exmoor. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Blackstone-Ford, J. (1999). The Custody Solutions Sourcebook. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Blades, W. and V. University of (1998). The Enemies of Books. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Blaeser, K. M. (1996). Gerald Vizenor : Writing in the Oral Tradition. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Blain, J. and A. W. Consultancy (1999). Using SAP R/3. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Blaine, M. R. (1990). Pawnee Passage, 1870-1875. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Blaine, M. R. (1995). The Ioway Indians. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Blair, A. H. (1992). At War in the Gulf : A Chronology. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Blair, K. J. (1994). The Torchbearers : Women and Their Amateur Arts Associations in America, 1890-1930. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Blair, K. J. (1997). Northwest Women : An Annotated Bibliography of Sources on the History of Oregon and Washington Women, 1787-1970. Pullman, Washington State University Press.
Blair, R. (1996). The Western San Juan Mountains : Their Geology, Ecology, and Human History. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
The San Juan Skyway winds its way up, over, and through canyons, mesas, plateaus, mountains, plains, and valleys. The sheer variety of landforms makes the Skyway a veritable classroom for the amateur naturalist and historian. The most complete work published on the natural history of southwest Colorado’s majestic mountain system, The Western San Juan Mountains: Their Geology, Ecology, and Human History is designed to be used while exploring the scenic 235-mile paved San Juan Skyway, which passes through Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Telluride, Dolores, and Cortez. The Western San Juan Mountains covers the physical environment, the biological communities, the human history, and points of interest represented on milepost signs along the highway. Some of the many topics covered include: how the San Juan Mountains were formed; why the landscape is so rugged and picturesque; why the vegetation changes from the lowlands to the alpine heights; energy and mineral resources of the area; why these mountains intrigued early explorers; factors that influence the unpredictable weather; and the first-known inhabitants. The contributions to this guide include Fort Lewis College geologists, biologists, archaeologists, historians, and other specialists. Together they have amassed more than one hundred years of study based not only on previous work but on their own research. This generously illustrated guidebook is aimed at all those who wish to understand this intricate mountain system in much greater detail than provided by most picture books.
Blais, A. L. (1997). On the Plurality of Actual Worlds. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Blaisdell, T., et al. (1995). Time to Go : Three Plays on Death and Dying, with Commentary on End-of-life Issues. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Blake, B. E. (1997). She Say, He Say : Urban Girls Write Their Lives. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Blake, C. N. (1990). Beloved Community : The Cultural Criticism of Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank & Lewis Mumford. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
The’Young American’critics — Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank, and Lewis Mumford — are well known as central figures in the Greenwich Village’Little Renaissance’of the 1910s and in the postwar debates about American culture and politics. In Beloved Community, Casey Blake considers these intellectuals as a coherant group and assesses the connection between thier cultural criticisms and their attempts to forge a communitarian alternative to liberal and socialist poitics. Blake draws on biography to emphasize the intersection of questions of self, culture, and society in their calls for a culture of’personality’and’self-fulfillment.’In contrast to the tendency of previous analyses to separate these critics’cultural and autobiographical writings from their politics, Blake argues that their cultural criticism grew out of a radical vision of self-realization through participation in a democratic culture and polity. He also examines the Young American writers’interpretations of such turn-of-the-century radicals as William Morris, Henry George, John Dewey, and Patrick Geddes and shows that this adversary tradition still offers important insights into contemporary issues in American politics and culture.Beloved Community reestablishes the democratic content of the Young Americans’ideal of’personality’and argues against viewing a monolithic therapeutic culture as the sole successor to a Victorian’culture of character.’The politics of selfhood that was so critical to the Young Americans’project has remained a contested terrain throughout the twentieth century.
Blake, G. and R. W. Bly (1997). The Elements of Copywriting : The Essential Guide to Creating Copy That Gets the Results You Want. New York, Macmillan USA.
Includes index.
Blake, W. Poems of William Blake. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Blake, W. Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Blakely, E. J. and M. G. Snyder (1997). Fortress America : Gated Communities in the United States. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Blanc, F. (1997). I Am Vietnamese American. New York, PowerKids Press.
A Vietnamese American discusses his traditions, heritage, culture, and pride in his identity.
Blanchan, N. Bird Neighbors : An Introductory Acquaintance with One Hundred and Fifty Birds Commonly Found in the Gardens, Meadows, and Woods About Our Homes. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Blanchard, D. A. and T. J. Prewitt (1993). Religious Violence and Abortion : The Gideon Project. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Blanchard, K. H., et al. (1996). Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Blanchard, P. (1992). Slavery & Abolition in Early Republican Peru. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Blanchot, M. (1992). The Step Not Beyond. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bland, M., et al. (2000). Effective Media Relations. London, Kogan Page.
Blanding, W. (1991). Customer Service Operations : The Complete Guide. New York, NY, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Blank, R. and S. Slipp (1994). Voices of Diversity : Real People Talk About Problems and Solutions in a Workplace Where Everyone Is Not Alike. New York, AMACOM.
Blank, R. H. (1993). Fetal Protection in the Workplace : Women’s Rights, Business Interests, and the Unborn. New York, Perseus Books, LLC.
Blank, R. H. (1997). The Price of Life : The Future of American Health Care. New York, Perseus Books, LLC.
Blank, R. H. and A. L. Bonnicksen (1992). Emerging Issues in Biomedical Policy : An Annual Review. New York, N.Y., Perseus Books, LLC.
Blank, S. (1993). Conflict, Culture, and History : Regional Dimensions. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
‘Five specialists examine the historical relationship of culture and conflict in various regional societies. The authors use Adda B. Bozeman’s theories on conflict and culture as the basis for their analyses of the causes, nature, and conduct of war and conflict in the Soviet Union, the Middle East, Sinic Asia (China, Japan, and Vietnam), Latin America, and Africa. Drs. Blank, Lawrence Grinter, Karl P. Magyar, Lewis B. Ware, and Bynum E. Weathers conclude that non-Western cultures and societies do not reject war but look at violence and conflict as a normal and legitimate aspect of sociopolitical behavior.’–Publisher’s website.
Blank, S. and U. Air (1988). Low-intensity Conflict in the Third World. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
Blank, W. (1995). The 9 Natural Laws of Leadership. New York, AMACOM.
Blasco Ibáñez, V. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse : (Los Cuatro Jinetes De Apocalipsis). Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Blass, T. (2000). Obedience to Authority : Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
Stanley Milgram’s experiments on obedience to authority are among the most important psychological studies of this century. Perhaps because of the enduring significance of the findings–the surprising ease with which ordinary persons can be commanded to act destructively against an innocent individual by a legitimate authority–it continues to claim the attention of psychologists and other social scientists, as well as the general public. The study continues to inspire valuable research and analysis. The goal of this book is to present current work inspired by the obedience paradigm. This book demonstrates the vibrancy of the obedience paradigm by presenting some of its most important and stimulating contemporary uses and applications. Paralleling Milgram’s own eclecticism in the content and style of his research and writing, the contributions comprise a potpourri of styles of research and presentation–ranging from personal narratives, through conceptual analyses, to randomized experiments.
Blattner, P. (1999). Using Microsoft Excel 2000. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Blattner, P. (1999). Using Microsoft Word and Excel 2000 : Special Edition. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Blatz, P. K. (1994). Democratic Miners : Work and Labor Relations in the Anthracite Coal Industry, 1875-1925. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Blau, J. R. (1993). Social Contracts and Economic Markets. New York, Springer.
Blauert, J. (1997). Spatial Hearing : The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Blaug, R. (1999). Democracy, Real and Ideal : Discourse Ethics and Radical Politics. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Blaustein, S. J., et al. (1993). Unemployment Insurance in the United States : The First Half Century. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Updated ed. of: Unemployment insurance in the American economy / William Haber and Merrill G. Murray. 1966.
Blazek, R. and E. S. Aversa (1994). The Humanities : A Selective Guide to Information Sources. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Includes indexes.
Blazek, R. and A. H. Perrault (1994). United States History : A Selective Guide to Information Sources. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Blech, B. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Jewish History and Culture. New York, N.Y., Penguin Random House LLC.
Blecker, R. A. and I. Economic Policy (1996). U.S. Trade Policy and Global Growth : New Directions in the International Economy. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
‘Economic Policy Institute.’
Bledsoe, C. H., et al. (1993). Social Dynamics of Adolescent Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This examination of changes in adolescent fertility emphasizes the changing social context within which adolescent childbearing takes place.
Bledsoe, C. H. and C. National Research (1999). Critical Perspectives on Schooling and Fertility in the Developing World. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This volume assesses the evidence, and possible mechanisms, for the associations between women’s education, fertility preferences, and fertility in developing countries, and how these associations vary across regions. It discusses the implications of these associations for policies in the population, health, and education sectors, including implications for research.
Bleiler, R. (1999). Reference Guide to Mystery and Detective Fiction. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Blenkinsopp, J. (1995). Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament : The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Blethen, T. and C. Wood (1997). Ulster and North America : Transatlantic Perspectives on the Scotch-Irish. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Blew, M. C. (1999). Bone Deep in Landscape : Writing, Reading, and Place. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Blewett, D. K. (1995). American Military History : A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Includes indexes.
Bligh, D. A. (2000). What’s the Point in Discussion? Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
Bligh, D. A. (2000). What’s the Use of Lectures? San Francisco, Intellect Books.
Bligh, D. A., et al. (1981). Seven Decisions When Teaching Students. Exeter, Intellect Books.
Title of the 1st ed. : Teaching students.
Bligh, D. A., et al. (1999). Understanding Higher Education : An Introduction for Parents, Staff, Employers, and Students. Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
Blinder, A. S. (1998). Central Banking in Theory and Practice. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Alan S. Blinder offers the dual perspective of a leading academic macroeconomist who served a stint as Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board — one who practiced what he had long preached and then returned to academia to write about it. He tells central bankers how they might better incorporate academic knowledge and thinking into the conduct of monetary policy, and he tells scholars how they might reorient their research to be more attuned to reality and thus more useful to central bankers.Based on the 1996 Lionel Robbins Lectures, this readable book deals succinctly, in a nontechnical manner, with a wide variety of issues in monetary policy. The book also includes the author’s suggested solution to an age-old problem in monetary theory: what it means for monetary policy to be’neutral.’
Blin-Stoyle, R. J. (1997). Eureka! : Physics of Particles, Matter, and the Universe. Bristol, CRC Press.
This is an accessible introduction to the subject of physics, and how it underpins our understanding of the physical world today. Starting with an initial description of what physics represents from the micro- to the macroscopic, Roger Blin-Stoyle takes the reader on a tour of Newton’s Laws, the nature of matter, explaining how the physical world works and how physics may affect our future understanding.The treatment avoids detailed mathematics, and at all times relates the concepts introduced to the reader’s everyday experience. The author makes effective use of simple, line drawings to illustrate the concepts introduced.Topics are presented with clarity and precision. The author’s enthusiasm for his subject, and his desire to make it comprehensible to the widest possible audience are evident. It is a good foundation for exploring the more exotic aspects of physics, as presented by, for example, Close, Davies and Hawking. Suggestions for further reading are included as an appendix.
Bliss, M. (1993). Justified Lives : Morality & Narrative in the Films of Sam Peckinpah. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Bliss, M. (1994). Doing It Right : The Best Criticism on Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Bliss, M. and C. Banks (1996). What Goes Around Comes Around : The Films of Jonathan Demme. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Blitz, J. H. (1993). Ancient Chiefdoms of the Tombigbee. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University Alabama Press.
A Dan Josselyn Memorial Publication Within the last 50 years archaeologists have discovered that around the 10th century A.D., native southeastern peoples began a process of cultural change far more complex than anything that had occurred previously. These late prehistoric societies—known as Mississippian—have come to be regarded as chiefdoms. The chiefdoms are of great anthropological interest because in these kinds of societies social hierarchies or rank and status were first institutionalized. Ancient Chiefdoms of the Tombigbee focuses on both the small- and large-scale Mississippian societies in the Tombigbee-Black Warrior River region of Alabama and Mississippi. Exploring the relationships involving polity size, degree of social ranking, and resource control provides insights into cycles of chiefdom development and fragmentation. Blitz concludes that the sanctified, security maintenance roles of communal food storage management and war leadership were a sufficient basis for formal chiefly authority but insufficient for economically based social stratification.
Bloch, D. P. (1993). How to Get a Good Job and Keep It. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Bloch, D. P. (1997). Have a Winning Job Interview. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC LearningWorks.
Rev. ed. of: How to have a winning job interview. c1992.
Bloch, D. P. (1999). Make the Right Career Move. Chicago, Ill, NTC Learning Works.
Rev. ed. of: How to make the right career moves. c1990.
Bloch, E. and C. National Research (1994). High-Stakes Aviation : U.S.-Japan Technology Linkages in Transport Aircraft. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The third in a series of sector-specific assessments of U.S.-Japan technology linkages, this book examines U.S.-Japan relationships that develop or transfer aircraft technology, the motivations of participating organizations, and the impacts on U.S. and Japanese capabilities. Incorporating detailed accounts of the business and technology aspects of U.S.-Japan aircraft alliances, the volume also describes the U.S. and Japanese policy contexts, presents alternative scenarios for the future and outlines how linkages with Japan can be leveraged as part of a strategy to reenergize U.S. leadership in this critical industry.
Bloch, H. P. and A. Shamim (1998). Oil Mist Lubrication : Practical Applications. Lilburn, GA, Fairmont Press.
Block, F. L. (1990). Postindustrial Possibilities : A Critique of Economic Discourse. Berkeley, University of California Press.
While it is often acknowledged that we live in a’postindustrial’age, our economic concepts have lagged far behind our postmodern sensibility. In this incisive new work, the well-known sociologist, Fred Block, sheds obsolete and shopworn economic analysis by presenting a bold, sweeping reconceptualization of the economy. Postindustrial Possibilities provides a fresh understanding of the dynamics of postindustrial change while offering a roadmap for future economic thinking.Block takes as his point of departure the tired concepts of neo-classical economics which, while still dominant, fall short as tools for comprehending contemporary economic forces. In Block’s mind, the failure to revise the concepts of industrial economics means that the reality of today’s economy is increasingly understood as’through a glass darkly.’Intent on reinvigorating thinking in this area, Block masterfully critiques the central categories of neo-classical economics, such as the market, labor, and capital.Block argues that the neo-classical tradition has obscured the fact that capitalist prosperity has been built not on’free markets’but rather on systematic constraints on market freedom. He further suggests that measurements of capital have become increasingly problematic and that the concept obscures the critical sources of productivity within organizations. In his far-reaching analysis of the Gross National Product, Block shows that there is a growing divergence between the factors that determine people’s well-being and trends in measured GNP.Postindustrial Possibilities sets forth a new intellectual paradigm that might be called’Qualitative Growth.’One of its primary foci is a shift toward improved product quality and greater priority for various non-commodity satisfactions such as leisure, interesting work, economic security and a safe and clean environment. It also promotes a recognition that greater economic efficiency rests not on infusions of capital but on cooperative labor relations and on institutional reform.Wide-ranging, intellectually vibrant and lucid, Postindustrial Possibilities will engender controversy and debate. It is an enormous contribution that social scientists and policymakers will need to come to terms with.
Block, H. M. and A. J. Dunn (1998). SilverStream. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Block, J. A. and M. Betrus (1999). 101 More Best Resumes. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Block, P. (2000). Flawless Consulting : A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used. [N.p.], Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Block, Z. and I. C. MacMillan (1993). Corporate Venturing : Creating New Businesses Within the Firm. Boston, Mass, Harvard Business School Press.
Blomain, K. (1996). Coalseam : Poems From the Anthracite Region. Scranton, University of Scranton Press.
Bloom, C. (1993). Creepers : British Horror and Fantasy in the Twentieth Century. London, Pluto Press.
Bloom, H. (1990). Hamlet. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Contains eight critical essays, along with extracts from critical material by such authors as James Joyce, Victor Hugo, and Sigmund Freud.
Bloom, H. (1990). Holden Caulfield. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1991). Gatsby. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1991). Macbeth. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1992). Isabel Archer. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1994). Black American Women Fiction Writers. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1994). Classic Science Fiction Writers. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1994). Contemporary Black American Fiction Writers. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1994). Julius Caesar. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1996). Black American Women Poets and Dramatists. New York, Chelsea House Publishers.
Bloom, H. (1996). Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). George Eliot’s Silas Marner. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Includes a brief biography of the author, thematic and structural analysis of the work, critical views, and an index of themes and ideas.
Bloom, H. (1996). Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). William Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part One. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1996). William Shakespeare’s Othello. New York, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1998). John Steinbeck. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1998). Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. Broomall, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1998). Native American Women Writers. Philadelphia, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1998). Women Writers of Children’s Literature. Philadelphia, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Edgar Allan Poe. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Edgar Allan Poe : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence. Broomall, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (1999). F. Scott Fitzgerald. Philadelphia, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Includes index.
Bloom, H. (1999). Flannery O’Connor. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Geoffrey Chaucer. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Henrik Ibsen. Philadelphia, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Herman Melville. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Includes index.
Bloom, H. (1999). J.D. Salinger. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). John Donne : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). John Milton : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Mark Twain. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). O. Henry. Broomal, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Shakespeare’s Comedies : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Poems. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Includes index.
Bloom, H. (1999). T.S. Eliot : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
‘This volume brings together study guides to five of T.S. Eliot’s most influential poems:’The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”La Figlia Che Piange,”The Waste Land,”The Hollow Men,’and’The Journey of the Magi”–Editor’s note.
Bloom, H. (1999). Walt Whitman. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). William Faulkner. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Includes index.
Bloom, H. (1999). William Wordsworth : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (1999). Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
‘A contemporary literary views book.’
Bloom, H. (2000). Alice Walker. Philadelphia, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Anton Chekhov. Broomall, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Arthur Miller. Philadelphia, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). The Brontës. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Eugene O’Neill. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). F. Scott Fitzgerald. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). George Bernard Shaw. Broomall, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
A comprehensive research and study guide for several plays by George Bernard Shaw, including plot summaries, lists of characters, and critical views.
Bloom, H. (2000). Jane Austen. Philadelphia, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). John Steinbeck. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Mark Twain. Philadelphia, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Nathaniel Hawthorne. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Shakespeare’s Histories. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Shakespeare’s Romances : Comprehensive Research and Study Guide. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Tennessee Williams. Broomall, PA, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Toni Morrison. Broomall, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). Willa Cather. Philadelphia, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. (2000). William Faulkner. Philadelphia, Pa, Facts on File, Inc.
Bloom, H. S. (1990). Back to Work : Testing Reemployment Services for Displaced Workers. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Bloom, L. R. (1998). Under the Sign of Hope : Feminist Methodology and Narrative Interpretation. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bloom, P. (1994). Language Acquisition : Core Readings. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bloom, P. (1996). Language and Space. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Papers presented at a conference of the same name which was held Mar. 16-19, 1994, Tucson, Ariz.
Bloom, P. (1997). Amazon up Close : The Passionate Adventurer’s Guide to the Brazilian Amazon & the Pantanal. Edison, N.J., Hunter Publishing.
Bloom, P. (1997). Brazil up Close : The Sensuous and Adventurous Guide. Edison, N.J., Hunter Publishing.
Includes index.
Bloom, P. (2000). How Children Learn the Meanings of Words. Cambridge, MA, A Bradford Book.
How do children learn that the word’dog’refers not to all four-legged animals, and not just to Ralph, but to all members of a particular species? How do they learn the meanings of verbs like’think,’adjectives like’good,’and words for abstract entities such as’mortgage’and’story’? The acquisition of word meaning is one of the fundamental issues in the study of mind.According to Paul Bloom, children learn words through sophisticated cognitive abilities that exist for other purposes. These include the ability to infer others’intentions, the ability to acquire concepts, an appreciation of syntactic structure, and certain general learning and memory abilities. Although other researchers have associated word learning with some of these capacities, Bloom is the first to show how a complete explanation requires all of them. The acquisition of even simple nouns requires rich conceptual, social, and linguistic capacities interacting in complex ways.This book requires no background in psychology or linguistics and is written in a clear, engaging style. Topics include the effects of language on spatial reasoning, the origin of essentialist beliefs, and the young child’s understanding of representational art. The book should appeal to general readers interested in language and cognition as well as to researchers in the field.
Bloomer, J. J. (2000). Practical Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Applications. New York, CRC Press.
Blount, J. M. (1998). Destined to Rule the Schools : Women and the Superintendency, 1873-1995. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Blout, E. (1996). The Power of Boldness : Ten Master Builders of American Industry Tell Their Success Stories. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Blowers, S. C., et al. (1999). The Ernst & Young LLP Guide to the IPO Value Journey. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Includes index.
Blue, G. M. and R. Mitchell (1996). Language and Education : Papers From the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics Held at the University of Southampton, September 1995. Clevedon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Bluestein, G. (1994). Poplore : Folk and Pop in American Culture. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bluestein, J. (1997). The Parent’s Little Book of Lists : Dos and Don’ts of Effective Parenting. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Bluestone, C. D. and M. B. Bluestone (1999). Conquering Otitis Media : An Illustrated Guide to Understanding, Treating and Preventing Ear Infections. Hamilton, Ont, B.C. Dekker.
Bluestone, C. D. and R. M. Rosenfeld (1999). Evidence-based Otitis Media. Hamilton [Ont.], Decker.
Blum, C. S. (1996). The Other Modernism : F. T. Marinetti’s Futurist Fiction of Power. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Drawing on recent feminist and psychoanalytic criticism, Cinzia Sartini Blum provides the first analysis of the rhetoric, politics, and psychology of gender in the avant-garde writings of the Italian Futurist F.T. Marinetti. Her book explores the relations between the seemingly unrelated goals of Italian Futurism: technical revolution, espousal of violence, avowed misogyny, and rejection of literary tradition.Blum argues for the centrality of the rhetoric of gender in Marinetti’s work. She also investigates a diverse array of his futurist textual practices that range from formal experimentation with’words in freedom’to nationalist manifestos that advocate intervention in World War I and anticipate subsequent fascist rhetoric of power and virility. A major contribution to the study of the twentieth-century avant-garde and the first full-length study of Marinetti in English, The Other Modernism will interest all those concerned with twentieth-century literature, culture, and society and the problem of modern subjectivity.
Blum, E. J. and P. Harvey (2012). The Color of Christ : The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press.
How is it that in America the image of Jesus Christ has been used both to justify the atrocities of white supremacy and to inspire the righteousness of civil rights crusades? In The Color of Christ, Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey weave a tapestry of American dreams and visions–from witch hunts to web pages, Harlem to Hollywood, slave cabins to South Park, Mormon revelations to Indian reservations–to show how Americans remade the Son of God visually time and again into a sacred symbol of their greatest aspirations, deepest terrors, and mightiest strivings for racial power and justice. The Color of Christ uncovers how, in a country founded by Puritans who destroyed depictions of Jesus, Americans came to believe in the whiteness of Christ. Some envisioned a white Christ who would sanctify the exploitation of Native Americans and African Americans and bless imperial expansion. Many others gazed at a messiah, not necessarily white, who was willing and able to confront white supremacy. The color of Christ still symbolizes America’s most combustible divisions, revealing the power and malleability of race and religion from colonial times to the presidency of Barack Obama.
Blumenthal, A. (1999). A Parent’s Guide to College Entrance Exams. New York, Learning Express.
Blunt, S. (1997). Having a Baby : How to Prepare for and Manage Pregnancy and the Birth of Your Baby. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Includes index.
Bly, R. W. (1996). Careers for Writers & Others Who Have a Way with Words. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bly, R. W. (1998). Business to Business Direct Marketing : Proven Direct Response Methods to Generate More Leads and Sales. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bly, R. W. (1998). The Lead Generation Handbook : How to Generate All the Sales Leads You’ll Ever Need– Quickly, Easily, and Inexpensively! New York, AMACOM.
Bly, R. W. (1998). The Six-figure Consultant : How to Start (or Jump-start) Your Consulting Career and Earn $100,000+ a Year. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Bly, R. W. (1999). 101 Ways to Make Every Second Count : Time Management Tips and Techniques for More Success with Less Stress. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Bly, R. W. (1999). The Encyclopedia of Business Letters, Fax Memos, and E-mail. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Discusses voice, layouts, expressing ideas, revisions, handling specific situations, and provides samples.
Board on Army, S., et al. (1992). STAR 21 : Strategic Technologies for the Army of the Twenty-First Century. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Dramatic political and economic changes throughout the world, coupled with rapid advances in technology, pose an important question for the U.S. Army: What technologies are best suited to defending U.S. interests against tomorrow’s military threats? STAR 21 provides an expert analysis of how the Army can prepare itself for the battlefield of the future–where soldiers will wear’smart’helmets and combat chemical warfare with vaccines produced in days to counter new threats. This book summarizes emerging developments in robotics,’brillant’munitions, medical support, laser sensors, biotechnolgy, novel materials, and other key areas. Taking into account reliability, deployability, and other values that all military systems will need, the volume identifies new systems and emerging technologies that offer the greatest payoff for the Army. The volume addresses a host of important military issues, including the importance of mobile, rapidly deployable forces, the changing role of the helicopter, and how commercial technology may help the Army stay ahead of potential opponents. Alternative Selection, Doubleday’s Military Book Club
Board on Children, Y. and Families (1998). Protecting Youth at Work : Health, Safety, and Development of Working Children and Adolescents in the United States. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
In Massachusetts, a 12-year-old girl delivering newspapers is killed when a car strikes her bicycle. In Los Angeles, a 14-year-old boy repeatedly falls asleep in class, exhausted from his evening job. Although children and adolescents may benefit from working, there may also be negative social effects and sometimes danger in their jobs. Protecting Youth at Work looks at what is known about work done by children and adolescents and the effects of that work on their physical and emotional health and social functioning. The committee recommends specific initiatives for legislators, regulators, researchers, and employers. This book provides historical perspective on working children and adolescents in America and explores the framework of child labor laws that govern that work. The committee presents a wide range of data and analysis on the scope of youth employment, factors that put children and adolescents at risk in the workplace, and the positive and negative effects of employment, including data on educational attainment and lifestyle choices. Protecting Youth at Work also includes discussions of special issues for minority and disadvantaged youth, young workers in agriculture, and children who work in family-owned businesses.
Board on Children, Y., et al. (1996). Paying Attention to Children in a Changing Health Care System. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
America’s health care system is being reshaped by a variety of market-driven changes, and states are emerging as the major governmental influence on health care policy. Amid these changes, the health and well-being of children can slip from view. Although most children are fundamentally healthy, they require health care that emphasizes preventive services, such as immunizations and regular monitoring of physical and psychosocial growth and development. This volume takes a broad look at access and quality of care for pregnant women, children, and mothers. Among the issues addressed are the scope of benefits available under various health care reform efforts and services for special-needs children under managed care.
Boas, N. (1998). Society of Six : California Colorists. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Six plein-air painters in Oakland, California, joined together in 1917 to form an association that lasted nearly fifteen years. The Society of Six—Selden Connor Gile, Maurice Logan, William H. Clapp, August F. Gay, Bernard von Eichman, and Louis Siegriest—created a color-centered modernist idiom that shocked establishment tastes but remains the most advanced painting of its era in Northern California. Nancy Boas’s well-informed and sumptuously illustrated chronicle recognizes the importance of these six painters in the history of American Post-Impressionism.The Six found themselves in the position of an avant garde not because they set out to reject conventionality, but because they aspired to create their own indigenous modernism. While the artists were considered outsiders in their time, their work is now recognized as part of the vital and enduring lineage of American art. Depression hardship ended the Six’s ascendancy, but their painterliness, use of color, and deep alliance with the land and the light became a beacon for postwar Northern California modern painters such as Richard Diebenkorn and Wayne Thiebaud. Combining biography and critical analysis, Nancy Boas offers a fitting tribute to the lives and exhilarating painting of the Society of Six.
Boast, W. M. and B. Martin (1997). Masters of Change : How Great Leaders in Every Age Thrived in Turbulent Times. Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Pub.
Boatright, M. C., et al. (2000). Folk Travelers : Ballads, Tales, and Talk. Denton, University of North Texas Press.
Original print copyright held by Texas Folklore Society.
Bobadilla, J. L., et al. (1997). Premature Death in the New Independent States. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
In recent years there have been alarming reports of rapid decreases in life expectancy in the New Independent States (former members of the Soviet Union). To help assess priorities for health policy, the Committee on Population organized two workshops–the first on adult mortality and disability, the second on adult health priorities and policies. Participants included demographers, epidemiologists, public health specialists, economists, and policymakers from the NIS countries, the United States, and Western Europe. This volume consists of selected papers presented at the workshops. They assess the reliability of data on mortality, morbidity, and disability; analyze regional patterns and trends in mortality rates and causes of death; review evidence about major determinants of adult mortality; and discuss implications for health policy.
Bobb, F. S. (1999). Historical Dictionary of Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Lanham, Md, Scarecrow Press.
Rev. ed. of: Historical dictionary of Zaire. 1988.
Bobola, D. T. (1999). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Microsoft Word 2000. Indianapolis, Que.
Includes index.
Bobrow, E. E. (1997). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to New Product Development. New York, Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Boccaccio, G., et al. (1991). Diana’s Hunt : Caccia Di Diana: Boccaccio’s First Fiction. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bock, C. (1992). Charlotte Bronte and the Storyteller’s Audience. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Bock, J. (1997). Ethnic Vision : A Romanian American Inheritance. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Bocking, S. A. (1999). Biodiversity in Canada : Ecology, Ideas, and Action; Ed. By Stephen Bocking. Peterborough, Broadview Press.
Bodâeèus, R. (1993). The Political Dimensions of Aristotle’s Ethics. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bodde, D. (1991). Chinese Thought, Society, and Science : The Intellectual and Social Background of Science and Technology in Pre-modern China. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Boddie, C. and P. Boddie (1999). Hiking Colorado. Helena, Mont, Falcon Publishing, Inc.
Boden, M. A. (1994). Dimensions of Creativity. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
Dimensions of Creativity brings together original articles that draw on a range of disciplines — from the history and sociology of science, psychology, philosophy, and artificial intelligence — to ask how creative ideas arise, and whether creativity can be objectively defined and measured.Margaret Boden and her colleagues Simon Schaffer, Gerd Gigerenzer, David N. Perkins, Howard Gardner, Colin Martindale, and Hans J. Eysenck demonstrate that creativity requires not only challenging new ideas but their acceptance by some relevant social group. Although some new ideas can arise as novel associations, others are generated by exploiting structural features of an existing conceptual space. Strong motivations often drive the creators and those who evaluate and perpetuate their work.The seven essays — although very different — are complementary. The book can serve as an up-to-date introduction to the study of creativity in various disciplines. The many references provide a way into the relevant literature.A Bradford Book
Bodhiransåi, et al. (1998). The Legend of Queen Cåama : Bodhiramsi’s Cåamadevåivamsa, Translation and Commentary. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bodson, H. and R. A. Schmidt (1994). Agent for the Resistance : A Belgian Saboteur in World War II. College Station [Texas], Texas A&M University Press.
Body, J.-J. (2000). Tumor Bone Diseases and Osteoporosis in Cancer Patients : Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Therapy. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Boe, E. E., et al. (1992). Teacher Supply, Demand, and Quality : Policy Issues, Models, and Data Bases. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This book examines policy issues, projection models, and data bases pertaining to the supply of, demand for, and quality of teachers in the United States from kindergarten to twelfth grade. It identifies additional data needed to clarify policy issues or for use in projection models, with a long-range view of contributing to the development of a teaching force of higher quality in the United States. The book has major implications for the teacher work force and for statisticians and researchers involved in investigating, modeling, and projecting teacher supply, demand, and quality.
Boeder, H. and M. Brainard (1997). Seditions : Heidegger and the Limit of Modernity. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Boehme, A. J. (1999). Planning Successful Meetings and Events : A Take-charge Assistant Book. New York, AMACOM.
Boehmer, U. (2000). The Personal and the Political : Women’s Activism in Response to the Breast Cancer and AIDS Epidemics. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Boehrer, B. T. (1992). Monarchy and Incest in Renaissance England : Literature, Culture, Kinship, and Kingship. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
In dissolving his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII claimed that Catherine’s brief marriage to Henry’s deceased brother, Arthur, had rendered the subsequent union incestuous. Henry’s next marriage could be called incestuous as well, for Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary had been the king’s mistress before her. But early rumor hinted at an even darker incestuous connection between Henry and Anne; she was, some charged, not only the king’s lover, but his illegitimate daughter. Monarchy and Incest in Renaissance England argues that a preoccupation with incest is built into the dominant social and cultural concerns of early modern England. Proceeding from a study of Henry VIII’s divorce and succession legislation through the reigns of Elizabeth I, James I, and Charles I, this work examines the interrelation between family politics and literary expression in and around the English royal court. Boehrer contends that themes of incest appear irregularly and prominently in the imaginative literature of the period. Some fifty extant plays from 1559 to 1658 deal either explicitly or implicitly with the subject. Incest emerges as a structural motif in texts as diverse as The Faerie Queene and Paradise Lost, and figures at least implicitly in nondramatic works by Jonson, Chapman, Shakespeare, and others. Monarchy and Incest in Renaissance England explores the response to, and modification of cultural anxieties regarding family structure. It is a brilliant and original work that will be of interest to scholars and students of English Renaissance literature and history, as well as of cultural studies.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe Around Fire. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses the dangers of a fire, what to do if caught in a fire, and how to plan an emergency exit for a family.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe Around Water. New York, PowerKids Press.
Provides advice on how to remain safe in and around swimming pools, lakes, and oceans.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe at Playgrounds. New York, PowerKids Press.
Offers tips on how to keep safe at a playground, including using the swings, seesaws, and other equipment safely and not talking to strangers.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe at School. New York, PowerKids Press.
Explains school safety, including tips on how to stay safe on the school bus, what to do about peer pressure and violence, and what to do about weapons at school.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe on Bikes. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses the different types of bicycles available for children, how to select the best fit, and safety tips for riding a bike.
Boelts, M. (1997). A Kid’s Guide to Staying Safe on the Streets. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses ways children can be safe around strangers, traffic, and other potentially dangerous situations.
Boessenecker, J. (1988). Badge and Buckshot : Lawlessness in Old California. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Boessenecker, J. (1998). Lawman : The Life and Times of Harry Morse, 1835-1912. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bogaard, P. A., et al. (1993). Metaphysics As Foundation : Essays in Honor of Ivor Leclerc. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Bogart, L. (1996). Strategy in Advertising : Matching Media and Messages to Markets and Motivations. Lincolnwood, IL, NTC Contemporary.
Bogen, D. (1999). Order Without Rules : Critical Theory and the Logic of Conversation. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Boggs, C. (1993). Intellectuals and the Crisis of Modernity. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Boggs, J. D. (2000). That Terrible Texas Weather : Tales of Storms, Drought, Destruction, and Perseverance. Plano, TX, Republic of Texas Press.
Bogosian, W. G. and D. Lee (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to 401(k) Plans. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Bogue, A. G. (1998). Frederick Jackson Turner : Strange Roads Going Down. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bogue, R. and M. Pop-Cornis (1996). Violence and Mediation in Contemporary Culture. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bogue, R. and M. Spariosu (1994). The Play of the Self. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bogues, A. (1997). Caliban’s Freedom : The Early Political Thought of C.L.R. James. London, Pluto Press.
Based on original research done for author’s doctoral thesis.
Bohannon, R., et al. (1998). Food for Life : The Cancer Prevention Cookbook. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Bohls, E. A. (1995). Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthetics, 1716–1818. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
British readers of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries eagerly consumed books of travel in an age of imperial expansion that was also the formative period of modern aesthetics. Beauty, sublimity, sensuous surfaces, and scenic views became conventions of travel writing as Britons applied familiar terms to unfamiliar places around the globe. The social logic of aesthetics, argues Elizabeth Bohls, constructed women, the labouring classes, and non-Europeans as foils against which to define the’man of taste’as an educated, property-owning gentleman. Women writers from Mary Wortley Montagu to Mary Shelley resisted this exclusion from gentlemanly privilege, and their writings re-examine and question aesthetic conventions such as the concept of disinterested contemplation, subtly but insistently exposing its vested interests. Bohls’study expands our awareness of women’s intellectual presence in Romantic literature, and suggests Romanticism’s sources at the peripheries of empire rather than at its centre.
Bohm, D. (1999). Causality and Chance in Modern Physics. Philadelphia, University of Pennslyvania Press.
Bohman, J. (1996). Public Deliberation : Pluralism, Complexity, and Democracy. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bohman, J. and W. Rehg (1997). Deliberative Democracy : Essays on Reason and Politics. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Ideals of democratic participation and rational self-government have long informed modern political theory. As a recent elaboration of these ideals, the concept of deliberative democracy is based on the principle that legitimate democracy issues from the public deliberation of citizens. This remarkably fruitful concept has spawned investigations along a number of lines. Areas of inquiry include the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in deliberative arrangements.The anthology opens with four key essays–by Jon Elster, Jürgen Habermas, Joshua Cohen, and John Rawls–that helped establish the current inquiry into deliberative models of democracy. The nine essays that follow represent the latest efforts of leading democratic theorists to tackle various problems of deliberative democracy. All the contributions address tensions that arise between reason and politics in a democracy inspired by the ideal of achieving reasoned agreement among free and equal citizens. Although the authors approach the topic of deliberation from different perspectives, they all aim to provide a theoretical basis for a more robust democratic practice.Contributors : James Bohman, Thomas Christiano, Joshua Cohen, Jon Elster, David Estlund, Gerald F. Gaus, Jürgen Habermas, James Johnson, Jack Knight, Frank I. Michelman, John Rawls, Henry S. Richardson, Iris Marion Young.
Bohn, W. (1997). Apollinaire and the International Avant-garde. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Boiffier, J.-L. (1998). The Dynamics of Flight : The Equations. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Bois, J., et al. (1993). Translating for King James : Being a True Copy of the Only Notes Made by a Translator of King James’s Bible, the Authorized Version, As the Final Committee of Review Revised the Translation of Romans Through Revelation at Stationers’ Hall in London in 1610-1611. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
‘The life of that famous Grecian, Mr. John Bois… by Anthony Walker:’p. 127-152.
Boisseau, M. (1990). No Private Life. Nashville, Tenn, Vanderbilt University Press.
Boisvert, R. D. (1988). Dewey’s Metaphysics. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Boisvert, R. D. (1998). John Dewey : Rethinking Our Time. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bokenkamp, S. R. and P. S. Nickerson (1999). Early Daoist Scriptures. Berkeley, University of California Press.
For centuries Daoism (Taoism) has played a central role in the development of Chinese thought and civilization, yet to this day only a few of its sacred texts have been translated into English. Now Stephen R. Bokenkamp introduces the reader to ancient scriptures never before published in the West, providing a systematic and easily accessible introduction to early Daoism (c. 2nd-6th C.E.). Representative works from each of the principal Daoist traditions comprise the basic structure of the book, with each chapter accompanied by an introduction that places the material within a historical and cultural context. Included are translations of the earliest Daoist commentary to Laozi’s Daode jing (Tao Te Ching); historical documents relating the history of the early Daoist church; a petitioning ritual used to free believers from complaints brought against them by the dead; and two complete scriptures, one on individual meditation practice and another designed to rescue humanity from the terrors of hell through recitation of its powerful charms. In addition, Bokenkamp elucidates the connections Daoism holds with other schools of thought, particularly Confucianism and Buddhism.This book provides a much-needed introduction to Daoism for students of religion and is a welcome addition for scholars wishing to explore Daoist sacred literature. It serves as an overview to every aspect of early Daoist tradition and all the seminal practices which have helped shape the religion as it exists today.
Bokovoy, M. K. (1998). Peasants and Communists : Politics and Ideology in the Yugoslav Countryside, 1941-1953. Pittsburgh, Pa, University of Pittsburgh Press.
Bokros, L. and J.-J. Dethier (1998). Public Finance Reform During the Transition : The Experience of Hungary. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Boland, G. J. and L. D. Kuykendall (1998). Plant-microbe Interactions and Biological Control. New York, CRC Press.
Bold, C. (1999). The WPA Guides : Mapping America. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Boldrewood, R. Robbery Under Arms : A Story of Life and Adventure in the Bush and in the Goldfields of Australia. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Boldt-Irons, L. A. (1995). On Bataille : Critical Essays. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bole, T. J. and W. B. Bondeson (1991). Rights to Health Care. Dordrecht, Springer.
Boli, J. and G. M. Thomas (1999). Constructing World Culture : International Nongovernmental Organizations Since 1875. Stanford, Calif, Stanford University Press.
Bollag, J.-M. and G. Stotzky (2000). Soil Biochemistry. New York, N.Y., CRC Press.
An exploration of the most complex microbial ecosystems with incisive reviews of developments in soil science. It presents techniques of chemical analysis, refinements of environmental protection measures, and methods for maximizing agricultural yields. It also addresses a wide range of biochemical processes and practical applications of advanced biotechnologies.
Bolle, K. W. (1993). The Freedom of Man in Myth. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
Bolman, L. G. and T. E. Deal (1995). Leading with Soul : An Uncommon Journey of Spirit. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bolman, L. G. and T. E. Deal (1997). Reframing Organizations : Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bolman, L. G. and T. E. Deal (2000). Escape From Cluelessness : A Guide for the Organizationally Challenged. New York, N.Y., AMACOM.
Bolotin, D. and Aristotle (1998). An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics : With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bolsover, S. R. (1997). From Genes to Cells. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Bolten, E. F. (1997). Managing Time and Space in the Modern Warehouse : With Ready-to-use Forms, Checklist & Documentation. New York, AMACOM.
Bolter, J. D. and R. Grusin (1999). Remediation : Understanding New Media. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Media critics remain captivated by the modernist myth of the new: they assume that digital technologies such as the World Wide Web, virtual reality, and computer graphics must divorce themselves from earlier media for a new set of aesthetic and cultural principles. In this richly illustrated study, Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin offer a theory of mediation for our digital age that challenges this assumption. They argue that new visual media achieve their cultural significance precisely by paying homage to, rivaling, and refashioning such earlier media as perspective painting, photography, film, and television. They call this process of refashioning’remediation,’and they note that earlier media have also refashioned one another: photography remediated painting, film remediated stage production and photography, and television remediated film, vaudeville, and radio.
Bolton, H. E. and J. F. Bannon (1999). Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Bolton, H. E. and R. M. Magnaghi (1987). The Hasinais, Southern Caddoans As Seen by the Earliest Europeans. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Bolton, H. E. and M. University of New (1996). The Spanish Borderlands : A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Bom, G. J. (1999). Evaporative Air-conditioning : Applications for Environmentally Friendly Cooling. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bomberg, M. and J. W. Lstiburek (1998). Spray Polyurethane Foam in External Envelopes of Buildings. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Bompa, T. O. (1999). Periodization Training for Sports. Champaign, Ill, Human Kinetics.
Bonar, H. Follow the Lamb. Pensacola, Fla, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bonar, H. God’s Way of Peace : A Book for the Anxious. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bonar, H. The Gospel of the Spirit’s Love. Pensacola, Fla, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bonar, H. The Rent Veil. Pensacola, Fla, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bonca, T. C. (1999). Shelley’s Mirrors of Love : Narcissism, Sacrifice, and Sorority. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bondanella, P. E. (1997). Umberto Eco and the Open Text : Semiotics, Fiction, Popular Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Umberto Eco is Italy’s most famous living intellectual, known among academics for his literary and cultural theories, and to an enormous international audience through his novels, The Name of the Rose, Foucault’s Pendulum and The Island of the Day Before. Umberto Eco and the Open Text is the first comprehensive study in English of Eco’s work. In clear and accessible language, Peter Bondanella considers not only Eco’s most famous texts, but also many occasional essays not yet translated into English. Tracing Eco’s intellectual development from early studies in medieval aesthetics to seminal works on popular culture, postmodern fiction, and semiotic theory, he shows how Eco’s own fiction grows out of his literary and cultural theories. Bondanella cites all texts in English, and provides a full bibliography of works by and about Eco.
Bondurant, S., et al. (2000). Safety of Silicone Breast Implants. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Bone, J. (1989). Opportunities in Laser Technology Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Bone, J. (1993). Opportunities in Robotics Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bone, J. and K. Siebel (1998). Opportunities in Film Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Bonfil, R. (1994). Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy. Berkeley, University of California Press.
With this heady exploration of time and space, rumors and silence, colors, tastes, and ideas, Robert Bonfil recreates the richness of Jewish life in Renaissance Italy. He also forces us to rethink conventional interpretations of the period, which feature terms like’assimilation’and’acculturation.’Questioning the Italians’presumed capacity for tolerance and civility, he points out that Jews were frequently uprooted and persecuted, and where stable communities did grow up, it was because the hostility of the Christian population had somehow been overcome.After the ghetto was imposed in Venice, Rome, and other Italian cities, Jewish settlement became more concentrated. Bonfil claims that the ghetto experience did more to intensify Jewish self-perception in early modern Europe than the supposed acculturation of the Renaissance. He shows how, paradoxically, ghetto living opened and transformed Jewish culture, hastening secularization and modernization.Bonfil’s detailed picture reveals in the Italian Jews a sensitivity and self-awareness that took into account every aspect of the larger society. His inside view of a culture flourishing under stress enables us to understand how identity is perceived through constant interplay—on whatever terms—with the Other.
Bonga, D. W. (1996). Eight Prison Camps : A Dutch Family in Japanese Java. Athens, Ohio University Press.
Bonnell, V. E. (1997). Iconography of Power : Soviet Political Posters Under Lenin and Stalin. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Masters at visual propaganda, the Bolsheviks produced thousands of vivid and compelling posters after they seized power in October 1917. Intended for a semi-literate population that was accustomed to the rich visual legacy of the Russian autocracy and the Orthodox Church, political posters came to occupy a central place in the regime’s effort to imprint itself on the hearts and minds of the people and to remold them into the new Soviet women and men. In this first sociological study of Soviet political posters, Victoria Bonnell analyzes the shifts that took place in the images, messages, styles, and functions of political art from 1917 to 1953. Everyone who lived in Russia after the October revolution had some familiarity with stock images of the male worker, the great communist leaders, the collective farm woman, the capitalist, and others. These were the new icons’standardized images that depicted Bolshevik heroes and their adversaries in accordance with a fixed pattern. Like other’invented traditions’of the modern age, iconographic images in propaganda art were relentlessly repeated, bringing together Bolshevik ideology and traditional mythologies of pre-Revolutionary Russia.Symbols and emblems featured in Soviet posters of the Civil War and the 1920s gave visual meaning to the Bolshevik worldview dominated by the concept of class. Beginning in the 1930s, visual propaganda became more prescriptive, providing models for the appearance, demeanor, and conduct of the new social types, both positive and negative. Political art also conveyed important messages about the sacred center of the regime which evolved during the 1930s from the celebration of the heroic proletariat to the deification of Stalin.Treating propaganda images as part of a particular visual language, Bonnell shows how people’read’them—relying on their habits of seeing and interpreting folk, religious, commercial, and political art (both before and after 1917) as well as the fine art traditions of Russia and the West. Drawing on monumental sculpture and holiday displays as well as posters, the study traces the way Soviet propaganda art shaped the mentality of the Russian people (the legacy is present even today) and was itself shaped by popular attitudes and assumptions.Iconography of Power includes posters dating from the final decades of the old regime to the death of Stalin, located by the author in Russian, American, and English libraries and archives. One hundred exceptionally striking posters are reproduced in the book, many of them never before published. Bonnell places these posters in a historical context and provides a provocative account of the evolution of the visual discourse on power in Soviet Russia.
Bonnemaison, J. and J. Pâenot-Demetry (1994). The Tree and the Canoe : History and Ethnogeography of Tanna. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Bonner, J. S. and V. University of (1995). A Master Sold by a Slave. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bonnichsen, R., et al. (1999). Ice Age Peoples of North America. Corvallis, Oregon State University Press.
Bonnie, R. J., et al. (1999). Reducing the Burden of Injury : Advancing Prevention and Treatment. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among people under age 35 in the United States. Despite great strides in injury prevention over the decades, injuries result in 150,000 deaths, 2.6 million hospitalizations, and 36 million visits to the emergency room each year. Reducing the Burden of Injury describes the cost and magnitude of the injury problem in America and looks critically at the current response by the public and private sectors, including: Data and surveillance needs. Research priorities. Trauma care systems development. Infrastructure support, including training for injury professionals. Firearm safety. Coordination among federal agencies. The authors define the field of injury and establish boundaries for the field regarding intentional injuries. This book highlights the crosscutting nature of the injury field, identifies opportunities to leverage resources and expertise of the numerous parties involved, and discusses issues regarding leadership at the federal level.
Bontatibus, D. R. (1999). The Seduction Novel of the Early Nation : A Call for Socio-political Reform. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Bontekoe, R. and M. T. Stepaniants (1997). Justice and Democracy : Cross-cultural Perspectives. Honolulu, Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press.
Selected papers delivered at the Seventh East-West Philosophers’Conference in Honolulu.
Boojamra, J. L. (1993). The Church and Social Reform : The Policies of the Patriarch Athanasios of Constantinople. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Book, A. C., et al. (1996). The Radio & Television Commercial. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Book, A. C. and C. D. Schick (1997). Fundamentals of Copy & Layout. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Booker, M. K. (1991). Techniques of Subversion in Modern Literature : Transgression, Abjection, and the Carnivalesque. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Booker, M. K. (1993). Literature and Domination : Sex, Knowledge, and Power in Modern Fiction. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Spine title: Literature & domination.
Booker, M. K. (1994). Vargas Llosa Among the Postmodernists. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Boone, P., et al. (1998). Emerging From Communism : Lessons From Russia, China, and Eastern Europe. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Papers based on a series of meetings among members of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics.
Boorstein, S. (1997). Clinical Studies in Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Booth, A. and A. C. Crouter (1998). Men in Families : When Do They Get Involved?: What Difference Does It Make? Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
Recently, the roles of fathers and husbands in families have been recognized as important issues. They appear in legislation aimed at deadbeat dads, social movements including the Million Man March and Promise Keepers, in the development of advocacy groups, and in think tanks. Therefore, contemporary research on men in family relationships has very mixed results. Some studies show that fathers have small effects on child development and in preventing antisocial behavior, whereas others suggest no effects. Other research claims that the primary importance of men in families is in their role as providers. Although some studies state that the husbands’and fathers’most vital work occurs in new families, others indicate that it is when their offspring reach adolescence. Confusing the issue even further, labor market trends predict that men’s family roles may diminish. Based on the presentations and discussions from a recent national symposium on men in families held at The Pennsylvania State University, this book addresses these issues. This is the only book that deals with men’s involvement in families in a comprehensive way. Although several books focus on fathers alone or on a broader family perspective, this is the first book that deals with a variety of family roles on an interdisciplinary basis. Although most of the writers are psychologists or sociologists, there are key figures in history and anthropology who also make important contributions. As such, this volume will be useful to scholars, students, policy specialists, and family program administrators.
Booth, A. F. (2000). Sterilization Validation & Routine Operation Handbook : Ethylene Oxide. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Booth, S. (1998). Precious Nonsense : The Gettysburg Address, Ben Jonson’s Epitaphs on His Children, and Twelfth Night. Berkeley, University of California Press.
What is it about our experience of great literature that makes us treasure these works so highly? Stephen Booth suggests that a great source, perhaps the great source, of the special appeal of our most valued works is that they are, in one way or another, utterly nonsensical. Reading the rhetorical tangles, the illogical leaps, and the most absurd imagery of three disparate texts – the Gettysburg Address, Ben Jonson’s Epitaphs on his children, and Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night – Booth demonstrates how poetics triumph over logic in the’mind games’that enrich the experience of reading.
Booth, W. In Darkest England, and the Way Out. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Boothroyd, G. and W. A. Knight (1989). Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Boots, D. P. (2008). Mental Health and Violent Youth : A Developmental/lifecourse Perspective. New York, LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.
Borâowko, M. (2000). Computational Methods in Surface and Colloid Science. New York, CRC Press.
This volume presents computer simulation methods and mathematical modelling of physical processes used in surface science research. It offers in-depth analysis of advanced theoretical approaches to behaviours of fluids in contact with porous, semiporous and nonporous solid surfaces. The book also explores interfacial systems for a wide variety of phenomena, including: absorption, flotation, osmosis, and colloidal stability.
Bordo, S. (1993). Unbearable Weight : Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Bordo, S. (1997). Twilight Zones : The Hidden Life of Cultural Images From Plato to O.J. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Considering everything from Nike ads, emaciated models, and surgically altered breasts to the culture wars and the O.J. Simpson trial, Susan Bordo deciphers the hidden life of cultural images and the impact they have on our lives. She builds on the provocative themes introduced in her acclaimed work Unbearable Weight—which explores the social and political underpinnings of women’s obsession with bodily image—to offer a singularly readable and perceptive interpretation of our image-saturated culture. As it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between appearance and reality, she argues, we need to rehabilitate the notion that not all versions of reality are equally trustworthy. Bordo writes with deep compassion, unnerving honesty, and bracing intelligence. Looking to the body and bodily practices as a concrete arena where cultural fantasies and anxieties are played out, she examines the mystique and the reality of empowerment through cosmetic surgery. Her brilliant discussion of sexual harassment reflects on the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill controversy as well as the film Disclosure. She suggests that sexuality, although one of the mediums of harassment, is not its essence, and she calls for the recasting of harassers as bullies rather than sex fiends. Bordo also challenges the continuing marginalization of feminist thought, in particular the failure to read feminist work as cultural criticism. Finally, in a powerful and moving essay called’Missing Kitchens’—written in collaboration with her two sisters—Bordo explores notions of bodies, place, and space through a recreation of the topographies of her childhood. Throughout these essays, Bordo avoids dogma and easy caricature. Consistently, and on many levels, she demonstrates the profound relationship between our lives and our theories, our feelings and our thoughts.
Boren, D. and E. J. Perkins (1999). Preparing America’s Foreign Policy for the 21st Century. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Based on papers presented at a conference held at the University of Oklahoma, Sept. 12-16, 1997.
Borgman, C. L. (2000). From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure : Access to Information in the Networked World. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Will the emerging global information infrastructure (GII) create a revolution in communication equivalent to that wrought by Gutenberg, or will the result be simply the evolutionary adaptation of existing behavior and institutions to new media? Will the GII improve access to information for all? Will it replace libraries and publishers? How can computers and information systems be made easier to use? What are the trade-offs between tailoring information systems to user communities and standardizing them to interconnect with systems designed for other communities, cultures, and languages?This book takes a close look at these and other questions of technology, behavior, and policy surrounding the GII. Topics covered include the design and use of digital libraries; behavioral and institutional aspects of electronic publishing; the evolving role of libraries; the life cycle of creating, using, and seeking information; and the adoption and adaptation of information technologies. The book takes a human-centered perspective, focusing on how well the GII fits into the daily lives of the people it is supposed to benefit.Taking a unique holistic approach to information access, the book draws on research and practice in computer science, communications, library and information science, information policy, business, economics, law, political science, sociology, history, education, and archival and museum studies. It explores both domestic and international issues. The author’s own empirical research is complemented by extensive literature reviews and analyses.
Borinsky, A. (1993). Theoretical Fables : The Pedagogical Dream in Contemporary Latin American Fiction. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Borish, M. S., et al. (1996). On the Road to EU Accession : Financial Sector Development in Central Europe. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Borish, M. S. and M. Noèel (1996). Private Sector Development During Transition : The Visegrad Countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Borjas, G. J. (1999). Economic Research on the Determinants of Immigration : Lessons for the European Union. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Borkowski, C. (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Martial Arts. New York, Alpha Books.
Borlase, L., et al. (1998). Ladie Borlase’s Receiptes Booke. Iowa City, IA, University Of Iowa Press.
Ladie Borlaise’s Receiptes Booke, an English manorial and culinary manuscript, has been in existence for at least 333 years. This manuscript, bearing dates from 1665 to 1822, provides a unique compendium of culinary history that opens a window to the aristocratic, social, agricultural, horticultural, economic, and medicinal aspects of English country life. The Borlase manuscript is a kind of miscellany. Included are recipes not only for all kinds of foods but also for distilled waters, remedies, dyes, soaps, and perfumes. A housewife of that period was responsible for keeping her family healthy and her house clean and sweet smelling, and so the manuscript features directions for preparing medicinal “oyles,” waters, “glysters,” powders, “ballsoms,”a “true Majistery,” and a julep, with healing powers for a number of ailments from apoplexy and gout to cancer and the plague. The cookery recipes concentrate almost entirely on sweets and meats with only a few mentions of vegetables. More than half of the recipes included in this manuscript are for sweets. This was important as sugar was entering Britain in greater quantities and because people believed in sugar’s supposed health benefits. Several recipes for preserved fruits reflect a changing diet and appetite among the British as the availability of fruits and vegetables increased in both quantity and variety. David Schoonover’s informative introduction places the Borlase manuscript in its historical context with special attention to the economic and social changes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which brought about a new emphasis on housewifery and the management of households. He also provides a brief summary of the Borlase family history—born in 1621, Alice Bankes, Lady Borlase, died in 1683 at the age of sixty-two years—and a description of their home at Bockmer Manor at Medmenham, Buckinghamshire.
Borman, G. (1984). Nineteen Eighty-four : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cover title: Cliffs notes on Orwell’s Nineteen eighty-four.
Borman, K. M. (1991). The First ‘real’ Job : A Study of Young Workers. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Borman, L. D. (1999). The Smart Woman’s Guide to Business Travel. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Born, R. C. (1993). The Suspended Sentence : A Guide for Writers. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Originally published: New York : Scribner, c1986.
Borneman, J. (1998). Subversions of International Order : Studies in the Political Anthropology of Culture. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Borofka, D. (1996). Hints of His Mortality. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
The award-winning stories in David Borofka’s Hints of His Mortality focus on the male of the species, on bewildered, guilt-ridden, hypersensitive characters adrift in a sea of changing roles and expectations. Although they yearn for the ideal—whether physical or spiritual—and for that sense of divine connection suggested by Wordsworth’s Intimations of Immortality, they usually end up settling for what seems the next best thing: sex or religion. The amorous scrimmage between male and female in these taut, intense stories is a contest that leaves no one unmarked. The hapless ministers in Borofka’s memorable collection find that their daily grind of professional piety leaves them with more questions than answers. The men and boys in Hints of His Mortality are always aware of their flaws, for Borofka’s vital characters have the capacity to register the shadows of their every blemish. Like Ferguson of the title story, haunted for twenty years by his failures of conscience, each protagonist experiences the inexorable fallibility of his own nature, agonizes over his moral weakness, and longs for escape from this life in which “our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting.’Yet each is redeemed by his ongoing struggle for compassion and understanding.
Borovkov, A. A. and V. Yurinsky (1998). Ergodicity and Stability of Stochastic Processes. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Borowiec, P. (1998). Animated Short Films : A Critical Index to Theatrical Cartoons. Lanham, Md, Scarecrow Press.
Includes indexes.
Borradori, G. (1994). The American Philosopher : Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borrow, G. Lavengro. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borrow, G. Letters of George Borrow to the British and Foreign Bible Society. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borrow, G. The Romany Rye. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borrow, G. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borrow, G. The Zincali : An Account of the Gypsies of Spain. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Borsenberger, P. M. and D. S. Weiss (1993). Organic Photoreceptors for Imaging Systems. New York, CRC Press.
This reference covers in detail the preparation and application of current and emerging organic materials used as xerographic photoreceptors, emphasizing the photo-electric properties of organic solids and evaluating their potential use in xerography.;Reviewing the development of xerography and the steps in the xerographic process, this volume: summarizes the properties, advantages and disadvantages of various classes of materials used as photoreceptors; describes the methods of characterizing the sensitometry of xerographic photoreceptors; examines the physics and chemistry of photogeneration and charge transport processes; and elucidates the sensimetry of different classes of organic materials.;Organic Photoreceptors for Imaging Systems is intended for imaging scientists, optical engineers and physicists, organic chemists, materials scienctists and students in these disciplines.
Borsook, E. (1997). The Companion Guide to Florence. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Companion Guides.
Bos, K. P. v. d. (1994). Current Directions in Dyslexia Research. Lisse, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Bosart, L. F., et al. (1998). The Meteorological Buoy and Coastal Marine Automated Network for the United States. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
‘Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources. National Research Council.’
Boskou, D. and I. Elmadfa (1999). Frying of Food : Oxidation, Nutrient and Non-nutrient Antioxidants, Biologically Active Compounds, and High Temperatures. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Bosselmann, P. (1998). Representation of Places : Reality and Realism in City Design. Berkeley, University of California Press.
People live in cities and experience them firsthand, while urban designers explain cities conceptually. In Representation of Places Peter Bosselmann takes on the challenging question of how designers can communicate the changes they envision in order that’the rest of us’adequately understand how those changes will affect our lives. New modes of imaging technology—from two-dimensional maps, charts, and diagrams to computer models—allow professionals to explain their designs more clearly than ever before. Although architects and planners know how to read these representations, few outside the profession can interpret them, let alone understand what it would be like to walk along the streets such representations describe. Yet decisions on what gets built are significantly influenced by these very representations. A portion of Bosselmann’s book is based on innovative experiments conducted at the University of California, Berkeley’s Visual Simulation Laboratory. In a section titled’The City in the Laboratory,’he discusses how visual simulation was applied to projects in New York City, San Francisco, and Toronto. The concerns that Bosselmann addresses have an impact on large segments of society, and lay readers as well as professionals will find much that is useful in his timely, accessibly written book.
Boston, T. ‘Come Unto Me All Ye That Labour’. Pensacola, Fla, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Boswell, J. Life of Johnson. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Boswell, J., et al. (1998). The Correspondence of James Boswell with James Bruce and Andrew Gibb : Overseers of the Auchinleck Estate. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Boswell, J., et al. (1993). The General Correspondence of James Boswell, 1766-1769. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Boswell, J., et al. (1997). The Correspondence of James Boswell and William Johnson Temple, 1756-1795. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Bosworth, B. and G. T. Burtless (1998). Aging Societies : The Global Dimension. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Bosworth, B. and G. Ofer (1995). Reforming Planned Economies in an Integrating World Economy. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Bosworth, M. T. (1995). Solution Selling : Creating Buyers in Difficult Selling Markets. Burr Ridge, Ill, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Botham, F. (2009). Almighty God Created the Races : Christianity, Interracial Marriage, and American Law. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press.
In this fascinating cultural history of interracial marriage and its legal regulation in the United States, Fay Botham argues that religion–specifically, Protestant and Catholic beliefs about marriage and race–had a significant effect on legal decisions concerning miscegenation and marriage in the century following the Civil War. She contends that the white southern Protestant notion that God’dispersed’the races and the American Catholic emphasis on human unity and common origins point to ways that religion influenced the course of litigation and illuminate the religious bases for Christian racist and antiracist movements.
Bothwell, R. and S. Association for Canadian Studies in the United (1996). History of Canada Since 1867. [East Lansing], Michigan State University Press.
Botjer, G. F. (1996). Sideshow War : The Italian Campaign, 1943-1945. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Bott, E. (1999). Using Microsoft Office 2000. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Coverage includes: Microsoft Excel 2000, Outlook 2000, PowerPoint 2000, Publisher 2000, and Word 2000.
Bott, E. and W. Leonhard (1999). Using Microsoft Office 2000. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Bottcher, A. B. and F. T. Izuno (1994). Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) : Water, Soil, Crop, and Environmental Management. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Botto, F. (2000). Dictionary of E-business : A Definitive Guide to Technology and Business Terms. Chichester, England, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Boucher, S. (1997). Opening the Lotus : A Woman’s Guide to Buddhism. Boston, Beacon Press.
Boucher, S. (1999). Discovering Kwan Yin, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion. Boston, Beacon Press.
Boudreau, G. V. (1990). The Roots of Walden and the Tree of Life. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
Bougainville, L. A. d. and E. P. Hamilton (1990). Adventure in the Wilderness. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Boughter, J. A. (1998). Betraying the Omaha Nation, 1790-1916. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Based on the author’s thesis (master’s)–University of Nebraska.
Boughton, D., et al. (1996). Evaluating and Assessing the Visual Arts in Education : International Perspectives. New York, N.Y., Teachers College Press.
Boughton, W. and V. University of (1995). The Negro’s Place in History. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Boulton, M. B. M. (1993). The Song in the Story : Lyric Insertions in French Narrative Fiction, 1200-1400. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bounds, E. M. The Necessity of Prayer. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bounds, E. M. The Possibilities of Prayer. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bounds, E. M. Power Through Prayer. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bourgault, L. M. (1995). Mass Media in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Bourne, G. and S. Körner-Bourne (1999). New Zealand. Edison, N.J., Hunter Publishing.
Includes index.
Bouson, J. B. (1993). Brutal Choreographies : Oppositional Strategies and Narrative Design in the Novels of Margaret Atwood. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bousquet, J. and H. Yssel (1999). Immunotherapy in Asthma. New York, NY, CRC Press.
This massive reference thoroughly analyzes the mechanisms implicated in the pathophysiology of asthma, such as T helper lymphocyte subsets, and the consequences of various extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and IgE receptor expression-reviewing current concepts in immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of this and other allergic diseases.Investigates the only category of treatment showing the potential to affect the natural course of allergic diseases and prevent the onset of asthma.Written by more than 80 internationally renowned pulmonary experts, allergic disease specialists, and basic researchers, Immunotherapy in Asthmadiscusses the efficacy of new medications examines the role of metachromatic cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cell types present in bronchial biopsies presents basic topics such as the functional and phenotypic properties of Th1 and Th2 cells and their role in allergic disease and the regulation of IgE-mediated inflammatory responses addresses the deleterious effects of smoking and passive exposure to cigarette smoke in children and adults assesses differences and similarities between intrinsic and antigen-induced asthma describes the effects of immunogenic peptides on the cytokine production profile of allergen-specific CD4+ T cells explains the different clinical aspects of allergic responses, such as bronchial hyperreactivity and eosinophilic inflammation of the airways reviews the genetic basis of allergy, as well as risk factors for asthma explores oral, sublingual, local nasal, and local bronchial routes for noninjective immunotherapies evaluates various agents with modulatory effects on normal and pathogenic immune responses focuses on strategies for the prevention of childhood asthma and more!Containing over 3000 references, drawings, and tables, Immunotherapy in Asthma is an indispensable resource for pulmonologists, immunologists, allergists, and medical school students in these disciplines.
Bouton, L. (1998). The Private Sector and Development : Five Case Studies. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Bouvard, M. G. (1994). Revolutionizing Motherhood : The Mothers of the Plaza De Mayo. Wilmington, Del, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Revolutionizing Motherhood examines one of the most astonishing human rights movements of recent years. During the Argentine junta’s Dirty War against subversives, as tens of thousands were abducted, tortured, and disappeared, a group of women forged the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and changed Argentine politics forever. The Mothers began in the 1970s as an informal group of working-class housewives making the rounds of prisons and military barracks in search of their disappeared children. As they realized that both state and church officials were conspiring to withhold information, they started to protest, claiming the administrative center of Argentina the Plaza de Mayo for their center stage. In this volume, Marguerite G. Bouvard traces the history of the Mothers and examines how they have transformed maternity from a passive, domestic role to one of public strength. Bouvard also gives a detailed history of contemporary Argentina, including the military’s debacle in the Falklands, the fall of the junta, and the efforts of subsequent governments to reach an accord with the Mothers. Finally, she examines their current agenda and their continuing struggle to bring the murderers of their children to justice.
Bouvard, M. G. (1996). Women Reshaping Human Rights : How Extraordinary Activists Are Changing the World. Wilmington, Del, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
In Women Reshaping Human Rights,ordinary yet extraordinary women tell their stories, in their own words. Their deeds span continents and have profoundly affected millions worldwide.Readers will meet Vera Laska, who as a teenager joined the resistance against the Nazis in Czechoslovakia; Dai Qing, who fights the Communist Party’s grip upon the media and government in the People’s Republic of China; and Juana Beatrice Gutierrez and the Mothers of East Los Angeles, who challenge drug dealers and toxic polluters threatening their neighborhood. Professor Bouvard provides a complete biography of every activist. The stage is thus set for each individual, who recounts real-life stories of courage that sadly until now have gone unnoticed. Finally we hear the voices of those who have transformed the quest for human rights. This volume is divided into five sections: Confronting Authoritarian Governments, Struggling with Race and Ethnicity, Seeking Enviromental Justice, Upholding Women’s Rights as Human Rights, and Making the World Safe for Childern.
Bowden, J. (1997). Writing a Report : A Step-by-step Guide to Effective Report Writing. [N.p.], How to Books.
Bowden, J. (1998). Making Effective Speeches : How to Motivate and Persuade in Every Business Situation. Oxford, How To Books, Ltd.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-126) and index.
Bowden, J. and L. How to Books (1999). Speaking in Public. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Essentials in an imprint of How to Books.
Bowden, J. and L. How To Books (1999). Writing Good Reports. Oxford, How To Books, Ltd.
Essentials is an imprint of How To Books.
Bowen, B. C. (1998). Enter Rabelais, Laughing. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
Bowen, C. D. (1993). Francis Bacon : The Temper of a Man. New York, Fordham University Press.
The portrait Bowen paints of this controversial man, Francis Bacon (1561-1626), balances the outward life and actions of Bacon with the seemingly contradictory aspects of his refined philosophical reflections. As Lord Chancellor of England, Bacon was impeached by Parliament for taking bribes in office, convicted, and banished from London and the law courts.
Bowen, J. J. and D. C. Goldie (1998). The Prudent Investor’s Guide to Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Rev. ed. of: The prudent investor’s guide to beating the market. 1996.
Bowen, K. and B. Weigl (1997). Writing Between the Lines : An Anthology on War and Its Social Consequences. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bowen, Z. R. (1995). Bloom’s Old Sweet Song : Essays on Joyce and Music. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Bower, A. (1997). Epistolary Responses : The Letter in Twentieth-Century American Fiction and Criticism. Tuscaloosa, University Alabama Press.
Epistolary Responses explores the transformative nature of epistolary fiction and criticism in letter form from a largely feminist perspective. While most scholarly work to date has focused on 17th- and 18th-century manifestations of this genre, Bower’s study concentrates on epistolary fiction by contemporary American writers published between 1912 and 1988. The novels discussed, all featuring women letter writers, include: Lee Smith’s Fair and Tender Ladies, John Barth’s LETTERS, Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, John Updike’s S., Jean Webster’s Daddy-Long-Legs, Upton Sinclair’s Another Pamela, and Ana Castillo’s The Mixquiahuala Letters. Bower explores the influence letters have on the act of writing and writing as act, their encoded desire for reply, their incompleteness as units of narrative information, their play on ideas of absence and presence, their apparently personal and private nature, and their foregrounding of the writer’s agency and authority, all of which make letters a most useful genre both for novelists and for scholars. Several of the book’s’fiction’chapters include a letter from the author of the text (sometimes a critic) that complements and supplements Bower’s analysis. The final part of the book explores how seven scholars–men and women–have applied letters to their own critical writing, finding that this formal move allows them to question issues of public and private discourse, the authority of signature, and the’feminine’location.
Bower, A. (1997). Recipes for Reading : Community Cookbooks, Stories, Histories. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bower, B. M. Cabin Fever. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. Cow-country. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. Flying U Ranch. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. The Flying U’s Last Stand. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. Good Indian. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. Her Prairie Knight. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. The Heritage of the Sioux. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. The Lure of the Dim Trails. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. Rowdy of the ‘Cross L’. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. The Trail of the White Mule. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bower, B. M. and V. University of (1996). Jean of the Lazy A. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bowers, C. A. (1993). Education, Cultural Myths, and the Ecological Crisis : Toward Deep Changes. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Bowers, M. W. (1996). The Sagebrush State : Nevada’s History, Government, and Politics. Reno, Nev, University of Nevada Press [Bibliovault].
Bowers, T. (1999). Alandra’s Lilacs. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Bowersock, G. W. (1997). Fiction As History : Nero to Julian. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Bowersock, G. W., et al. (1990). Between Republic and Empire : Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Representing five major areas of Augustan scholarship—historiography, poetry, art, religion, and politics—the nineteen contributors to this volume bring us closer to a balanced, up-to-date account of Augustus and his principate.
Bowie, F. and C. Deacy (1997). The Coming Deliverer : Millennial Themes in World Religions. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Bowker, G. C. (1994). Science on the Run : Information Management and Industrial Geophysics at Schlumberger, 1920-1940. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Bowker, G. C. and S. L. Star (1999). Sorting Things Out : Classification and Its Consequences. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
What do a seventeenth-century mortality table (whose causes of death include’fainted in a bath,”frighted,’and’itch’); the identification of South Africans during apartheid as European, Asian, colored, or black; and the separation of machine- from hand-washables have in common? All are examples of classification — the scaffolding of information infrastructures.In Sorting Things Out, Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star explore the role of categories and standards in shaping the modern world. In a clear and lively style, they investigate a variety of classification systems, including the International Classification of Diseases, the Nursing Interventions Classification, race classification under apartheid in South Africa, and the classification of viruses and of tuberculosis.The authors emphasize the role of invisibility in the process by which classification orders human interaction. They examine how categories are made and kept invisible, and how people can change this invisibility when necessary. They also explore systems of classification as part of the built information environment. Much as an urban historian would review highway permits and zoning decisions to tell a city’s story, the authors review archives of classification design to understand how decisions have been made. Sorting Things Out has a moral agenda, for each standard and category valorizes some point of view and silences another. Standards and classifications produce advantage or suffering. Jobs are made and lost; some regions benefit at the expense of others. How these choices are made and how we think about that process are at the moral and political core of this work. The book is an important empirical source for understanding the building of information infrastructures.
Bowlby, R. (1997). Feminist Destinations and Further Essays on Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Part 1 originally published as: Virginia Woolf : feminist destinations.
Bowles, S. and J. H. Pickering (1991). The Parks and Mountains of Colorado : A Summer Vacation in the Switzerland of America, 1868. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: The Switzerland of America. Springfield, Mass. : Bowles & Co., 1869.
Bowman, J. S. and D. C. Menzel (1998). Teaching Ethics and Values in Public Administration Programs : Innovations, Strategies, and Issues. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. (1999). A Day in the Life of a Teacher. New York, PowerKids Press.
Explores a typical day in the work of a third-grade teacher, describing his activities in the classroom, lunchroom, and teachers’meeting.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. (1999). A Day in the Life of a Veterinarian. New York, PowerKids Press.
Follows a veterinarian as she makes house calls to take care of a variety of animals.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. (1999). A Day in the Life of an Architect. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes some of the aspects of an architect’s work, by following a project from idea through construction to completion.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. (2000). Everything You Need to Know About Down Syndrome. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Examines causes of Down syndrome, new developments in medical treatment, and changes in attitudes toward people who have this condition.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1997). A Day in the Life of a Coach. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes some of the activities involved in Coach Jackson’s work as an elementary school gym teacher and a high school football coach.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1997). A Day in the Life of a Doctor. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes the daily responsibilities and tasks in the life of a doctor.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1997). A Day in the Life of a Firefighter. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes the daily responsibilities, tasks, and life of a firefighter.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1997). A Day in the Life of a Police Officer. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Describes a day in the life of a police officer and his police dog.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1997). A Day in the Life of an Emergency Medical Technician. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Describes the daily responsibilities and tasks that an EMT is required to perform.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1999). A Day in the Life of a Newspaper Reporter. New York, PowerKids Press.
Describes the job of a newspaper reporter by following his daily activities as he meets with his editor, attends a press conference, does research, and writes his story.
Bowman-Kruhm, M. and C. G. Wirths (1999). Everything You Need to Know About Learning Disabilities. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Explains what learning disabilities are and how they are assessed, as well as providing advice for coping with them in school, while having a social life, and in a career.
Box-Steffensmeier, J. M. and H. F. Weisberg (1999). Reelection 1996 : How Americans Voted. New York, N.Y., Chatham House Publishers.
Boyarin, D. (1995). Carnal Israel : Reading Sex in Talmudic Culture. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Beginning with a startling endorsement of the patristic view of Judaism—that it was a’carnal’religion, in contrast to the spiritual vision of the Church—Daniel Boyarin argues that rabbinic Judaism was based on a set of assumptions about the human body that were profoundly different from those of Christianity. The body—specifically, the sexualized body—could not be renounced, for the Rabbis believed as a religious principle in the generation of offspring and hence in intercourse sanctioned by marriage.This belief bound men and women together and made impossible the various modes of gender separation practiced by early Christians. The commitment to coupling did not imply a resolution of the unequal distribution of power that characterized relations between the sexes in all late-antique societies. But Boyarin argues strenuously that the male construction and treatment of women in rabbinic Judaism did not rest on a loathing of the female body. Thus, without ignoring the currents of sexual domination that course through the Talmudic texts, Boyarin insists that the rabbinic account of human sexuality, different from that of the Hellenistic Judaisms and Pauline Christianity, has something important and empowering to teach us today.
Boyarin, D. (1997). A Radical Jew : Paul and the Politics of Identity. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Daniel Boyarin turns to the Epistles of Paul as the spiritual autobiography of a first-century Jewish cultural critic. What led Paul—in his dramatic conversion to Christianity—to such a radical critique of Jewish culture?Paul’s famous formulation,’There is neither Jew nor Greek, no male and female in Christ,’demonstrates the genius of Christianity: its concern for all people. The genius of Judaism is its validation of genealogy and cultural, ethnic difference. But the evils of these two thought systems are the obverse of their geniuses: Christianity has threatened to coerce universality, while ethnic difference is one of the most troubled issues in modern history.Boyarin posits a’diaspora identity’as a way to negotiate the pitfalls inherent in either position. Jewishness disrupts categories of identity because it is not national, genealogical, or even religious, but all of these, in dialectical tension with one another. It is analogous with gender: gender identity makes us different in some ways but not in others.An exploration of these tensions in the Pauline corpus, argues Boyarin, will lead us to a richer appreciation of our own cultural quandaries as male and female, gay and straight, Jew and Palestinian—and as human beings.
Boyarin, D. (1997). Unheroic Conduct : The Rise of Heterosexuality and the Invention of the Jewish Man. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In a book that will both enlighten and provoke, Daniel Boyarin offers an alternative to the prevailing Euroamerican warrior/patriarch model of masculinity and recovers the Jewish ideal of the gentle, receptive male. The Western notion of the aggressive, sexually dominant male and the passive female reaches back through Freud to Roman times, but as Boyarin makes clear, such gender roles are not universal. Analyzing ancient and modern texts, he reveals early rabbis—studious, family-oriented—as exemplars of manhood and the prime objects of female desire in traditional Jewish society.Challenging those who view the’feminized Jew’as a pathological product of the Diaspora or a figment of anti-Semitic imagination, Boyarin argues that the Diaspora produced valuable alternatives to the dominant cultures’overriding gender norms. He finds the origins of the rabbinic model of masculinity in the Talmud, and though unrelentingly critical of rabbinic society’s oppressive aspects, he shows how it could provide greater happiness for women than the passive gentility required by bourgeois European standards.Boyarin also analyzes the self-transformation of three iconic Viennese modern Jews: Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis; Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism; and Bertha Pappenheim (Anna O.), the first psychoanalytic patient and founder of Jewish feminism in Germany. Pappenheim is Boyarin’s hero: it is she who provides him with a model for a militant feminist, anti-homophobic transformation of Orthodox Jewish society today.Like his groundbreaking Carnal Israel, this book is talmudic scholarship in a whole new light, with a vitality that will command attention from readers in feminist studies, history of sexuality, Jewish culture, and the history of psychoanalysis.
Boyce, J. (1999). Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 User Manual. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Boyce, N. and V. University of (1995). The Novel’s Deadliest Friend. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Boyce, N. and V. University of (1998). Prigs and Cads in Fiction. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Boycko, M., et al. (1995). Privatizing Russia. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Privatizing Russia offers an inside look at one of the most remarkable reforms in recent history. Having started on the back burner of Russian politics in the fall of 1991, mass privatization was completed on July 1, 1994, with two thirds of the Russian industry privately owned, a rapidly rising stock market, and 40 million Russians owning company shares. The authors, all key participants in the reform effort, describe the events and the ideas driving privatization. They argue that successful reformers must recognize privatization as a process of depoliticizing firms in the face of massive opposition: making the firm responsive to market rather than political influences.The authors first review the economic theory of property rights, identifying the political influence on firms as the fundamental failure of property rights under socialism. They detail the process of coalition building and compromise that ultmately shaped privatization. The main elements of the Russian program — corporatization, voucher use, and voucher auctions — are described, as is the responsiveness of privatized firms to outside investors. Finally, the market values of privatized assets are assessed for indications of how much progress the country has made toward reforming its economy.In many respects, privatization has been a great success. Market concepts of property ownership and corporate management are shaking up Russian firms at a breathtaking pace, creating powerful economic and political stimuli for continuation of market reforms. At the same time, the authors caution, the political landscape remains treacherous as old-line politicians reluctantly cede their property rights and authority over firms.
Boyd, C. (1998). Family Fun in Montana. Helena, Mont, Falcon.
Boyd, D. A. (1999). Broadcasting in the Arab World : A Survey of the Electronic Media in the Middle East. Ames, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Boyd, K. and K. Osborn (1997). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Parenting a Preschooler and Toddler Too. New York, Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Boyd, L. and K. A. Houpt (1994). Przewalski’s Horse : The History and Biology of an Endangered Species. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Boyd, M. and C. Welsh Arts (1996). Grace Williams. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Boyd, T. (1997). Am I Black Enough for You? : Popular Culture From the ‘Hood and Beyond. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Boyd-Bowman, P. (1980). From Latin to Romance in Sound Charts. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Boyden, J. M. (1995). The Courtier and the King : Ruy Gómez De Silva, Philip II, and the Court of Spain. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Boyer, P. (1994). The Naturalness of Religious Ideas : A Cognitive Theory of Religion. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Why do people have religious ideas? And why thosereligious ideas? The main theme of Pascal Boyer’s work is that important aspects of religious representations are constrained by universal properties of the human mind-brain. Experimental results from developmental psychology, he says, can explain why certain religious representations are more likely to be acquired, stored, and transmitted by human minds. Considering these universal constraints, Boyer proposes an exciting new answer to the question of why similar religious representations are found in so many different cultures. His work will be widely discussed by cultural anthropologists, psychologists, and students of religion, history, and philosophy.
Boyer, R. M. and N. D. Gayton (1992). Apache Mothers and Daughters : Four Generations of a Family. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Boyesen, H. H. Boyhood in Norway : Stories of Boy-life in the Land of the Midnight Sun. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Boyesen, H. H. and V. University of (1995). Tales From Two Hemispheres. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Boylan, J. R. (1998). Revolutionary Lives : Anna Strunsky & William English Walling. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Boyle, K. (1998). Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994 : The Labor-liberal Alliance. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Boyle, M. O. R. (1991). Petrarch’s Genius : Pentimento and Prophecy. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Marjorie Boyle is the first theologian to write about Petrarch the poet as theologian. With her extraordinarily broad and deep knowledge of the theological, historical, and literary contexts of her subject, she presents an entirely original and revisionary account of Petrarch’s literary career.Petrarch, she argues, has been misunderstood by the division of his literary enterprise into two sides—Petrarch the poet, Petrarch the humanist reformer—studied by literary critics and historians respectively. Boyle demonstrates that the division is artificial, that the two sides are part of the same prophetic mission. Petrarch’s Genius is an important book that deserves to be read by all Petrarch scholars—theologians as well as literary critics and historians.
Boyle, M. O. R. (1997). Loyola’s Acts : The Rhetoric of the Self. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Boyles, N. S. and D. Contadino (1997). The Learning Differences Sourcebook. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Boyles, N. S. and D. Contadino (1999). Parenting a Child with Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder. Los Angeles, Calif, NTC Contemporary.
Boz and C. Dickens Sketches by Boz. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bozzola, J. J. and L. D. Russell (1999). Electron Microscopy : Principles and Techniques for Biologists. Sudbury, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Brace, P. and R. E. Weber (1999). American State and Local Politics : Directions for the 21st Century. New York, N.Y., Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press.
Bracher, M. (1999). The Writing Cure : Psychoanalysis, Composition, and the Aims of Education. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Bracken, J. K. (1998). Reference Works in British and American Literature. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Brackett, A. C. and V. University of (1995). In Hades. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brackett, A. C. and V. University of (1995). The Strange Tale of a Type-writer. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bradbeer, J. (1998). Imagining Curriculum : Practical Intelligence in Teaching. New York, Teachers College Press.
Bradburn, N. M. (1993). A Census That Mirrors America : Interim Report. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This volume examines the Census Bureau’s program of research and development of the 2000 census, focusing particularly on the design of the 1995 census tests. The tests in 1995 should serve as a prime source of information about the effectiveness and cost of alternative census design components. The authors concentrate on those aspects of census methodology that have the greatest impact on two chief objectives of census redesign: reducing differential undercount and controlling costs. Primary attention is given to processes for data collection, the quality of population coverage and public response, and the use of sampling and statistical estimation.
Bradbury, J. (1992). The Medieval Siege. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
The chapter on weaponry is descriptive and there are excellent drawings as well as contemporary illustrations. Equally, the final chapter on the conduct of sieges is admirably forthright… the index is particularly good. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT In medieval warfare, the siege predominated: for every battle, there were hundreds of sieges. Yet the rich and vivid history of siegewarfare has been consistently neglected. Jim Bradbury’s panoramic survey takes the history of siege warfare in Europe from the late Roman Empire to the 16th century, and includes sieges in Byzantium,Eastern Europe and the areas affected by the Crusades. Within this broad sweep of time and place, he finds, not that enormous changes occurred, but that the rules and methods of siege warfare remained remarkably constant. Included are detailed studies of some of the major sieges including Constantinople and Chateau-Gaillard. Throughout, Bradbury supports his narrative with chronicles and letters.irst-hand accounts of danger, famine and endurance bring the acute reality of siege warfare clearly before the reader. JIM BRADBURY is the author of The Medieval Archer; he writesand lectures on battles and warfare in England and France in the middle ages.
Braddon, M. E., et al. (1998). Aurora Floyd. Peterborough, Ont, Broadview Press.
Brade, H. (1999). Endotoxin in Health and Disease. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Bradfield, S. (1993). Dreaming Revolution : Transgression in the Development of American Romance. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Dreaming Revolution usefully employs current critical theory to address how the European novel of class revolt was transformed into the American novel of imperial expansion. Bradfield shows that early American romantic fiction—including works by William Godwin, Charles Brockden Brown, James Fenimore Cooper, and Edgar Allan Poe—can and should be considered as part of a genre too often limited to the nineteenth-century European novel. In a spirited discussion of the works from these four authors, Bradfield argues that Americans take the class dynamics of the European psychological novel and apply them to the American landscape, reimagining psychological spaces as geographical ones.
Bradford, G. and V. University of (1997). An Odd Sort of Popular Book. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bradie, M. (1994). The Secret Chain : Evolution and Ethics. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bradley, A. and M. G. Valiulis (1997). Gender and Sexuality in Modern Ireland. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
‘Published in cooperation with the American Conference for Irish Studies.’
Bradley, I. (1999). Celtic Christianity : Making Myths and Chasing Dreams. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Bradley, J. H. and E. I. Stewart (1961). The March of the Montana Column : A Prelude to the Custer Disaster. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
First published in Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana, v. 2 (1896) under title: The journal of James H. Bradley; the Sioux Campaign of 1876 under the command of General John Gibbon, preceded by a brief biography of Lieutenant Bradley.
Bradley, L. J. R. (2006). Brecht and Political Theatre : The Mother on Stage. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
This production history of The Mother provides substantial new insights into Bertolt Brecht’s theatre and drama, his impact on political theatre, and the relationship between text, performance, and politico-cultural context. As the only play which Brecht staged in the Weimar Republic, during his exile, and in the GDR, The Mother offers a unique opportunity to compare his theatrical practice in contrasting settings and at different points in his career. Through detailed analysis of original archival evidence, Bradley shows how Brecht became far more sensitive to his spectators’political views and cultural expectations, even making major tactical concessions in his 1951 production at the Berliner Ensemble. These compromises indicate that his’mature’staging should not be regarded as definitive, for it was tailored to a unique and delicate situation. The Mother has appealed strongly to politically committed theatre practitioners both in and beyond Germany. By exploiting the text’s generic hybridity and the interplay between Brecht’s’epic’and’dramatic’elements, directors have interpreted it in radically different ways. So although Brecht’s 1951 production stagnated into an affirmative GDR heritage piece, post-Brechtian directors have used The Mother to promote their own political and theatrical concerns, from anti-authoritarian theatre to reflections on the legacies of state Socialism. Their ideological and theatrical subversion have helped Brecht’s text to outlive the political system that it came to uphold.
Bradley, P. (1999). Slavery, Propaganda, and the American Revolution. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Bradley, T. D. and J. S. Floras (2000). Sleep Apnea : Implications in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease. New York, CRC Press.
Consolidating research from diverse fields, this practical reference encompasses the pathophysiological, epidemiological, and therapeutic implications of sleep apnea in cardiovascular diseases. Clearly connects the role of sleep apnea to vascular heart and brain diseases.Considering both how apneic phenomena can aggravate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and how its treatment may alleviate the physiological derangements and symptoms of these diseases, Sleep Apnea narrates the acute effects of recurrent hypoxia, hypercapnia, and arousals from sleep on central and peripheral chemoreceptors, central cardiovascular sympathetic neurons, blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, and cerebral blood flow offers theoretical models of interactions between heart failure and periodic breathing reviews the potential for heart failure to facilitate Cheyne-Stokes respiration and upper airway obstruction compares the effects between sleep apnea and normal sleep on hemodynamics and autonomic control of the heart and circulation and more!Written by over 30 internationally recognized specialists and supplemented with nearly 2000 literature references, drawings, photographs, tables, and equations, Sleep Apnea is a necessary resource for all pulmonologists, cardiologists, clinical neurologists, sleep disorder specialists, pharmacologists, physiologists, general and thoracic surgeons, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
Bradshaw, J. (1996). Bradshaw on the Family : A New Way of Creating Solid Self-esteem. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Analyzes the structure of families, examines the unexpresssed rules used to raise children, and discusses family violence, child abuse, and dysfunctional families.
Brady, E. (1999). A Spiral Way : How the Phonograph Changed Ethnography. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
The invention of the cylinder phonograph at the end of the nineteenth century opened up a new world for cultural research. Indeed, Edison’s talking machine became one of the basic tools of anthropology. It not only equipped researchers with the means of preserving folk songs but it also enabled them to investigate a wide spectrum of distinct vocal expressions in the emerging fields of anthropology and folklore. Ethnographers grasped its huge potential and fanned out through regional America to record rituals, stories, word lists, and songs in isolated cultures. From the outset the federal government helped fuel the momentum to record cultures that were at risk of being lost. Through the Bureau of American Ethnology, the Smithsonian Institution took an active role in preserving native heritage. It supported projects to make phonographic documentation of American Indian language, music, and rituals before developing technologies and national expansion might futher undermine them. This study of the early phonograph’s impact shows traditional ethnography being transformed, for attitudes of both ethnographers and performers were reshaped by this exciting technology. In the presence of the phonograph both fieldwork and the materials collected were revolutionized. By radically altering the old research modes, the phonograph brought the disciplines of anthropology and folklore into the modern era. At first the instrument was as strange and new to the fieldworkers as it was to their subjects. To some the first encounter with the phonograph was a deeply unsettling experience. When it was demonstrated in 1878 before members of the National Academy of Sciences, several members of the audience fainted. Even its inventor was astonished. Of his first successful test of his tinfoil phonograph, Thomas A. Edison said,’I was never taken so aback in my life.’The cylinders that have survived from these times offer an unrivaled resource not only for contemporary scholarship but also for a grassroots renaissance of cultural and religious values. In tracing the historical interplay of the talking machine with field research, The Spiral Way underscores the natural adaptiblity of cultural study to this new technology. Erika Brady is an associate professor in the folk studies programs at Western Kentucky University. She served as technical consultant and researcher on the staff of the Federal Cylinder Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.
Brady, J. (1995). Schooling Young Children : A Feminist Pedagogy for Liberatory Learning. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brady, P. (1993). Using Type Right : 121 Basic No-nonsense Rules for Working with Type. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Brady, R., et al. (1997). Cybermarketing : Your Interactive Marketing Consultant. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Braendlin, B. (1991). Cultural Power/cultural Literacy : Selected Papers From the Fourteenth Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film. Tallahassee, University Press of Florida.
Braendlin, B. and H. P. Braendlin (1996). Authority and Transgression in Literature and Film. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Selected papers from the 18th Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film.
Braendlin, H. P. (1988). Ambiguities in Literature and Film : Selected Papers From the Seventh Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film. Gainesville, Fla, University Press of Florida.
Braga, C. A. P., et al. (2000). Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
‘This discussion paper draws on three background papers… commissioned for the 1998-99 World Development Report, titled Knowledge for Development’… [and] several contributions made to an electronic conference… organized by the World Bank’s TechNet network…. Archives of this conference can be accessed at www.vita.org/technet/iprs’–p..
Bragdon, K. J. (1996). Native People of Southern New England, 1500-1650. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Braimah, J. A., et al. (1997). History and Traditions of the Gonja. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Braine, M. D. S. and D. P. O’Brien (1998). Mental Logic. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
Over the past decade, the question of whether there is a mental logic has become subject to considerable debate. There have been attacks by critics who believe that all reasoning uses mental models and return attacks on mental-models theory. This controversy has invaded various journals and has created issues between mental logic and the biases-and-heuristics approach to reasoning, and the content-dependent theorists. However, despite its pertinence to current issues in cognition, few cognitive scientists really know what the mental-logic theory is, and misapprehensions are prevalent. This volume is a comprehensive presentation of the theory of mental logic and its implications for cognition and development, including the acquisition of language. The theory offered here has three parts. Part I is the mental logic per se that contains a set of inference schemas. Part II is a reasoning program that applies the schemas in lines of reasoning, including a direct-reasoning routine and more sophisticated indirect-reasoning strategies. Part III of the theory is pragmatic, proposing that the basic meaning of each logic particle is in the inferences that are sanctioned by its inference schemas.
Braithwaite, D. O. and T. L. Thompson (2000). Handbook of Communication and People with Disabilities : Research and Application. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
This Handbook represents the first comprehensive collection of research on communication and people with disabilities. The editors have brought together original contributions focusing on the identity, social, and relationship adjustments faced by people with disabilities and those with whom they relate. Essays report on topics across the communication spectrum–interpersonal and relationship issues, people with disabilities in organizational settings, disability and culture, media and technologies, communication issues as they impact specific types of disabilities–and establish a future agenda for communication and disability research. Each chapter provides a state-of-the-art literature review, practical applications of the material, and keywords and discussion questions to facilitate classroom use. In providing an outlet for current research on communication and disability issues, this unique collection contributes to the lives of people with and without disabilities, helping them to improve their own communication and relationships. Intended for readers in communication, psychology, sociology, rehabilitation, social work, special education, gerontology, and related disciplines, this handbook is certain to augment further theory and research, as well as offer insights for both personal and professional relationships.
Bramah, E. The Coin of Dionysius. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bramah, E. The Game Played in the Dark. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bramah, E. The Mirror of Kong Ho. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bramah, E. The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bramah, E. The Wallet of Kai Lung. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bramah, E. and H. Belloc Kai Lung’s Golden Hours. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Brambilla, E. and C. Brambilla (1999). Lung Tumors : Fundamental Biology and Clinical Management. New York, M. Dekker.
Bramwell, B. and B. Lane (1994). Rural Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development : Proceedings of the Second International School on Rural Development, 28 June-9 July 1993, University College Galway, Ireland. Clevedon, Avon, England, Channel View Publications.
‘This book is also available as a special issue of the Journal of sustainable tourism, vol. 2, nos 1&2, 1994’–T.p. verso.
Brand, J. and C. Hailey (1997). Constructive Dissonance : Arnold Schoenberg and the Transformations of Twentieth-century Culture. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Papers delivered at a conference held at the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, University of Southern California, Nov. 15-17, 1991.
Brand, M. The Seventh Man. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Brandenburg, J. B. (1997). Confronting Sexual Harassment : What Schools and Colleges Can Do. New York, Teachers College Press.
Brandolini, A. J. and D. D. Hills (2000). NMR Spectra of Polymers and Polymer Additives. New York, CRC Press.
‘Compiles nearly 400 fully assigned NMR spectra of approximately 300 polymers and polymer additives, representing all major clases of materials: polyolefins, styrenics, acrylates, methacrylates, vinyl polymers, elastomers, polyethers, polyesters, polymides, silicones, cellulosics, polyurethanes, plasticizers, and antioxidants.’
Brandon, C. and R. Ramankutty (1993). Toward an Environmental Strategy for Asia. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Brandon, C. and R. Ramankutty (1993). Toward an Environmental Strategy for Asia : A Summary of a World Bank Discussion Paper. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘This booklet is a summary of World Bank discussion paper no. 224, of the same title’– p. [ii].
Brandon, D. G. and W. D. Kaplan (1997). Joining Processes : An Introduction. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Brandon, D. G. and W. D. Kaplan (1999). Microstructural Characterization of Materials. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Brandt, E. N., et al. (1997). Enabling America : Assessing the Role of Rehabilitation Science and Engineering. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Brann, N. L. (1999). Trithemius and Magical Theology : A Chapter in the Controversy Over Occult Studies in Early Modern Europe. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brann, W. C. and V. University of (1996). Brann the Iconoclast. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brann, W. C. and V. University of (1996). Brann, the Iconoclast. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brann, W. C. and V. University of (1996). Brann, the Iconoclast. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brannick, M. T., et al. (1997). Team Performance Assessment and Measurement : Theory, Methods, and Applications. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
This book began at a conference on team performance measurement held at the University of South Florida. Several participants at the conference felt that a book on team performance measurement would be of interest to a broader audience, and they began looking for authors in diverse disciplines. Some of the chapters in this book closely follow material presented at the conference. Many others report work that was done subsequently or was done by authors not present at the conference. The result is a book rich in its diversity of approaches to measurement and which contains illustrations of many different teams. This book is the first of its kind to bring together a collection of scholars and practitioners focusing solely on the problem of team performance measurement. Although much has been written about team and group effectiveness, little theoretical and empirical progress has been made in the measurement of team processes and outcomes. The book represents a major step forward both theoretically and empirically. Section 1 provides a rich theoretical basis for measurement, including designing measures to be used in team training, measures of shared mental models, and measures of team workload. Section 2 addresses methodological developments and issues, including the design and validation of simulations, surveys, and observer checklists. It also deals with issues such as the consistency of team performance and task and level of analysis issues. Section 3 provides applications and illustrations of team performance measures in such teams as nuclear power control room operators, theater technical crews, and aircraft cockpit crews. Section 4 offers guidance for anyone interested in developing their own measures of team performance. There are both theoretical and practical reasons for the current interest in teams. Psychological research interest in groups and teams has returned and is now a thriving area. Self-managed work groups and semi-autonomous work groups have become increasingly common in industry, so there is an increased interest in team functioning from a practical standpoint. This volume’s purpose is to describe recent advances in the measurement of team performance, both process and outcome. Several of the chapters provide recommendations on how, when, and why to measure aspects of teams. In addition to describing what is currently known, the book also discusses what remains to be known and what needs to be done next. The book is intended primarily for those interested in research about team processes and outcomes–researchers and academics who possess a basic understanding of statistics and psychometrics. The bulk of research reported has applied aims which provide much practical information, such as how to design simulations, rating forms, and dimensions of team performance useful for feedback to many kinds of teams. In addition, there are examples from several different kinds of teams, including aircrews, nuclear power plant operators, hospital workers, ship combat information center groups, and theater technicians. Therefore the book should be useful to people who want to design measures to evaluate teams.
Branscomb, L. M. and J. Keller (1996). Converging Infrastructures : Intelligent Transportation and the National Information Infrastructure. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Branscomb, L. M. and J. Keller (1998). Investing in Innovation : Creating a Research and Innovation Policy That Works. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Branscomb, L. M., et al. (1999). Industrializing Knowledge : University-industry Linkages in Japan and the United States. Cambridge, Ma, MIT Press.
Branscomb, L. M. and C. National Research (1991). Intellectual Property Issues in Software. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Software is the product of intellectual creativity, but protection of the intellectual property residing in software is the subject of some controversy. This book captures a wide range of perspectives on the topic from industry, academe, and government, drawing on information presented at a workshop and forum.
Bransford, J., et al. (1999). How People Learn : Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Brantley, R. E. (1984). Locke, Wesley, and the Method of English Romanticism. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
‘A University of Florida book.’
Brantley, W. (1995). Feminine Sense in Southern Memoir : Smith, Glasgow, Welty, Hellman, Porter, and Hurston. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Brantlinger, P. (1998). The Reading Lesson : The Threat of Mass Literacy in Nineteenth Century British Fiction. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Brasher, B. E. (1998). Godly Women : Fundamentalism and Female Power. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Braslow, J. T. (1997). Mental Ills and Bodily Cures : Psychiatric Treatment in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Mental Ills and Bodily Cures depicts a time when psychiatric medicine went to lengths we now find extreme and perhaps even brutal ways to heal the mind by treating the body. From a treasure trove of California psychiatric hospital records, including many verbatim transcripts of patient interviews, Joel Braslow masterfully reconstructs the world of mental patients and their doctors in the first half of the twentieth century. Hydrotherapy, sterilization, electroshock, lobotomy, and clitoridectomy—these were among the drastic somatic treatments used in these hospitals.By allowing the would-be healers and those in psychological and physical distress to speak for themselves, Braslow captures the intense and emotional interplay surrounding these therapies. His investigation combines revealing clinical detail with the immediacy of’being there’in the institutional setting while decisions are made, procedures undertaken, and results observed by all those involved. We learn how well-intentioned physicians could rationalize and regard as therapeutic treatments that often had dreadful consequences, and how much the social and cultural world is inscribed within the practice of biological psychiatry. The book will interest historians of medicine, practicing psychiatrists, and everyone who knows or has seen what it’s like to be in mental distress.
Brass, W., et al. (1993). Population Dynamics of Kenya. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This detailed examination of recent trends in fertility and mortality considers the links between those trends and the socioeconomic changes occuring during the same period.
Brasseaux, C. A. (1992). Acadian to Cajun : Transformation of a People, 1803-1877. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Bratman, S. (1999). The Alternative Medicine Sourcebook : A Realistic Evaluation of Alternative Healing Methods. Los Angeles, Calif, NTC Contemporary.
Brauer, R. L. (1992). Facilities Planning : The User Requirements Method. New York, AMACOM.
Braun, A. and Z. D. Barany (1999). Dilemmas of Transition : The Hungarian Experience. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield.
Braun, D. G. (1994). Structure and Dynamics of Health Research and Public Funding : An International Institutional Comparison. Dordrecht, Springer.
By gathering institutional details on funding and health research systems in a comparative perspective, Structure and Dynamics of Health Research and Public Funding offers, for the first time, a comprehensive and systematic view of the options and restrictions to which scientists, clinicians and administrators are subject when seeking to establish a productive health research enterprise. The Structure and Dynamics of Health Research and Public Funding provides the reader with a comparative institutional analysis of problems of application in health research. In assessing the cognitive, social and institutional structuring of health research, explanations for the origin and variation of problems are presented. The study extensively discusses the capacities of funding agencies to contribute to a higher practical diffusion of health research knowledge. It is thus addressed to all individuals and institutions who are involved in the promotion of, or are concerned with, the future of health research.
Braunlich, P. and L. Riggs (1988). Haunted by Home : The Life and Letters of Lynn Riggs. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Braunthal, G. (1990). Political Loyalty and Public Service in West Germany : The 1972 Decree Against Radicals and Its Consequences. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Brawley, B. G. and V. University of (1997). The Negro Genius. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brawley, B. G. and V. University of (1998). The Negro in American Fiction. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brawley, M. R. (1998). Turning Points : Decisions Shaping the Evolution of the International Political Economy. Peterborough, Ont, Broadview Press.
Bray, F. (1994). The Rice Economies : Technology and Development in Asian Societies. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The contrast in the rate of growth between Western and Eastern societies since 1800 has caused Asian societies to be characterized as backward and resistant to change, though until 1600 or so certain Asian states were technologically far in advance of Europe. The Rice Economies, drawing on original source materials, examines patterns of technological and social evolution specific to East-Asian wet-rice economies in order to clarfiy some general historical trends in economic development.
Bray, F. (1997). Technology and Gender : Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In this feminist history of eight centuries of private life in China, Francesca Bray inserts women into the history of technology and adds technology to the history of women. Bray takes issue with the Orientalist image that traditional Chinese women were imprisoned in the inner quarters, deprived of freedom and dignity, and so physically and morally deformed by footbinding and the tyrannies of patriarchy that they were incapable of productive work. She proposes a concept of gynotechnics, a set of everyday technologies that define women’s roles, as a creative new way to explore how societies translate moral and social principles into a web of material forms and bodily practices.Bray examines three different aspects of domestic life in China, tracing their developments from 1000 to 1800 A.D. She begins with the shell of domesticity, the house, focusing on how domestic space embodied hierarchies of gender. She follows the shift in the textile industry from domestic production to commercial production. Despite increasing emphasis on women’s reproductive roles, she argues, this cannot be reduced to childbearing. Female hierarchies within the family reinforced the power of wives, whose responsibilities included ritual activities and financial management as well as the education of children.
Bray, G. A., et al. (1998). Handbook of Obesity. New York, CRC Press.
Bray, M. (1996). Decentralization of Education : Community Financing. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Breay, C. and A. Chatteris (1999). The Cartulary of Chatteris Abbey. Rochester, N.Y., Boydell & Brewer.
Takes its place as perhaps the finest available study of a house for women religious. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The fifteenth-century cartulary of the Benedictine nunnery of Chatteris Abbey in Cambridgeshire (founded in the early eleventh century) has important implications for the study of women religious, especially in the light of the small number of surviving cartularies from English nunneries, yet until now it has received little attention, perhaps due to its damage in the Cotton Library fire of 1731. This critical edition of the manuscript, which contains documents copied into it from the mid-twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, offers a full transcription, together with historical notes and apparatus. The introduction draws on the cartulary itself, as well as manorial andepiscopal records, to analyse the nunnery’s relationship with its patron, the bishop of Ely, and the development and management of its estates; it also examines the location and layout of the abbey,the social and geographical origins of the nuns, and the production and organisation of the cartulary. The edition is accompanied by an annotated list of all known abbesses, prioresses and nuns. CLAIRE BREAYgained her Ph.D. at the Institute for Historical Research at the University of London; she is currently a curator of medieval manuscripts at the British Library.
Brechling, F. P. R. and L. Laurence (1995). Permanent Job Loss and the U.S. System of Financing Unemployment Insurance. Kalamazoo, Mich, Upjohn Institute.
Bredbenner, C. L. (1998). A Nationality of Her Own : Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In 1907, the United States Congress passed a statute declaring that American women must assume the nationalities of their husbands, and thereby began to summarily denationalize the thousands of American women who had already married foreign nationals. In A Nationality of Her Own, Candice Bredbenner follows the dramatic variations in women’s nationality rights, citizenship law, and immigration policy in the United States and examines the impact of’derivative citizenship’and its relationship to the woman’s suffrage movement during the late Progressive and interwar years. Bredbenner restores the issue of consensual citizenship for women to its original prominence in the interwar reform record of American female activists, and reveals the extensive impact and the severity of the federal laws that divested American women who wed foreigners of their status as citizens conscripted the allegiance of immigrant wives whose husbands were American men, and denied naturalization to any woman whose spouse was not an American citizen. Incredibly, as Bredbenner shows, the United States government did not relinquish this discretion over women’s citizenship until 1934.
Bredie, J. W. B. and G. K. Beeharry (1998). School Enrollment Decline in Sub-Saharan Africa : Beyond the Supply Constraint. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Breen, W. J. (1997). Labor Market Politics and the Great War : The Department of Labor, the States, and the First U.S. Employment Service, 1907-1933. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
The Department of Labor seized the opportunity provided by the chaotic labor market conditions during World War I to expand the US Employment Service (USES) and to establish control of the national labor market. That attempt provoked a reaction on the part of states that had created their own employment services and were suspicious of the administrative capacity of the USDES. A prolonged administrative and political struggle ensued, involving not only the Department of Labor and the states but a number of government departments and agencies and the major interest groups involved in the labor market. William J. Breen’s Labor Market Politics and the Great War is the first detailed study of the way in which federalism influenced the development of government labor market policy in the early twentieth century. For those interested in the continuing debate over the unique development of the American State, it suggests one reason why that development diverged from the European model. It also suggests the crucial role of Washington bureaucrats in promoting a powerful centralized state.
Bremer, F. J. (1995). The Puritan Experiment : New England Society From Bradford to Edwards. Hanover, UPNE.
The comprehensive history of a system of faith that shaped the nation.
Bremer, F. J. and T. Webster (2006). Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America : A Comprehensive Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO.
Bremond, C., et al. (1995). Thematics : New Approaches. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brencick, J. M. and G. A. Webster (2000). Philosophy of Nursing : A New Vision for Health Care. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Brennan, C. D. (1994). Sales Questions That Close the Sale : How to Uncover Your Customers’ Real Needs. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Brennan, J. P. (1998). Peronism and Argentina. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Brennan, M. and S. L. Briggs (1998). Apply to American Colleges and Universities. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Previously published as: How to apply to American colleges and universities. c1992.
Brennan, M. C. (1995). Turning Right in the Sixties : The Conservative Capture of the GOP. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Ideologically divided and disorganized in 1960, the conservative wing of the Republican Party appeared to many to be virtually obsolete. However, over the course of that decade, the Right reinvented itself and gained control of the party. In Turning Right in the Sixties, Mary Brennan describes how conservative Americans from a variety of backgrounds, feeling disfranchised and ignored, joined forces to make their voices heard and by 1968 had gained enough power within the party to play the decisive role in determining the presidential nominee. Building on Barry Goldwater’s short-lived bid for the presidential nomination in 1960, Republican conservatives forged new coalitions, began to organize at the grassroots level, and gained enough support to guarantee Goldwater the nomination in 1964. Brennan argues that Goldwater’s loss to Lyndon Johnson in the general election has obscured the more significant fact that conservatives had wrested control of the Republican Party from the moderates who had dominated it for years. The lessons conservatives learned in that campaign, she says, aided them in 1968 and laid the groundwork for Ronald Reagan’s presidential victory in 1980.
Brennan, W. J., et al. (1999). The Conscience of the Court : Selected Opinions of Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. On Freedom and Equality. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Brenneman, J. E. (1997). Canons in Conflict : Negotiating Texts in True and False Prophecy. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
In this new study, James Brenneman confronts the issue of conflicting canons with full force, incorporating insights gained from both literary and biblical disciplines on the question of canon. He begins with an illuminating tour through contemporary literary theory from Hans Robert Jauss to Stanley Fish, and current discussions in theology about the canon. He goes on to a consideration of true and false prophesy, with a detailed examination of the three apparently conflicting versions of the Old Testament’swords into plowshares’prophesy, as found in Isaiah 2:2-4,5; Joel 4:9-12 (Eng. 3:9-12); and Micah 4:1-5. Suggesting that the dynamics controlling the process for negotiating between contradictory readings of prophetic texts are the same as those at work in adjudicating between canons in conflict, Brenneman concludes by pointing the way towards an integrative approach appropriate to the question of canon and authority in a’post-modern’pluralistic context.
Brenner, B. E. (1999). Emergency Asthma. New York, CRC Press.
This landmark work represents the first book focusing on the acute asthmatic in the emergency department. This superb reference provides a wide range of practical yet thorough, state of the art perspectives on the evaluation and treatment of acute asthma. It features a unique collaboration between authorities in emergency medicine, intensive care, pulmonology, pediatrics, allergy and immunology, and basic scientists. It is the one book that anybody who treats patients with acute asthma will reach for again and again. Including 37 chapters with contributions from over 45 prominent experts who actively care for asthmatic emergencies, Emergency Asthmaclarifies the definition and problems in diagnosis of acute asthma in the emergency department evaluates various factors resulting in visits to hospital emergency departments updates assessment of illness severity includes newest and latest treatments, magnesium, ipratropium, heliox, ketamine explains when and how to intubate the acute asthmatic tells how to manage the refractory asthmatic: intubated but still not ventilated thoroughly discusses asthma in children as well as adults elucidates admission and discharge decisions discusses the problems of relapse in the emergency department investigates the epidemiology of acute asthma, especially in the inner city describes special problems in acute asthma, such as out-of-hospital care and the pregnant asthmatic covers the history of asthma develops directions in asthma research includes the results of the recent emergency department based Multi-Center Asthma Research Collaborations and much more! With over 2600 references and over 200 tables, drawings, and photographs, Emergency Asthma will be welcomed by specialists in emergency medicine, critical care, pulmonology, allergy-immunology, family medicine, pediatrics, and internal medicine; residents in these respective fields; respiratory therapy; and medical and respiratory therapy students.
Brenner, G. D. (1999). Plan Smart, Retire Rich : The Book Designed to Help You Reach Your Retirement Dreams. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Brent, J. (1998). Charles Sanders Peirce : A Life. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Brentano, R. (1994). A New World in a Small Place : Church and Religion in the Diocese of Rieti, 1188-1378. Berkeley, University of California Press.
‘The final episode in Brentano’s informal trilogy on religion and society in medieval Europe, A New World in a Small Place is characteristic of his work – imaginative, thorough, and especially telling in what it reveals about the process of historical inquiry. It has much to offer to historians, both general and specialized, to anyone interested in experiments in historical writing and the problems of writing local history, and to scholars and students concerned with the connection between literature and history.’–Jacket.
Brentari, D. (1998). A Prosodic Model of Sign Language Phonology. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
This book is intended in part to provide linguists and cognitive scientists who do not know sign language with a point of entry into the study of sign language phonology. At the same time, it presents a comprehensive theory of American Sign Language (ASL) phonology, while reviewing and building on alternative theories. One claim of this theoretical framework is that, because of sign language’s visual/gestural phonetic basis, the consonant-like units and vowel-like units are expressed simultaneously with one another, rather than sequentially as in spoken languages. A second claim is that movements operate as the most basic prosodic units of the language. The author is concerned to show both the similarities and differences between signed and spoken languages, and to indicate some directions for future work in cognitive science that can be derived from her phonological model.
Brereton, V. L. (1991). From Sin to Salvation : Stories of Women’s Conversions, 1800 to the Present. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Brescoll, J. and R. M. Dahm (1995). Opportunities in Sales Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Breslauer, S. D. (1997). The Seductiveness of Jewish Myth : Challenge or Response? Albany, State University of New York Press.
Breslaw, E. G. (1996). Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem : Devilish Indians and Puritan Fantasies. New York, NYU Press.
In this important book, Elaine Breslaw claims to have rediscovered Tituba, the elusive, mysterious, and often mythologized Indian woman accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692 and immortalized in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Reconstructing the life of the slave woman at the center of the notorious Salem witch trials, the book follows Tituba from her likely origins in South America to Barbados, forcefully dispelling the commonly-held belief that Tituba was African. The uniquely multicultural nature of life on a seventeenth-century Barbadan sugar plantation—defined by a mixture of English, American Indian, and African ways and folklore—indelibly shaped the young Tituba’s world and the mental images she brought with her to Massachusetts.Breslaw divides Tituba’s story into two parts. The first focuses on Tituba’s roots in Barbados, the second on her life in the New World. The author emphasizes the inextricably linked worlds of the Caribbean and the North American colonies, illustrating how the Puritan worldview was influenced by its perception of possessed Indians. Breslaw argues that Tituba’s confession to practicing witchcraft clearly reveals her savvy and determined efforts to protect herself by actively manipulating Puritan fears. This confession, perceived as evidence of a diabolical conspiracy, was the central agent in the cataclysmic series of events that saw 19 people executed and over 150 imprisoned, including a young girl of 5.A landmark contribution to women’s history and early American history, Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem sheds new light on one of the most painful episodes in American history, through the eyes of its most crucial participant.
Breslow, R. (1997). Chemistry Today and Tomorrow : The Central, Useful, and Creative Science. Washington, DC, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Brett, R. and C. National Research (1994). Mount Rainier : Active Cascade Volcano. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
This volume develops a research plan to study and monitor Mount Rainier, an active Cascade volcano located about 35 km southeast of the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area. The book also addresses issues of communication and coordination among geoscientists, social scientists, planners, and responsible authorities, so that research results can be used to support hazard reduction efforts.
Brettschneider, M. (1996). The Narrow Bridge : Jewish Views on Multiculturalism. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Breuel, B. H. (1996). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buying Insurance and Annuities. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Breuer, W. B. (1999). Undercover Tales of World War II. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Breuer, W. B. (2000). Top Secret Tales of World War II. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Brewer, E. J. and K. C. Angel (1998). The Arthritis Sourcebook. Los Angeles, Calif, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Brewer, E. J. and K. C. Angel (2000). The Arthritis Sourcebook. Los Angeles, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Brewer, P. J. (1988). SHAKER COMMUNITIES, SHAKER LIVES. Hanover, N.H., UPNE.
An engaging social history and introduction to the Shakers as both individuals and members of a movement.
Brewer, T. S. (1996). Precambrian Crustal Evolution in the North Atlantic Region. London, Geological Society of London.
Brewer, W. E. (1999). Winning in Small Claims Court : A Step-by-step Guide for Trying Your Own Small Claims Cases. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Brewster, C. H. and D. W. Blight (1992). When This Cruel War Is Over : The Civil War Letters of Charles Harvey Brewster. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Breymeyer, A. I., et al. (1996). Biodiversity Conservation in Transboundary Protected Areas. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Recognizing the increasing rate of species loss on a global scale and that neither pollution nor ecosystems respects political boundaries, cooperation on many different levels is required to conserve biodiversity. This volume uses four protected areas that Poland shares with its neighbors as case studies to explore opportunities to integrate science and management in transboundary protected areas in Central Europe for the conservation of biodiversity. Specific topics include biodiversity conservation theories and strategies, problems of wildlife management, and impacts of tourism and recreational use on protected areas.
Brezinski, C. (1992). Biorthogonality and Its Applications to Numerical Analysis. New York, M. Dekker.
Briant, C. L. (1999). Impurities in Engineering Materials : Impact, Reliability, and Control. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Bridbury, A. R. (1992). The English Economy From Bede to the Reformation. Woodbridge, Suffolk, U.K., Boydell & Brewer.
This book consists of a collection of articles on social and economicthemes which range from a discussion of the social scene in the seventhcentury into which Bede was born, to an analysis of the inevitablelimitations of farming development in the sixteenth century. There is an article which attempts, yet again, to shed more light upon what contemporaries expected Domesday Book to reveal; and others which tackle problems raised by the workings of the manor in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The beneficent consequences of the Black Death upon the fortunes of those who lived in town and country are considered in a short series of essays which analyse such problems as economic conditions before the Black Death; the extraordinary failure of the Black Death to make any serious impact uponthe economy for a generation after its arrival; and the thriving of the towns as numbers fell in the kingdom but individual incomes rose. Of special interest is an exciting new discovery about Domesday Book relating to Domesday assessments of manorial income, which merits careful reading and further investigation.A.R. BRIDBURYtaught at the London School of Economics, where heran the medieval section of the economic history department for many years.
Bridge, H. (2002). Women’s Writing and Historiography in the GDR. Oxford, OUP Oxford.
This study adopts an interdisciplinary approach to explore how literature by GDR women became a forum for critical approaches to history which challenged the official state discourse. An introductory chapter offers broad theoretical reflections on the modes of literature and historiography, and considers the significance of feminism as a tabooed critical discourse in the GDR. The question of why GDR literature and histororiography developed so differently in the 1970s and 1980s is then pursued through a series of comparative readings of texts by both prominent writers, such as Christa Wolf, Irmtraud Morgner, and Helga Königsdorf, and less established authors, such as Helga Schütz, Sigrid Damm, Renate Feyl, and Brigitte Struzyk. This is not only the first study to offer a detailed comparison of historical and literary discourses in the GDR, but also the first to illuminate relations between three topics popular in East German women’s writing: the National Socialist past; the lives of historical women; and the use of mythical themes and forms to voice critiques of history.
Bridgers, J. (1998). Everything You Need to Know About Having an Addictive Personality. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses the nature of addictions to gambling, food, sex, alcohol, and other drugs, how they form and develop, their negative effects, and how to deal with them.
Bridgers, L. (1997). Death’s Deceiver : The Life of Joseph P. Machebeuf. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Bridges, T. (1994). The Culture of Citizenship : Inventing Postmodern Civic Culture. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bridges, T. (1994). The Rise of David Duke. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Bridgman, A. and D. Phillips (1998). New Findings on Poverty and Child Health and Nutrition : Summary of a Research Briefing. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Bridgman, R. (1987). Traveling in Mark Twain. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Brienza, S. D. (1987). Samuel Beckett’s New Worlds : Style in Metafiction. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Briggs, E. (1998). Proud Servant : The Memoirs of a Career Ambassador. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
Ellis O. Briggs (1899-1976) entered the Foreign Service of the United States in 1925. During the next 37 years he was ambassador to seven countries; the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Peru, Brazil, and Greece. An eighth appointment, to Spain, was cancelled when he retired due to illness. He also served in Cuba, Chile, Liberia, and China. His memoirs are an exuberant record of a gifted diplomat. Briggs reached the highest rank attainable in the Foreign Service?Career Ambassador?and received the Medal of Freedom from President Eisenhower for his service in wartime Korea. He gained a reputation for successfully handling large diplomatic missions and dealing with difficult situations. But his greatest virtue was his honesty, his passion to report things just as he saw them and make policy recommendations regardless of conventional wisdom in Washington. He employed high sense of humor, often to devastating effect, on bureaucrats at home as well as adversaries abroad. His strong views about policy sometimes placed him in conflict with others; fellow Dartmouth graduate Nelson Rockefeller had him fired from the Foreign Service because of disagreements (Briggs soon returned to the Service). A down-to-earth New Englander with an abiding love of the outdoors, Briggs was devoted to his wife and family as well as to his country. Proud Servant is full of insights about the practice of diplomacy in this century and provides a fascinating account of the modern Foreign Service.
Brigham, J. (1998). Dying to Quit : Why We Smoke and How We Stop. Washington, D.C., Joseph Henry Press.
Brigham, K. L., et al. (1990). Respiratory Distress Syndromes : Molecules to Man. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
‘Proceedings of a Symposium on Respiratory Distress Syndromes: Molecules to Man, March 9-10, 1989 [sponsored by] the Vanderbilt Center for Lung Research and the Division of Continuing Medical Education, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville Tennessee’–P. opposite t.p.
Bright, D. E., et al. (1997). A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera). Ottawa, NRC Research Press.
Includes abstract in French.
Bright, D. F. (1987). The Miniature Epic in Vandal Africa. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Brightman, R. A. (1993). Grateful Prey : Rock Cree Human-animal Relationships. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Briles, J. (1999). 10 Smart Money Moves for Women : How to Conquer Your Financial Fears. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Brill, L. (1997). Sales Letters That Sell. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Brill, P. L. and R. Worth (1997). The Four Levers of Corporate Change. New York, AMACOM.
Bringhurst, N. G. (1999). Fawn McKay Brodie : A Biographer’s Life. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Brink-Budgen, R. v. d. (1999). Critical Thinking for Students : How to Assess Arguments and Effectively Present Your Own. [N.p.], How To Books.
Brinker-Gabler, G. (1995). Encountering the Other(s) : Studies in Literature, History, and Culture. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brinkley, A. (1999). Culture and Politics in the Great Depression. Waco, Tex, Baylor University.
Lectures delivered at Baylor University, Waco, Tex., Mar. 18-19, 1998.
Brinkley, J. and S. Lohr (2001). U.S. V. Microsoft. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Brinthaupt, T. M. and R. P. Lipka (1992). The Self : Definitional and Methodological Issues. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brinthaupt, T. M. and R. P. Lipka (1994). Changing the Self : Philosophies, Techniques, and Experiences. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brinton, J. H. (1996). Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton : Civil War Surgeon, 1861-1865. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Originally published: New York : Neale Pub. Co., 1914.
Brinton, M. C. (1993). Women and the Economic Miracle : Gender and Work in Postwar Japan. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This lucid, hard-hitting book explores a central paradox of the Japanese economy: the relegation of women to low-paying, dead-end jobs in a workforce that depends on their labor to maintain its status as a world economic leader. Drawing upon historical materials, survey and statistical data, and extensive interviews in Japan, Mary Brinton provides an in-depth and original examination of the role of gender in Japan’s phenomenal postwar economic growth.Brinton finds that the educational system, the workplace, and the family in Japan have shaped the opportunities open to female workers. Women move in and out of the workforce depending on their age and family duties, a great disadvantage in a system that emphasizes seniority and continuous work experience. Brinton situates the vicious cycle that perpetuates traditional gender roles within the concept of human capital development, whereby Japanese society’underinvests’in the capabilities of women. The effects of this underinvestment are reinforced indirectly as women sustain male human capital through unpaid domestic labor and psychological support.Brinton provides a clear analysis of a society that remains misunderstood, but whose economic transformation has been watched with great interest by the industrialized world.
Brisbane, A. and V. University of (1997). Editorials From the Hearst Newspapers. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brisco, P. (1997). Diabetes : Questions You Have– Answers You Need. Allentown, Pa, People’s Medical Society.
Brisk, M. and M. M. Harrington (2000). Literacy and Bilingualism : A Handbook for All Teachers. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Bristeau, M. O. (1997). Computational Science for the 21st Century. Chichester [England], John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Includes index.
Bristow, E. (1998). No Religion Is an Island : The Nostra Aetate Dialogues. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Based on a series of dialogues held at Fordham University.
Bristow, N. K. (1996). Making Men Moral : Social Engineering During the Great War. New York, NYU Press.
On May 29, 1917, Mrs. E. M. Craise, citizen of Denver, Colorado, penned a letter to President Woodrow Wilson, which concluded, We have surrendered to your absolute control our hearts’dearest treasures–our sons. If their precious bodies that have cost us so dear should be torn to shreds by German shot and shells we will try to live on in the hope of meeting them again in the blessed Country of happy reunions. But, Mr. President, if the hell-holes that infest their training camps should trip up their unwary feet and they be returned to us besotted degenerate wrecks of their former selves cursed with that hell-born craving for alcohol, we can have no such hope. Anxious about the United States’pending entry into the Great War, fearful that their sons would be polluted by the scourges of prostitution, venereal disease, illicit sex, and drink that ran rampant in the training camps, countless Americans sent such missives to their government officials. In response to this deluge, President Wilson created the Commission on Training Camp Activities to ensure the purity of the camp environment. Training camps would henceforth mold not only soldiers, but model citizens who, after the war, would return to their communities, spreading white, urban, middle-class values throughout the country. What began as a federal program designed to eliminate sexually transmitted diseases soon mushroomed into a powerful social force intent on replacing America’s many cultures with a single, homogenous one. Though committed to the positive methods of education and recreation, the reformers did not hesitate to employ repression when necessary. Those not conforming to the prescribed vision of masculinity often faced exclusion from the reformers’idealized society, or sometimes even imprisonment. Social engineering ruled the day. Combining social, cultural, and military history and illustrating the deep divisions among reformers themselves, Nancy K. Bristow, with the aid of dozens of evocative photographs, here brings to life a pivotal era in the history of the U.S., revealing the complex relationship between the nation’s competing cultures, progressive reform efforts, and the Great War.
Britnell, R. H. (1997). Pragmatic Literacy, East and West, 1200-1330. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
This pioneering collection of studies is concerned with the way in which increasing literacy interacted with the desire of thirteenth-century rulers to keep fuller records of their government’s activities, and the manner in which this literacy could be used to safeguard or increase authority. In Europe the keeping of archives became an increasingly normal part of everyday administrative routines,and much has survived, owing to the prolonged preference for parchment rather than paper; in the Eastern civilisations material is more scarce. Papers discuss pragmatic literacy and record keeping inboth West and East, through the medium of both literary and official texts. Professor RICHARD BRITNELL teaches in the Department of History at the University of Durham. Contributors: RICHARD BRITNELL, THOMAS BEHRMANN, MANUEL RIU, OLIVER GUYOTJEANNIN, GÉRARD SIVÉRY, MANFRED GROTEN, MICHAEL NORTH, MICHAEL PRESTWICH, PAUL HARVEY, GEOFFREY MARTIN, GEOFFREY BARROW, ROBERT SWANSON, NICHOLAS OIKONOMIDES, ELIZABETH ZACHARIADOU, I.H. SIDDIQUI, TIMOTHY BROOK, YOSHIYASU KAWANE
Briton, D. (1996). The Modern Practice of Adult Education : A Postmodern Critique. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brittain, H. G. (1995). Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids. New York, CRC Press.
Brittain, H. G. (1999). Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids. New York, CRC Press.
‘Presents a comprehensive examination of polymorphic behavior in pharmaceutical development-demonstrating with clear, practical examples how to navigate complicated crystal structures. Edited by the recipient of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists’1998 Research Achievement Award in Analysis and Pharmaceutical Quality.’
Brittan, D. (1997). Let’s Talk About Cheating. New York, PowerKids Press.
Discusses cheating, why people may cheat, and how to win without cheating.
Brittan, D. (1997). The People of Vietnam. New York, PowerKids Press.
Provides a brief introduction to the geography, language, customs, and beliefs of Vietnam.
Brittan, S. and I. David Hume (1998). Essays, Moral, Political, and Economic. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Britten, T. A. (1999). American Indians in World War I : At Home and at War. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Britton, C. (1999). Edouard Glissant and Postcolonial Theory : Strategies of Language and Resistance. Charlottesville, Va, University of Virginia Press.
Britzman, D. P. (1998). Lost Subjects, Contested Objects : Toward a Psychoanalytic Inquiry of Learning. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Briwnant-Jones, G. and W. National Library of (1991). Welsh Steam : Railway Photographs at the National Library of Wales. Cardiff, University of Wales.
Broad, R. and J. Cavanagh (1993). Plundering Paradise : The Struggle for the Environment in the Philippines. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This gripping portrait of environmental politics chronicles the devastating destruction of the Philippine countryside and reveals how ordinary men and women are fighting back. Traveling through a land of lush rainforests, the authors have recorded the experiences of the people whose livelihoods are disappearing along with their country’s natural resources. The result is an inspiring, informative account of how peasants, fishers, and other laborers have united to halt the plunder and to improve their lives.These people do not debate global warming—they know that their very lives depend on the land and oceans, so they block logging trucks, protest open-pit mining, and replant trees. In a country where nearly two-thirds of the children are impoverished, the reclaiming of natural resources is offering young people hope for a future. Plundering Paradise is essential reading for anyone interested in development, the global environment, and political life in the Third World.
Broadfoot, P. (1993). Policy Issues in National Assessment. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Broadhead, P. (1996). Researching the Early Years Continuum. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Broadman, H. G. (1995). Meeting the Challenge of Chinese Enterprise Reform. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Broadman, H. G. (1998). Case-by-case Privatization in the Russian Federation : Lessons From International Experience. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘Proceedings of a high-level workshop on’International Experience in Case-by-Case Privatization: lessons for the Russian Federation,’held in St. Petersburg, Russia in July 1997’–Abstract.
Broadman, H. G. (1998). Russian Enterprise Reform : Policies to Further the Transition. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
Broadman, H. G. (1998). Russian Trade Policy Reform for WTO Accession. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Broadman, H. G. and B. World (1996). Policy Options for Reform of Chinese State-owned Enterprises : Proceedings of a Symposium in Beijing, June 1995. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Broberg, G. and N. Roll-Hansen (1996). Eugenics and the Welfare State : Sterilization Policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Brock, B. L. and S. Kenneth Burke (1999). Kenneth Burke and the 21st Century. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brock, M. N. and L. Walters (1992). Teaching Composition Around the Pacific Rim : Politics and Pedagogy. Clevedon, [England], Multilingual Matters.
Brock, P. (1998). Varieties of Pacifism : A Survey From Antiquity to the Outset of the Twentieth Century. [Toronto?], [P. Brock?].
Brock, S. P. and S. A. Harvey (1998). Holy Women of the Syrian Orient. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The fifteen hagiographies about holy women of the Syrian Orient collected here include stories of martyrs’passions and saints’lives, pious romances and personal reminiscences. Dating from the fourth to seventh centuries A.D., they are translated from Syriac into accessible and vivid prose. Annotations and source notes by the translators help clarify elements that may be unfamiliar to some readers. This collection bears witness to the profound contributions women made to early Chistianity: their various roles, their leadership inside and outside the church structure, and their power to influence others. A new preface discusses recent developments in the field and updates the bibliography.
Brockelman, P. T. (1992). The Inside Story : A Narrative Approach to Religious Understanding and Truth. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brockenbrough, A. S. and V. University of (1996). Letters Concerning the Founding of the University of Virginia, 1827. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brockenbrough, A. S. and V. University of (1996). Letters Concerning the Founding of the University of Virginia, 1828. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brockington, J. L. (1996). The Sacred Thread : Hinduism in Its Continuity and Diversity. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Brockopp, D. Y. and M. T. Hastings-Tolsma (1995). Fundamentals of Nursing Research. Boston, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Brodhead, E. W. and V. University of (1995). A Child of the Covenant. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brodhead, E. W. and V. University of (1996). The Eternal Feminine. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Brodie, T. L. (1997). The Quest for the Origin of John’s Gospel : A Source-Oriented Approach. New York, Oxford University Press.
This commentary expands Johannine studies in two directions. First, drawing on the methods of literary criticism, it gives new force to a view which is both ancient and modern–that John’s gospel, far from being a poorly-edited mixture of sometimes-conflicting traditions, is in fact a coherent unity, an account of Jesus which, however diverse its sources, is a finely-chiselled work of art. Second, it indicates that the unity of John’s gospel is founded ultimately not on history or theology but on spirituality. This too corresponds to a view which is both very old–John was always known as the spiritual gospel–and very recent. The present study spells out that idea in new detail. It indicates that the account of Jesus is so written that the tensions and complexities of the text reflect the tensions and complexities of human life, providing the reader not only with an account of Jesus but also with an anthropology–a map of the development of the human spirit.
Brody, A. L. and J. B. Lord (2000). Developing New Food Products for a Changing Marketplace. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
The only book on food product development that integrates every element of the discipline, Developing New Food Products for a Changing Marketplace surveys marketing, technology, and packaging as well as the process and organization required for developing food products. The text discusses all aspects of theory and practice for food process developers and includes numerous tables, figures, and bibliographical references to enhance understanding of the concepts. Pioneers and experts in food and beverage product development share their experience in every chapter. They provide examples of successes and failures, as well as guidance on how to achieve success and avoid failure. Providing a wealth of insight and information, this unique book will benefit food industry marketers and professionals involved in the product and brand development industries. It delivers a comprehensive and indispensable guide to food product development in today’s dynamically changing marketplace.
Brody, C. M. and N. Davidson (1998). Professional Development for Cooperative Learning : Issues and Approaches. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brody, C. M. and J. Wallace (1994). Ethical and Social Issues in Professional Education. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brody, M. (1993). Manly Writing : Gender, Rhetoric, and the Rise of Composition. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Broeder, P. and G. Extra (1999). Language, Ethnicity, and Education : Case Studies on Immigrant Minority Groups and Immigrant Minority Languages. Clevedon, UK, Multilingual Matters.
Broek, R. v. d. and W. J. Hanegraaff (1998). Gnosis and Hermeticism From Antiquity to Modern Times. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Brokaw, L. (1995). 301 Great Management Ideas From America’s Most Innovative Small Companies. Boston, Mass, Inc. Pub.
Bromley, H. and M. W. Apple (1998). Education, Technology, Power : Educational Computing As a Social Practice. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bronaugh, R. L. and H. I. Maibach (1999). Percutaneous Absorption : Drugs–cosmetics–mechanisms–methodology. New York, CRC Press.
Since publication of the Second Edition in 1989, numerous innovations have occurred that affect the way scientists look at issues in the field of percutaneous absorption. Focusing on recent advances as well as updating and expanding the scope of topics covered in the previous edition, Percutaneous Absorption, Third Edition provides thorough coverage of the skin’s role as an important portal of entry for chemicals into the body. Assembles the work of nearly 80 experts-30 more than the Second Edition-into a unified, comprehensive volume that contains the latest ideas and research! Complete with nearly 600 drawings, photographs, equations, and tables and more than 1600 bibliographic citations of pertinent literature, Percutaneous Absorption, Third Edition detailsthe applied biology of percutaneous penetration factors that affect skin permeation, such as age, vehicles, metabolism, hydration of skin, and chemical structure in vivo and in vitro techniques for measuring absorption, examining factors influencing methodology such as animal models, volatility of test compound, multiple dosage, and artificial membranes procedures for use in transdermal delivery, exploring topics such as effects of penetration enhancers on absorption, optimizing absorption, and the topical delivery of drugs to muscle tissue And presents new chapters onmathematical models cutaneous metabolism prediction of percutaneous absorption in vitro absorption methodology dermal decontamination concentration of chemicals in skin transdermal drug delivery mechanisms of absorption safety evaluation of cosmetics absorption of drugs and cosmetic ingredients nail penetration Emphasizes human applications-particularly useful for pharmacists, pharmacologists, dermatologists, cosmetic scientists, biochemists, toxicologists, public health officials, manufacturers of cosmetic and toiletry products, and graduate students in these disciplines! An invaluable reference source for readers who need to keep up with the latest developments in the field, Percutaneous Absorption, Third Edition is also an excellent experimental guide for laboratory personnel.
Bronner, S. E. (1999). Ideas in Action : Political Tradition in the Twentieth Century. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Imagine a world in which means and ends, theory and practice, ideals, values, and interests, are torturously disassociated and yet manifestly linked. That is the world of the 20th century as Stephen Eric Bronner vividly portrays it in his important new work. Now imagine a world in which new traditions mix with the old, creativity blends with commitment, and values from the past combine with bold visions of the future. Creating this new fusion, says Professor Bronner, is the challenge for the 21st century and it inspires Ideas in Action. Contemporary political theory has become alienated from politics. It often neither discusses concrete political events nor touches the world of political action. That is an intellectual luxury the academy of the 21st century can ill-afford, and Ideas in Action offers an accessible way out of the box into which the canon of political theory and philosophy has been stuffed. With elegance and power, Bronner surveys 20th century political traditions. In the process, he places theories and thinkers in their social, historical, and political contexts. His sweeping presentation is organized into four imaginatively articulated phases that signal the direction of political thinking in the twentieth century. Offering distinctive interpretations and criticisms, presenting a new internationalist perspective, Bronner imbues the text with original voices and primary sources from the very canon he is reconfiguring. Careful notes of citation and explanation provide a pedagogical subtext that serves as a running bibliographic essay. All this and more makes
Burke, E. Letter From the Right Hon. Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burke, E. On Taste. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burke, E. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burke, E. Sublime and Beautiful. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burke, E. (1993). Struggle and Survival in the Modern Middle East. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Until now, we have known very little of the lives of ordinary Middle Eastern men and women, despite extensive research on the modern Middle East. With this collection of essays, the life stories of peasants, villagers, pastoralists, and urbanites can finally be heard–no more will our view of the Middle East be seen only over the shoulders of the elite. These twenty-four biographies are drawn from the entire Middle East–from Morocco to Afghanistan–and provide vantage points from which to understand modern Middle Eastern history’from the bottom up.’Spanning the past 150 years and reflecting important transformations, the stories challenge elite-centered accounts of what has occurred in the Middle East and illuminate hidden corners of a largely unrecorded world. The essays, divided chronologically, provide a comprehensive framework for those unfamiliar with Middle Eastern social history.’Pre-Colonial Lives’covers the period from 1850 until World War I,’Colonial Lives’chronicles the beginning of European rule, and’Contemporary Lives’relates the massive changes of the postwar era. Through them, we see how specific ecologies, ways of life, ethnic, class and gender situations can shape individual human action.
Burke, E. (1998). Healing Sports Injuries with Good Nutrition. New Canaan, Conn, NTC Contemporary.
Burke, E. (1998). Herbs for Sports Performance, Energy and Recovery. New Canaan, Conn, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Burke, E. (1998). Pre-exercise, Competition and Post-exercise Nutrition for Maximum Performance. New Canaan, Conn, NTC Contemporary.
Burke, E. (1998). Women’s Sport Nutrition. New Canaan, Conn, NTC Contemporary.
Burke, J. (1997). Creating Customer Connections : How to Make Customer Service a Profit Center for Your Company. Santa Monica, CA, Silver Lake Publishing.
Includes index.
Burke, M. (2000). Women, Writing, and the Reproduction of Culture in Tudor and Stuart Britain. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
Burke, M. M. (1997). The Valuable Office Professional : For Administrative Assistants, Office Managers, Secretaries, and Other Support Staff. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Burke, S. (1998). The Death and Return of the Author : Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Spine title: The death & return of the author.
Burke, W. W., et al. (2000). Business Climate Shifts : Profiles of Change Makers. Boston, Mass, Routledge.
First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Burkhart, L. M. (1996). Holy Wednesday : A Nahua Drama From Early Colonial Mexico. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Burkholder, C. and I. Cliffs Notes (1974). The Ox-Bow Incident : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
The Initial response of the critics to The Ox-Bow Incident was that here, at last, was the classic western cowboy novel: His motive for writing The Ox-bow Incident was largely personal. He wanted to recreate, for his own psychological satisfaction, a nineteenth-century American West in its true dimensions, and to see what kind of story would grow out of that.
Burki, S. J. (1999). Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1998 : Banks and Capital Markets: Sound Financial Systems for the 21st Century: Proceedings of a Conference Held in San Salvador, El Salvador. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
‘Work in progress for public discussion’–Cover.
Burki, S. J. (1999). Historical Dictionary of Pakistan. Lanham, Md, Scarecrow Press.
Burki, S. J. (2000). Changing Perceptions and Altered Reality : Emerging Economies in the 1990s. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Cover title.
Burki, S. J. and S. Edwards (1996). Latin America After Mexico : Quickening the Pace. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Burki, S. J. and G. Perry (1997). The Long March : A Reform Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Next Decade. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Burki, S. J. and G. Perry (1998). Beyond the Washington Consensus : Institutions Matter. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Burki, S. J., et al. (1998). Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1997 : Trade, Towards Open Regionalism: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Montevideo, Uruguay. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Burki, S. J., et al. (1999). Beyond the Center : Decentralizing the State. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Burkman, K. H., et al. (1993). Pinter at Sixty. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Papers presented at the Pinter Festival which was held Apr. 19-21, 1991, Ohio State University in honor of Pinter’s 60th birthday.
Burles, M. and C. Rand (1999). Chinese Policy Toward Russia and the Central Asian Republics. Santa Monica, Calif, RAND Corporation.
‘Project Air Force.’
Burleson, D. K. (1999). Oracle SAP Administration. Sebastopol, CA, O’Reilly.
Burlingame, D. (1992). The Responsibilities of Wealth. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Burlingame, D. and D. R. Young (1996). Corporate Philanthropy at the Crossroads. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Burner, E. (1994). And Gently He Shall Lead Them : Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi. New York, NYU Press.
‘This moving account of a key figure in American history contributes greatly to our understanding of the past. It also informs our vision of the servant leader needed to guide the 1990s movement.’Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund’First-rate intellectual and political history, this study explores the relations between the practical objectives of SNCC and its moral and cultural goals.’Irwin Unger, Author of These United States and Postwar America’Robert Moses emerges from these pages as that rare modern hero, the man whose life enacts his principles, the rebel who steadfastly refuses to be victim or executioner and who mistrusts even his own leadership out of commitment to cultivating the strength, self-reliance, and solidarity of those with and for whom he is working. Eric Burner’s engrossing account of Robert Moses’s legendary career brings alive the everyday realities of the Civil Rights Movement, especially the gruelling campaign for voter registration and political organization in Mississippi.’Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Eleonore Raoul Professor of the Humanities, Emory University, author of Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South Next to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, Bob Moses was arguably one of the most influential and respected leaders of the civil rights movement. Quiet and intensely private, Moses quickly became legendary as a man whose conduct exemplified leadership by example. He once resigned as head of the Council of Federated Organizations because’my position there was too strong, too central.’Despite his centrality to the most important social movement in modern American history, Moses’life and the philosophy on which it is based have only been given cursory treatment and have never been the subject of a book-length biography. Biography is, by its very nature, a complicated act of recovery, even more so when the life under scrutiny deliberately avoids such attention. Eric Burner therefore sets out here not to reveal the’secret’Bob Moses, but to examine his moral philosophy and his political and ideological evolution, to provide a picture of the public person. In essence, his book provides a primer on a figure who spoke by silence and led through example. Moses spent almost three years in Mississippi trying to awaken the state’s black citizens to their moral and legal rights before the fateful summer of 1964 would thrust him and the Freedom Summer movement into the national spotlight. We follow him through the civil rights years his intensive, fearless tradition of community organizing, his involvements with SNCC and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, and his negotiations with the Department of Justice as Burner chronicles both Moses’political activity and his intellectual development, revealing the strong influence of French philosopher Albert Camus on his life and work. Moses’life is marked by the conflict between morality and politics, between purity and pragmatism, which ultimately left him disillusioned with a traditional Left that could talk only of coalitions and leaders from the top. Pursued by the Vietnam draft board for a war which he opposed, Moses fled to Canada in 1966 before departing for Africa in 1969 to spend the next decade teaching in Tanzania. Returning in 1977 under President Carter’s amnesty program, he was awarded a five-year MacArthur genius grant in 1982 to establish and develop an innovative program to teach math to Boston’s inner-city youth called the Algebra Project. The success of the program, which Moses has referred to as our version of Civil Rights 1992, has landed him on the cover of The New York Times Magazineemphasizing the new, central dimension that math and computer literacy lends to the pursuit of equal rights. And Gently He Shall Lead Them is the story of a remarkable man
Burnett, A. P. (1998). Revenge in Attic and Later Tragedy. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Modern readings of ancient Athenian drama tend to view it as a presentation of social or moral problems, as if ancient drama showed the same realism seen on the present-day stage. Such views are belied by the plays themselves, in which supremely violent actions occur in a legendary time and place distinct both from reality and from the ethics of ordinary life. Offering fresh readings of Attic tragedy, Anne Pippin Burnett urges readers to peel away twentieth-century attitudes toward vengeance and reconsider the revenge tragedies of ancient Athens in their own context.After a consideration of how our view of Elizabethan drama has obscured an accurate view of the ancient tragedies, Burnett reviews early Greek notions of vengeance as expressed in the Odyssey, Heracles’tales, Pindar’s odes, Attic judicial processes, and the legend of Harmodius and Aristogeiton. Then, setting aside post-Platonic and Judeo-Christian notions of criminality, she provides new interpretations of all the Attic tragedies in which revenge is a central theme: Aeschylus’Libation Bearers, Sophocles’Ajax, Electra, and Tereus, and Euripides’Children of Heracles, Hecuba, Medea, Electra, and Orestes.Burnett shows that for the ancients, revenge meant a redress of imbalances in both human and divine worlds, achieved through human actions. The vengeful heroines thus appear in a new light. Electra, Hecuba, Medea, and others cease to be the picture of depravity in dramas that are grotesque and sensational, and are instead representative human figures who respond with grandeur to the outsize demands of necessity and supernatural powers.
Burnett, F. H. The Lost Prince. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Twelve-year-old Marco and his friend, the Rat, play a vital and dangerous part in restoring the lost prince to his throne in war-torn Samavia.
Burnett, F. H. The Secret Garden. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A ten-year-old orphan comes to live in a lonely house on the Yorkshire moors and discovers an invalid cousin and the mysteries of a locked garden.
Burnett, F. H. (1997). Little Princess and The Secret Garden. [N.p.], Courage Books.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of The Dawn of a To-morrow. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of A Lady of Quality. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of A Little Princess. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Sara Crewe, a pupil at Miss Minchin’s London school, is left in poverty when her father dies, but is later rescued by a mysterious benefactor.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1993). Sara Crewe, Little Saint Elizabeth, and Other Stories. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). Esmerelda. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). Le Monsieur De La Petite Dame. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). Lodusky. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). Mère Giraud’s Little Daughter. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). Smethurstses. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1995). T. Tembarom. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
An American boy goes to live with his grandfather in England where he becomes heir to a title and a fortune.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). One Day at Arle. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). The Plain Miss Burnie. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). Surly Tim’s Trouble. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). The White People. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1996). The Woman Who Saved Me. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1997). The Shuttle. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, F. H. and V. University of (1998). What the Pug Knew. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burnett, R. (1995). Cultures of Vision : Images, Media, and the Imaginary. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Burnett, R. E. (1993). Careers for Number Crunchers & Other Quantitative Types. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Burnett, S. H. and L. Mantovani (1998). The Italian Guillotine : Operation Clean Hands and the Overthrow of Italy’s First Republic. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield.
‘Published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.’
Burnham, M. (1997). Captivity and Sentiment : Cultural Exchange in American Literature, 1682–1861. Hanover, NH, Dartmouth.
In a radically new interpretation and synthesis of highly popular 18th- and 19th-century genres, Michelle Burnham examines the literature of captivity, and, using Homi Bhabha’s concept of interstitiality as a base, provides a valuable redescription of the ambivalent origins of the US national narrative. Stories of colonial captives, sentimental heroines, or fugitive slaves embody a’binary division between captive and captor that is based on cultural, national, or racial difference,’but they also transcend these pre-existing antagonistic dichotomies by creating a new social space, and herein lies their emotional power. Beginning from a simple question on why captivity, particularly that of women, so often inspires a sentimental response, Burnham examines how these narratives elicit both sympathy and pleasure. The texts carry such great emotional impact precisely because they’traverse those very cultural, national, and racial boundaries that they seem so indelibly to inscribe. Captivity literature, like its heroines, constantly negotiates zones of contact,’and crossing those borders reveals new cultural paradigms to the captive and, ultimately, the reader.
Burns, B. (1996). Nitty Gritty : A White Editor in Black Journalism. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Includes index.
Burns, D. (1997). Tips for the Savvy Traveler. Pownal, Vt, Storey Communications.
Burns, E. B. (1996). Kinship with the Land : Regionalist Thought In Iowa, 1894-1942. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Pioneers moving into Iowa in the nineteenth century created a distinctly rural culture: family, farm, church, and school were its dominant institutions. After decades of settlement, however, several lively and perceptive generations interpreted their political, economic, and cultural environment—their Iowa—much more imaginatively; they offered such abundant insight, understanding, meaning, and mission that they mentally and spiritually recreates Iowa. In Kinship with the Land historian Brad Burns celebrates this intense period of intellectual and cultural development. Through their novels, short stories, poems, essays, drawings, and paintings, Iowa’s regionalists expressed a rich abstraction of people and place. They conferred meaning, imparted understanding, defined the soil and the folk, conveyed a sense of place. Grant Wood in his overalls—the quintessential symbol of sophisticated talent and rural values—clearly represented regionalism’s spiritual solidarity with the land and the people who worked it. Burns lets these Iowans speak for themselves, then interprets their distinctive voices to present a cogent case for and an understanding of the rural in an overwhelming urban America. Kinship with the Land emphasizes the importance of Iowa’s intellectual and cultural history and reaffirms the state’s identity at the very moment that standardization threatened to eradicate it. By endowing Iowa with vibrant, independent art and literature, regionalists made refreshing sense of their environment. Readers from every state will appreciate their generous legacy.
Burns, E. J. (1993). Bodytalk : When Women Speak in Old French Literature. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Burns, G. (1992). The Frontiers of Catholicism : The Politics of Ideology in a Liberal World. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Why does the Catholic Church take a politically conservative stance on some issues, such as abortion and birth control, while on others, such as social programs and nuclear policy, it resembles the left? Why do some Catholic groups reject the legitimacy of Church hierarchy and yet choose to remain within its fold? To explain these apparent contradictions, Gene Burns examines the origins of contemporary diversity and conflict in the Catholic Church as well as the processes of ideological change.With valuable insights into the American Catholic Church, the modern papacy, and the Latin American Church, The Frontiers of Catholicism is as much a political study of ideological dynamics as it is an institutional study of religious change.
Burns, J. M. and L. M. Overby (1990). Cobblestone Leadership : Majority Rule, Minority Power. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Burns, R. Etext of Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burns, R. (1996). Swamp Candles. Iowa City, Iowa, University Of Iowa Press.
In his convincing and highly accomplished fifth book, Ralph Burns draws on his deep practice and experience. His tones, forms, and subjects are various and striking, and the work of a poet mature and courageous enough to range through the full spectrum of his emotions. Sometimes Burns is haunted by the strength and fallibility of the Christian tradition, and in many of his poems he explores the conflicts between individuals and the larger world—the mystery and responsibility of choice, consequence and inconsequence, “the terror of being taken.”
Burns, R. I. (1996). Jews in the Notarial Culture : Latinate Wills in Mediterranean Spain, 1250-1350. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Burns, W. N. (1999). The Saga of Billy the Kid. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Originally published: Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1925.
Burns, W. N. and M. University of New (1999). The Robin Hood of El Dorado : The Saga of Joaquin Murrieta, Famous Outlaw of California’s Age of Gold. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
First published in 1932 and never reprinted since, this historical drama re-creates the life and adventures of Joaquin Murrieta, a Hispanic social rebel in California during the tumultuous Gold Rush. Published during the Great Depression, at a time of mass deportations of Hispanos to Mexico, this sympathetic portrait of Murrieta and Mexican Americans was a unique voice of social protest. The author romanticizes the pastoral society of Mexican California into which Murrieta was born and introduces the protagonist as a quiet, honest, unpretentious, and reserved resident of Saw Mill Flat, California. But the rape and murder of his wife, Rosita, by racist Anglo miners unleashes his vengeful rage. Picking up his pistols, Murrieta tracks and kills Rosita’s murderers and defends Hispanos against violence and dispossession by rampaging gold rush miners. Richard Griswold del Castillo discusses the significance of Murrieta to twentieth-century Mexican Americans and Chicanos and of Burns’s history to contemporary understanding of the mysterious social bandit.
Burns, W. N. and M. University of New (1999). Tombstone : An Iliad of the Southwest. Albuquerque, NM, University of New Mexico Press.
Burrell, H. (1996). Narrative Design in Finnegans Wake : The Wake Lock Picked. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Burrill, G., et al. (1997). Improving Student Learning in Mathematics and Science : The Role of National Standards in State Policy. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
‘A report of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education, National Research Council. Prepared for the National Education Goals Panel.’
Burroughs, C. B. and J. Ehrenreich (1993). Reading The Social Body. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
The overarching argument of Reading the Social Body is that the body is cultural rather than “natural.” Some of the essays treat the social construction of bodies that have actually existed in human history; others discuss the representation of bodies in artistic contexts; all recognize that everything visible to the human body—from posture and costume to the width of an eyebrow or a smile—is determined by and shaped in response to a particular culture.
Burroughs, E. R. At the Earth’s Core. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Jungle Tales of Tarzan. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. The Land That Time Forgot. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. The Monster Men. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. The Mucker. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Out of Time’s Abyss. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. The Outlaw of Torn. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Pellucidar. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. The People That Time Forgot. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. Tarzan the Terrible. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Tarzan the Untamed. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Burroughs, E. R. Thuvia, Maid of Mars. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. (1996). Tarzan of the Apes. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of The Mad King. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1993). The Beasts of Tarzan. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1993). The Gods of Mars. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1993). A Princess of Mars. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1993). The Return of Tarzan. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1993). The Warlord of Mars. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1994). The Eternal Savage. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1994). The Son of Tarzan. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1997). The Oakdale Affair. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burroughs, E. R. and V. University of (1998). The Chessmen of Mars. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burrowes, R. J. (1996). The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense : A Gandhian Approach. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Burrows, D. L. (1990). Sound, Speech, and Music. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Burrows, M. (1996). The Neurobiology of an Insect Brain. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Burstyn, J. N. (1996). Educating Tomorrow’s Valuable Citizen. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Burt, D. N. and R. L. Pinkerton (1996). A Purchasing Manager’s Guide to Strategic Proactive Procurement. New York, AMACOM.
Burton, A. M. (1994). Burdens of History : British Feminists, Indian Women, and Imperial Culture, 1865-1915. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
In this study of British middle-class feminism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Antoinette Burton explores an important but neglected historical dimension of the relationship between feminism and imperialism. Demonstrating how feminists in the United Kingdom appropriated imperialistic ideology and rhetoric to justify their own right to equality, she reveals a variety of feminisms grounded in notions of moral and racial superiority. According to Burton, Victorian and Edwardian feminists such as Josephine Butler, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, and Mary Carpenter believed that the native women of colonial India constituted a special’white woman’s burden.’Although there were a number of prominent Indian women in Britain as well as in India working toward some of the same goals of equality, British feminists relied on images of an enslaved and primitive’Oriental womanhood’in need of liberation at the hands of their emancipated British’sisters.’Burton argues that this unquestioning acceptance of Britain’s imperial status and of Anglo-Saxon racial superiority created a set of imperial feminist ideologies, the legacy of which must be recognized and understood by contemporary feminists.
Burton, A. M. (1998). At the Heart of the Empire : Indians and the Colonial Encounter in Late-Victorian Britain. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Antoinette Burton focuses on the experiences of three Victorian travelers in Britain to illustrate how’Englishness’was made and remade in relation to imperialism. The accounts left by these three sojourners—all prominent, educated Indians—represent complex, critical ethnographies of’native’metropolitan society and offer revealing glimpses of what it was like to be a colonial subject in fin-de-siècle Britain. Burton’s innovative interpretation of the travelers’testimonies shatters the myth of Britain’s insularity from its own construction of empire and shows that it was instead a terrain open to continual contest and refiguration.Burton’s three subjects felt the influence of imperial power keenly during even the most everyday encounters in Britain. Pandita Ramabai arrived in London in 1883 seeking a medical education and left in 1886, having resisted the Anglican Church’s attempts to make her an evangelical missionary. Cornelia Sorabji went to Oxford to study law and became the first Indian woman to be called to the Bar. Behramji Malabari sought help for his Indian reform projects in England, and subjected London to colonial scrutiny in the process. Their experiences form the basis of this wide-ranging, clearly written, and imaginative investigation of diasporic movement in the colonial metropolis.
Burton, J. B. (1995). Theocritus’s Urban Mimes : Mobility, Gender, and Patronage. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Burton, R. F. The Arabian Nights. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Burton, R. G. (1993). Natural and Artificial Minds. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Burton, R. W., et al. (1991). De Remnant Truth : The Tales of Jake Mitchell and Robert Wilton Burton. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Newspaper articles written by Burton based on stories attributed to Mitchell.
Burton, W. L. (1998). Melting Pot Soldiers : The Union’s Ethnic Regiments. Bronx, NY, Oxford University Press USA.
Originally published: Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1988.
Bury, R. d. The Love of Books; the Philobiblon of Richard De Bury. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Busby, M. (1995). Larry McMurtry and the West : An Ambivalent Relationship. Denton, Tex, University of North Texas Press.
Busch, D. D. and J. W. Olsen (1998). Cascading Style Sheets Complete. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Busch, T. W. (1990). The Power of Consciousness and the Force of Circumstances in Sartre’s Philosophy. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Busch, T. W. (1999). Circulating Being : From Embodiment to Incorporation: Essays on Late Existentialism. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Bush, G. W. (1991). Lord of Attention : Gerald Stanley Lee & the Crowd Metaphor in Industrializing America. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Bushman, C. L. (1998). “A Good Poor Man’s Wife” : Being a Chronicle of Harriet Hanson Robinson and Her Family in Nineteenth-Century New England. Hanover, NH, UPNE.
A shrewd observer of 19th-century America, Harriet Hanson Robinson’s participation in important events and her salty comments, preserved and recorded in the poetry and books she wrote during her lifetime, offer a dramatic account of how one strong-minded woman, who first worked as a textile worker in the industrial town of Lowell, MA, turned to writing and politics to sustain her family after her husband’s early death. Harriet’s personal papers shed light on such topics as labor history, state politics, and the mechanics of writing and publication. Her best-known publications, Loom and Spindle, which deals with early factory life, and Massachusetts in the Woman Suffrage Movement, are often quoted today.
Bushman, C. L. (2006). Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-day Saints in Modern America : Latter-day Saints in Modern America. Westport, Conn, Praeger.
Much misunderstood, Mormonism had a colorful beginning in the 19th century, as a visionary named Joseph Smith founded and built a community of believers with their own unique faith. In the late-20th century, the church had to come to terms with its own growth and organization, as well as with the increasing pervasiveness of globalization, secularization, and cultural changes. Today Mormonism is one of the major religions in America, and continues to grow internationally. However, though the church itself remains strong, it is elusive to those of other faiths. Here, a seasoned author and third-generation Mormon sheds light on the everyday lives and practices of faithful Mormons. Bushman’s readers will come away with a more thorough appreciation of what it means to be Mormon in the modern world.Much misunderstood, Mormonism had a colorful beginning in the 19th century, as a visionary named Joseph Smith founded and built a community of believers with their own unique faith. In the late-20th century, the church had to come to terms with its own growth and organization, as well as with the increasing pervasiveness of globalization, secularization, and cultural changes. Today Mormonism is one of the major religions in America, and one that continues to grow internationally. However, though the church itself remains strong, it is elusive to those of other faiths. Here, a seasoned author and third-generation Mormon sheds light on the everyday lives and practices of faithful Mormons. Bushman’s readers will come away with a more thorough appreciation of what it means to be Mormon in the modern world.Following Brigham Young into the Great Basin and founding communities that have endured for over 100 years, Mormons have forged a rich history in this country even as they built communities around the world. But the origins of this faith and those who adhere to it remain mysterious to many in the United States. Bushman allows readers a vivid glimpse into the lives of Mormons—their beliefs, rituals, and practices, as well as their views on race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and sexual orientation. The voices of actual Mormons reveal much about their inspiration, devotion, patriotism, individualism, and conservatism. With its mythical history and unlikely success, many wonder what has made this religion endure through the years. Here, readers will find answers to their questions about what it means to be Mormon in contemporary America.
Bushnell, D. (1993). The Making of Modern Colombia : A Nation in Spite of Itself. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Colombia’s status as the fourth largest nation in Latin America and third most populous—as well as its largest exporter of such disparate commodities as emeralds, books, processed cocaine, and cut flowers—makes this, the first history of Colombia written in English, a much-needed book. It tells the remarkable story of a country that has consistently defied modern Latin American stereotypes—a country where military dictators are virtually unknown, where the political left is congenitally weak, and where urbanization and industrialization have spawned no lasting populist movement.There is more to Colombia than the drug trafficking and violence that have recently gripped the world’s attention. In the face of both cocaine wars and guerrilla conflict, the country has maintained steady economic growth as well as a relatively open and democratic government based on a two-party system. It has also produced an impressive body of art and literature.David Bushnell traces the process of state-building in Colombia from the struggle for independence, territorial consolidation, and reform in the nineteenth century to economic development and social and political democratization in the twentieth. He also sheds light on the modern history of Latin America as a whole.
Buskin, R. (1997). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to British Royalty. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Buskin, R. (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Beatles. New York, N.Y., Alpha Books.
Bussard, L. (1997). More Alike Than Different : An Inspiring Message for Anyone Coping with Life’s Difficulties. Bellevue, WA, Executive Excellence.
Butchart, R. E. and B. McEwan (1998). Classroom Discipline in American Schools : Problems and Possibilities for Democratic Education. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Butchvarov, P. (1966). Resemblance and Identity : An Examination of the Problem of Universals. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Butchvarov, P. (1998). Skepticism About the External World. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
Do we know or even have evidence that external material objects exist? Drawing powerfully on techniques from both analytic and continental philosophy, Butchvarov offers a strikingly original approach to this perennial issue. He argues that only a direct realist view of perception–the view that in perception we are directly aware of material objects–has any hope of providing a compelling response to the skeptic. The seemingly insuperable problem for direct realism has always been to explain hallucination, dreaming, and other situations where the object of awareness is not a really existing physical object. This has led many philosophers to adopt views in which perceptual consciousness involves a subjective state that is the direct object of awareness. Butchvarov argues persuasively that all such views are helpless in the face of the skeptic’s arguments. His radical innovation is to insist that the direct object of perceptual and even dreaming and hallucinatory experience is usually a material object, but not necessarily one that actually exists. This leads to a sophisticated metaphysics in which reality is ultimately constructed by human decisions out of objects that are ontologically more basic but which cannot be said in themselves to be either real or unreal. Butchvarov’s ingenious approach to a longstanding philosophical issue, as well as the extensive range of his references to traditional and contemporary discussions of the topic, makes Skepticism about the External World a thrilling and essential book for philosophers and philosophically minded readers.
Butler, C. and V. Joyce (1998). Counselling Couples in Relationships : An Introduction to the RELATE Approach. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Butler, E. P. Pigs Is Pigs. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Butler, E. P. The Water Goats and Other Troubles. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Butler, J. G. (1999). Writing Sports Stories That Sell : How to Make Money From Writing About Your Favourite Pastime. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Butler, S. Erewhon Revisited. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Butler, S. Erewhon, O, Over the Range. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
In the strange country of Erewhon, sick people are imprisoned while criminals are treated for sickness. Machines are are considered too dangerous to use. This subtle satire of Victorian society is still as thought-provoking and entertaining as when it was first written.-PaperbackSwap.com.
Butler, S. Way of All Flesh. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Butler, S. J. (1999). 401(k) Today : Designing, Maintaining & Maximizing Your Company’s Plan. San Francisco, CA, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Butling, P. (1997). Seeing in the Dark : The Poetry of Phyllis Webb. Waterloo, Ont, WLU Press.
Poet Phyllis Webb initiated new ways of seeing into the cultural dark of Western thought. By blurring the axis between light and dark, she redefined in positive terms women s subjectivity and sexuality, which are traditionally assigned dark negative values. Seeing in the Dark includes perceptive discussions on a number of Webb s collections, specifically Naked Poems, Wilson s Bowl, Water and Light and Hanging Fire. Butling shows how Webb uses strategies of subversion, reversal and re-vision of prevailing traditions and tropes to facilitate seeing in the dark. She also provides a fascinating analysis of Webb criticism tracing it over the past thirty years and revealing a shift in critical paradigms. A chapter on biography includes intriguing archival material. Pauline Butling offers important new ways of reading one of Canada s finest poets. Seeing in the Dark is essential introductory material for the general reader and provides provocative penetrating analysis for literary scholars.
Butt, J. B. (2000). Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design. New York, CRC Press.
This text combines a description of the origin and use of fundamental chemical kinetics through an assessment of realistic reactor problems with an expanded discussion of kinetics and its relation to chemical thermodynamics. It provides exercises, open-ended situations drawing on creative thinking, and worked-out examples. A solutions manual is also available to instructors.
Buttazzo, G. C. (1997). Hard Real-time Computing Systems : Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Real-time systems play a crucial role in our society, supporting several important application areas, such as nuclear and chemical plant control, flight control systems, traffic control in airports, harbors, and train stations, telecommunication systems, industrial automation, robotics, defensive military systems, space missions, and so on. Despite such a large number of critical applications, most of the current real-time systems are still designed and implemented using low level programming and empirical techniques without the support of a precise scientific methodology. The consequence of this approach is a lack of reliability, which in critical applications may cause serious damage to the environment or result in significant human loss. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications is a basic treatise on real-time computing, with particular emphasis on predictable scheduling algorithms. The main objectives of the book are to introduce the basic concepts of real-time computing, illustrate the most significant results in the field, and provide the basic methodologies for designing predictable computing systems which can be used to support critical control applications. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications presents fundamental concepts which are clearly defined at the beginning of each chapter, and each algorithm is described through concrete examples, figures and tables. After introducing the basic concepts of real-time computing, the book covers such topics as taxonomy of scheduling algorithms, models of tasks with explicit time constraints, handling tasks with precedence relations, periodic and aperiodic task scheduling, access protocols to shared resources, asynchronous communication mechanisms, schedulability analysis, and handling overload conditions. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications was written for use as a textbook and serves as an excellent reference for those interested in real-time computing for designing and/or developing predictable control applications, which may include robotics, plant control, monitoring systems, data acquisition, simulations of real-world systems, virtual reality, interactive games, etc.
Buttjes, D. and M. Byram (1991). Mediating Languages and Cultures : Towards an Intercultural Theory of Foreign Language Education. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
This volume originated from a symposium organized by the editors in 1986, held in Durham, England.
Buxton, R. G. A. (1999). From Myth to Reason? : Studies in the Development of Greek Thought. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Buzzeo, T. and J. Kurtz (1999). Terrific Connections with Authors, Illustrators, and Storytellers : Real Space and Virtual Links. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Byerlee, D. and G. E. Alex (1998). Strengthening National Agricultural Research Systems : Policy Issues and Good Practice. Washington, DC, World Bank Publications.
Bykofsky, S. and J. B. Sander (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published. New York, Alpha Books.
Byman, D., et al. (1999). Political Violence and Stability in the States of the Northern Persian Gulf. Santa Monica, Calif, RAND Corporation.
‘MR-1021-OSD’–P. [4] of cover.
Byman, D., et al. (1999). Air Power As a Coercive Instrument. Santa Monica, Calif, RAND Corporation.
Coercion–the use of threatened force to induce an adversary to change its behavior–is a critical function of the U.S. military. U.S. forces have recently fought in the Balkans, the Persian Gulf, and the Horn of Africa to compel recalcitrant regimes and warlords to stop repression, abandon weapons programs, permit humanitarian relief, and otherwise modify their actions. Yet despite its overwhelming military might, the United States often fails to coerce successfully. This report examines the phenomenon of coercion and how air power can contribute to its success. Three factors increase the likelihood of successful coercion: (1) the coercer’s ability to raise the costs it imposes while denying the adversary the chance to respond (escalation dominance); (2) an ability to block an adversary’s military strategy for victory; and (3) an ability to magnify third-party threats, such as internal instability or the danger posed by another enemy. Domestic political concerns (such as casualty sensitivity) and coalition dynamics often constrain coercive operations and impair the achievement of these conditions. Air power can deliver potent and credible threats that foster the above factors while neutralizing adversary countercoercive moves. When the favorable factors are absent, however, air power–or any other military instrument–will probably fail to coerce. Policymakers’use of coercive air power under inauspicious conditions diminishes the chances of using it elsewhere when the prospects of success would be greater.
Bynagle, H. E. (1997). Philosophy: A Guide to the Reference Literature : A Guide to the Reference Literature, Second Edition. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Thoroughly revised and expanded, this guide to the reference literature is the only up-to-date guide in the field and is by far the most extensively annotated. It covers all areas of Western and Eastern philosophy, emphasizing recent English-language publications but including some older and foreign-language sources. More than 450 reference works, about a third of them new to this edition, are listed, described, and often evaluated. Special chapters cover core periodicals and major organizations and research centers. Designed as an aid in reference work and collection development for librarians, this book will also be of interest to theologians, professional philosophers, philosophy instructors, and philosophy students.
Bynum, E. B. (1999). The African Unconscious : Roots of Ancient Mysticism and Modern Psychology. New York, N.Y., Teachers College Press.
Byock, J. L. (1990). The Saga of the Volsungs : The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Byram, M. (1994). Culture and Language Learning in Higher Education. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Papers presented at a colloquium held in Manchester, Eng., in 1993.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M. and V. Esarte-Sarries (1991). Investigating Cultural Studies in Foreign Language Teaching : A Book for Teachers. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M., et al. (1991). Cultural Studies and Language Learning : A Research Report. Clevedon, Avon, England, Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M. and C. Morgan (1994). Teaching-and-learning Language-and-culture. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Byram, M. and K. Risager (1999). Language Teachers, Politics, and Cultures. Clevedon, UK, Multilingual Matters.
Byrd, D. (1994). The Poetics of the Common Knowledge. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Byrne, A. and D. R. Hilbert (1997). Readings on Color. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Byrne, D. Messer Marco Polo. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Byrne, D. J. (1998). MARC Manual : Understanding and Using MARC Records. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Byrne, J. P. (2012). Encyclopedia of the Black Death. Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO.
This encyclopedia provides 300 interdisciplinary, cross-referenced entries that document the effect of the plague on Western society across the four centuries of the second plague pandemic, balancing medical history and technical matters with historical, cultural, social, and political factors.• 300 A–Z interdisciplinary entries on medical matters and historical issues• Each entry includes up-to-date resources for further research
Byrne, P. (1998). The Moral Interpretation of Religion. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Byron, G. (1993). Nineteenth-century Stories by Women. Peterborough, Ont., Canada, Broadview Press.
Byron, G. G. B. Don Juan. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Byron, G. G. B. Manfred. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Byron, G. G. B. Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Bywaters, D. A. (1991). Dryden in Revolutionary England. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Cabell, J. B. and V. University of (1993). The Certain Hour. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cabezâon, J. I. (1992). Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Cabezâon, J. I. (1994). Buddhism and Language : A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Cabezâon, J. I. (1998). Scholasticism : Cross-cultural and Comparative Perspectives. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cady, D. L. (1999). Administering NetWare 5. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Cady, D. L. and N. Cadjan (1999). Network+ Certification Success Guide. London, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Caenepeel, S. and F. V. Oystaeyen (1999). Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups. New York, CRC Press.
This volume is based on the proceedings of the Hopf-Algebras and Quantum Groups conference at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. It presents state-of-the-art papers – selected from over 65 participants representing nearly 20 countries and more than 45 lectures – on the theory of Hopf algebras, including multiplier Hopf algebras and quantum groups.
Caenepeel, S. and A. Verschoren (1998). Rings, Hopf Algebras, and Brauer Groups : Proceedings of the Fourth Week on Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. New York, CRC Press.
Caesar, J. Caesar’s Commentaries in Latin. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Caesar, J. (1999). Crossing Borders : An American Woman in the Middle East. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
Caesar, T. (1998). Writing in Disguise : Academic Life in Subordination. Athens, Ohio University Press.
Cagidemetrio, A. (1992). Fictions of the Past : Hawthorne & Melville. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Cahan, A. and V. University of (1998). The Younger Russian Writers. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cahan, D. (1993). Hermann Von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) was a polymath of dazzling intellectual range and energy. Renowned for his co-discovery of the second law of thermodynamics and his invention of the ophthalmoscope, Helmholtz also made many other contributions to physiology, physical theory, philosophy of science and mathematics, and aesthetic thought. During the late nineteenth century, Helmholtz was revered as a scientist-sage—much like Albert Einstein in this century.David Cahan has assembled an outstanding group of European and North American historians of science and philosophy for this intellectual biography of Helmholtz, the first ever to critically assess both his published and unpublished writings. It represents a significant contribution not only to Helmholtz scholarship but also to the history of nineteenth-century science and philosophy in general.
Cahen, P.-J. (1994). Commutative Ring Theory : Proceedings of the Fès International Conference. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Cahen, P.-J. (1997). Commutative Ring Theory : Proceedings of the II International Conference. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Cahill, J. (1995). Her Kind : Stories of Women From Greek Mythology. Peterborough, Ont, Broadview Press.
Cahill, M. (1998). The First Commentary on Mark : An Annotated Translation. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
This book is the first English translation of a text that Michael Cahill identifies as the first formal commentary on Mark’s Gospel. Thought to have been written by an early seventh-century abbot, the commentary was for almost 1000 years attributed to St. Jerome and as such exercised incalculable influence on subsequent commentary. St. Thomas Aquinas drew on it freely in his Catena Aurea, for example, as did the highly influential Counter-Reformation commentary of Cornelius a Lapide. Renaissance scholarship demoted the work to the pseudepigrapha of Jerome and it clearly lost status as a result. However, the contemporary recovery of interest in the commentary tradition ensures a welcome for the publication of this translation. Irrespective of authorship, the text is important in the history of biblical interpretation–it is the first commentary on Mark, and has had wide influence in the Latin west. It is written in the allegorical style, and attempts to provide an application of the gospel text to the practice of Christian discipleship. It is characterized by the use of other biblical texts, and through the use of bold face and italics in the translation, the reader is able to see the extent of quotation, paraphrase, and allusion. The extensive notes are designed to provide information on source material and on the author’s technique. As the first Markan commentary this text holds a unique place in the history of biblical exegesis. This translation will make it available to scholars who do not read Latin, and will serve as a useful introduction to early and medieval Bible commentary, both in format and content.
Cahn, A. H. (1998). Killing Detente : The Right Attacks the CIA. University Park, Pa, Penn State University Press.
Killing Detente tells the story of a major episode of intelligence intervention in politics in the mid-1970s that led to the derailing of detente between the Soviet Union and the United States and to the resurgence of the Cold War in the following decade. Although the basic outlines of the story are already known, Anne Cahn succeeded in getting many previously declassified documents released and uses these, supplemented by seventy interviews with principal players, to add much greater depth and detail to our understanding of this troubling event in U. S. history.In the mid-1970s a very controversial intelligence estimate was performed by people outside the government. They were given access to our most secret files and leaked their report to the press when Jimmy Carter was elected president. This study, which became known as’The Team B Report,’became the intellectual forbearer of the’window of vulnerability’and led to the demise of detente between the Soviet Union and the United States. Team B was the fundamental turning point in renewing the Cold War in the 1980s. The debate over the leaked report moved the center of arms control policy strongly to the right from where it had been during the years of detente. Team B presaged the triumph of Ronald Reagan and a military buildup on a scale unprecedented in peacetime that left present and future generations with the most crippling debt in our nation’s history. This book is about attempts to destroy improved relations between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s. Those opposed to the easing of tensions between the two countries used every means available, including accusing the Central Intelligence Agency of understating the threat posed by the Soviets. Charging the CIA this way seems preposterous now.
Cahn, M. A. (1995). Environmental Deceptions : The Tension Between Liberalism and Environmental Policymaking in the United States. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cahoone, L. E. (1995). The Ends of Philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cain, A. and B. Carlson (1999). Shed Some Pounds the Lazy Way. New York, N.Y., Macmillan.
Cain, B. (1997). Dealing With Your Bank : How to Assert Yourself As a Paying Customer. [N.p.], How To Books.
Cain, M. A. (1995). Revisioning Writer’s Talk : Gender and Culture in Acts of Composing. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Caine, H. The Scapegoat. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Calabrese Barton, A. (1998). Feminist Science Education. New York, Teachers College Press.
This volume presents a case for liberatory science education from a feminist perspective. Based on a two-year teacher-research study, Feminist Science Education questions and challenges how power and knowledge relationships position teachers, students, and science with and against one another in the classroom. Using stories about life in and out of the classroom, this book describes the impact that exploring this situated nature of science and teaching has for transforming science education.
Calabria, J., et al. (1998). Using Microsoft Word 97. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Calagione, J., et al. (1992). Workers’ Expressions : Beyond Accommodation and Resistance. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Calamity, J. and V. University of (1997). The Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Calandra, D. (1984). Much Ado About Nothing : Notes, Including Life of Shakespeare, Introduction to the Play, Brief Synopsis of the Play, List of Characters, Summaries and Commentaries, Character Sketches, Suggested Essay Questions, Selected Bibliography. [N.p.], Cliff’s Notes.
Calandra, D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1966). Fathers and Sons : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Calandra, D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1971). Lord of the Flies : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Calandra, D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1979). Macbeth : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, Cliffs Notes.
Calandra, D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1982). The Comedy of Errors, Love’s Labour’s Lost, & The Two Gentlemen of Verona : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Calandra, D. and I. Cliffs Notes (1982). Richard II : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
This is the drama of a king too fine and dandy to be an effective ruler. Faulted with incompetence and hoodwinked by his court, he loses his kingdom as the result of following his pleasure’s course.
Calandra, D., et al. (1968). Tartuffe, The Misanthrope, & The Bourgeois Gentleman : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Calandra, D. and J. L. Roberts (1968). Crucible : Notes, Including Life and Background, List of Characters, Commentaries, Critical Anlysis, the Historical Background, Review Questions and Essay Topics, Appendixes, Selected Bibliography. [N.p.], Cliff Notes.
Calavita, K., et al. (1997). Big Money Crime : Fraud and Politics in the Savings and Loan Crisis. Berkeley, University of California Press.
At a cost of $500 billion to American taxpayers, the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s was the worst financial crisis of the twentieth century as well as a crime unparalleled in American history. Yet the vast majority of its perpetrators will never be prosecuted, and those who were have received minimal sentences. In the first in-depth scrutiny of the ways and means of this disaster, this groundbreaking book comes to disturbing conclusions about the deliberate nature of this financial fraud, the political collusion involved, and the leniency of the criminal justice system in dealing with these’Gucci-clad white-collar criminals.’Using material from over one hundred interviews with government officials and industry leaders and recently declassified documents, the authors show how—contrary to previous government and’expert’explanations that chalked the disaster up to business risks gone awry or adverse economic conditions—S&L leaders engaged in deliberate fraud, stealing from their own corporations to speculate on high-risk ventures. Tempted by the insurance net, perpetrators looted their own institutions in a new kind of white-collar crime the authors dub’collective embezzlement.’Big Money Crime also demonstrates how systematic political collusion—not just policy errors—was a critical ingredient in this unprecedented series of frauds. Bringing together statistics from a variety of government agencies, the authors provide a close reading of the track record of prosecutions and sentencing and find that’suite crime’receives much more lenient treatment than’street crime,’despite its significantly higher price tag. The book concludes with a number of modest, but no less urgent, policy recommendations to counter the current deregulatory trend and to avert a replay of the S&L debacle in other financial sectors.FROM THE BOOK:’We built thick walls; we have cameras; we have time clocks on the vaults… all these controls were to protect against somebody stealing the cash. Well, you can steal far more money, and take it out the back door. The best way to rob a bank is to own one.’—House Committee on Government Operations, 1988
Calbris, G. (1990). The Semiotics of French Gestures. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Abridgement of the author’s thesis.
Calder, A., et al. (1999). Voyages and Beaches : Pacific Encounters, 1769-1840. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Papers presented at the 9th David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, University of Auckland, 1993.
Calderhead, J. (1994). Educational Research in Europe. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters.
Calderón de la Barca, P. Life Is a Dream. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Caldwell, C. C. (1992). Opportunities in Nutrition Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Caldwell, C. C. (2000). Opportunities in Nutrition Careers. Chicago, Ill, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Previously published in 1992.
Caldwell, H. (1998). The Agile Manager’s Guide to Hiring Excellence. Bristol, Vt., USA, Velocity Business Publishing.
Caldwell, J. T. (1995). Televisuality : Style, Crisis, and Authority in American Television. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Caldwell, L. K., et al. (1995). Environment As a Focus for Public Policy. College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
Calhoun, J. C. On Nullification and the Force Bill. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Calhoun, L. G. and R. G. Tedeschi (1999). Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth : A Clinician’s Guide. Mahwah, N.J., Routledge.
In this book, Calhoun and Tedeschi construct the first systematic framework for clinical efforts to enhance the processes they sum up as posttraumatic growth. Posttraumatic growth is the phenomenon of positive change through struggle with even the most horrible sets of circumstances. People who experience it tend to describe three general types of change: realistically stronger feelings of vulnerability that are nonetheless accompanied by stronger feelings of personal resilience, closer and deeper relationships with others, and a stronger sense of spirituality. Posttraumatic growth has only recently become an important focus of interest for researchers and practitioners. Drawing on a burgeoning professional literature as well as on their own extensive clinical experience, the authors present strategies for helping clients effect all three types of positive change–strategies that have been tested in a variety of groups facing a variety of crises and traumas. Their concise yet comprehensive practical guide will be welcomed by all those who counsel persons grappling with the worst life has to offer.
Caliandro, A. and B. Lenson (1999). Simple Steps : Ten Things You Can Do to Create an Exceptional Life. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Calkins, C. (1997). Appomattox Campaign : March 29-April 9, 1865. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Callahan, A. A. (1993). The Osage Ceremonial Dance I’n-Lon-Schka. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
[Trade paper ed., 1993]Callahan, D. (1995). Setting Limits : Medical Goals in an Aging Society. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
‘With’A response to my critics”–Cover.
Callahan, D., et al. (1995). A World Growing Old : The Coming Health Care Challenges. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Callahan, G. N. (1998). River Odyssey : A Story of the Colorado Plateau. Niwot, University Press of Colorado.
Callahan, J. C. (1995). Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law : Feminist Perspectives. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Callas, M. and J. Ardoin (1998). Callas at Juilliard : The Master Classes. Portland, Ore, Amadeus Press.
Callaway, A. (2000). Deaf Children in China. Washington, D.C., Gallaudet University Press.
Originally presented as the author’s thesis (Ph.D.–Bristol University).
Callaway, L. L. and L. L. Callaway (1997). Montana’s Righteous Hangmen : The Vigilantes in Action. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Callicott, J. B. (1997). Earth’s Insights : A Multicultural Survey of Ecological Ethics From the Mediterranean Basin to the Australian Outback. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
The environmental crisis is global in scope, yet contemporary environmental ethics is centered predominantly in Western philosophy and religion. Earth’s Insights widens the scope of environmental ethics to include the ecological teachings embedded in non-Western worldviews. J. Baird Callicott ranges broadly, exploring the sacred texts of Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Zen Buddhism, as well as the oral traditions of Polynesia, North and South America, and Australia. He also documents the attempts of various peoples to put their environmental ethics into practice. Finally, he wrestles with a question of vital importance to all people sharing the fate of this small planet: How can the world’s many and diverse environmental philosophies be brought together in a complementary and consistent whole?
Callicott, J. B. (1999). Beyond the Land Ethic : More Essays in Environmental Philosophy. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Callicott, J. B. and F. J. R. d. Rocha (1996). Earth Summit Ethics : Toward a Reconstructive Postmodern Philosophy of Environmental Education. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Callihan, D. and L. Callihan (2000). The Guidance Manual for the Christian Home School : A Parent’s Guide for Preparing Home School Students for College or Career. Franklin Lakes, NJ, Career Press.
Callow, C., et al. (2000). Doubletakes : Four Decades of Classic Investment Advice From the Investment Analyst and Professional Investor. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Calloway, C. G. (1988). New Directions in American Indian History. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Calloway, C. G. (1991). Dawnland Encounters : Indians and Europeans in Northern New England. Hanover, UPNE.
Colin G. Calloway collects, for the first time, documents describing the full range of encounters of Indians and Europeans in northern New England during the Colonial era. His comprehensive and highly readable introduction to the subject of Indian and European interaction in northern New England covers early encounters, missionary efforts, diplomacy, war, commerce, and cultural interchange and features a wide range of primary sources, including narratives, letters, account books, treaties, and council proceedings.Together with period illustrations, the documents testify to the richness and variety of the inter-ethnic relations in northern New England. They also show that while conflict certainly occurred, the encounters were also marked by cooperation and accommodation.
Calloway, C. G. (1994). The Western Abenakis of Vermont, 1600-1800 : War, Migration, and the Survival of an Indian People. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
First paperback printing, 1994.
Calloway, C. G. (1997). After King Philip’s War : Presence and Persistence in Indian New England. Hanover, NH, Dartmouth.
The 1676 killing of Metacomet, the tribal leader dubbed’King Philip’by colonists, is commonly seen as a watershed event, marking the end of a bloody war, dissolution of Indian society in New England, and even the disappearance of Native peoples from the region. This collection challenges that assumption, showing that Indians adapted and survived, existing quietly on the fringes of Yankee society, less visible than before but nonetheless retaining a distinct identity and heritage. While confinement on tiny reservations, subjection to increasing state regulation, enforced abandonment of traditional dress and means of support, and racist policies did cause dramatic changes, Natives nonetheless managed to maintain their Indianness through customs, kinship, and community.
Calvin, J. On the Christian Life. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Calvin, J. and J. Haroutunian Calvin, Commentaries. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Calvin, W. H. (1996). The Cerebral Code : Thinking a Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Calvo, C. M. (1998). Options for Managing and Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Calvo, G. (1996). Money, Exchange Rates, and Output. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Guillermo Calvo, who foresaw the financial crisis that followed the devaluation of Mexico’s peso, has spent much of his career thinking beyond the conventional wisdom. In a quiet and understated way, Calvo has made seminal contributions to several major research areas in macroeconomics, particularly monetary policy, exchange rates, public debt, and stabilization in Latin America and post-communist countries. Money, Exchange Rates, and Output brings together these contributions in a broad selection of the author’s work over the past two decades. There are introductions to each section, and an introduction to the entire collection that outlines the connections throughout and surveys the current state of macroeconomic theory.Calvo, an advocate of the’Chicago school’of rational expectations, uses elements of this approach to understand economic development. While he is a top macroeconomics theorist, his models are always intertwined with policy discussion. He pushes readers to combine knowledge of real world facts — of institutions, traditions, and culture, in addition to statistics – with theory.One focus of this collection is on the role of credibility in policy-making. Calvo analyzes the origins and macroeconomic consequences of credibility problems. He also shows how monetary and trade theory can fail when the public does not fully believe in policy announcements. A second focus is on equilibrium multiplicity. Calvo uses models with multiple equilibria to identify factors that cause anomalous behavior. He discusses multiple equilibria in abstract terms as well as in terms of its relevance to understanding domestic public debt.Specific issues covered are predetermined exchange rates, currency substitution, domestic public debt and seigniorage, and stabilizing transition economies.
Camarda, B., et al. (1999). Using Microsoft Word 2000. Indianapolis, Ind, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Camenson, B. (1994). Careers for History Buffs & Others Who Learn From the Past. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1995). Careers for Plant Lovers & Other Green Thumb Types. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1996). Opportunities in Museum Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1997). Careers for Mystery Buffs & Other Snoops and Sleuths. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1997). Careers for Self-starters & Other Entrepreneurial Types. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1997). Great Jobs for Art Majors. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1997). Great Jobs for Liberal Arts Majors. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Camenson, B. (1998). Careers for Legal Eagles & Other Law-and-order Types. Lincolnwood, Chicago, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1998). Opportunities in Overseas Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1999). Careers for Introverts & Other Solitary Types. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1999). Careers for Perfectionists & Other Meticulous Types. Lincolnwood [Chicago], Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1999). Great Jobs for Biology Majors. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (1999). Opportunities in Landscape Architecture, Botanical Gardens, and Arboreta. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (2000). Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (2000). Careers in Art. Lincolnwood, IL, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B. (2000). Great Jobs for Anthropology Majors. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Camenson, B. (2000). Great Jobs for Geology Majors. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Camenson, B., et al. (1995). Great Jobs for Communications Majors. Lincolnwood, Chicago, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Cameron, A. (1991). Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire : The Development of Christian Discourse. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Many reasons can be given for the rise of Christianity in late antiquity and its flourishing in the medieval world. In asking how Christianity succeeded in becoming the dominant ideology in the unpromising circumstances of the Roman Empire, Averil Cameron turns to the development of Christian discourse over the first to sixth centuries A.D., investigating the discourse’s essential characteristics, its effects on existing forms of communication, and its eventual preeminence. Scholars of late antiquity and general readers interested in this crucial historical period will be intrigued by her exploration of these influential changes in modes of communication.The emphasis that Christians placed on language—writing, talking, and preaching—made possible the formation of a powerful and indeed a totalizing discourse, argues the author. Christian discourse was sufficiently flexible to be used as a public and political instrument, yet at the same time to be used to express private feelings and emotion. Embracing the two opposing poles of logic and mystery, it contributed powerfully to the gradual acceptance of Christianity and the faith’s transformation from the enthusiasm of a small sect to an institutionalized world religion.
Cameron, D. (1999). GNU Emacs Pocket Reference. Beijing, O’Reilly.
Cameron, K. (1993). Humour and History. Oxford, England, Intellect Books.
Cameron, M. A. and P. Mauceri (1997). The Peruvian Labyrinth : Polity, Society, Economy. University Park, Pa, Pennsylvania State University Press.
Camfield, G. (1994). Sentimental Twain : Samuel Clemens in the Maze of Moral Philosophy. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
In Sentimental Twain, Gregg Camfield examines the major and minor works of Mark Twain to redraw the boundaries between sentimentalism and realism in the second half of the nineteenth century. Beginning by taking the reactions to the question of race in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a test case, Camfield reveals that sentimental ethics persist, though buried, in American culture, and he argues that Americans’ambivalent responses to sentimentalism explain some of the continuing controversy surrounding Mark Twain’s work. Specifically, he contends, insofar as the liberal agenda remains substantially sentimental – especially when dealing with issues of race – today’s readers of Twain participate in the same dialectic between sentimental compassion and realistic cynicism that Twain himself confronted. Camfield then traces the cultural development of this ethical dialectic and follows Mark Twain’s reactions to it, showing that Twain was a closet sentimentalist whose public attacks on sentimentalism veiled a deep longing for a more compassionate world. Throughout, Sentimental Twain is grounded in a discussion of philosophical contexts of nineteenth-century American sentimental literature, paying particular attention to the Scottish Common Sense philosophers, but looking forward to the Pragmatism of William James.
Camp, H. C. (1995). Iron in Her Soul : Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the American Left. Pullman, Wash, WSU Press.
Flynn was a labor organizer, the only woman leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, a founding member of ACLU, and a leader of the American Communist Party.
Camp, L. J. (2000). Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
As Internet-based commerce becomes commonplace, it is important that we examine the systems used for these financial transactions. Underlying each system is a set of assumptions, particularly about trust and risk. To evaluate systems, and thus to determine one’s own risks, requires an understanding of the dimensions of trust: security, privacy, and reliability.In this book Jean Camp focuses on two major yet frequently overlooked issues in the design of Internet commerce systems–trust and risk. Trust and risk are closely linked. The level of risk can be determined by looking at who trusts whom in Internet commerce transactions. Who will pay, in terms of money and data, if trust is misplaced? When the inevitable early failures occur, who will be at risk? Who is’liable’when there is a trusted third party? Why is it necessary to trust this party? What exactly is this party trusted to do? To answer such questions requires an understanding of security, record-keeping, privacy, and reliability.The author’s goal is twofold: first, to provide information on trust and risk to businesses that are developing electronic commerce systems; and second, to help consumers understand the risks in using the Internet for purchases and show them how to protect themselves. Rather than propose a single model of an Internet commerce system, the author provides the information and insights needed by merchants and consumers as they develop the Internet for commerce.
Camp, R. A. (1993). The Successor. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
The year is 1999, and Professor Kent Cornett has intended to do research of the background of the three leading candidates to become Mexico’s next president. Instead he’s involved in murder, espionage, and intrigue.
Camp, R. A. (1995). Mexican Political Biographies, 1935-1993. Austin, University of Texas Press.
Camp, R. A. (1996). Polling for Democracy : Public Opinion and Political Liberalization in Mexico. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Camp, W. M. and K. M. Hammer (1990). Custer in ’76 : Walter Camp’s Notes on the Custer Fight. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: Provo, Utah : Brigham Young University, c1976.
Campa, A. L. (1979). Hispanic Culture in the Southwest. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Campa, A. L. (1994). Treasure of the Sangre De Cristos : Tales and Traditions of the Spanish Southwest. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Previously published: 1963.
Campana, R. J. (1999). Arboriculture : History and Development in North America. East Lansing, Michigan State University Press.
Campanella, T. The City of the Sun : A Poetical Dialogue. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Campany, R. F. (1996). Strange Writing : Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Campbell, A. Peer Gynt’s Onion : An Alternative Alternative Medicine Book. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Campbell, A. K., et al. (1993). Improving the Recruitment, Retention, and Utilization of Federal Scientists and Engineers. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
This book assesses the capacity of the federal government to recruit and retain highly qualified scientists and engineers for federal service. It recommends more vigorous use of the existing Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 (FEPCA), as well as changes in legislation. It discusses the variety of management structures needed to support the different missions of federal agencies and identifies where organizational responsibility for implementing changes should lie.
Campbell, C. and B. A. Rockman (2000). The Clinton Legacy. New York, Chatham House.
Campbell, C. T. (1997). Civil Rights Chronicle : Letters From the South. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Includes index.
Campbell, D. G. (1992). The Crystal Desert : Summers in Antarctica. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Campbell, H. (1994). Zapotec Renaissance : Ethnic Politics and Cultural Revivalism in Southern Mexico. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Campbell, J. (1995). Past, Space, and Self. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Campbell, J. A. (1999). Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern Guatemala, the Yucatán, and Belize. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Campbell, L. (1999). Historical Linguistics : An Introduction. Cambridge, Mass, Edinburgh University Press.
Campbell, N. (1998). Writing Effective Policies and Procedures : A Step-by-step Resource for Clear Communication. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Campbell, R., et al. (1998). Hearing by Eye II : Advances in the Psychology of Speechreading and Auditory-visual Speech. Hove, East Sussex, UK, Psychology Press.
This volume outlines some of the developments in practical and theoretical research into speechreading lipreading that have taken place since the publication of the original’Hearing by Eye’. It comprises 15 chapters by international researchers in psychology, psycholinguistics, experimental and clinical speech science, and computer engineering. It answers theoretical questions what are the mechanisms by which heard and seen speech combine? and practical ones what makes a good speechreader? Can machines be programmed to recognize seen and seen-and-heard speech?. The book is written in a non-technical way and starts to articulate a behaviourally-based but cross-disciplinary programme of research in understanding how natural language can be delivered by different modalities.
Campbell, T. E. J. (1997). Innovations and Risk Taking : The Engine of Reform in Local Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Campion, E. and J. V. Holleran (1999). A Jesuit Challenge : Edmund Campion’s Debates at the Tower of London in 1581. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Campion, T. Art of English Poesie. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Campling, P. and R. Haigh (1999). Therapeutic Communities : Past, Present, and Future. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Campos, H. (1993). De la oración simple a la oración compuesta : curso superior de gramática española. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Campos, H. and P. M. Kempchinsky (1995). Evolution and Revolution in Linguistic Theory. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Campos, H. and F. Martâinez-Gil (1991). Current Studies in Spanish Linguistics. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.
Canada, G. (1995). Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun : A Personal History of Violence in America. Boston, Beacon Press.
Canada, G. (1998). Reaching Up for Manhood : Transforming the Lives of Boys in America. Boston, Beacon Press.
From a troubled youth navigating the mean streets of the South Bronx to an inspiring educational activist who evokes praise from the likes of President Barack Obama, Geoffrey Canada has made a remarkable personal journey that cemented his dedication to underserved youth. His award-winning work was featured in Davis Guggenheim’s documentary Waiting for “Superman,” and he has been hailed by media, activists, teachers, and national leaders. Michelle Obama called him “one of my heroes,” and Oprah Winfrey refers to him as “an angel from God.” Here, Canada draws on his years of work with inner-city youth and on his own turbulent boyhood to offer a moving and revelatory look at the little-understood emotional lives of boys. And who better for this task than the man Elizabeth Mehren of the Los Angeles Times calls “one of this country’s leading advocates for youth.”From the Trade Paperback edition.
Canarina, J. (1998). Uncle Sam’s Orchestra : Memories of the Seventh Army Symphony. Rochester, NY, Boydell & Brewer.
The United States once maintained a symphony orchestra, the Seventh Army Symphony, based in Stuttgart, Germany. Formed in 1952 as a public relations measure, it was intended to demonstrate to the Europeans, and the Germans in particular, that American soldiers were young men of culture capable of appreciating and performing the music of Beethoven, Brahms, and other great composers with feeling andunderstanding. In this the orchestra was extremely successful, touring repeatedly throughout (West) Germany, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In spite of the great acclaim and enthusiasm with which it was received throughout Europe, the orchestra encountered difficulty and some outright hostility from the U.S. Army itself, which did not quite know what to do witha symphony orchestra in its midst. Therefore, in addition to paying tribute to the important work the orchestra did in the field of cultural relations, this book chronicles the many humorous incidents that arose out of the perennial friction between the rather unmilitary orchestra and the’regular Army’personnel with whom it came in direct contact.
Canavan, F. (1995). The Political Economy of Edmund Burke : The Role of Property in His Thought. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Candler, W. and N. Kumar (1998). India : The Dairy Revolution: the Impact of Dairy Development in India and the World Bank’s Contribution. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
At head of title: World Bank Operations Evaluation Department, OED.
Canfield, G. W. (1983). Sarah Winnemucca of the Northern Paiutes. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Canfield, J. (1996). Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work : 101 Stories of Courage, Compassion, and Creativity in the Workplace. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1996). Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul : 101 Stories of Courage and Inspiration From Those Who Have Survived Cancer. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1996). Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul : 101 Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Women. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1997). A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1997). Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul : 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1997). Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul : 101 Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Mothers. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1998). Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul : 101 Stories of Courage, Hope, and Laughter. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
A collection of short stories, anecdotes, poems, and cartoons which present a positive outlook on life.
Canfield, J. (1998). Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul : Stories About Pets As Teachers, Healers, Heroes, and Friends. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1998). A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul : 101 More Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Women. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1999). Chicken Soup for the College Soul : Inspiring and Humorous Stories About College. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1999). Chicken Soup for the Couple’s Soul : Inspirational Stories About Love and Relationships. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. (1999). Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul : 101 Stories of Insights, Inspiration, and Laughter on the Links. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. and M. V. Hansen (1993). Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 Stories to Open the Heart & Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, FL, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. and M. V. Hansen (1995). A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. and M. V. Hansen (1996). A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. and M. V. Hansen (1998). A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J. and M. V. Hansen (1999). A 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul : 101 More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J., et al. (1997). Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul : 101 Stories of Life, Love, and Learning. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J., et al. (1998). Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II : 101 More Stories of Life, Love, and Learning. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J., et al. (1999). Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul : 101 Inspirational Stories of Overcoming Life’s Challenges. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Canfield, J., et al. (1996). A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul : Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Cannadine, D. (1998). Britain in ‘decline’? Waco, Tex, Baylor University.
Baylor University, Waco Texas, April 7-8, 1997.
Cannan, J. (1991). Atlanta Campaign : May-November, 1864. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Cannan, J. (1994). Antietam Campaign : August-September 1862. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Cannan, J. (1994). War on Two Fronts : Shiloh to Gettysburg. [N.p.], Combined Books.
Cannan, J. (1997). Spotsylvania Campaign : May 7-21, 1864. [N.p.], Combined Publishing.
Cannell, R. J. P. (1998). Natural Products Isolation. Totowa, N.J., Humana Press.
Natural Products Isolation provides a comprehensive introduction to techniques for the extraction and purification of natural products from all biological sources. The book opens with an introduction to separations and chromatography and discusses the approach to an isolation. Experienced experimentalists describe a wide array of methods for isolation of both known and unknown natural products, including initial extraction, open column chromatography, HPLC, countercurrent and planar chromatography, SFE, and crystallisation. Later chapters address specific issues in working with plants, marine organisms, water-soluble compounds, as well as scale-up, dereplication and follow-up of a natural product lead. For the less experienced, these chapters provide background information and hands-on advice – using real examples – about how to approach an extraction in general, when and how to apply a particular technique and how to modify conditions according to the nature of the compound being isolated. Geared to scientists with little experience of natural products extraction, but offering even skilled researchers valuable advice and insight, Natural Products Isolation lays the foundation for the potential extractor to isolate natural substances efficiently. Its methods and guidance will almost certainly play a major role in today’s natural product discovery and development.
Cannie, J. K. (1994). Turning Lost Customers Into Gold : –and the Art of Achieving Zero Defections. New York, AMACOM.
Cannon, J. (2000). Make Your Web Site Work for You : How to Convert Your Online Content Into Profits. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Cannon, T. (1999). The Ultimate Book of Business Breakthroughs. Oxford, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cantor, N. L. (1993). Advance Directives and the Pursuit of Death with Dignity. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Cantú, N. E. (1999). Canícula : Snapshots of a Girlhood En La Frontera. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.
Cantwell, R. (1993). Ethnomimesis : Folklife and the Representation of Culture. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Wide-ranging and provocative, this book will fascinate all those intrigued by how we create and perpetuate our representations of folklife and culture. Ethnomimesis is Robert Cantwell’s word for the process by which we take cultural influences, traditions, and practices to ourselves and then manifest them to others. Ethnomimesis is an element of ordinary social communication, but springing out of it, too, is that extraordinary summoning up that produces our literature, our art, and our music. In the broadest sense, ethnomimesis is the representation of culture. Using such diverse cultural artifacts as King Lear and an eighteenth-century English manor garden to deepen our understanding of ethnomimesis, Cantwell then explores at length the representation of culture in our national museum, the Smithsonian, focusing especially on the Festival of American Folklife. Like many other such exhibitions, the Festival enacts presentations of culture across the boundaries of rank and class, race and ethnicity, gender and the life cycle. Like the concept of’folklife’itself, Cantwell argues, the Festival stands where ethnomimesis finds its creative source, at the cultural frontier between self and other. That boundary, and the energy that accumulates there, runs through the many, varied’exhibits’of this book.
Canutt, Y. and O. Drake (1997). Stunt Man : The Autobiography of Yakima Canutt with Oliver Drake. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: New York : Walker, 1979.
Cao, G. (1996). The Attic : Memoir of a Chinese Landlord’s Son. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Novelist Guanlong Cao’s autobiographical account of growing up in urban Shanghai affords a rare glimpse into daily life during the forty turbulent years following the Communist Revolution. Forced to the bottom of Chinese society as’class enemies,’Cao’s family eked out a meager existence in a cramped attic. The details of their day-to-day existence—the endless quest for enough food, its preparation, Cao’s schooling and friends, the stirrings of sexual desire, his dreams and fantasies—are brought brilliantly to life in spare yet evocative prose. The memoir illuminates a world largely unknown to Westerners, one where human pettiness, cruelty, joy, and tenderness play themselves out against a backdrop of political upheaval and material scarcity.Reminiscent of the concise style of classical Chinese memoirs, Cao’s lean, elegant prose heightens the emotional intensity of his story. Perceptive and humorous, his voice is deeply original. It is a voice that demands to be heard—for the historical moment it captures as well as for the personal revelations it distills.
Cao, X. H. (1996). Rings, Groups, and Algebras. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Capacchione, L. and P. Van Pelt (1996). Putting Your Talent to Work : Identifying, Cultivating, and Marketing Your Natural Talents. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Capek, S. M. and J. I. Gilderbloom (1992). Community Versus Commodity : Tenants and the American City. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Capezio, P. (2000). Powerful Planning Skills : Envisioning the Future and Making It Happen. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Caplan, A. L. (1992). If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? : And Other Essays on the Ethics of Health Care. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Arthur L. Caplan has been an important voice in bioethics for many years. In a great number of essays and articles he has taken on some of the most pressing issues in bioethics today. This book brings his most important work together with new essays on autonomy in nursing homes and on the ethical issues raised by the mapping and sequencing of the human genome. In an introductory essay Caplan updates some of his views and responds to criticisms. Caplan begins with a discussion the nature of work in applied ethics. He rejects the view that those who do bioethics or any other version of applied ethics are merely the servants of moral theoreticians. Next, Caplan examines some of the tough moral questions raised by the use of animals in biomedical research. While not recognizing that animals have rights, he argues for more humane treatment when they are used in scientific research. In a group of essays on human experimentation, Caplan studies such issues as privacy and the obligation to serve as a voluntary subject in medical experimentation. In subsequent essays, he explores the frontiers of medicine in genetics, reproductive technology, and transplantation and reviews the challenges posed to the American health care system as the population grows older. Caplan concludes by confronting the pressing public policy issues of cost containment and rationing. He rejects the view that rationing is the only means available for reducing the escalating costs of health care and suggests strategies that would control costs while affording access to basic medical care for every American.
Caplan, E. (1998). Mind Games : American Culture and the Birth of Psychotherapy. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Eric Caplan’s fascinating exploration of Victorian culture in the United States shatters the myth of Freud’s seminal role in the creation of American psychotherapy. Resurrecting the long-buried’prehistory’of American mental therapeutics, Mind Games tells the remarkable story of how a widely assorted group of actors—none of them hailing from Vienna or from any other European city—compelled a reluctant medical profession to accept a new role for the mind in medicine. By the time Freud first set foot on American soil in 1909, as Caplan demonstrates, psychotherapy was already integrally woven into the fabric of American culture and medicine.What came to be known as psychotherapy emerged in the face of considerable opposition, much—indeed most—of which was generated by the medical profession itself. Caplan examines the contentious interplay within the American medical community, as well as between American physicians and their lay rivals, who included faith-healers, mind-curists, Christian Scientists, and Protestant ministers. These early practitioners of alternative medicine ultimately laid the groundwork for a distinctive and much heralded American type of psychotherapy. Its grudging acceptance by both medical elites and rank and file physicians signified their understanding that reliance on physical therapies to treat nervous and mental symptoms compromised their capacity to treat—and compete—effectively in a rapidly expanding mental-medical marketplace. Mind Games shows how psychotherapy came to occupy its central position in mainstream American culture.
Caplan, L. R., et al. (1999). Clinical Neurocardiology. New York, CRC Press.
This valuable reference provides a wide range of practical, clinical information for physicians who care for patients with neurological and cardiac problems. Clinical Neurocardiologyconsiders neurological complications arising from cardiac surgery and other cardiac interventions describes neurological findings in heart disease patients, including brain embolism, encephalopathies, and the effects of commonly prescribed drugs discusses the prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiac arrest details the management of coexistent coronary and cerebrovascular disease reviews the effects of various toxic and metabolic disorders causing neurologic symptoms in cardiac disease patients analyzes cardiac lesions as well as cardiac and neurological findings in patients with various diseases that effect the nervous system and heart and more! With over 1700 references, tables, drawings, photographs, and micrographs, Clinical Neurocardiology benefits cardiologists; neurologists; cardiac, cardiovascular, and vascular surgeons; neurosurgeons; internists; family and primary care physicians; physiologists; neuroscientists; and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
Caplan, S. (1999). High Profit Financial Management for Your Small Business. Chicago, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Capodagli, B. and L. Jackson (1999). The Disney Way : Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Capra, F. and G. A. Pauli (1995). Steering Business Toward Sustainability. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.
Caputo, J. D. (1993). Against Ethics : Contributions to a Poetics of Obligation with Constant Reference to Deconstruction. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
John D. Caputo undertakes a passionate, poetic, and satiric search for the basis of an ethics in the postmodern situation. Caputo defends the notion of obligation without ethics, of responsibility without the support of ethical foundations.
Caputo, J. D. (1993). Demythologizing Heidegger. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Caputo, J. D. (1997). The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida : Religion Without Religion. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Caputo, J. D. and M. J. Scanlon (1999). God, the Gift, and Postmodernism. Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press.
Caputo, K. (1997). How to Produce a Successful Crafts Show. Mechanicsburg, PA, Stackpole Books [NBN].
Caputo, R. (2000). Cisco Packetized Voice and Data Integration. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Caraher, B. (1992). Intimate Conflict : Contradiction in Literary and Philosophical Discourse: a Collection of Essays by Diverse Hands. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Caramello, C. (1983). Silverless Mirrors : Book, Self & Postmodern American Fiction. Tallahassee, Fla, University Press of Florida.
‘A Florida State University book.’
Caramello, C. (1996). Henry James, Gertrude Stein, and the Biographical Act. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Focusing on biographical portraiture, Charles Caramello argues that Henry James and Gertrude Stein performed biographical acts in two senses of the phrase: they wrote biography, but as a cover for autobiography. Constructing literary genealogies while creating original literary forms, they used their biographical portraits of precursors and contemporaries to portray themselves as exemplary modern artists. Caramello advances this argument through close readings of four works that explore themes of artistry and influence and that experiment with forms of biographical portraiture: James’s early biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne and his much later group biography, William Wetmore Story and His Friends, and Stein’s celebrated Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas and her largely forgotten Four in America, which comprises biographies of Ulysses S. Grant, Wilbur Wright, Henry James, and George Washington. The first comparative study of these two great expatriate writers, Henry James, Gertrude Stein, and the Biographical Act addresses questions of art, influence, and literary culture by analyzing important biographical portraits that themselves address the same questions.
Carapetis, S. and P. Sub-Saharan Africa Transport (1991). The Road Maintenance Initiative : Building Capacity for Policy Reform. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
At head of title: Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program.
Carbaugh, D. A. (1996). Situating Selves : The Communication of Social Identities in American Scenes. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cardinal, M. and A. Leclerc (1995). In Other Words. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Includes conversations with A. Leclerc.
Cardis, J. A. and K. Smith (2000). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Planning a Trip Online. Indianapolis, Ind, Que.
Includes index.
Cardozo, B. N. The Altruist in Politics. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carens, J. H. (1993). Democracy and Possesive Individualism : The Intellectual Legacy of C.B. Macpherson. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Carey, G. K. (1967). The Plague : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K. (1978). The Red Pony : Chrysanthemums; Flight: Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K. (1979). Cliffs Notes on Romeo and Juliet : Notes, Including Life of the Author, Brief Summary of the Play, Time Sequence, List of Characters, Summaries and Commentaries. Lincoln, Neb, Cliffs Notes.
Carey, G. K. (1980). Othello : Notes, Including Life of Shakespeare, Brief Synopsis of the Play, List of Characters, Summaries and Commentaries. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K. (1991). Uncle Tom’s Cabin : Notes, Including Life of the Author. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Cover title: Cliffs notes on Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
Carey, G. K. (1999). Old Man and the Sea : Notes. [N.p.], Cliffs Notes.
Carey, G. K. and I. Cliffs Notes (1968). The Idiot : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
In The Idiot, Prince Myshkin, a saintly man, is thrust into the heart of a society obsessed with wealth, power, and sexual conquest. He soon finds himself at the center of a violent love triangle in which a notorious woman and a beautiful young girl become rivals for his affections. Extortion, scandal, and murder follow, as Dostoevsky’s”positively good man”clashes with the emptiness of a society that cannot accommodate his moral idealism. This wonderfully fresh and faithful translation-never before published-is sure to become the definitive edition in English.
Carey, G. K. and I. Cliffs Notes (1974). Treasure Island & Kidnapped : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K. and I. Cliffs Notes (1979). The Stranger : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
The meaninglessness and randomness of life was a constant theme in Camus’s writing. This story is absurd, yet touches a chord within the reader that surely will resonate for years to come. A man is condemned to beheading because he was indifferent at his mother’s funeral. In prison he finds freedom and happiness. Death becomes his greatest moment of life.
Carey, G. K. and J. L. Roberts (1965). Grapes of Wrath : Notes. [N.p.], Cliffs Notes.
Carey, G. K. and J. L. Roberts (1999). Cliffs Notes on Shakespeare’s Histories : Henry VI, Parts 1,2, and 3, Henry IV, Part 1, Henry IV, Part 2, King John, Richard III, Henry VIII, Richard II, Henry V. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cover title.
Carey, G. K. and J. L. Roberts (1999). Shakespeare’s Comedies : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
‘Editor, Gary Carey ; consulting editor, James L. Roberts’–T.p. verso.
Carey, G. K., et al. (1967). The Brothers Karamazov : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K., et al. (1968). The Sun Also Rises : Notes, Including Life and Background, General Introduction, List of Characters, Commentary, Notes on Main Characters, ‘The Hemingway Code Hero’, Review Questions and Essay Topics. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, G. K., et al. (1999). Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, The Birds, The Clouds, The Frogs : Notes. Lincoln, Neb, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carey, J. M. (1997). Human Factors in Information Systems. Norwood, N.J., Intellect Books.
Papers originally presented at the Third Symposium on Human Factors in Management Information Systems, held on Oct. 17 and 18, 1991, in Norman, OK.
Carey, P. and E. Jewinski (1992). Re–Joyce’n Beckett. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Cargill, T. F., et al. (1997). The Political Economy of Japanese Monetary Policy. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
In The Political Economy of Japanese Monetary Policy, Cargill, Hutchison, and Takatoshi investigate the formulation and execution of monetary and financial policies in Japan within a broad technical, political, and institutional context. Their emphasis is on the period since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in the early 1970s, and on the effects of policies and institutions in shaping the modern Japanese economy. The authors present basic themes and recent developments, as well as their own research findings. They also review and integrate the large literature in the area. They consider theoretical arguments and empirical evidence for each topic discussed.Topics covered include Japan’s low inflation record (despite the central bank’s lack of formal independence from the government); politically motivated business cycles and the timing of elections; exchange rate policy and international policy coordination; the historical development of central banking; Japan’s’bubble economy’of the 1980s; and the causes, magnitude, and regulatory responses to Japan’s banking and financial crisis of the 1990s.
Carleton, S. and V. University of (1995). The Whale. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carleton, S. and V. University of (1996). The Lame Priest. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carleton, S. and V. University of (1996). The Tall Man. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carlile, L. E. and M. Tilton (1998). Is Japan Really Changing Its Ways? : Regulatory Reform and the Japanese Economy. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Carlin, D. (1992). Cather, Canon, and the Politics of Reading. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Carlsen, R. S. (1997). The War for the Heart & Soul of a Highland Maya Town. Austin, University of Texas Press.
Carlson, C. B. (1996). Buying Stocks Without a Broker. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Carlson, C. B. (1997). No-load Stocks : How to Buy Your First Share and Every Share Directly From the Company–with No Broker’s Fee. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Carlson, C. B. (1998). Chuck Carlson’s 60-second Investor : 201 Tips, Tools, and Tactics for the Time-strapped Investor. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Carlson, C. B. (1998). The Individual Investor Revolution. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Carlson, G. (1999). Total Exposure : Controlling Your Company’s Image in the Glare of the Business Media Explosion. New York, AMACOM.
Includes index.
Carlson, R. and M. W. McDonald (1999). How to Attain Your HRMS Vision. Chicago, CCH Inc.
Carlson, R. A. (1997). Experienced Cognition. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
This volume presents a theoretical framework for understanding consciousness and learning. Drawing on work in cognitive psychology and philosophy, this framework begins with the observation that to be conscious is literally to have a point of view. From this starting point, the book develops a descriptive scheme that allows perceptual, symbolic, and emotional awareness to be discussed in common theoretical terms, compatible with a computational view of the mind. A central theme is our experience of ourselves as agents, consciously controlling activities situated in environments. In contrast to previous theories of consciousness, the experienced cognition framework emphasizes the changes in conscious control as individuals acquire skills. The book is divided into four parts. The first introduces the central themes and places them in the context of information-processing theory and empirical research on cognitive skill. The second develops the theoretical framework, emphasizing the unity of perceptual, symbolic, and emotional awareness and the relation of conscious to nonconscious processes. The third applies the experienced cognition framework to a variety of topics in cognitive psychology, including working memory, problem solving, and reasoning. It also includes discussions of everyday action, skill, and expertise, focusing on changes in conscious control with increasing fluency. The last concludes the book by evaluating the recent debate on the’cognitive unconscious’and implicit cognition from the perspective of experienced cognition, and considering the prospects for a cognitive psychology focused on persons. This book addresses many of the issues raised in philosophical treatments of consciousness from the point of view of empirical cognitive psychology. For example, the structure of conscious mental states is addressed by considering how to describe them in terms of variables suitable for information-processing theory. Understanding conscious states in this way also provides a basis for developing empirical hypotheses, for example, about the relation of emotion and cognition, about the apparent’mindlessness’of skilled activity, and about the nature and role of goals in guiding activity. Criticisms of the computational view of mind are addressed by showing that the role of first-person perspectives in cognition can be described and investigated in theoretical terms compatible with a broadly-conceived information-processing theory of cognition.
Carlson-Newberry, S. J., et al. (1997). Emerging Technologies for Nutrition Research : Potential for Assessing Military Performance Capability. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
The latest of a series of publications based on workshops sponsored by the Committee on Military Nutrition Research, this book’s focus on emerging technologies for nutrition research arose from a concern among scientists at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine that traditional nutrition research, using standard techniques, centered more on complex issues of the maintenance or enhancement of performance, and might not be sufficiently substantive either to measure changes in performance or to predict the effects on performance of stresses soldiers commonly experience in operational environments. The committee’s task was to identify and evaluate new technologies to determine whether they could help resolve important issues in military nutrition research. The book contains the committee’s summary and recommendations as well as individually authored chapters based on presentations at a 1995 workshop. Other chapters cover techniques of body composition assessment, tracer techniques for the study of metabolism, ambulatory techniques for the determination of energy expenditure, molecular and cellular approaches to nutrition, the assessment of immune function, and functional and behavioral measures of nutritional status.
Carlyle, T. Characteristics. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carlyle, T. Early Kings of Norway. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carlyle, T. The French Revolution : A History. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carlyle, T. Heroes and Hero Worship. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carlyle, T. Inaugural Address at Edinburgh University. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carlyle, T. Latter-day Pamphlets. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carlyle, T. The Life of John Sterling. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carlyle, T. On Sir Walter Scott. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carlyle, T. Sartor Resartus : The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carmack, R. M. (1988). Harvest of Violence : The Maya Indians and the Guatemalan Crisis. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carmack, R. M. (1995). Rebels of Highland Guatemala : The Quichâe-Mayas of Momostenango. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carmer, C. L. (1985). Stars Fell on Alabama. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Carnes, P. (1997). The Betrayal Bond : Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships. Deerfield Beach, FL, HCI.
Exploitive relationships can create trauma bonds–chains that link a victim to someone who is dangerous to them. Divorce, employee relations, litigation of any type, incest and child abuse, family and marital systems, domestic violence, hostage negotiations, kidnapping, professional exploitation and religious abuse are all areas of trauma bonding. All these relationships share one thing: they are situations of incredible intensity or importance where there is an exploitation of trust or power. In The Betrayal Bond Patrick Carnes presents an in-depth study of these relationships, why they form, who is most susceptible, and how they become so powerful. He shows how to recognize when traumatic bonding has occurred and gives a checklist for examining relationships. He then provides steps to safely extricate from these relationships. This is a book you will turn to again and again for inspiration and insight, while professionals will find it an invaluable reference work.
Carney, E. D. (2000). Women and Monarchy in Macedonia. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carney, T. (1999). Natural Wonders of Michigan : Exploring Wild and Scenic Places. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Caroselli, M. (1998). Empower Yourself! New York, AMACOM.
Carpenter, B. (1997). Type-logical Semantics. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Based on an introductory course on natural-language semantics, this book provides an introduction to type-logical grammar and the range of linguistic phenomena that can be handled in categorial grammar. It also contains a great deal of original work on categorial grammar and its application to natural-language semantics. The author chose the type-logical categorial grammar as his grammatical basis because of its broad syntactic coverage and its strong linkage of syntax and semantics. Although its basic orientation is linguistic, the book should also be of interest to logicians and computer scientists seeking connections between logical systems and natural language.The book, which stepwise develops successively more powerful logical and grammatical systems, covers an unusually broad range of material. Topics covered include higher-order logic, applicative categorial grammar, the Lambek calculus, coordination and unbounded dependencies, quantifiers and scope, plurals, pronouns and dependency, modal logic, intensionality, and tense and aspect. The book contains more mathematical development than is usually found in texts on natural language; an appendix includes the basic mathematical concepts used throughout the book.
Carpenter, E. Pagan and Christian Creeds : Their Origin and Meaning. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carpenter, E. and V. University of (1998). Pagan & Christian Creeds : Their Origin and Meaning. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carpenter, J. A. (1999). Sword and Olive Branch : Oliver Otis Howard. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Originally published: Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, [1964]. With new introduction.
Carpenter, J. C. The Star-spangled Banner. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Carr, A. (2000). Family Therapy : Concepts, Process, and Practice. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Carr, A. and L. E. Davis (1997). Housebreak Any Dog : The Permanent Three-step Method. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Carr, A. A. (1995). Eye Killers : A Novel. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Lurking in the caves of eastern New Mexico, Falke, a thousand-year-old vampire, chooses his next bride: Melissa Roanhorse, an Albuquerque teenager. To regain his granddaughter’s life, Michael Roanhorse, an old Navajo sheepherder wise to the power of myth, must outwit the vampire and his loyal coven. So begins A.A. Carr’s Eye Killers, a novel that combines the Eastern European legend of the vampire with the Navajo tale of the monster slayer.The songs of Michael Roanhorse’s childhood include potent chants passed down through his grandmother, who sang to him of Changing Woman and her Warrior Twins, Monster Slayer and Child of the Water. But Michael’s spiritual strength and his memory have waned with the years. Who is left to help reunite him with his family and his family with their heritage?Michael enlists Diana Logan, Melissa’s young English teacher, to wrestle Melissa from the vampire. But to conquer Falke they must also overpower his coven: Elizabeth, captured by Falke in the 1850s during her family’s journey along the Santa Fe Trail, and Hanna, once a prostitute in Old Albuquerque, who aspires to supplant Falke’s vampire reign.Michael must invoke ancient traditions to bring Melissa home. The elders undertake to teach Diana, but her Irish-American heritage has not prepared her for a fight against shape-shifting vampires who have lived-and murdered-for centuries.In Eye Killers, Carr delivers an imaginative clash of cultures-both a suspenseful thriller and a valid rendering of Navajo and Pueblo tribal life in contemporary New Mexico. His inventiveness, expressed through melodic prose and layers of fine storytelling, weaves new legends of the American Southwest.
Carr, J. H. (1995). Down’s Syndrome : Children Growing Up. Cambridge [England], Cambridge University Press.
The most common, most easily recognised and probably the most researched single condition causing learning disability – Down’s syndrome. Based on extensive interviews and questionnaires focusing on fundamental issues of development and upbringing, Dr Carr has followed the lives of a population-based cohort of Down’s syndrome subjects from birth to early adulthood. This volume details particularly the development of study groups between the ages 11 and 21 years with a longitudinal perspective reference to earlier years as appropriate. A wide range of factors are investigated from behaviour, discipline and independence through to effects on the family and the provision of help from services. The collection of this unique data spanning the first 21 years of life enables Dr Carr to offer discussion and advice which will be of international relevance and an invaluable reference for all those concerned with the care, health and well-being of Down’s syndrome individuals and their families.
Carr, K. L. (1992). The Banalization of Nihilism : Twentieth-century Responses to Meaninglessness. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Carr, T. M. (1990). Descartes and the Resilience of Rhetoric : Varieties of Cartesian Rhetorical Theory. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
A careful analysis of the rhetorical thought of René Descartes and of a distinguished group of post-Cartesians. Covering a unique range of authors, including Bernard Lamy and Nicolas Malebranche, Carr attacks the idea, which has become commonplace in contemporary criticism, that the Cartesian system is incompatible with rhetoric. Carr analyzes the writings of Balzac, the Port-Royalists Arnauld and Nicole, Malebranche, and Lamy, exploring the evolution of Descartes’thought into their different theories of rhetoric. He constructs his arguments, probing each author’s writings on rhetoric, persuasion, and attention, to demonstrate the basis for rhetorical thought present in Descartes’theory of persuasion when it is combined with his psychophysiology of attention.
Carraciolo, A. (1999). Smart Things to Know About Teams. Oxford, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Carrasco, D. (1999). Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
A result of four years of cooperative research between the University of Colorado and the Templo Mayor Project of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes (formerly available as To Change Place) offers new interpretive models from the fields of archaeoastronomy, history of religion, anthropology, art history, and archaeology. Included are contributions by such noted experts as Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, Davíd Carrasco, Alfredo López Austin, Doris Heyden, Richard F. Townsend, Anthony Aveni, Henry B. Nicholson, Elizabeth Boone, Felipe Solis, and Johanna Broda, with a new introduction by William Fash.
Carrasco, D. (1999). City of Sacrifice : The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization. Boston, Beacon Press.
Carrasco Pizana, P. (1999). The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico : The Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carrasquillo, A. and V. Rodrâiguez (1996). Language Minority Students in the Mainstream Classroom. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Carrier, D. (1987). Artwriting. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Includes index.
Carrier, J. G. (1992). History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Carriker, K. (1998). Created in Our Image : The Miniature Body of the Doll As Subject and Object. Bethlehem, Pa, Lehigh University Press.
Carriker, R. C. (1970). Fort Supply, Indian Territory : Frontier Outpost on the Plains. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carriker, R. C. (1995). Father Peter John De Smet : Jesuit in the West. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carrison, D. and R. Walsh (1999). Semper Fi : Business Leadership the Marine Corps Way. New York, AMACOM.
For more than 200 years, the U.S. Marine Corps has been a paragon of world-class leadership, excelling in the areas of motivation, training, and management. Semper Fi — which since its hardcover publication has become a best-selling, business leadership classic — shows readers how to adapt these proven practices for their own organizations. Semper Fi goes behind the scenes to pinpoint what works for the USMC, showing readers how to create a training and management culture that brings out the best in all their employees. The book gives readers tough, practical tips for: • inspiring individual initiative • rewarding hard work • encouraging loyalty • working with limited resources • dealing with change •’leading the troops”at every level of the organization.’This is not,’according to Dan Rather,’one of those mumbo-jumbo, pseudo-philosophical books on leadership. Semper Fi is a book you will actually USE, read, and refer to again and again.’
Carrithers, G. H. and J. D. Hardy (1998). Age of Iron : English Renaissance Tropologies of Love and Power. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press.
Carroll, B. E. (1997). Spiritualism in Antebellum America. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Carroll, C. and V. University of (1996). Concerning Cheapness. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carroll, J. A. and E. E. Wilson (1993). Acts of Teaching : How to Teach Writing: a Text, a Reader, a Narrative. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Carroll, J. W. (1997). Being There : Culture and Formation in Two Theological Schools. New York, N.Y., Oxford University Press.
This book offers a close-up look at theological education in the U.S. today. The authors’goal is to understand the way in which institutional culture affects the outcome of the educational process. To that end, they undertake ethnographic studies of two seminaries-one evangelical and one mainline Protestant. These studies, written in a lively journalistic style, make up the first part of the book and offer fascinating portraits of two very different intellectual, religious, and social worlds. The authors go on to analyze these disparate environments, and suggest how in each case corporate culture acts as an agent of educational change. They find two major consequences stemming from the culture of each school. First, each culture gives expression to a normative goal that aims at shaping the way students understand themselves and from issues of ministry practice. Second, each provides a’cultural tool kit’of knowledge, practices, and skills that students use to construct strategies of action for the various problems and issues that will confront them as pastors or in other forms of ministry. In the concluding chapters, the authors explore the implications of their findings for theories of institutional culture and professional socialization and for interpreting the state of religion in America. They identify some of the practical dilemmas that theological and other professional schools currently face, and reflect on how their findings might contribute to their solution. This accessible, thought-provoking study will not only illuminate the structure and process by which culture educates and forms, but also provide invaluable insights into important dynamics of American religious life.
Carroll, L. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
A little girl falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of nonsensical and amusing characters.
Carroll, L. The Hunting of the Snark : An Agony in Eight Fits. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Bellman, Butcher, Baker, Banker, Billiard-Maker, and a talking Beaver set out on a sea voyage to hunt the elusive Snark.
Carroll, L. Jabberwocky. Mt. View, Calif, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
From’Through the Looking Glass’, Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the meaning of the poem’Jabberwocky.’
Carroll, L. Phantasmagoria and Other Poems. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
A collection of Lewis Carroll’s poetic works.
Carroll, L. Sylvie and Bruno. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
An imaginative tale of two little children meeting adventure in such places as Dogland, Outland, and Elfland.
Carroll, L. Through the Looking Glass. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
After climbing through a mirror, Alice enters a world similar to a chess board, where she experiences many curious adventures with its fantastic inhabitants.
Carroll, L. (1998). Lawful Order : A Case Study of Correctional Crisis and Reform. New York, Routledge.
First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Carson, B. and M. Llewellyn-Jones (2000). Frames and Fictions on Television : The Politics of Identity Within Drama. Exeter, England, Intellect Books.
Carson, L. (1999). The Essential Grandparent’s Guide to Divorce : Making a Difference in the Family. Deerfield Beach, Fla, Health Communications, Inc.
Carstens, K. C. and P. J. Watson (1996). Of Caves and Shell Mounds. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University Alabama Press.
Ancient human groups in the Eastern Woodlands of North America were long viewed as homogeneous and stable hunter-gatherers, changing little until the late prehistoric period when Mesoamerican influences were thought to have stimulated important economic and social developments. The authors in this volume offer new, contrary evidence to dispute this earlier assumption, and their studies demonstrate the vigor and complexity of prehistoric peoples in the North American Midwest and Midsouth. These peoples gathered at favored places along midcontinental streams to harvest mussels and other wild foods and to inter their dead in the shell mounds that had resulted from their riverside activities. They created a highly successful, pre-maize agricultural system beginning more than 4,000 years ago, established far-flung trade networks, and explored and mined the world’s longest cave—the Mammoth Cave System in Kentucky. Contributors include: Kenneth C. Carstens, Cheryl Ann Munson, Guy Prentice, Kenneth B. Tankersley, Philip J. DiBlasi, Mary C. Kennedy, Jan Marie Hemberger, Gail E. Wagner, Christine K. Hensley, Valerie A. Haskins, Nicholas P. Herrmann, Mary Lucas Powell, Cheryl Claassen, David H. Dye, and Patty Jo Watson
Carstensen, J. T. (1998). Pharmaceutical Preformulation. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
FROM THE PREFACEThis book addresses problems and solutions of formulation and preformulation with which I have concerned myself for 34 years. When I was employed in the pharmaceutical industry I worked at functions, in the 1960’s, which were the precursors of preformulation, and my early publications dealt with such matters. In the following decades advances have been made in methodology and the realm of preformulation has grown. Theory and the way in which problems are viewed have also undergone change. The text deals with the pharmaceutical aspects of preformulation, not the synthetic nor the analytical aspects. It takes its vantage point at the point in time when the pharmaceutical preformulator first obtains a sample of the drug substance, and it explores the physical, chemical and technological aspects that are needed for a full exploration of the potential advantages and disadvantages of the drug substance. It is only through the understanding of underlying principles that adequate exploration can be carried out.
Cartelli, T. (1991). Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Economy of Theatrical Experience. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Carter, B. C. (1999). Infinite Wealth : A New World of Collaboration and Abundance in the Knowledge Era. Boston, Routledge.
With advances in information technology people are being empowered to connect, collaborate, create wealth and self-order without bureaucracy or representative government. Infinite Wealth shows how the frantic change within organizations is part of a process of creating a new type of wealth creation enterprise enabled through the Internet. Infinite Wealth illuminates our environment, allowing us to clearly see the big picture and how the individual pieces of today’s activity fit into a coherent new worldview, thus making sense of today’s chaos. This revolutionary synthesis empowers you to understand what is occurring and to make effective personal choices regarding your work and life.
Carter, C. A. (1996). Kenneth Burke and the Scapegoat Process. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carter, C. E. (1995). Caddo Indians : Where We Come From. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Carter, D. T. (1992). George Wallace, Richard Nixon, and the Transformation of American Politics. Waco, Tex, Baylor University.
Carter, H. L. and K. Carson (1968). Dear Old Kit : The Historical Christopher Carson. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
‘The Kit Carson memoirs, 1809-1856′(p. 38-149) were first published in 1926 under title Kit Carson’s own story of his life.
Carter, K. and M. Presnell (1994). Interpretive Approaches to Interpersonal Communication. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Carter, L., et al. (1996). Investment Funds in Emerging Markets. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Prepared by Laurence Carter, Teresa Barger, and Irving Kuczynski.
Carter, S., et al. (1999). Cowboys, Ranchers and the Cattle Business : Cross-border Perspectives on Ranching History. Calgary, University of Calgary Press.
Papers from a conference held at the Glenbow Museum in Sept. 1997.
Cartlidge, N. (1997). Medieval Marriage : Literary Approaches, 1100-1300. Cambridge [England], Boydell & Brewer.
This book uses literary texts to trace the development of medieval thinking about marriage in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, taking into account not only important developments in theological and legal thinking about marriage during this period, but conventions such as `courtly love’, which affect its portrayal in literary texts. The focus of this study is upon England, and specifically three groups of texts linked together by English manuscripts – the `AB’-Group, containing the Ancrene Wisse; The Owl and the Nightingale and its companion-pieces; and finally the Life of StChristina of Markyate and the Chanson de Saint Alexiswhich she once owned. The author demonstrates the continuity of these texts in their attitude towards marriage, along with continental works such as the letters of Abelard and Heloise, and Chrétien de Troyes’Erec et Enide. Throughout, the volume clearly and accessibly shows how the imaginative literature of the period participated in the evolution of a new and enduring ideology of marriage.Dr NEIL CARTLIDGEis a Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford.
Cartwright, G. (1998). Galveston : A History of the Island. Ft. Worth, Tex, Texas Christian University Press.
Originally published: New York : Atheneum ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1991.
Caruth, D. L. and S. A. Stovall (1994). NTC’s American Business Terms Dictionary. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Carvalho, D. N. and V. University of (1998). Forty Centuries of Ink. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Carvalho, S. and H. White (1996). Implementing Projects for the Poor : What Has Been Learned? Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Carvalho, S. and H. White (1997). Combining the Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Poverty Measurement and Analysis : The Practice and the Potential. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Carver, J. (1997). Boards That Make a Difference : A New Design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Carver, M. O. H. (1992). The Age of Sutton Hoo : The Seventh Century in North-western Europe. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Boydell & Brewer.
`The Sutton Hoo `princely’burials play a pivotal role in any modern discussion of Germanic kingship.’EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE The age of Sutton Hoo runs from the fifth to the eighth century AD – a dark and difficult age, where hard evidence is rare, but glittering and richly varied. Myths, king-lists, place-names, sagas, palaces, belt-buckles, middens and graves are all grist to the archaeologist’s mill. This book celebrates the anniversary of the discovery of that most famous burial at Sutton Hoo. Fifty years ago this great treasure, now in the British Museum, was unearthed from thecentre of a ninety-foot-long ship buried on remote Suffolk heathland. Included in this volume are 23 wide-ranging essays on the Age of Sutton Hoo and director Martin Carver’s summary of the latest excavations, which represent the current state of knowledge about this extraordinary site. That it still has secrets to reveal is shown by the last-minute discovery of a striking burial of a young noblewith his horse and grave goods.M.O.H. CARVER is Professor of Archaeology at York University, and Director of the Sutton Hoo Research Project.
Cary, D. S. (1996). The Hollywood Posse : The Story of a Gallant Band of Horsemen Who Made Movie History. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1975. With new preface.
Cary, E. and S. J. Wright (1996). The Tragedy of Mariam : The Fair Queen of Jewry. Keele [England], Edinburgh University Press.
Cary, E. L. and A. M. Jones (1997). Books and My Food : Literary Quotations and Recipes for Every Year. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Originally published: New York : Rohde and Haskins, 1907.
Cary, E. L. and V. University of (1995). Recent Writings by American Indians. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cary, J. W., et al. (2000). Microbial Foodborne Diseases : Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Toxin Synthesis. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
Through the use of molecular and cellular biological techniques, numerous advances have been made in understanding the molecular basis of virulence mechanisms and toxin biosynthesis in organisms that contaminate food and feed. Microbial Foodborne Diseases: Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Toxin Synthesis serves as an advanced text on these techniques, providing useful, up-to-date information by recognized authorities on the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis and toxin production of some of the most important foodborne pathogens.This book focuses on the molecular and cellular processes that govern pathogenicity and toxin production in foodborne and waterborne pathogens – viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan. It also includes current information related to the association of each pathogen with particular foods and water, epidemiology, methods of early detection, toxicology, and economic impact of the pathogen. It not only serves as an excellent reference, it is also a valuable tool in the rational design of preventative controls and therapeutic approaches to the disease process.
Cary, S. (1999). The Alcoholic Man : What You Can Learn From the Heroic Journeys of Recovering Alcoholics. Los Angeles, NTC Contemporary.
Includes index.
Casanave, S. (1999). Natural Wonders of New Hampshire : Exploring Wild and Scenic Places. Lincolnwood, Ill, NTC Contemporary.
Casanova, K. (2000). Letting Go of Debt : Growing Richer One Day at a Time. Center City, Minn, Perseus Books, LLC.
Casanovas, J. (1998). Bread Or Bullets : Urban Labor and Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, 1850–1898. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press.
The first thoroughly documented history of organized labor in nineteenth-century Cuba, this work focuses on how urban laborers joined together in collective action during the transition from slave to free labor and in the last decades of Spanish colonial rule in Cuba.
Casas, E. (1996). Control of Partial Differential Equations and Applications : Proceedings of the IFIP WG 7.2 International Conference, Laredo. New York, Marcel Dekker.
Casati, R. and A. C. Varzi (1994). Holes and Other Superficialities. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
‘A Bradford book.’
Casati, R. and A. C. Varzi (1999). Parts and Places : The Structures of Spatial Representation. Cambridge, Mass, A Bradford Book.
Thinking about space is thinking about spatial things. The table is on the carpet; hence the carpet is under the table. The vase is in the box; hence the box is not in the vase. But what does it mean for an object to be somewhere? How are objects tied to the space they occupy? In this book Roberto Casati and Achille C. Varzi address some of the fundamental issues in the philosophy of spatial representation. Their starting point is an analysis of the interplay between mereology (the study of part/whole relations), topology (the study of spatial continuity and compactness), and the theory of spatial location proper. This leads to a unified framework for spatial representation understood quite broadly as a theory of the representation of spatial entities. The framework is then tested against some classical metaphysical questions such as: Are parts essential to their wholes? Is spatial co-location a sufficient criterion of identity? What (if anything) distinguishes material objects from events and other spatial entities? The concluding chapters deal with applications to topics as diverse as the logical analysis of movement and the semantics of maps.
Case, F. W. and R. B. Case (1997). Trilliums. Portland, Or, Timber Press, Inc.
Case, S.-E. (1996). The Domain-matrix : Performing Lesbian at the End of Print Culture. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Case, S.-E. and J. G. Reinelt (1991). The Performance of Power : Theatrical Discourse and Politics. Iowa City, University Of Iowa Press.
Recently in the field of theatre studies there has been an increasing amount of debate and dissonance regarding the borders of its territory, its methodologies, subject matter, and scholarly perspectives. The nature of this debate could be termed’political’and, in fact, concerns’the performance of power’—the struggle over power relations embedded in texts, methodologies, and the academy itself. This striking new collection of nineteen divergent essays represents this performance of power and the way in which the recent convergence of new critical theories with historical studies has politicized the study of the theatre. Neither play text, performance, nor scholarship and teaching can safely reside any longer in the’free,’politically neutral, self-signifying realm of the aesthetic. Politicizing theatrical discourse means that both the hermeneutics and the histories of theatre reveal the role of ideology and power dynamics. New strategies and concepts—and a vital new phase of awareness—appear in these illuminating essays. A variety of historical periods, from the Renaissance through the Victorian and up to the most contemporary work of the Wooster group, illustrate the ways in which contemporary strategies do not require contemporary texts and performances but can combine with historical methods and subjects to produce new theatrical discourse.
Casey, A. G. and P. Casey (2007). Velocity : Speed with Direction: the Professional Career of Gen. Jerome F. O’Malley. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala, Air University Press.
‘This storyline addresses the only question mark on O’Malley’s career — the Lavelle raids of February 1972. Using appropriate Nixon White House audio recordings and top secret messages (sent by the Joint chiefs of Staff to Vietnam) that were acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, Aloysius and Patrick Casey rescued from character assassination the reputation not only of Jerry O’Malley but also the reputation of Gen John D. Lavelle. They reveal the real culprit in the matter — the Nixon White House.’–AU Press web site.
Casey, K. (2000). Girl to Girl : Finding Our Voices. Center City, Minn, Perseus Books, LLC.
Cashin, E. J. (1999). The King’s Ranger : Thomas Brown and the American Revolution on the Southern Frontier. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Originally published: Athens : University of Georgia Press, c1989. With new preface.
Cashin, H. V. (1993). Under Fire with the Tenth U.S. Cavalry. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Originally published: London ; New York : F.T. Neely, c1899.
Cashion, T. (1996). A Texas Frontier : The Clear Fork Country and Fort Griffin, 1849-1887. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Cashman, K. (1998). Leadership From the Inside Out : Becoming a Leader for Life. Provo, Utah, Executive Excellence.
Casler, K. (1998). Asthma : Questions You Have, Answers You Need. Allentown, Pa, People’s Medical Society.
Cason, C. (1983). 90 ̊in the Shade. University, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Reprint. Originally published: Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina Press, c1935.
Casper, B. M. and P. D. Wellstone (1981). Powerline : The First Battle of America’s Energy War. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Casper, G. and M. M. Taylor (1996). Negotiating Democracy : Transitions From Authoritarian Rule. Pittsburgh, Pa, University of Pittsburgh Press.
This book explains why some countries succeed in installing democracy after authoritarian rule, and why some of these new democracies make progress toward consolidation. Casper and Taylor show that a democratic government can be installed when elite bargaining during the transition process is relatively smooth. They view elite bargaining in twenty-four transitions cases, some where continued authoritarianism was the result, others where a democratic government was the result, and a third outcome where progress towards consolidation was the end product.
Casper, M. J. (1998). The Making of the Unborn Patient : A Social Anatomy of Fetal Surgery. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Casper, V. and S. B. Schultz (1999). Gay Parents/straight Schools : Building Communication and Trust. New York, Teachers College Press.
Casperson, D. M. (1999). Power Etiquette : What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Career. New York, AMACOM.
No-nonsense guidance to a crucial set of personal career skills. Can table manners make or break a megamerger? Can a faxing faux-pas derail a promising business relationship? Can an improper introduction cost you a client? Can manners (or lack of them) really kill a career? Absolutely. In an era when companies are competing on the basis of service, manners are much more than a social nicety — they’re a crucial business skill. In fact, good manners are good business. This no-nonsense “manners reference” refreshes readers on everyday etiquette and makes sure they’re on their best behavior. It provides quick guidance on such pertinent and timely topics as: • telephone and e-mail etiquette • table manners •grooming and business dress • written communications • gift giving • resumes and interviews • making introductions • public speaking • networking, and more.
Cassel, P. (1998). Using Windows NT Workstation 4. Indianapolis, Pearson Education, Inc.
Includes index.
Cassell, J. and H. Jenkins (1998). From Barbie® to Mortal Kombat : Gender and Computer Games. Cambridge, Mass, The MIT Press.
Many parents worry about the influence of video games on their children’s lives. The game console may help to prepare children for participation in the digital world, but at the same time it socializes boys into misogyny and excludes girls from all but the most objectified positions. The new’girls’games’movement has addressed these concerns. Although many people associate video games mainly with boys, the girls games’movement has emerged from an unusual alliance between feminist activists (who want to change the’gendering’of digital technology) and industry leaders (who want to create a girls’market for their games).The contributors to From Barbie® to Mortal Kombat explore how assumptions about gender, games, and technology shape the design, development, and marketing of games as industry seeks to build the girl market. They describe and analyze the games currently on the market and propose tactical approaches for avoiding the stereotypes that dominate most toy store aisles. The lively mix of perspectives and voices includes those of media and technology scholars, educators, psychologists, developers of today’s leading games, industry insiders, and girl gamers.Contributors: Aurora, Dorothy Bennett, Stephanie Bergman, Cornelia Brunner, Mary Bryson, Lee McEnany Caraher, Justine Cassell, Suzanne de Castell, Nikki Douglas, Theresa Duncan, Monica Gesue, Michelle Goulet, Patricia Greenfield, Margaret Honey, Henry Jenkins, Cal Jones, Yasmin Kafai, Heather Kelley, Marsha Kinder, Brenda Laurel, Nancie Martin, Aliza Sherman, Kaveri Subrahmanyam.
Cassell, R. D. and S. Royal Historical (1997). Medical Charities, Medical Politics : The Irish Dispensary System and the Poor Law, 1836-1872. [London], Boydell & Brewer.
Should be read by…every specialist in public administration in Ireland and England during the nineteenth century. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW ••`Choice’Outstanding Academic Book of 1998••In mid-nineteenth-century Ireland there existed a system of medical relief for the poor, via a country-wide system of dispensaries, superior to any public health system in England and arguably in Europe. This book examines the dispensary system and Irish health policy and administration in general, focusing upon the Medical Charities Act of 1851, which placed medical relief under the control of theIrish Poor Law Commission. The Commission’s origin, motivation and effect (for example on epidemic control, cholera and famine) are analysed in detail, together with the pre-famine medical charitiesit replaced and the reorganised poor law system, taking the story through to 1872. The argument is set firmly in the context of the pattern of government growth, of British medical politics as a whole, and of British policy in Ireland; it also shows how the Irish experience influenced developing British policies on health provision. R.D. CASSELL is Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Cassells, E. S. (1997). The Archaeology of Colorado. Boulder, Colo, Johnson Books.
Cassels, A. (1991). Italian Foreign Policy, 1918-1945 : A Guide to Research and Research Materials. Wilmington, Del, Scholarly Resources, Inc.
Cassidy, D. (1998). 30 Strategies for High Profit Investment Success. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Cassidy, D. (1999). When the Dow Breaks : Insights and Strategies for Protecting Your Profits in a Turbulent Market. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill Professional.
Cassidy, D. J. (2000). Last Minute College Financing : It’s Never Too Late to Plan for the Future. Franklin Lakes, N.J., Career Press.
Includes index.
Cassidy, K. J. and G. Bischak (1993). Real Security : Converting the Defense Economy and Building Peace. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Cassimatis, L. P. (1988). American Influence in Greece, 1917-1929. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
The diplomatic relations between Greece and the United States in the interwar period have received scant attention from historians, primarily because of the non-political and non-military role of the United States in that part of the world prior to the Second World War. The American presence in Greece after 1917, however, would be fundamental to the social and economic development of the Greek nation, while American influence would eventually permeate all levels of Greek society. Dr. Cassimatis offers the first, full-length account of this formative period in the history of Greek-American diplomacy. The issues separating the governments of the United States and Greece in the 1920s were simultaneously self-contained and international in scope. For Greece, they were self-contained because they involved solutions to domestic problems affecting the welfare?indeed, the survival?of the Greek nation. Internationally, they were interconnected because efforts to bring about their resolution contributed to an American entanglement in the Near-East policies of Great Britain, France and Italy. Thus, American loans, commercial aggrandizement, the inroads of American capital, philanthropy, and cultural relations were but components of a larger diplomatic setting in which the interests of the United States came into conflict with the interests of the Western European powers.
Casson, H. N. The History of the Telephone. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Castel, A. E. (1999). William Clarke Quantrill : His Life and Times. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Originally published: New York : F. Fell, 1962.
Castillo, E. and M. R. Ruiz-Cobo (1992). Functional Equations and Modelling in Science and Engineering. New York, M. Dekker.
Castle, G. (1996). Sammy Sosa : Clearing the Vines. Champaign, IL, Sports Publishing, Inc.
Castle, G. (1999). Sammy Sosa : Slammin’ Sammy. [Champaign, Ill.], Perseus Books, LLC.
Castle, G. and J. Rygelski (1999). The I-55 Series : Cubs Vs. Cardinals. Champaign, IL, Sports Publishing, Inc.
Castro, M. (1991). Interpreting the Indian : Twentieth-century Poets and the Native American. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Castro, R. d., et al. (1991). Poems. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Castro-Leal, F. (1996). Who Benefits From Public Education Spending in Malawi? : Results From the Recent Education Reform. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Catalyst, i. (1998). Advancing Women in Business–the Catalyst Guide : Best Practices From the Corporate Leaders. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Cate, F. H. (1997). Privacy in the Information Age. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.
Cates, J. A. (1997). Journalism : A Guide to the Reference Literature. Englewood, Colo, Libraries Unlimited.
Cather, W. The Affair at Grover Station. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cather, W. Alexander’s Bridge. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. My Antonia. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cather, W. The Song of the Lark. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cather, W. The Troll Garden and Selected Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cather, W. (1996). O Pioneers! Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1996). On the Gull’s Road. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1996). The Professor’s Commencement. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1996). Street in Packingtown. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1996). The Treasure of Far Island. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1996). Youth and the Bright Medusa. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1997). Ardessa. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cather, W. and V. University of (1997). El Dorado : A Kansas Recessional. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Catherine and A. L. Thorold Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Caton, H. (1988). The Politics of Progress : The Origins and Development of the Commercial Republic, 1600-1835. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Includes index.
Caton, S. C. (1990). ‘Peaks of Yemen I Summon’ : Poetry As Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe. Berkeley, University of California Press.
In this first full-scale ethnographic study of Yemeni tribal poetry, Steven Caton reveals an astonishingly rich folkloric system where poetry is both a creation of art and a political and social act. Almost always spoken or chanted, Yemeni tribal poetry is cast in an idiom considered colloquial and’ungrammatical,’yet admired for its wit and spontaneity. In Yemeni society, the poet has power over people. By eloquence the poet can stir or, if his poetic talents are truly outstanding, motivate an audience to do his bidding. Yemeni tribesmen think, in fact, that poetry’s transformative effect is too essential not to use for pressing public issues.Drawing on his three years of field research in North Yemen, Caton illustrates the significance of poetry in Yemeni society by analyzing three verse genres and their use in weddings, war mediations, and political discourse on the state. Moreover, Caton provides the first anthropology of poetics. Challenging Western cultural assumptions that political poetry can rarely rise above doggerel, Caton develops a model of poetry as cultural practice. To compose a poem is to construct oneself as a peacemaker, as a warrior, as a Muslim. Thus the poet engages in constitutive social practice.Because of its highly interdisciplinary approach, this book will interest a wide range of readers including anthropologists, linguists, folklorists, literary critics, and scholars of Middle Eastern society, language, and culture.
Catt, H. and P. Scudamore (2000). 30 Minutes – to Improve Your Networking Skills. London, Kogan Page.
Cattell, J. M. and V. University of (1997). The Scientific Monthly. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Catton, T. (1997). Inhabited Wilderness : Indians, Eskimos, and National Parks in Alaska. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Catullus, G. V. and D. H. Garrison (1995). The Student’s Catullus. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Caulfield, N. (1998). Mexican Workers and the State : From the Porfiriato to NAFTA. Fort Worth, Texas Christian University Press.
Caulfield, R. A. (1997). Greenlanders, Whales, and Whaling : Sustainability and Self-Determination in the Arctic. Hanover, NH, Dartmouth.
Whaling has been central to the life of Greenland’s Inuit peoples for at least 4000 years, but political, economic, technological, and regulatory changes have altered this ancient practice. Richard A. Caulfield reveals these impacts first by analyzing Home Rule and its success in Greenland, and then by looking at whaling’s place in the contemporary Greenlandic economy and its evolving co-management regime. What emerges from his investigation is an intricate web connecting traditions of indigenous peoples, the promises and pitfalls of co-management, the influence of international whaling policies, the complexities of sustainability, and the power of culturally determined views shaping relationships between humans and their environment. Caulfield finds that controversy over whaling often arises from conflicting idea systems, rather than disagreement over biological resource management. Understanding the ways Greenlanders and outside interests have defined and negotiated these conflicts’gives us more than just an insight into how indigenous peoples are coping with a changing world,’he writes.’It also provides us with a sense of the challenges we face as well.’
Caulkins, J. P. (1999). An Ounce of Prevention, a Pound of Uncertainty : The Cost-effectiveness of School-based Drug Prevention Programs. Santa Monica, Calif, RAND Corporation.
Causey, R. L. (1994). Logic, Sets, and Recursion. Boston, Jones and Bartlett.
Cavalcanti, C. B. (1999). Estonia : Implementing the EU Accession Agenda. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Prepared by Carlos Cavalcanti and others.
Cavanagh, S. T. (1994). Wanton Eyes and Chaste Desires : Female Sexuality in the Faerie Queene. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Cave, A. A. (1996). The Pequot War. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Cave, P. (2007). Primary School in Japan : Self, Individuality and Learning in Elementary Education. Abingdon [England], Routledge.
The balance between individual independence and social interdependence is a perennial debate in Japan. A series of educational reforms since 1990, including the implementation of a new curriculum in 2002, has been a source of fierce controversy. This book, based on an extended, detailed study of two primary schools in the Kinki district of Japan, discusses these debates, shows how reforms have been implemented at the school level, and explores how the balance between individuality and social interdependence is managed in practice. It discusses these complex issues in relation to personal identity within the class and within the school, in relation to gender issues, and in relation to the teaching of specific subjects, including language, literature and mathematics. The book concludes that, although recent reforms have tended to stress individuality and independence, teachers in primary schools continue to balance the encouragement of individuality and self-direction with the development of interdependence and empathy.
Caws, P. (1993). Yorick’s World : Science and the Knowing Subject. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Peter Caws provides a fresh and often iconoclastic treatment of some of the most vexing problems in the philosophy of science: explanation, induction, causality, evolution, discovery, artificial intelligence, and the social implications of technological rationality.Caws’s work has been shaped equally by the insights of Continental philosophy and a concern with scientific practice. In these twenty-eight essays spanning more than a quarter of a century, he ranges from discussions of the work of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, to relations between science and surrealism, to the concept of intentionality, to the limits of quantitative description. A lively mix of history, theory, speculation, and analysis, Yorick’s World presents a vision of science that includes human history and social life. It will interest professional philosophers and scientists, and at the same time its directness will make it readily accessible to nontechnical readers.
Cayton, A. R. L. and J. P. Brown (1994). The Pursuit of Public Power : Political Culture in Ohio, 1787-1861. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University Press.
Many of the political institutions that would dominate 19th-century America (and the Midwest in particular) originated and first evolved in Ohio. The Pursuit of Public Power explores the origins and nature of political culture here from the American Revolution until the Civil War. Twelve essays examine topics such as voting practices, the role of the state in national economic development, the relationship between religion and politics, the rivalries between individual political leaders and between communities competing for social and economic dominance, the impact of slavery on politics, and the development of stable political systems within a rapidly changing state. Representing the mature assessments of historians who have long studied antebellum politics, this collection will appeal not only to readers interested in Ohio history, but also to those interested in 19thcentury American politics.
Cazelles, B. (1991). The Lady As Saint : A Collection of French Hagiographic Romances of the Thirteenth Century. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Cebon, P. (1998). Views From the Alps : Regional Perspectives on Climate Change. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Cecelski, D. S. (1994). Along Freedom Road : Hyde County, North Carolina, and the Fate of Black Schools in the South. Chapel Hill, N.C., The University of North Carolina Press.
David Cecelski chronicles one of the most sustained and successful protests of the civil rights movement–the 1968-69 school boycott in Hyde County, North Carolina. For an entire year, the county’s black citizens refused to send their children to school in protest of a desegregation plan that required closing two historically black schools in their remote coastal community. Parents and students held nonviolent protests daily for five months, marched twice on the state capitol in Raleigh, and drove the Ku Klux Klan out of the county in a massive gunfight. The threatened closing of Hyde County’s black schools collided with a rich and vibrant educational heritage that had helped to sustain the black community since Reconstruction. As other southern school boards routinely closed black schools and displaced their educational leaders, Hyde County blacks began to fear that school desegregation was undermining–rather than enhancing–this legacy. This book, then, is the story of one county’s extraordinary struggle for civil rights, but at the same time it explores the fight for civil rights in all of eastern North Carolina and the dismantling of black education throughout the South.
Cecil, L. (1989). Wilhelm II. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.
Wilhelm II (1859-1941), King of Prussia and German Emperor from 1888 to 1918, reigned during a period of unprecedented economic, cultural, and intellectual achievement in Germany. This volume completes Lamar Cecil’s prize-winning scholarly biography of the Kaiser, one of modern history’s most powerful–and most misunderstood–rulers. As Cecil shows, Wilhelm’s private life reflects a deeply troubled and very superficial man. But the book’s larger focus is on Wilhelm as a head of state. Cecil traces the events of the years leading up to World War I, a period that offers ample evidence of the Kaiser’s inept conduct of foreign affairs, especially relations with England. Once war broke out, his generals and statesmen kept him on the sidelines. He was dethroned on November 9, 1918, when a socialist republic was established in Berlin, and he fled in exile to Holland, where he resided for the remaining twenty-three years of his life, working energetically, but to no avail, for his restoration to the throne. A UNC Press Enduring Edition — UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.Coming Soon: Wilhelm II Volume 1: Prince and Emperor, 1859-1900 by Lamar Cecil (A UNC Press Enduring Edition)
Cefrey, H. (2000). Everything You Need to Know About the Art of Leadership : How to Be a Positive Influence in Your Home, School, and Community. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Discusses the importance of having good leadership skills and outlines the abilities that help to become an effective leader.
Çelik, Z. (1997). Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations : Algiers Under French Rule. Berkeley, University of California Press.
‘During its long history as the French colonial city par excellence, Algiers was the site of recurrent conflicts between colonizer and colonized. Social, political, and cultural battles were crystallized in architecture and urban forms, which were powerful tools for defining cultural identities and shaping and challenging social engineering programs.”Analysis of the problematic transformation of Algiers reveals the complexities and ambivalence of the colonial condition more clearly than can be seen in other colonial cities.”Extensively illustrated with photographs, maps, and housing plans, this pathbreaking book presents a fascinating example of colonial urban planning.’–BOOK JACKET.
Cellini, B. and J. A. Symonds Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cendrars, B. and M. Chefdor (1992). Modernities and Other Writings. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Spine title: Modernities & other writings.
Cenoz, J. and F. Genesee (1998). Beyond Bilingualism : Multilingualism and Multilingual Education. Clevedon [England], Multilingual Matters.
Center for Science, M. and E. Engineering (1999). Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
Today’s undergraduate students–future leaders, policymakers, teachers, and citizens, as well as scientists and engineers–will need to make important decisions based on their understanding of scientific and technological concepts. However, many undergraduates in the United States do not study science, mathematics, engineering, or technology (SME&T) for more than one year, if at all. Additionally, many of the SME&T courses that students take are focused on one discipline and often do not give students an understanding about how disciplines are interconnected or relevant to students’lives and society. To address these issues, the National Research Council convened a series of symposia and forums of representatives from SME&T educational and industrial communities. Those discussions contributed to this book, which provides six vision statements and recommendations for how to improve SME&T education for all undergraduates. The book addresses pre-college preparation for students in SME&T and the joint roles and responsibilities of faculty and administrators in arts and sciences and in schools of education to better educate teachers of K-12 mathematics, science, and technology. It suggests how colleges can improve and evaluate lower-division undergraduate courses for all students, strengthen institutional infrastructures to encourage quality teaching, and better prepare graduate students who will become future SME&T faculty.
Center for Science, M. and E. Engineering (2000). Mathematics Education in the Middle Grades : Teaching to Meet the Needs of Middle Grades Learners and to Maintain High Expectations: Proceedings of a National Convocation and Action Conferences. Washington, DC, National Academies Press.
Center for Science, M., et al. (1998). Developing a Digital National Library for Undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education : Report of a Workshop. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
In 1996, the National Science Foundation (NSF) released a report about ways to improve undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SME&T) education. One recommendation called for establishing a digital library, similar to those that are being constructed for many research communities, that would make available electronically a wide variety of materials for improving teaching and learning of SME&T. The NSF asked the National Research Council to examine the feasibility of and issues associated with establishing such a digital national library. In response, an NRC steering committee commissioned a series of papers and convened a workshop to consider these issues. This resulting book delineates the issues that should be considered and provides recommendations to resolve them prior to committing funds.
Century (1996). Century 21 Guide to Choosing Your Mortgage. Chicago, Ill, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Century (1996). Century 21 Guide to Inspecting Your Home. Chicago, IL, Kaplan Publishing.
Includes index.
Cerami, E. (1998). Delivering Push. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
‘Hands on Web development’–Cover.
Cereta, L. and D. M. Robin (1997). Collected Letters of a Renaissance Feminist. Chicago, Ill, University of Chicago Press.
Renaissance writer Laura Cereta (1469–1499) presents feminist issues in a predominantly male venue—the humanist autobiography in the form of personal letters. Cereta’s works circulated widely in Italy during the early modern era, but her complete letters have never before been published in English. In her public lectures and essays, Cereta explores the history of women’s contributions to the intellectual and political life of Europe. She argues against the slavery of women in marriage and for the rights of women to higher education, the same issues that have occupied feminist thinkers of later centuries. Yet these letters also furnish a detailed portrait of an early modern woman’s private experience, for Cereta addressed many letters to a close circle of family and friends, discussing highly personal concerns such as her difficult relationships with her mother and her husband. Taken together, these letters are a testament both to an individual woman and to enduring feminist concerns.
Cernea, M. M. (1993). The Urban Environment and Population Relocation. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Cernea, M. M. (1999). The Economics of Involuntary Resettlement : Questions and Challenges. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Cernea, M. M. and A. Kudat (1997). Social Assessments for Better Development : Case Studies in Russia and Central Asia. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Cernyak-Spatz, S. E. and B. Frankfurter (2000). The Meeting : An Auschwitz Survivor Confronts an SS Physician. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
Ceruzzi, P. E. (1998). A History of Modern Computing. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Cervantes Saavedra, M. d. Don Quixote. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Cevallos Candau, F. J. (1994). Coded Encounters : Writing, Gender, and Ethnicity in Colonial Latin America. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
‘A selection of papers presented at the 1990 Five College Symposium’Reflections of Social Reality: Writings in Colonial Latin America’–P. vii.
Châavez, J. R. (1984). The Lost Land : The Chicano Image of the Southwest. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Châavez, R. C. and J. O’Donnell (1998). Speaking the Unpleasant : The Politics of (non)engagement in the Multicultural Education Terrain. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chabot, C. N. (1999). Understanding the Euro : The Clear and Concise Guide to the New Trans-european Economy. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Chadwick-Joshua, J. (1998). The Jim Dilemma : Reading Race in Huckleberry Finn. Jackson, Miss, University Press of Mississippi.
Especially in academia, controversy rages over the merits or evils of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, in particular its portrayal of Jim, the runaway slave. Opponents disrupt classes and carry picket signs, objecting with strong emotion that Jim is no fit model for African-American youth of today. In continuing outcries they claim that he and the dark period of American history he portrays are best forgotten. That time has gone, Jim’s opponents charge. This is a new day. But is it? Dare we forget? The author of The Jim Dilemma argues that Twain’s novel, in the tradition of all great literature, is invaluable for transporting readers to a time, place, and conflict essential to understanding who we are today. Without this work, she argues, there would be a hole in American history and a blank page in the history of African-Americans. To avoid this work in the classroom is to miss the opportunity to remember. Few other popular books have been so much attacked, vilified, or censored. Yet Ernest Hemingway proclaimed Twain’s classic to be the beginning of American literature, and Langston Hughes judged it as the only nineteenth-century work by a white author who fully and realistically depicts an unlettered slave clinging to the hope of freedom. A teacher herself, the author challenges opponents to read the novel closely. She shows how Twain has not created another Uncle Tom but rather a worthy man of integrity and self-reliance. Jim, along with other black characters in the book, demands a rethinking and a re-envisioning of the southern slave, for Huckleberry Finn, she contends, ultimately questions readers’notions of what freedom means and what it costs. As she shows that Twain portrayed Jim as nobody’s fool, she focuses her discussion on both sides of the Jim dilemma and unflinchingly defends the importance of keeping the book in the classroom. Jocelyn Chadwick-Joshua is director of the American studies program at Dallas Institute for the Humanities.
Cháen, F. (1995). Economic Transition and Political Legitimacy in Post-Mao China : Ideology and Reform. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Cháeng, C.-y. (1991). New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Chaiet, D. (1995). Staying Safe at School. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Uses real-life examples to illustrate how to handle unwanted touching, verbal abuse, physical violence, and other potentially dangerous situations at school.
Chaiet, D. (1995). Staying Safe at Work. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Uses real-life examples to illustrate how to be aware of your surroundings, set personal boundaries, deal with sexual harassment, and handle other potentially dangerous encounters in the workplace.
Chaiet, D. (1995). Staying Safe While Traveling. New York, Rosen Pub. Group.
Uses real-life examples to illustrate various safety concerns faced by people traveling within the United States and in foreign countries.
Chaika, E. (2000). Linguistics, Pragmatics and Psychotherapy : A Guide for Therapists. London, Wiley.
This book discusses current theories in linguistics and sociolinguistics as they relate to therapeutic situations, including uses of metaphor, slogans, and proverbs. It shows how people’s empathies or feeling of alienation are displayed by the language they choose to describe or discuss events. Dysfunctions as different as depression, drug and alcohol additions, agoraphobia, schizophrenia and bulimia are examined in terms of the language used by clients or patients. It is shown that the way people encode life events influences their self-evaluations, evaluations of others, and their general behaviour, so that therapy becomes a process of learning to retell one’s life story. Every chapter contains either actual narratives from clients or therapist/client interviews with thorough linguistic and sociolinguistic analyses of these speech activities. The therapist is shown how to listen and what to listen for in the client’s speech, as well as what kinds of questions to ask.
Chalfant, W. Y. (1989). Cheyennes and Horse Soldiers : The 1857 Expedition and the Battle of Solomon’s Fork. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chalfant, W. Y. (1991). Without Quarter : The Wichita Expedition and the Fight on Crooked Creek. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chalfant, W. Y. (1994). Dangerous Passage : The Santa Fe Trail and the Mexican War. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chalfant, W. Y. (1997). Cheyennes at Dark Water Creek : The Last Fight of the Red River War. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chalfonte, J. (1996). I Am Muslim. New York, PowerKids Press.
Introduces the fundamentals of Islam through the eyes of a Muslim child living in Detroit.
Chalk, R. A., et al. (1998). Violence in Families : Assessing Prevention and Treatment Programs. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Reports of mistreated children, domestic violence, and abuse of elderly persons continue to strain the capacity of police, courts, social services agencies, and medical centers. At the same time, myriad treatment and prevention programs are providing services to victims and offenders. Although limited research knowledge exists regarding the effectiveness of these programs, such information is often scattered, inaccessible, and difficult to obtain. Violence in Families takes the first hard look at the successes and failures of family violence interventions. It offers recommendations to guide services, programs, policy, and research on victim support and assistance, treatments and penalties for offenders, and law enforcement. Included is an analysis of more than 100 evaluation studies on the outcomes of different kinds of programs and services. Violence in Families provides the most comprehensive review on the topic to date. It explores the scope and complexity of family violence, including identification of the multiple types of victims and offenders, who require different approaches to intervention. The book outlines new strategies that offer promising approaches for service providers and researchers and for improving the evaluation of prevention and treatment services. Violence in Families discusses issues that underlie all types of family violence, such as the tension between family support and the protection of children, risk factors that contribute to violent behavior in families, and the balance between family privacy and community interventions. The core of the book is a research-based review of interventions used in three institutional sectors–social services, health, and law enforcement settings–and how to measure their effectiveness in combating maltreatment of children, domestic violence, and abuse of the elderly. Among the questions explored by the committee: Does the child protective services system work? Does the threat of arrest deter batterers? The volume discusses the strength of the evidence and highlights emerging links among interventions in different institutional settings. Thorough, readable, and well organized, Violence in Families synthesizes what is known and outlines what needs to be discovered. This volume will be of great interest to policymakers, social services providers, health care professionals, police and court officials, victim advocates, researchers, and concerned individuals.
Chalk, R. A., et al. (1996). Youth Development and Neighborhood Influences : Challenges and Opportunities. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
On January 25, 1996, the Committee on Youth Development of the Board on Children, Youth, and Families convened a workshop to examine the implications of research on social settings for the design and evaluation of programs that serve youth. The January workshop provided an opportunity for the committee to examine the strengths and limitations of existing research on interactions between social settings and adolescent development. This research has drawn attention to the importance of understanding how, when, and where adolescents interact with their families, peers, and unrelated adults in settings such as home, school, places of work, and recreational sites. This workshop builds on previous work of the National Research Council and reiterates its support for integrating studies of social settings into more traditional research on individual characteristics, family functioning, and peer relationships in seeking to describe and explain adolescent behavior and youth outcomes. Not only does this report examine the strengths and limitations of research on social settings and adolescence and identify important research questions that deserve further study in developing this field, but it also explores alternative methods by which the findings of research on social settings could be better integrated into the development of youth programs and services. Specific themes include the impact of social settings on differences in developmental pathways, role expectations, and youth identity and decision-making skills, as well as factors that contribute to variations in community context.
Challenger, J. E. (1999). The Challenger Guide : Job-hunting Success for Mid-career Professionals. Lincolnwood, IL, NTC Contemporary.
Challoner, R. The Holy Bible. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chalmers, H. H. and V. University of (1998). The Effects of Negro Suffrage. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chalmers, J. (1996). Organising Effective Training : How to Plan and Run Successful Courses and Seminars. Plymouth, How To Books, Ltd.
Chalmers, J. (1997). Managing Projects : How to Plan, Implement and Achieve Specific Objectives. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Chalmers, J. (1999). Achieving Personal Well-being : How to Discover and Balance Your Physical and Emotional Needs. Plymouth, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Chalmers, T. Fury Not in God. Pensacola, Fla, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chamberlain, C., et al. (2000). Language Acquisition by Eye. Mahwah, N.J., Psychology Press.
This book focuses on the early acquisition of signed languages and the later development of reading by children who use signed languages. It represents the first collection of research papers focused solely on the acquisition of various signed languages by very young children–all of whom are acquiring signed languages natively, from deaf parents. It is also the first collection to investigate the possible relationships between the acquisition of signed language and reading development in school-aged children. The underlying questions addressed by the chapters are how visual-gestural languages develop and whether and how visual languages can serve the foundation for learning a second visual representation of language, namely, reading. Language Acquisition by Eye is divided into two parts, anchored in the toddler phase and the school-pupil phase. The central focus of Part I is on the earliest stages of signed language acquisition. The chapters in this part address important questions as to what’babytalk’looks like in signed language and the effect it has on babies’attention, what early babbling looks like in signed language, what babies’earliest signs look like, how parents talk to their babies in signed language to ensure that their babies’see’what’s being said, and what the earliest sentences in signed languages tell us about the acquisition of grammar. With contrasting research paradigms, these chapters all show the degree to which parents and babies are highly sensitive to one another’s communicative interactions in subtle and complex ways. Such observations cannot be made for spoken language acquisition because speech does not require that the parent and child look at each other during communication whereas signed language does. Part II focuses on the relationship between signed language acquisition and reading development in children who are deaf. All of these chapters report original research that investigates and uncovers a positive relationship between the acquisition and knowledge of signed language and the development of reading skills and as a result, represents a historical first in reading research. This section discusses how current theory applies to the case of deaf children’s reading and presents new data that illuminates reading theory. Using a variety of research paradigms, each chapter finds a positive rather than a negative correlation between signed language knowledge and usage, and the development of reading skill. These chapters are sure to provide the foundation for new directions in reading research.
Chamberlain, J. L. (1998). The Passing of the Armies : An Account of the Final Campaign of the Army of the Potomac, Based Upon Personal Reminiscences of the Fifth Army Corps. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
Originally published: New York : G.P. Putnam, 1915.
Chambers, A., et al. (1998). Basic Vacuum Technology. Bristol, CRC Press [CAM].
Chambers, D. (1998). Agile Manager’s Guide to Writing to Get Action. [N.p.], Velocity Business Pub.
Chambers, G. N. (1999). Motivating Language Learners. Clevedon [U.K.], Multilingual Matters.
Chambers, L. (1999). The First Time Investor : How to Start Safe, Invest Smart, and Sleep Well. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Chambers, S. C. (1999). From Subjects to Citizens : Honor, Gender, and Politics in Arequipa, Peru, 1780-1854. University Park, Pa, Pennsylvania State University Press.
Chametzky, J. (1986). Our Decentralized Literature : Cultural Mediations in Selected Jewish and Southern Writers. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Chametzky, R. (1996). A Theory of Phrase Markers and the Extended Base. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Champe, G. G., et al. (1996). To Set Before the King : Katharina Schratt’s Festive Recipes. Iowa City, Iowa, University Of Iowa Press.
Champigny, R. (1986). Sense, Antisense, Nonsense. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
Includes index.
Champlin, C. (1999). Back There Where the Past Was : A Small-town Boyhood. Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University Press.
Champy, J. and N. Nohria (1996). Fast Forward : The Best Ideas on Managing Business Change. Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press.
Chan, A. (1982). The Glory and Fall of the Ming Dynasty. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Chan, H. S. and H.-k. Wong (1999). Handbook of Comparative Public Administration in the Asia-Pacific Basin. New York, M. Dekker.
Chance, T. H. (1992). Plato’s Euthydemus : Analysis of What Is and Is Not Philosophy. Berkeley, Calif, University of California Press.
Chancer, L. S. (1998). Reconcilable Differences : Confronting Beauty, Pornography, and the Future of Feminism. Berkeley, University of California Press.
This volume examines controversial faultlines in contemporary feminism—pornography, the beauty myth, sadomasochism, prostitution, and the issue of rape—from an original and provocative perspective. Lynn Chancer focuses on how, among many feminists, the concepts of sex and sexism became fragmented and mutually exclusive. Exploring the dichotomy between sex and sexism as it has developed through five current feminist debates, Chancer seeks to forge positions that bridge oppositions between unnecessary (and sometimes unwitting)’either/or’binaries. Chancer’s book attempts to incorporate both the need for sexual freedom and the depth of sexist subordination into feminist thought and politics.
Chandler, D. P. and D. J. Steinberg (1987). In Search of Southeast Asia : A Modern History. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Chandler, J. A. and V. University of (1996). The Speech of John A. Chandler. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chandler, P. (2000). An A-Z of Employment Law : A Complete Reference Source for Managers. London, Kogan Page.
Chandler, P. (2001). Waud’s Employment Law : The Practical Guide for Personnel Managers, Trade Union Officials, Employers, Employees and Lawyers. London, Kogan Page.
Includes index.
Chaney, O. P. (1996). Zhukov. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chang, H.-s. and W. A. Lyell (1997). Shanghai Express. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Chang, P.-s. (1994). Marxism and Human Sociobiology : The Perspective of Economic Reforms in China. Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press.
Chang, R. Y. (2000). The Passion Plan : A Step-by-step Guide to Discovering, Developing, and Living Your Passion. San Francisco, Calif, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [US].
Chang, S. F. (1997). Multimedia Tools and Applications. Boston, Springer.
Chang, Y. K. and S. S. Wang (1999). Advances in Extrusion Technology : Aquaculture/animal Feeds and Foods: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal and Aquaculture Feedstuffs by Extrusion Technology and the International Seminar on Advanced Extrusion Technology in Food Applications, March 9-14, 1998, ÂAquas De Li. Lancaster, Pa, Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Chankvetadze, B. (1997). Capillary Electrophoresis in Chiral Analysis. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Channing, W. E. On the Elevation of the Laboring Classes. Hoboken, N.J., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chao, S. and B. World (1999). Ghana : Gender Analysis and Policymaking for Development. Washington, D.C., World Bank Publications.
Chapin, E. H. The Crown of Thorns : A Token for the Sorrowing. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chapin, H. G. (1996). Shaping History : The Role of Newspapers in Hawai’i. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Chaplin, S. (1994). The Golden Age of Movie Musicals and Me. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Includes index.
Chapman, C. B. and S. Ward (1997). Project Risk Management : Processes, Techniques, and Insights. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Chapman, D. B. and E. D. Zwicky (1995). Building Internet Firewalls. Sebastopol, CA, O’Reilly & Associates.
Chapman, J. H. and N. Frankenberry (1999). Interpreting Neville. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chapman, J. W. and U. International Council on the Future of the (1983). The Western University on Trial. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Chapman, R. B. and K. Andrade (1998). Insourcing After the Outsourcing : MIS Survival Guide. New York, N.Y., AMACOM.
Chappell, D. A. (1997). Double Ghosts : Oceanian Voyagers on Euroamerican Ships. Armonk, N.Y., ME Sharpe, Inc.
Chappell, T. D. J. (1997). The Philosophy of the Environment. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Chappell, T. D. J. (1998). Understanding Human Goods : A Theory of Ethics. Edinburgh, [Scotland], Edinburgh University Press.
Chappell, V. C. (1997). Descartes’s Meditations : Critical Essays. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield.
Chappell, V. C. (1998). Locke. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Chapple, C. (1994). Ecological Prospects : Scientific, Religious, and Aesthetic Perspectives. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chapple, C. K. (1993). Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Chapple, J. A. V. and A. C. Wilson (1996). Private Voices : The Diaries of Elizabeth Gaskell and Sophia Holland. Keele, Staffordshire, Edinburgh University Press.
Charet, F. X. (1993). Spiritualism and the Foundations of C.G. Jung’s Psychology. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Charland, W. A. (1998). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Changing Careers. New York, Alpha Books.
Includes index.
Charlestown The First Thanksgiving Proclamation. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Charlet, D. A. (1996). Atlas of Nevada Conifers : A Phytogeographic Reference. Reno, Nev, University of Nevada Press.
Atlas of Nevada Conifers is a major scientific contribution to our understanding of the ecology of Nevada. It documents in great detail the distribution of all native conifer species in the state—critical information because of the primary ecological importance of conifers for all organisms and because of the lack of documentation of these distributions in the scientific literature before now. Charlet maps and documents the exact location of herbarium records for 1,600 individual trees. The data found in 23 tables and 22 range maps will serve as a primary reference for botanists, land managers, and conservation biologists for years to come.
Charlton, J. I. (1998). Nothing About Us Without Us : Disability Oppression and Empowerment. Berkeley, University of California Press.
James Charlton has produced a ringing indictment of disability oppression, which, he says, is rooted in degradation, dependency, and powerlessness and is experienced in some form by five hundred million persons throughout the world who have physical, sensory, cognitive, or developmental disabilities. Nothing About Us Without Us is the first book in the literature on disability to provide a theoretical overview of disability oppression that shows its similarities to, and differences from, racism, sexism, and colonialism. Charlton’s analysis is illuminated by interviews he conducted over a ten-year period with disability rights activists throughout the Third World, Europe, and the United States. Charlton finds an antidote for dependency and powerlessness in the resistance to disability oppression that is emerging worldwide. His interviews contain striking stories of self-reliance and empowerment evoking the new consciousness of disability rights activists. As a latecomer among the world’s liberation movements, the disability rights movement will gain visibility and momentum from Charlton’s elucidation of its history and its political philosophy of self-determination, which is captured in the title of his book. Nothing About Us Without Us expresses the conviction of people with disabilities that they know what is best for them. Charlton’s combination of personal involvement and theoretical awareness assures greater understanding of the disability rights movement.
Charmâe, S. L. (1991). Vulgarity and Authenticity : Dimensions of Otherness in the World of Jean-Paul Sartre. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Charney, C. and K. Conway (1998). The Trainer’s Tool Kit. New York, AMACOM.
Includes indexes.
Charney, D. and W. R. Ebbitt (1992). Constructing Rhetorical Education. Carbondale, Ill, Southern Illinois University Press.
‘This book grew out of the 1988 Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition which honored the career of Professor Wilma R. Ebbitt’–Pref.
Charry, E. T. (1999). By the Renewing of Your Minds : The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine. New York, Oxford University Press.
This book develops the thesis that classical Christian theology seeks to help believers flourish by knowing and loving God. Ellen Charry argues this premise by example, offering a close reading of a number of classical texts, from the New Testament era to the Reformation, including works of Paul, Augustine, Athanasius, Basil of Caesarea, Anselm, and Calvin. She points out the pastoral and moral aims that shape the teachings of these theologians on a wide range of topics, including the Trinity; human beings as created in the image of God; the incorporation of Jews and Gentiles into the body of Christ in baptism; the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ; and the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Charry explains that the very logic of their arguments is shaped by the author’s concern for the goodness and happiness that should result from living into the doctrines. She further shows that although the spiritual and pastoral purposes of these writings are many and complex, they are invariably concerned to foster what modern people can, without difficulty, recognize as human dignity–what she calls’excellence’–in action, affection, and self-appraisal.
Chartier, A. and W. Caxton The Curial. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chartier, R. (1995). Forms and Meanings : Texts, Performances, and Audiences From Codex to Computer. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Collection of four studies, two of which have been revised for this publication with new titles, and three of which were given as the 1994 Rosenbach lectures at the University of Pennsylvania.
Charvat, W. (1993). Literary Publishing in America, 1790-1850. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Originally published: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959.
Chase, D. Z. and A. F. Chase (1992). Mesoamerican Elites : An Archaeological Assessment. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chase, S. E. (1995). Ambiguous Empowerment : The Work Narratives of Women School Superintendents. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press.
Chasteen, J. C. (1995). Heroes on Horseback : A Life and Times of the Last Gaucho Caudillos. Albuquerque, N.M., University of New Mexico Press.
Chatalian, G. (1991). Epistemology and Skepticism : An Enquiry Into the Nature of Epistemology. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
‘Published for the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc.’
Chater, M. and V. University of (1996). How the Man Came to Twinkle Island. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chattopadhyaya, D. P., et al. (1992). Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press.
Contributed research papers.
Chaturvedi, D. and P. Pathak (1999). Administering SQL Server 7. New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
Includes index.
Chaucer, G. The Canterbury Tales. Raleigh, N.C., Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chaucer, G. Troilus and Criseyde. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chaucer, G., et al. (1995). The Legend of Good Women. East Lansing, Mich, Michigan State University Press.
Chaudhuri, A. and H. Stenger (1992). Survey Sampling : Theory and Methods. New York, M. Dekker.
Chaudhuri, N. and M. Strobel (1992). Western Women and Imperialism : Complicity and Resistance. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Chauncey, H. R. (1992). Schoolhouse Politicians : Locality and State During the Chinese Republic. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Chávez, L. (1998). The Color Bind : California’s Battle to End Affirmative Action. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The Color Bind tells the story of how Glynn Custred and Thomas Wood, two unknown academics, decided to write Proposition 209 in 1992 and thereby set in motion a series of events, far beyond their control, destined to transform the legal, political, and everyday meaning of civil rights for the next generation. Going behind the mass media coverage of the initiative, Lydia Chávez narrates the complex underlying motivations and maneuvering of the people, organizations, and political parties involved in the campaign to end affirmative action in California.For the first time, the role of University of California regent Ward Connerly in the campaign—one largely assigned to public relations—is put into perspective. In the course of the book Chávez also provides a rare behind-the-scenes journalistic account of the complex and fascinating workings of the initiative process. Chávez recreates the post-election climate of 1994, when the California Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) appeared to be the right-time, right-place vehicle for Governor Pete Wilson and other Republican presidential prospects. President Clinton and the state Democratic Party thought the CCRI would splinter the party and jeopardize the upcoming presidential election. The Republicans, who saw the CCRI as a’wedge issue’to use against the Democrats, found to their surprise that the initiative was much more divisive in their own party.Updating her text to include the most current material, Chávez deftly delineates the interplay of competing interests around the CCRI, and explains why the opposition was unsuccessful in its strategy to fight the initiative. Her analysis probes the momentous—and national—implications of this state initiative in shaping the future of affirmative action in this country.
Chávez-Silverman, S. and F. R. Aparicio (1997). Tropicalizations : Transcultural Representations of Latinidad. Hanover, NH, University Press of New England.
Chavkin, A. R. (1999). The Chippewa Landscape of Louise Erdrich. Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press.
Chawla, L. (1994). In the First Country of Places : Nature, Poetry, and Childhood Memory. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chazan, D. (2000). Beyond Formulas in Mathematics and Teaching : Dynamics of the High School Algebra Classroom. New York, Teachers College Press.
Chazan, R. (1997). Medieval Stereotypes and Modern Antisemitism. Berkeley, University of California Press.
The twelfth century in Europe, hailed by historians as a time of intellectual and spiritual vitality, had a dark side. As Robert Chazan points out, the marginalization of minorities emerged during the’twelfth-century renaissance’as part of a growing pattern of persecution, and among those stigmatized the Jews figured prominently.The migration of Jews to northern Europe in the late tenth century led to the development of a new set of Jewish communities. This northern Jewry prospered, only to decline sharply two centuries later. Chazan locates the cause of the decline primarily in the creation of new, negative images of Jews. He shows how these damaging twelfth-century stereotypes developed and goes on to chart the powerful, lasting role of the new anti-Jewish imagery in the historical development of antisemitism.This coupling of the twelfth century’s notable intellectual bequests to the growth of Western civilization with its legacy of virulent anti-Jewish motifs offers an important new key to understanding modern antisemitism.
Checkland, P. (1999). Systems, Thinking, Systems Practice. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Checkland, P. and J. Scholes (1999). Soft Systems Methodology in Action : A 30-year Retrospective. Chichester, Eng, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
‘Includes a 30 year retrospective’: (p. A1-A66).
Chedgzoy, K., et al. (1996). Voicing Women : Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Writing. Keele, Staffordshire, Edinburgh University Press.
Cheek, D. W. (1992). Thinking Constructively About Science, Technology, and Society Education. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chekhov, A. P. Ivanoff : A Play. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. The Sea-gull. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. Swan Song. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. The Tales of Chekhov : The Schoolmistress and Other Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. The Tales of Chekhov : The Wife and Other Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. Uncle Vanya. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P. The Witch and Other Stories. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chekhov, A. P., et al. (1995). The Safety Match. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chekhov, A. P., et al. (1996). Sleepy-Eye. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chekhov, A. P. and V. University of (1996). The Party. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chekhov, A. P. and V. University of (1997). The Grasshopper. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chekhov, A. P. and V. University of (1997). Mire : The Dual[sic] and Other Stories. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chemical, U. S. A., et al. (1997). Technical Assessment of the Man-in-Simulant Test (MIST) Program. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Chemical, U. S. A., et al. (1998). Review of the Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Chen, C. W. and Y.-Q. Zhang (1999). Visual Information Representation, Communication, and Image Processing. New York, CRC Press.
Chen, F. H. (1996). Between East and West : Life on the Burma Road, the Tibetan Highway, the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and in the United States. Niwot, Colo, University Press of Colorado.
Includes index.
Chen, Z. (1999). Advances in Computational Mathematics : Proceedings of the Guangzhou International Symposium. New York, N.Y., Marcel Dekker.
Cheney, J. V. and V. University of (1995). How Squire Coyote Brought Fire to the Cahrocs. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Cheremisinoff, N. P. (1999). Handbook of Industrial Toxicology and Hazardous Materials. New York, CRC Press.
Providing vital safety information on over 1000 commerical chemicals, this work explores up-to-date data on fire and chemical compatibility, response methods for incidents involving chemical spills and fires, and personnel and worksite safety monitoring and sampling. The book includes more than 700 illustrations, structures, equations and tables, and a glossary with over 700 definitions.
Cheremisinoff, P. N. and N. P. Cheremisinoff (1996). Handbook of Applied Polymer Processing Technology. New York, M. Dekker.
Chernela, J. M. (1996). The Wanano Indians of the Brazilian Amazon : A Sense of Space. Austin, University of Texas Press.
‘First paperback printing, 1996’–verso.
Cherniavsky, E. (1995). That Pale Mother Rising : Sentimental Discourses and the Imitation of Motherhood in 19th-century America. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Cherny, R. W. (1994). A Righteous Cause : The Life of William Jennings Bryan. Norman, Okla, University of Oklahoma Press.
Three times the Democratic Party’s nominee for president (1896, 1900, and 1908) and secretary of state under Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings Bryan voiced the concerns of many Americans left out of the post–Civil War economic growth. In A Righteous Cause: The Life of Williams Jennings Bryan, Robert W. Cherny presents Bryan’s key role in the Democratic Party’s transformation from the conservatism of Grover Cleveland to the progressivism of Woodrow Wilson. Cherny draws on Bryan’s writings and correspondence to trace his major political crusades for a new currency policy, prohibition, and women’s suffrage, and against colonialism, monopolies, America’s entry into World War I, and the teaching of evolution in the public schools.
Cherry, B. A., et al. (1999). Making Universal Service Policy : Enhancing the Process Through Multidisciplinary Evaluation. Mahwah, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Chertok, H. (1994). Israeli Preoccupations : Dualities of a Confessional Citizen. New York, Oxford University Press USA.
Cheryan, M. (1998). Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook. Lancaster, Pa, CRC Press.
Soon after its publication in 1987, the first edition of Ultrafiltration Handbook became recognized as the leading handbook on ultrafiltration technology. Reviews in professional journals praised it as an authoritative and substantive information resource on this technology. Now a completely, updated and expanded edition is available under the title, Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook. This practical handbook systematically covers the basics of this technology from its scientific fundamentals to a wide range of industrial applications. The presentation is clear and concise with the emphasis on practical use. Many schematics and micrographs illustrate membranes, equipment and processes. Numerous tables and graphs provide useful data on specifications and performance. The updated information is useful to all those involved in the use of separation and filtration in industrial processes.
Chesebro, J. W. (1993). Extensions of the Burkeian System. Tuscaloosa, Ala, University of Alabama Press.
Chesebrough, D. B. (1996). Clergy Dissent in the Old South, 1830-1865. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Chesla, E. L. (1997). Read Better, Remember More. New York, LearningExpress LLC.
Chesla, E. L. (1998). Reading Comprehension Success in 20 Minutes a Day. New York, LearningExpress.
Chesla, E. L. (1998). Reasoning Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day. New York, LearningExpress.
Chesla, E. L. (2000). Practical Solutions for Everyday Work Problems. New York, Learning Express.
Chesla, E. L. and LearningExpress (1997). Improve Your Writing for Work in 20 Minutes a Day. New York, LearningExpress.
Chesler, P. (1997). Letters to a Young Feminist. [N.p.], Four Walls Eight Windows.
Chesner, A. (1998). Groupwork with Learning Disabilities. Bicester, Speechmark Publishing Ltd.
‘A Winslow practical manual.’.
Chesnutt, C. W., et al. (1999). Charles W. Chesnutt : Essays and Speeches. Stanford, Calif, Stanford University Press.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). Baxter’s Procrustes. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). The Bouquet. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). Dave’s Neckliss. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). The Goophered Grapevine. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). Hot-foot Hannibal. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). The March of Progress. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). The Partners. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). Po’ Sandy. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1996). The Wife of His Youth. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesnutt, C. W. and V. University of (1998). The Free Colored People of North Carolina. Charlottesville, Va, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chester, C. (1998). Working in Public Relations : How to Gain the Skills and Opportunities for a Career in PR. Oxford, U.K., How To Books, Ltd.
Chesterton, G. K. The Ballad of the White Horse. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chesterton, G. K. The Club of Queer Trades. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Collection of stories featuring self-confident detective Rupert Grant, who has a knack for coming to the wrong conclusion, and his brother Basil, a retired judge who seems to regard facts as distractions but usually reaches the correct conclusion.
Chesterton, G. K. Heretics. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chesterton, G. K. The Innocence of Father Brown. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chesterton, G. K. The Man Who Knew Too Much. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Series of stories featuring world-weary government employee Horne Fisher and crusading journalist Harold March. Mysteries that are reflections on moral ambiguity in politics in the British Empire on the eve of World War I.
Chesterton, G. K. The Man Who Was Thursday : A Nightmare. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesterton, G. K. Manalive. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chesterton, G. K. A Miscellany of Men. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chesterton, G. K. Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesterton, G. K. The Trees of Pride. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesterton, G. K. What’s Wrong with This World. Grand Rapids, Mich, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chesterton, G. K. The Wisdom of Father Brown. Champaign, Ill, Project Gutenberg.
Chetkovich, C. A. (1997). Real Heat : Gender and Race in the Urban Fire Service. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press.
Chettle, H. Kind-hartes Dreame 1592. Eugene, Ore, Generic NL Freebook Publisher.
Chèu, Y.-a. (1996). Understanding China : Center Stage of the Fourth Power. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Chevalier, T. (1997). Encyclopedia of the Essay. London, Routledge.
This groundbreaking new source of international scope defines the essay as nonfictional prose texts of between one and 50 pages in length. The more than 500 entries by 275 contributors include entries on nationalities, various categories of essays such as generic (such as sermons, aphorisms), individual major works, notable writers, and periodicals that created a market for essays, and particularly famous or significant essays. The preface details the historical development of the essay, and the alphabetically arranged entries usually include biographical sketch, nationality, era, selected writings list, additional readings, and anthologies
Cheville, N. F., et al. (1998). Brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Area. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Brucellosis, a bacterial disease, was first noted in the Greater Yellowstone Area in 1917 and has been a chronic presence there since then. This book reviews existing scientific knowledge regarding brucellosis transmission among wildlife, particularly bison, elk, and cattle, in the Greater Yellowstone Area. It examines the mechanisms of transmission, risk of infection, and vaccination strategies. The book also assesses the actual infection rate among bison and elk and describes what is known about the prevalence of Brucella abortus among other wildlife.
Chick, M. (1998). Industrial Policy in Britain 1945–1951 : Economic Planning, Nationalisation and the Labour Governments. Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press.
This is a detailed archive-based study of the economic planning of the Attlee governments, in which the author seeks to analyse the interaction between the decisions of central planners and the micro-economic effects of these decisions. Throughout the book, Martin Chick pays particular attention to the level, pattern and quality of fixed capital investment. At the same time, there is a continuous concern with the struggle between politicians, economists and industrialists over the mix of pricing mechanisms and administrative orders which were to be used in this period. This struggle permeated all discussions over matters such as the organisation of nationalised industries, the monopoly structure of nationalised industries, the allocation of resources and the promotion of higher productivity. The author also asks what impact, if any, economic planning had on the productivity performance of the UK economy.
Chidester, D. (1991). Salvation and Suicide : An Interpretation of Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple, and Jonestown. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Praise for the first edition:'[This] ambitious and courageous book [is a] benchmark of theology by which questions about the meaningful history of the Peoples Temple may be measured.’—Journal of the American Academy of ReligionRe-issued in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the mass suicides at Jonestown, this revised edition of David Chidester’s pathbreaking book features a new prologue that considers the meaning of the tragedy for a post-Waco, post-9/11 world. For Chidester, Jonestown recalls the American religious commitment to redemptive sacrifice, which for Jim Jones meant saving his followers from the evils of capitalist society.’Jonestown is ancient history,’writes Chidester, but it does provide us with an opportunity’to reflect upon the strangeness of familiar… promises of redemption through sacrifice.’
Chier, R. (1996). Danger. New York, Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
Discusses the effects of tobacco on humans and the value of avoiding its use in any form.
Chierchia, G. and S. McConnell-Ginet (1990). Meaning and Grammar : An Introduction to Semantics. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
Child, L. M. F. and C. L. Karcher (1996). An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans. Amherst, Mass, University of Massachusetts Press.
Childers, J. W. (1995). Novel Possibilities : Fiction and the Formation of Early Victorian Culture. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
In Novel Possibilities Joseph Childers considers the role of the novel, and especially the social-problem novel of the 1840s, in interpreting and shaping the cultures of the early Victorian period.
Childress, J. F. (1997). Practical Reasoning in Bioethics. Bloomington, Ind, Indiana University Press.
Childs, E. C. (1997). Suspended License : Censorship and the Visual Arts. Seattle, University of Washington Press.
Childs, P. (1999). Post-colonial Theory and English Literature : A Reader. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Chilingerian, J. A., et al. (1997). The Lessons and the Legacy of the Pew Health Policy Program. Washington, D.C., National Academies Press.
Ching, F., et al. (2013). Building Structures Illustrated : Patterns, Systems, and Design. Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley.
A new edition of Francis D.K. Ching’s illustrated guide to structural design Structures are an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult concepts for architects to grasp. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a project, architects should have enough knowledge of structural theory and analysis to design a building. Building Structures Illustrated takes a new approach to structural design, showing how structural systems of a building—such as an integrated assembly of elements with pattern, proportions, and scale—are related to the fundamental aspects of architectural design. The book features a one-stop guide to structural design in practice, a thorough treatment of structural design as part of the entire building process, and an overview of the historical development of architectural materails and structure. Illustrated throughout with Ching’s signature line drawings, this new Second Edition is an ideal guide to structures for designers, builders, and students. Updated to include new information on building code compliance, additional learning resources, and a new glossary of terms Offers thorough coverage of formal and spatial composition, program fit, coordination with other building systems, code compliance, and much more Beautifully illustrated by the renowned Francis D.K. Ching Building Structures Illustrated, Second Edition is the ideal resource for students and professionals who want to make informed decisions on architectural design.
Chinn, D. N. (1989). Soft Parts of the Back : Poems. Orlando, University Press of Florida.
Chinn, P. L. and C. E. Wheeler (1995). Peace and Power : Building Communities for the Future. New York, N.Y., Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Rev. ed. of: Peace & power / Charlene Eldridge Wheeler. 3rd ed. 1991.
Chinn, S. J. and J. R. Ashcroft (1998). Mathematics for Dyslexics : A Teaching Handbook. London, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Chinoy, M. (1999). China Live : People Power and the Television Revolution. Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
In China Live, Mike Chinoy provides an insider’s view of two of the most important forces shaping our era—the rise of global satellite news and the rise of China. Exploring not only how events shape television, but how TV can shape the news as it unfolds, Chinoy describes his personal and professional journey through key political dramas, from armed conflict in Northern Ireland, Lebanon, Indochina, and Afghanistan, to the “people power” revolution in the Philippines and the ongoing crisis in North Korea. The core of the book is Chinoy’s lifelong involvement with China. As CNN’s first Beijing bureau chief, Chinoy recounts a riveting tale of covering the China beat, especially the momentous events in Tiananmen Square in 1989. CNN’s unprecedented live broadcasts of the student uprising and army crackdown marked a turning point in modern journalism and played a critical role in shaping international perceptions of China. China Live remains a compelling account of the life of an award-winning foreign correspondent and a revealing glimpse inside the world of television news.
Chipman, D. E. (1992). Spanish Texas, 1519-1821. Austin, University of Texas Press.
Chirico, J. (1996). Opportunities in Science Technician Careers. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA, NTC Contemporary.
Chirikjian, J. G., et al. (1995). Biotechnology Theory and Techniques. Boston, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chirikjian, J. G., et al. (1995). Biotechnology Theory and Techniques. Boston, Mass, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chirot, D. (1991). The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe : Economics and Politics From the Middle Ages Until the Early Twentieth Century. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Reaching back centuries, this study makes a convincing case for very deep roots of current Eastern European backwardness. Its conclusions are suggestive for comparativists studying other parts of the world, and useful to those who want to understand contemporary Eastern Europe’s past. Like the rest of the world except for that unique part of the West which has given us a false model of what was’normal,’Eastern Europe developed slowly. The weight of established class relations, geography, lack of technological innovation, and wars kept the area from growing richer.In the nineteenth century the West exerted a powerful influence, but it was political more than economic. Nationalism and the creation of newly independent aspiring nation-states then began to shape national economies, often in unfavorable ways.One of this book’s most important lessons is that while economics may limit the freedom of action of political players, it does not determine political outcomes. The authors offer no simple explanations but rather a theoretically complex synthesis that demonstrates the interaction of politics and economics.