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BIP 2119:2007
IMS: A framework for integrated management systems. Background to PAS 99 and its application. Integrated management systems series
The Integrated Management Systems (IMS) series of books provides practical guidance and advice on integrating the systems operating within an organization. This new IMS book provides a framework into which additional management systems can be incorporated.
IMS: A Framework for Integrated Management Systems is the new edition of IMS: The Framework. It reviews the background to the current situation and the publication of PAS 99. The new IMS book offers an outline for a framework that enables the incorporation of any chosen standards or codes relating to any specific discipline. It helps to identify the benefits of the integrated approach and emphasizes the key features that make a system effective.
This new IMS book provides straightforward and easy-to-use guide takes you through:
- Harmonizing different approaches
- Common requirements of management systems and making an integrated system work
- In-depth look at PAS 99
- Handy ‘getting started’ section to aid you over that first hurdle.
David Smith and Rob Politowski are directors of iMS Risk Solutions, providers of world class integrated risk management services in a wide range of risk areas relevant to modern day business including Health, Safety, Environment and Governance.
As well as well as a leading role in the drafting of PAS 99 and the IMS series, they have authored a wide range of guidance books on management systems standards that are also available through BSI. Additionally, David Smith represents the UK on a variety of international standards committees and is chair of the BSI committee on Health & Safety management systems standards.