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خرید گزارش از انتشارات BRE
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درباره انتشارات
BRE publications provide a wealth of knowledge, experience, practical advice and information on new developments, regulations, standards and good practice on all aspects of the built environment.
BRE publications are produced into five main categories:
Reports and Books
Leading edge research, innovation and good practice in design, specification, construction and management
BRE Digests are authoritative summaries on specific topics in construction design and technology
Information Papers
These papers summarise recent BRE research findings and give advice on how to apply this information in practice
Good Building Guides
Provide construction professionals with concise guidance on the principles and practicalities for achieving good-quality building
Good Repair Guides
Deal with the defects most commonly encountered in buildings and offer sound advice on putting them right
درباره کتب انتشارات BRE
BRE Publications, Digests, Information Papers and BRE Reports
Available from the BRE Bookshop http://www.brebookshop.com/
BRE has a long-established reputation for the technical and information papers produced by the Building Research Establishment (now known just as BRE) and its predecessor, the Building Research Station (BRS). We also produce a number of longer textbooks and reference books, including The Green Guide to Specification.
Our popular series of BRE Digests, BRE Information Papers, BRE Good Building Guides and BRE Good Repair Guides, along with longer text books such as the recently-published Non Traditional Housing Handbook are all available from our online bookstore:
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جدیدترین کتابها و گزارشهای BRE
در زیر برخی از جدیدترین کتاب و گزارشات انتشارات BRE را مشاهده می کنید. برای خرید این گزارشات با ما مکاتبه کنید.
Achieving Whole Life Value in Infrastructure and Buildings: (BR 476) (Bre Press)
BRE documents within the Construction Information Service
5M steel-framed houses
A technical guide to district heating
AAC ‘aircrete’ blocks and masonry
AAC ‘aircrete’ blocks and masonry
Accelerated carbonation testing of concrete
Access to domestic underground drainage systems
Accidents involving glass in domestic doors and windows: some implications for design
Achieving airtightness: general principles
Achieving airtightness: practical guidance on techniques – floors, walls and roofs
Achieving airtightness: practical guidance on techniques – windows and doors, sealing methods and materials
Achieving cost effective responsive maintenance
Achieving durable repaired concrete structures: adopting a performance-based intervention strategy
Achieving whole life value in infrastructure and buildings
Advanced polymer composites in construction
Advanced technologies for 21st Century building services
Advanced thermal insulation technologies in the built environment
Advances in timber grading
Ageing of wood adhesives – loss in strength with time
Air as a refrigerant in air conditioning systems in buildings
Air conditioning systems in buildings using air cycle technology – design and application guide
Air quality, radon and airtightness – a collection of BRE expert guidance on the design and construction of new and existing buildings
Aircrete tongue and groove block masonry: performance evaluation and guidance
Aircrete: thin joint mortar systems
Airey houses: technical information and guidance
Airtightness in commercial and public buildings. 3rd edition
Airtightness in UK dwellings
Airtightness in UK dwellings: BRE’s test results and their significance
Airtightness of ceilings. Energy loss and condensation risk
Alkali-activated binder concretes in construction – an introduction to their benefits and properties and barriers to their use
Alkali-activated binders for precast and ready-mixed concrete products – a route map to standardisation, certification and guidance
Alkali-activated binders for precast and ready-mixed concrete products. New supply chains, business models and environmental benefits
Alkaline ash binders. Reduced environmental impacts for precast concrete products
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete (2004 edition) – Background to the guidance notes
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete (2004 edition) – Detailed guidance for new construction
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete (2004 edition) – Simplified guidance for new construction using normal reactivity aggregates
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete (2004 edition) – Worked examples
Alternating tread stairs
American plywood in roof construction: a design guide
Ammonia refrigerant in buildings: minimising the hazards
An introduction to building with structural insulated panels (SIPs)
An introduction to structural dynamic comfort criteria
Application of subsurface radar as an investigative technique
Applications, performance characteristics and environmental benefits of alkali-activated binder concretes
Applying fabric first principles. Complying with UK energy efficiency requirements
Applying facilities expertise in building design
Applying flood resilience technologies
Applying the Code for sustainable homes on the BRE Innovation Park. Lessons learnt about architecture, construction and material sourcing
Applying the Code for sustainable homes on the BRE Innovation Park. Lessons learnt about building fabric
Applying the Code for sustainable homes on the BRE Innovation Park. Lessons learnt about energy sources, overheating and ventilation
Applying the Code for sustainable homes on the BRE Innovation Park. Lessons learnt about water use, harvesting, recycling and drainage
Approaches to the design of reinforced concrete flat slabs
Arcal steel-framed houses
Architectural use of polymer composites
Arrowhead steel-framed houses
Aspects of fire precautions in buildings
Assessing carbonation depth in ageing high alumina cement concrete
Assessing condensation risk and heat loss at thermal bridges around openings
Assessing external rendering for replacement or repair
Assessing moisture in building materials: Interpreting moisture data
Assessing moisture in building materials: Measuring moisture content
Assessing moisture in building materials: Sources of moisture
Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and around openings
Assessing the fire performance of existing reinforced concrete flooring systems
Assessing the fire performance of external cladding systems: a test method
Assessing the life hazard from burning sandwich panels
Assessing the performance of phase change materials in buildings
Assessing the performance of timber frame wall panels subject to racking loads
Assessing the risk of sulphate attack on concrete in the ground
Assessing the sustainability of office refurbishment with BREEAM: A case study
Assessing traditional housing for rehabilitation
Assessment of damage in low-rise buildings
Assessment of exterior medium density fibreboard (MDF)
Assessment of fire damaged structures
Assessment of hard body impact resistance of external walls
Assessment of the cost-effectiveness and potential of heat pumps for domestic hot water heating
Assessment of timber structures
Assessment of wind loads: assessment of wind speed over topography
Assessment of wind loads: background and method
Assessment of wind loads: classification of structures
Assessment of wind loads: internal pressures
Assessment of wind loads: loading coefficients for typical buildings
Assessment of wind loads: Terrain and building factors and gust peak factors
Assessment of wind loads: wind climate in the United Kingdom
Assessment of wind loads: wind speeds for serviceability and fatigue assessments
Asset management and service life of concrete structures and components: Potential benefits of emerging data capture and management technology
Asset management for environmental conditions – retrofitting strategies for simple buildings
Assisted means of escape of disabled people from fires in tall buildings
Atholl steel-framed, steel clad houses
Audit of UK social housing innovation
Automatic fire detection and alarm systems – an introductory guide to components and systems
Automatic fire sprinkler systems. A good practice guide
Average daylight factor: a simple basis for daylight design
Avoiding deterioration of cement-based building materials and components. Lessons from case studies: 3
Avoiding deterioration of cement-based building materials and components. Lessons from case studies: 4
Avoiding deterioration of cement-based building materials and components. Lessons from case studies: 5
Avoiding deterioration of cement-based building materials. Lessons from case studies: 1
Avoiding deterioration of cement-based building materials. Lessons from case studies: 2
Avoiding latent mortar defects in masonry
Avoiding the thaumasite form of sulfate attack: two-year report
Background ventilation of dwellings: a review