دانلود کتابCatalytic Cascade Reactions 1st Edition
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خرید کتاب Catalytic Cascade Reactions 1st Edition
Catalytic Cascade Reactions 1st Edition
by Peng-Fei Xu (Editor), Wei Wang (Editor)
Hardcover: 440 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (November 11, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118016025
ISBN-13: 978-1118016022
Price: 20$
Demonstrates the advantages of catalytic cascade reactionsfor synthesizing natural products and pharmaceuticals
Riding the wave of green chemistry, catalytic cascade reactionshave become one of the most active research areas in organicsynthesis. During a cascade reaction, just one reaction solvent,one workup procedure, and one purification step are needed, thussignificantly increasing synthetic efficiency.
Featuring contributions from an international team of pioneersin the field, Catalytic Cascade Reactions demonstrates theversatility and application of these reactions for synthesizingvaluable compounds. The book examines both organocatalysis andtransition-metal catalysis reactions, bringing readers up to datewith the latest discoveries and activities in all major areas ofcatalytic cascade reaction research.
Catalytic Cascade Reactions begins with three chaptersdedicated to organocatalytic cascade reactions, exploring amines,Brønsted acids, and the application of organocatalytic cascadereactions in natural product synthesis and drug discovery. Next,the book covers:
Gold-catalyzed cascade reactions
Cascade reactions catalyzed by ruthenium, iron, iridium,rhodium, and copper
Palladium-catalyzed cascade reactions of alkenes, alkynes, andallenes
Application of transition-metal catalyzed cascade reactions innatural product synthesis and drug discovery
Engineering mono- and multifunctional nanocatalysts for cascadereactions
Multiple-catalyst-promoted cascade reactions
All chapters are thoroughly referenced, providing quick accessto important original research findings and reviews so that readerscan explore individual topics in greater depth.
Drawing together and analyzing published findings scatteredacross the literature, this book provides a single source thatencapsulates our current understanding of catalytic cascadeprocesses. Moreover, it sets the stage for the development of newcatalytic cascade reactions and their applications.