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دانلود کتاب The Evaluation Enterprise: A Critical View (Comparative Policy Evaluation) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition

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خرید کتاب The Evaluation Enterprise: A Critical View (Comparative Policy Evaluation) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition


The Evaluation Enterprise: A Critical View (Comparative Policy Evaluation) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by Jan-Eric Furubo (Editor), Nicoletta Stame (Editor)

Series: Comparative Policy Evaluation (Book 24)
Hardcover: 308 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 16, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1138601314
ISBN-13: 978-1138601314

Price: 20$

Today, evaluation is part of governing systems and is supported by powerful institutions. It is taken for granted that evaluation leads to betterment. However, evaluation itself is seldom analyzed from a critical perspective. In this book, Jan-Eric Furubo and Nicoletta Stame have assembled an international line-up of distinguished experts and emerging scholars to fill this void.

Examining evaluation from a critical – or evaluative – perspective, each contribution in this book offers a systematic and critical insight into the broader relationship between evaluation and society. Divided into three parts, the various chapters ask questions such as:

What are the consequences of the institutionalization of evaluation?

Has the professionalization of evaluators favored their action in the public interest?

Is the money spent on evaluation worth it?
Is the market of evaluation allowing real competition for the best services?
The answers to these questions demonstrate that the constitutive effects of the social practice of evaluation can also be the suppression of other forms of knowledge and the favoring of certain notions about societal development and political and administrative processes.

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