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خرید کتاب The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching
The Handbook of Knowledge-Based Coaching: From Theory to Practice 1st Edition
by Leni Wildflower (Editor), Diane Brennan (Editor)
Hardcover: 432 pages
Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (June 28, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470624442
ISBN-13: 978-0470624449
rice: 20$
Praise for The Handbook ofKnowledge-Based Coaching”Definitive, with extensive references and a commitment toconnecting theory to practice in every chapter, this importantcontribution is a delicious and wide-ranging exploration of thelineages that have shaped the modern practice of coaching.”
—Doug Silsbee, author, Presence-Based Coaching andThe Mindful Coach
“The translation of theories from multiple disciplines to thepractice of coaching makes this book a must-read!”
—Terrence E. Maltbia, senior lecturer, Adult Learning andLeadership; and faculty director, Columbia Coaching CertificationProgram, Teachers College, Columbia University
“If you have an appetite for the scientific roots of what worksbest in coaching, and you are hungry for an easy-to-digesttranslation of the science to practice, this book is a feast andwill be on your plate for many years to come.”
—Margaret Moore (Coach Meg), founder and CEO, WellcoachesCorporation; and codirector, Institute of Coaching, McLeanHospital, Harvard Medical School
“Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coach, thisrollicking ride through dozens of the most important theories andperspectives in coaching will be a vital companion. With quick andhelpful summaries of key ideas and their use—and selectivebibliographies should you wish to go deeper into a particulararea—this book will help you support your clients in atargeted and sophisticated way.”
—Jennifer Garvey Berger, author, Changing on the Job:Growing the Leaders Our Organizations Need; and coeditor,Executive Coaching: Practices and Perspectives
“This is a book I have been missing. What a pleasure to read andwhat a stretching of my mind.”
—Kim GØrtz, senior consultant, Copenhagen CoachingCenter
“Anyone who is serious about improving the quality of coachingwill find The Handbook an invaluable resource that reflectsthe breadth and richness of the growing evidence-based approach tocoaching practice.”
—David Clutterbuck, visiting professor in the coaching andmentoring faculties, Oxford Brookes and Sheffield HallamUniversities