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خرید کیندل Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
by Paul Newson (Author)
Publisher: Risk Books (May 19, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1782723250
ISBN-13: 978-1782723257
Price : 30$
درباره کتاب Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
The author explains the nature of interest rate risks in simple language, describing the methods typically used to measure them, with the added advantage of many worked examples. He explores the various strengths and weaknesses of each in order to come up with suggestions as to what constitutes best practice. The book is essential reading for all those involved with interest rate risk in the banking book but particularly those working in a bank ALM function who wish to gain a wider appreciation of the context in which they operate, more generalist and senior bankers who need a grasp of the fundamentals and those working in a trading risk function who wish to understand how market risk in a banking book can differ from that in a trading book
درباره نویسنده ایبوک Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
Paul Newson is working with the UK Asset and Liability Management Association (ALMA) to help develop an ALM professional qualification, as well as delivering their interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) training course. In addition, he regularly teaches on IRRBB around the world.
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book pdf
Before that, Paul was head of non- traded market risk oversight for the Lloyds Banking Group, director of group asset and liability management at HBOS in London and manager of traded market risk at the Financial Services Authority (FSA) for five years. After graduating from the University of Oxford with a bachelor’s degree in modern history, he joined the National Westminster Bank, where he spent 22 years in various roles in finance, IT and risk.
درباره kindle ایبوک Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book, written by industry expert Paul Newson, provides a thorough guide to the new regulatory requirements surrounding IRRBB and demonstrates the importance of good governance.
interest rate risk in the banking book+pdf
The author explains the nature of interest rate risks in simple language, describing the methods typically used to measure them, with the added advantage of many worked examples. He explores the various strengths and weaknesses of each in order to come up with suggestions as to what constitutes best practice.
The book is essential reading for all those involved with interest rate risk in the banking book but particularly those working in a bank ALM function who wish to gain a wider appreciation of the context in which they operate, more generalist and senior bankers who need a grasp of the fundamentals and those working in a trading risk function who wish to understand how market risk in a banking book can differ from that in a trading book.
Interest rate risk in the banking book – Bank for International
The BCBS published its final standards on Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB) in April 2016, with guidelines set to be implemented by 2018. As a result, institutions are now in the process of finding ways to comply with impending regulations whilst seeing what the most effective ways of calculating, and minimising, risk are. The industry must take into account more extensive guidance on the IRRBB management process and enhanced disclosure requirements to promote greater transparency.
This book is thorough examination of the nature of interest rate risk and other market risks in the banking book, how they are measured and controlled, and why they need to be treated differently from similar risks in the trading book.
درباره کیندل نرخ بهره در کتاب بانکداری
File Size: 4580 KB
Print Length: 311 pages
Publisher: Risk Books (May 14, 2017)
Publication Date: May 14, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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