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دانلود کتاب Managerial Accounting

خرید ایبوک Managerial Accounting

دانلود کتاب Managerial Accounting 15th Edition

 برای خرید کتاب  Managerial Accounting 15th Edition با گیگاپیپر مکاتبه کنید

خرید کتاب Managerial Accounting 15th Edition


Managerial Accounting 15th Edition
by Ray H Garrison (Author), Eric Noreen (Author), Peter C. Brewer Professor (Author)

Hardcover: 800 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 15 edition (January 2, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 007802563X
ISBN-13: 978-0078025631

Price: 20$

As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organisations – plan operations, control activities, and make decisions – and explains what accounting information is necessary for these functions, how to collect it, and how to interpret it. Garrison’s Managerial Accounting is known for its relevance, accuracy, and clarity. It is also unique in that the authors write the most important supplements that accompany the book: solutions manual, test bank, instructor’s manual, and study guide making them both of high quality and extremely consistent with the textbook

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