خرید کتاب The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior
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دانلود کتاب The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior

The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior
Constant D. Beugré
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018 – Business & Economics – 256 pages
Price : 20$
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Edward Elgar Pub (April 27, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1783475536
ISBN-13: 978-1783475537
خرید ایبوک The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior
The Neuroscience of Organizational Behavior establishes the scientific foundations of organizational neuroscience, a nascent discipline that explores the neural correlates of human behavior in organizations. This timely and insightful book draws from several disciplines including the organizational sciences, neuroeconomics, cognitive psychology, social cognitive neuroscience and neuroscience to review the neuroscientific methods and techniques that organizational scholars can use to study the neural basis of organizational behavior.
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The topics discussed include the neural foundations of decision-making, leadership, fairness, trust and cooperation, emotions, ethics and morality, unconscious bias and diversity in the workplace. Organizational neuroscience can provide valuable insights for organizational scholars to develop new theories, refine existing theories, ask new questions or reformulate old questions.
This book will not only serve as a resource for scholars and graduate students studying organizational behavior, it could also provide guidelines to managers in helping them to better understand and manage employees and organizations.