دانلود مقاله و پایان نامه
دسترسی به کتابهای الکترونیکی، مقالات علمی فارسی، انگلیسی و عربی و نیز مقالات نشریات و کنفرانسها در پایگاههای اطلاعات علمی.
برای دسترسی به سایتهای علمی زیر و یا دریافت فایل از انها با ما مکاتبه کنید.
Al Manhal offers full-text searchable electronic databases of books, journals, dissertations, and reports from the Arab world. All content is offered in Arabic. https://www.almanhal.com/
An-Nahar Archive Information System (ANAIS) Online
An-Nahar Archive Information System gives you access to the database of the An-Nahar Newspaper. You may search by title, author, country, keyword, date, subject or translator fields. You can view the articles in HTML format back to 1995, and as IMG format back to 1983.
An-Nahar Newspaper Archives
This database provides access to the full text of the Lebanese daily newspaper An-Nahar from 1933 to the present. An-Nahar Newspaper is searchable by date; results will be displayed in TIF format.
Archives Unbound
Evangelism and the Syria-Lebanon Mission: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1869-1910. (Date range: 1869-1910 / Content: 20,455 images / Source library: Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA). The records of the Board of Foreign Missions provide information on social conditions in Greater Syria and Lebanon and on efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century. Documenting the church’s educational, evangelical, and medical work, these are records mainly of incoming correspondence from the mission field and outgoing correspondence from the Board headquarters.
Governmental Transaction Counselor
Arabic database
This database provides copies of official ministerial forms and documents needed for Lebanese official Transactions. It includes all information pertaining to the documents, and fees required by each Ministry.
GigaPaper Library subscribes to the following IDREL products: Cassandre Reference / Index of Lebanese Court Jurisprudence / Law spirit program / Deadlines inspector program / Index of administrative interpretations
Multi Data Online
This is an index of around 250 Arabic periodicals from over 20 countries, growing at the rate of 4,000 new records each month, and with data going back to the 1970’s. The collection is searchable in Arabic script and covers the fields of Politics, Business, Finance, Education, Health, Environment and Law. Some of the titles included are: Lebanon Opportunities, Magazine, L’Orient-Le Jour, La Revue du Liban, The Daily Star, An-Nahar, Al Massira, Al Ahram, Al Afkar, etc. These are updated daily.
Records of the House of Parliament
These records are an archival resource concerning the dealings of the Lebanese Parliament and the composition of law. It contains a formal chronicle of the establishment of Parliament, the constitution and the sub-committees.
This resource contains: minutes of meetings, name of parliamentarians, Councils and Sub-Committees, Government (President and Cabinet of Ministers).
سلام وقتتون بخیر
من چند مقاله با متن عربی با موضوع نقش و ویژگی رهبران دینی از منظر قرآن و روایات نیاز داشتم، لطفا اگه ممکنه بنده رو راهنمایی کنید
باید خودتان سرچ بفرمایید و لینک مقالات درخواستی را بفرستید
سلام وقتتون بخیر من نیاز به مقالات مربوط به حقوق مالی فرزنده خوانده در قانون مصر رو دارم میشه راهنمایی کنید راه های دسترسی بهش رو. تشکر
فارسی نداریم
سلام،من مقاله عربی برای غذاهای قرآنی میخواهم،لطفا راهنمایی کنید
ما فقط با دریافت ادرس مقاله، ان pdf را ارسال می کنیم.
سلام و وقت به خیر
بببخشید چطور میشه به سایت هایی که مقالات عربی دارن دسترسی پیدا کرد؟
کدام سایتها را نیاز دارید؟