خرید اسکن کتاب The design and development of gas turbine combustors
خرید ایبوک The design and development of gas turbine combustors
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The design and development of gas turbine combustors
Jerry O Melconian; Northern Research and Engineering Corporation.
Woburn, Mass. : Northern Research and Engineering Corp., ©1980.
لینک: https://www.worldcat.org/title/design-and-development-of-gas-turbine-combustors/oclc/19298808
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درباره کتاب The design and development of gas turbine combustors
The Design and Development of Gas Turbine Combustors
Northern Research and Engineering Corporation
Northern Research and Engineering Corporation, 1980
دانلود کتاب طراحی و توسعه توربو گازهای توربین گاز
عنوان طراحی و توسعه آتش سوزی های توربین گاز
نویسنده شمال شرکت تحقیق و مهندسی
ناشر مجله تحقیقات و مهندسی شمال، 1980