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برای دانلود حل تمرین سوال Kept at 121 C. The fluid in the container has a mass of 0.2 kg از سایت chegg.com بر روی کلید خرید در انتهای صفحه کلیک کنید. پس از اتصال به درگاه پرداخت و تکمیل مراحل خرید، لینک دانلود ایمیل می شود. حل المسائل تمرین آماده است و پس از پرداخت هزینه،لینک دانلود ایمیل می شود.. توجه شود که فایل حل المسایل تنها شامل همین یک سوال است و پاسخ همه سوالات نیست. پاسخ این سوال بصورت یک تصویر است که ارسال می شود.
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برای اطمینان از کیفیت حل تمرین سوال Kept at 121 C. The fluid in the container has a mass of 0.2 kg ، چند صفحه ابتدایی ان بصورت رایگان قرار داده شده است. جواب این سوال فقط سه تصویر است که بصورت دست نوشته است و پس از خرید ارسال می شود.
درباره کتاب حل تمرین سایت chegg.com
kept at 121 C. The fluid in the container has a mass of 0.2 kg. specific 121 K and the container has a surface area of 0.017 cm2 SAgitation to Improve Heat Transfer in Containerized. The rate of which is shown in Figure 6.20. For this type of agitation, the heat transfer contai Liquids a canned liquid food is increased substantially by agitating, an examplc d was given by (Anantheswaran and Rao, 1985) as (6.57) teristic diameter used was not the diameter of the can but the diameter -2R, in Figure 6.20) and is given by Re-D}Νρ/μ where N is the speed ation, in revolutions per second. By what factor does the rate of heat transfer where the c when the speed of rotation is doubled? 6.10.16 Heat Transfer Between Fluid and Particles in Continuous Figure 6.19: Natural convection pate Flow in an unagitated fluid. sed to canning) of foods containing particulates such as chunky soups is of major interest to the food industry as it provides much improved quality. Consider a spherical particle (such as a piece of potato) flowing with a carrier liquid (such as a soup) in a tube. Whereas the liquid can be agitated to heat faster, heating of a solid particle is limited by heat conduction inside the solid and the heat transfer coefficient at the surface of the particle that depends on the relative velocity the fluid and the particle. A small relative velocity between the fluid and would lead to lower surface heat transfer coefficient, i.e., slower heating Since sterilization processes are to be designed so that all particles searchers have suggested that the smallest possible heat transfer uid and narticle, i.e., worst heating scenario, be used to Continuous sterilization (as oppo Air included to help in agitation