دانلود کتاب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition

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دانلود کتاب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition خرید کتاب کتابچه راهنمای احساسات نسخه 4 Language: EnglishASIN: B01GK5818G
دانلود کتاب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition خرید کتاب کتابچه راهنمای احساسات نسخه 4 Language: EnglishASIN: B01GK5818G
 Handbook of Emotions, Fourth Edition 4th Edition, Kindle Edition
by Lisa Feldman Barrett (Author, Editor), Michael Lewis (Editor), Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones (Editor)

File Size: 8045 KB
Print Length: 52 pages
Publisher: The Guilford Press; 4 edition (July 21, 2016)
Publication Date: July 15, 2016
Language: English
ASIN: B01GK5818G

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Price : 25$

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دانلود رایگان کتاب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition


دانلود کتاب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition

Recognized as the definitive reference, this handbook brings together leading experts from multiple psychological subdisciplines to examine one of today’s most dynamic areas of research. Coverage encompasses the biological and neuroscientific underpinnings of emotions, as well as developmental, social and personality, cognitive, and clinical perspectives. The volume probes how people understand, experience, express, and perceive affective phenomena and explores connections to behavior and health across the lifespan. Concluding chapters present cutting-edge work on a range of specific emotions. Illustrations include 10 color plates.

New to This Edition
*Chapters on the mechanisms, processes, and influences that contribute to emotions (such as genetics, the brain, neuroendocrine processes, language, the senses of taste and smell).
*Chapters on emotion in adolescence and older age, and in neurodegenerative dementias.
*Chapters on facial expressions and emotional body language.
*Chapters on stress, health, gratitude, love, and empathy.
*Many new authors and topics; extensively revised with the latest theoretical and methodological innovations.

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title


دانلود کتاب راهنمای احساسات نسخه 4

این کتاب به عنوان مرجع نهایی شناخته شده است ، این کتابچه راهنمای متخصصان از زیر شاخه های روانشناختی متعدد را برای بررسی یکی از پویا ترین زمینه های تحقیق امروز گرد هم آورده است. پوشش شامل زیربناهای بیولوژیکی و علوم اعصاب احساسات و همچنین دیدگاههای رشد ، اجتماعی و شخصیتی ، شناختی و بالینی است. این جلوه به بررسی چگونگی درک ، تجربه ، بیان ، و ادراک افراد در پدیده های عاطفی می پردازد و پیوندهای مربوط به رفتار و سلامت را در طول زندگی بررسی می کند. در پایان فصل ، کارهای برجسته ای بر روی طیف وسیعی از احساسات خاص ارائه شده است. تصاویر شامل 10 صفحه رنگی است.

جدید برای این نسخه
* فصل در مکانیسم ها ، فرآیندها و تأثیرات کمک به احساسات (مانند ژنتیک ، مغز ، فرآیندهای عصبی و غدد ، زبان ، احساس سلیقه و بو).
* فصل های احساسات در بزرگسالی و بزرگتر و در زوال عقلهای عصبی.
* فصل در بیان چهره و زبان بدن عاطفی.
* فصل هایی از استرس ، سلامتی ، قدردانی ، عشق و همدلی.
* بسیاری از نویسندگان و موضوعات جدید؛ با آخرین نوآوری های نظری و روش شناختی ، مورد بازنگری گسترده قرار گرفته است.

عنوان علمی برجسته انتخابی

فهرست مطالب Handbook of Emotions 4th Edition

Table Of Contents
Half Title Page
Title Page
About the Editors
Part I. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Chapter 1. The Philosophy of Emotions and Its Impact on Affective Science
Chapter 2. The History of Emotions
Chapter 3. The Sociology of Emotion
Chapter 4. Emotions in Music, Literature, and Film
Chapter 5. Affect in Economic Decision Making
Chapter 6. Computational Models of Emotion as Psychological Tools
Part II. Biological Perspectives
Chapter 7. From Pleasure to Happiness: “Liking” and “Wanting” in Mind and Brain
Chapter 8. Neural Fingerprinting: Meta-Analysis, Variation, and the Search for Brain-Based Essences in the Science of Emotion
Chapter 9. Emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 10. Genetic Contributions to Affect and Emotion
Chapter 11. Olfaction: Explicit and Implicit Emotional Processing
Chapter 12. Interoception and Emotion: A Neuroanatomical Perspective
Chapter 13. The Affect of Taste and Olfaction: The Key to Survival
Part III. Developmental Perspectives
Chapter 14. The Development of Facial Expressions: Current Perspectives on Infant Emotions
Chapter 15. The Emergence of Human Emotions
Chapter 16. Understanding Emotion
Chapter 17. The Development of Children’s Concepts of Emotion
Chapter 18. Emotion and Aging
Chapter 19. The Interplay of Motivation and Emotion: View from Adulthood and Old Age
Chapter 20. Emotional Development in Adolescence
Part IV. Social and Personality Perspectives
Chapter 21. Gender and Emotion: Theory, Findings, and Context
Chapter 22. The Cultural Psychology of Emotions
Chapter 23. Intergroup Emotions
Chapter 24. Social Functions of Emotion and Emotion Regulation
Chapter 25. Social Pain and Social Pleasure: Two Overlooked but Fundamental Mammalian Emotions?
Chapter 26. Emotion Regulation: A Valuation Perspective
Chapter 27. Expression of Emotion
Chapter 28. Emotional Body Perception in the Wild
Chapter 29. Form and Function in Facial Expressive Behavior
Part V. Cognitive Perspectives
Chapter 30. Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 31. New Light on the Affect–Cognition Connection
Chapter 32. A Fundamental Role for Conceptual Processing in Emotion
Chapter 33. Memory and Emotion
Chapter 34. Language and Emotion: Putting Words into Feelings and Feelings into Words
Chapter 35. Emotion and Attention
Part VI. Health-Related Perspectives
Chapter 36. Emotions and Health
Chapter 37. Neuroendocrine and Neuroimmunological Mechanisms of Emotion
Chapter 38. Emotion Disturbances as Transdiagnostic Processes in Psychopathology
Chapter 39. The Clinical Application of Emotion in Psychotherapy
Chapter 40. Eat, Drink, and Be Sedentary: A Review of Health Behaviors’ Effects on Emotions and Affective States, and Implications for Interventions
Chapter 41. Stress and Emotion: Embodied, in Context, and across the Lifespan
Chapter 42. Emotion-Related Symptoms of Neurodegenerative Dementias
Part VII. Specific Emotions
Chapter 43. Fear and Anxiety
Chapter 44. Anger
Chapter 45. Self-Conscious Emotions: Embarrassment, Pride, Shame, Guilt, and Hubris
Chapter 46. Disgust
Chapter 47. Gratitude and Compassion
Chapter 48. Love: Positivity Resonance as a Fresh, Evidence-Based Perspective on an Age-Old Topic
Chapter 49. Sadness and Depression
Chapter 50. Empathy
Author Index
Subject Index

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