دانلود کتاب Jetties and Wharfs

خرید ایبوک Jetties and Wharfs
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خرید کتاب Jetties and Wharfs routledge

Jetties and Wharfs
By CROW Copyright 2021
First Published 2021
eBook Published 29 September 2021
Pub. Location London
Imprint CRC Press
DOI https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003176916
Pages 262
eBook ISBN 9781003176916
Subjects Engineering & Technology
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دانلود رایگان کتاب Jetties and Wharfs routledge
Jetties and Wharfs by Crow
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9053676570 | 262 pages | True PDF | 264.27 MB
For centuries, jetties and wharfs have been designed and built around the world and play an important role in contemporary ports. The difference in the use of jetties, piers and wharfs is that jetties are frequently used for the transhipment and storage of light materials and ro-ro traffic, while piers are generally used for heavy loads like iron ore. That is why piers are mostly designed and constructed like quay walls (which are beyond the scope of this handbook).
The designs were originally based on trial and error and the insights of those who dared to conquer local conditions, such as wind, waves, currents and soil composition. Design and construction techniques have since evolved into the designs we see on the coast or in river ports and seaports nowadays.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide insight and guidelines regarding aspects that are important in the design of jetties and wharfs. Jetty-specific issues such as loads, interfaces between materials, installations on jetties and wharfs, as well as detailing aspects, are also covered. This handbook is part of a series of Dutch port infrastructure design recommendations that include the Quay Walls handbook and Flexible Dolphins handbook.
دانلود ایبوک کتاب اسکله ها و لنگرگاه ها
قرن هاست که اسکله ها و اسکله ها در سرتاسر جهان طراحی و ساخته شده اند و نقش مهمی در بنادر معاصر دارند. تفاوت در استفاده از اسکله ها، اسکله ها و اسکله ها در این است که اسکله ها اغلب برای جابجایی و ذخیره سازی مواد سبک و ترافیک رورو استفاده می شوند، در حالی که اسکله ها معمولا برای بارهای سنگین مانند سنگ آهن استفاده می شوند. به همین دلیل است که اسکله ها عمدتاً مانند دیوارهای اسکله طراحی و ساخته می شوند (که خارج از حوصله این کتاب راهنما است).
این طرحها در اصل مبتنی بر آزمون و خطا و بینش کسانی بود که جرات غلبه بر شرایط محلی مانند باد، امواج، جریانها و ترکیب خاک را داشتند. تکنیکهای طراحی و ساخت از آن زمان به طرحهایی تبدیل شدهاند که امروزه در سواحل یا بنادر رودخانهها و بنادر دریایی میبینیم.
هدف این کتاب راهنما ارائه بینش و راهنمایی در مورد جنبه هایی است که در طراحی اسکله ها و اسکله ها مهم هستند. مسائل خاص اسکله مانند بارها، رابط بین مواد، تاسیسات در اسکله ها و اسکله ها، و همچنین جنبه های جزئیات نیز پوشش داده شده است. این راهنما بخشی از یک سری توصیههای طراحی زیرساخت بندر هلند است که شامل کتابچه راهنمای Quay Walls و کتابچه راهنمای دلفینهای انعطافپذیر است.
فهرست مطالب Jetties and Wharfs By CROW
1 Introduction
2 Jetty types and elements
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Jetty types and geometrical layout
2.3 Types according to use
2.4 Jetty elements
3 Programme of requirements
3.1 Requirements for design and construction
3.2 Functional requirements
3.3 Technical requirements
3.4 References
4 investigations
4.1 Importance of investigation
4.2 Survey and monitoring plan
4.3 Topographical and hydrographic investigations
4.4 Hydraulic investigations: water levels
4.5 Hydraulic investigations: waves
4.6 Hydraulic investigation: other wave phenomena
4.7 Hydraulic investigations: points of special interest
4.8 Hydraulic investigation: currents
4.9 Investigation into ice loads
4.10 Investigation into meteorological conditions
4.11 Investigations into morphological conditions
4.12 Investigation into nautical boundary conditions
4.13 Investigation into seismic hazards
4.14 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: soil investigation plan
4.15 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: desktop study, geological maps and groundwater maps
4.16 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: site visits, geophysical investigations and site investigations
4.17 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: laboratory tests
4.18 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: determination of parameters
4.19 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: presentation of the results
4.20 Environmental investigation
4.21 References
5 Loads and displacements
5.1 Loads from rolling equipment
5.2 Loads from topside equipment
5.3 Surface loads
5.4 Environmental loads
5.5 Berthing and mooring loads
5.6 Construction loads
5.7 Displacements
5.8 References
6 Design of jetties and wharfs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design process
6.3 Design philosophy
6.4 Design input
6.5 Structural design guidance
6.6 Analysis methods
6.7 Seismic aspects
7 Materials
7.1 Steel
7.2 Concrete
7.3 Wood
7.4 Other materials
7.5 References
8 Construction, maintenance and repair
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Foundation
8.3 Superstructures
8.4 Asset management for jetties
8.5 Safety during construction
9 Legislation and sustainability
9.1 Legislation and regulations
9.2 Competent authority
9.3 Procedures
9.4 Recommendations
9.5 Sustainability
10 Lessons learned
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Safety
10.3 Design phase
10.4 Constructability and construction phase
10.5 Service and maintenance
Appendix 1 Risk-based reliability differentiation
A1.1 Introduction
A1.2 Background to reliability differentiation
A1.3 Criteria for classification of port infrastructure in accordance with NEN-EN 1990
A1.4 Guidance for classification