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خرید ایبوک Quay Walls 2nd Edition
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خرید کتاب Quay Walls routledge

Quay Walls 2nd Edition
Edited By CUR Centre for Civil Engineering, M.L. Broeken Copyright 2013
ISBN 9780429227462
656 Pages
Published December 2, 2013 by CRC Press
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Price : 10$
دانلود رایگان کتاب دیوارهای اسکله routledge
This new edition of the handbook of Quay Walls provides the reader with essential knowledge for the planning, design, execution and maintenance of quay walls, as well as general information about historical developments and lessons learned from the observation of ports in various countries. Technical chapters are followed by a detailed calculation of a quay wall based on a semi-probabilistic design procedure, which applies the theory presented earlier.
Since the publication of the Dutch edition in 2003 and the English version in 2005, considerable new experience has been obtained by the many practitioners using the book, prompting the update of this handbook. Moreover, the introduction of the Eurocodes in 2012 has prompted a complete revision of the Design chapter, which is now compliant with the Eurocodes. Furthermore, additional recommendations for using FEM-analysis in quay wall design have been included.
In response to ongoing discussions within the industry about buckling criteria for steel pipe piles, a thorough research project was carried out on steel pipe piles fi lled with sand and on piles without sand. The results of this research programme have also been incorporated in this new version.
Finally, the section on corrosion has been updated to refl ect the latest knowledge and attention has been given to the latest global developments in quay wall engineering.
The new edition was made possible thanks to the contributions of numerous experts from the Netherlands and Belgium.
دانلود ایبوک دیوارهای اسکله
این ویرایش جدید کتاب راهنمای دیوارهای اسکله، دانش ضروری برای برنامه ریزی، طراحی، اجرا و نگهداری دیوارهای اسکله و همچنین اطلاعات کلی در مورد تحولات تاریخی و درس های آموخته شده از رصد بنادر در کشورهای مختلف را در اختیار خواننده قرار می دهد. فصل های فنی با محاسبه دقیق یک دیوار اسکله بر اساس یک روش طراحی نیمه احتمالی دنبال می شوند که تئوری ارائه شده قبلا را اعمال می کند.
از زمان انتشار نسخه هلندی در سال 2003 و نسخه انگلیسی در سال 2005، تجربیات جدید قابل توجهی توسط بسیاری از تمرینکنندگانی که از این کتاب استفاده میکنند، بهدست آمده است و باعث بهروزرسانی این کتابچه راهنما شده است. علاوه بر این، معرفی یوروکدها در سال 2012 باعث بازنگری کامل فصل طراحی شده است که اکنون با یوروکدها مطابقت دارد. علاوه بر این، توصیه های اضافی برای استفاده از آنالیز FEM در طراحی دیوار اسکله گنجانده شده است.
در پاسخ به بحثهای جاری در صنعت در مورد معیارهای کمانش شمعهای لوله فولادی، یک پروژه تحقیقاتی کامل بر روی شمعهای لوله فولادی پر از ماسه و روی شمعهای بدون ماسه انجام شد. نتایج این برنامه تحقیقاتی نیز در این نسخه جدید گنجانده شده است.
در نهایت، بخش خوردگی برای انعکاس آخرین دانش و توجه به آخرین پیشرفت های جهانی در مهندسی دیوار اسکله به روز شده است.
نسخه جدید به لطف مشارکت کارشناسان متعدد از هلند و بلژیک امکان پذیر شد.
فهرست مطالب Quay Wall
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Function of quay walls
1.2 Objective of this book
1.3 Composition of the book
Chapter 2 Overview of quay wall construction
2.1 Ports as a source of prosperity
2.2 Ports and quays past and present
2.3 History of quay wall construction in Rotterdam 5
Chapter 3 Main types of quay walls
3.1 Functions and main types of quay walls
3.2 Gravity walls
3.3 Sheet pile walls
3.4 Sheet pile walls with relieving platforms
3.5 Open berth quay
3.6 Examples of gravity walls
3.7 Examples of sheet pile walls
3.8 Examples of walls with relieving platform
3.9 Examples of open berth quays
3.10 Examples of repair or deepening of quay walls
Chapter 4 Investigation
4.1 Importance of investigation
4.2 Survey and monitoring plan
4.3 Topographical and hydrographic investigations
4.4 Hydraulic investigations: water levels
4.5 Hydraulic investigations: waves
4.6 Hydraulic investigation: other wave phenomena
4.7 Hydraulic investigations: points of special interest
4.8 Hydraulic investigation: currents
4.9 Investigation into ice loads
4.10 Investigation into meteorological conditions
4.11 Investigations into morphological conditions
4.12 Investigation into nautical boundary conditions
4.13 Investigation into seismic impacts
4.14 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: soil investigation plan
4.15 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: desktop study, geological maps, groundwater maps
4.16 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: site visits, geophysical investigations and site investigations
4.17 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigations: laboratory tests
4.18 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: determination of parameters
4.19 Geotechnical and geohydrological investigation: presentation of the results
4.20 Environmental investigation
Chapter 5 Terms of reference
5.1 Terms of reference for design and construction
5.2 Functional terms of reference
5.3 Technical terms of reference
5.4 Detailed explanation
Chapter 6 Design of Quay walls
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Functional design aspects
6.3 Structural design aspects
6.4 Design philosophy
6.5 Features of the structural design
6.6 Design models and calculation methods of retaining walls
6.7 Sequence of design calculation
Chapter 7 Quay-elements
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Pile foundations
7.3 Sheet pile wall systems
7.4 Anchorages
7.5 Superstructures
7.6 Transitional structures
7.7 Berthing equipment
7.8 Other berth details
7.9 Drainage systems
7.10 Crane tracks and rail structures
7.11 Bottom protection
7.12 Instrumentation for data collection
Chapter 8 Materials
8.1 Concrete and concrete technological aspects
8.2 Steel
8.3 Corrosion
Chapter 9 Construction
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Design
9.3 Construction methods
9.4 Layout of the construction site
9.5 Surveying of the construction site
9.6 Environmental boundary conditions
9.7 Foundation and substructure
9.8 Superstructure
9.9 Monitoring
9.10 Fill behind the quay wall
9.11 Dredging
9.12 Scour protection
9.13 Auxiliary structures
9.14 Quality control and quality assurance
9.15 Completion and acceptance of the works
Chapter 10 Costs
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Cost estimate system according to CROW
10.3 Estimation of the construction costs on the basis of indices
10.4 Estimation of the engineering costs
10.5 Risk analysis
Chapter 11 Management and maintenance of Quay walls
11.1 From reactive to active management
11.2 The quay wall as a system
11.3 Objectives
11.4 Modelling
11.5 Information
11.6 Assessments
11.7 Measures
11.8 Implementation
11.9 Contribution, conveyance and feedback
Chapter 12 Lessons from experience
12.1 You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs
12.2 Soil investigations
12.3 Combined walls
12.4 Pile foundations
12.5 Relieving platform
12.6 Anchorage
12.7 Superstructure
12.8 Berthing equipment
12.9 Bottom protection
12.10 Drainage and dewatering
12.11 Deformations of quay structures
12.12 Back fill and dredging
12.13 Earthquake zones
12.14 Working in an aggressive tropical environment
12.15 Quality assurance
12.16 Wise use of the quay
Chapter 13 Future developments
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Port developments
13.3 Shipping developments
13.4 Development of logistic concepts
13.5 Development of new quay concepts
Chapter 14 Bibliography and standards
14.1 Bibliography
14.2 Standards
Annex A Glossary of terms and abbreviations used