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ایبوک The Value of Events Routledge Advances in Event Research Series

The Value of Events (Routledge Advances in Event Research Series) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by Erik Lundberg (Editor), John Armbrecht (Editor), Tommy D. Andersson (Editor),
ISBN-13: 978-0367667832
ISBN-10: 0367667835
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Price : 15$
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دانلود کتاب The Value of Events Routledge Advances in Event Research Series
The Value of Events fills an important niche in the literature on events, being the first book to comprehensively deal with the subject of value creation and measurement, as opposed to impact assessment and programme evaluation. Value creation and measurement is often done routinely from specific perspectives such as tourism, event management, corporate marketing, or customer satisfaction. However, there exist a number of discourses on value and evaluation that have not yet received adequate attention, including the justification of governmental intervention and the costs and benefits of hosting major events.
دانلود ایبوک ارزش رویدادها پیشرفت Routledge در مجموعه تحقیقات رویداد
ارزش رویدادها جایگاه مهمی را در ادبیات رویدادها پر می کند، و اولین کتابی است که به طور جامع به موضوع ارزش آفرینی و اندازه گیری می پردازد، برخلاف ارزیابی تأثیر و ارزیابی برنامه. ایجاد ارزش و اندازه گیری اغلب به طور معمول از دیدگاه های خاص مانند گردشگری، مدیریت رویداد، بازاریابی شرکتی یا رضایت مشتری انجام می شود. با این حال، تعدادی گفتمان در مورد ارزش و ارزشیابی وجود دارد که هنوز مورد توجه کافی قرار نگرفته است، از جمله توجیه مداخله دولت و هزینه ها و مزایای میزبانی رویدادهای مهم.
فهرست مطالب The Value of Events Routledge Advances in Event Research Series
1. Definitions and meanings of value
Donald Getz, Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht and Erik Lundberg
2. The value of events and festivals in the age of austerity
Emma Wood
Part I Value creation of events
3. Exploring consumers’ value co-creation in a festival context using a socio-cultural lens
Sandhiya Goolaup and Lena M
4. Successful event–destination collaboration through superior experience value for visitors
Nina K. Prebensen
5. Creating network value: the Barcelona Sónar Festival as a global events hub
Greg Richards and Alba Colombo
Part II Assessing the value of events
6. The Use and non-use values of events: a conceptual framework
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht and Erik Lundberg
7. Event evaluation: approaches and new challenges
Larry Dwyer and Peter Forsyth
8. Economic valuation of events: combining methods based on revealed, stated and subjective preference data
Reza Mortazavi and Tobias Heldt
9. Valuing the inspirational impacts of major sports events
Girish Ramchandani, Richard Coleman, Larissa Davies, Simon Shibli and Jerry Bingham
10. Understanding the value of events for families, and the impact upon their quality of life
Raphaela Stadler and Allan Jepson
Part III Concl
11. A synthesis, summaries and some ontological propositions
Donald Getz, Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht and Erik Lundberg