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دانلود کتاب Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching 8th

خرید ایبوک ادغام تکنولوژی آموزشی در تدریس: تبدیل یادگیری در رشته ها

خرید کتاب Integrating educational technology into teaching: transforming learning across disciplines, 8e

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خرید کتاب Integrating educational technology into teaching: transforming learning across disciplines, 8e دانلود ایبوک Roblyer شابک 0134746090 - Free Download integrating educational technology into teaching 8th edition ebook integrating educational technology into teaching 8th Edition ebook download PDF گیگاپیپر
خرید کتاب Integrating educational technology into teaching: transforming learning across disciplines, 8e دانلود ایبوک Roblyer شابک 0134746090

Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching: Transforming Learning Across Disciplines, with REVEL – (8th Edition) (What’s New in Instructional Technology) 8th Edition

by M. D. Roblyer (Author), Joan E. Hughes (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-0134746098
ISBN-10: 0134746090
Paperback: 480 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 8 edition (June 25, 2018)
Price = 30$  ایمیل گیگاپیپر دانلود کتاب مقاله پایان نامه
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134746090
ISBN-13: 978-0134746098


Table of Contents

Part 1: Technology Integration and Leadership in Education
1. Educational Technology in Context: The Big Picture
2. Theory into Practice: Foundations for Transformative Technology Integration
3. Learning and Leading for Transformative Technology Integration

Part 2: Technology Resources for the Modern Classroom
4. Technology Device and Software Resources for Classroom Productivity
5. Instructional Software for Student Learning

Part 3: Web-Based Resources for Blended and Online Learning

6. Web-Based Content Resources
7. Web-Based Communication, Collaboration, Design, Creation, and Making
8. Blended and Online Learning

Part 4: Integrating Technology Across the Disciplines
9. Teaching and Learning with Technology in Special Education
10. Teaching and Learning with Technology in English and Language Arts
11. Teaching and Learning with Technology for Second and Foreign Languages
12. Teaching and Learning with Technology in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics
13. Teaching and Learning with Technology in Social Studies
14. Teaching and Learning with Technology in Music and Art
15. Teaching and Learning with Technology in Physical and Health Education

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Instructor Resources
Instructor’s Resource Manual and Test Bank (Download only) for Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 8th Edition
Roblyer & Hughes
On-line Supplement

Download Instructors Resource Manual (application/zip) (0.4MB)
Download Test Bank (application/zip) (0.1MB)

PowerPoint Presentation (Download only) for Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 8th Edition
Roblyer & Hughes

On-line Supplement

Download PowerPoint Presentation (application/zip) (100.2MB)

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